The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 992 Half-demon body (1)

After half an hour, a hawk-billed man appeared above the mountain, with a pair of pale-yellow wings on its back.

His sharp eyes, scanning the mountain below, could not help frowning.

"The remnant aura of the transformational thunder tribulation is strange. Even if the demon cultivator succeeds in crossing the calamity, the demonic energy of Shuixiong Mountain will not become so thin."

"The wild bear has disappeared, and the demon cultivators above the fifth level have also disappeared. What happened here, and what happened to the celestial phenomenon of the baby?"

The eighth-level demon cultivator glanced at the surrounding scene while thinking. His body was an iron-winged eagle. In addition to wings that were as sharp as a knife, he also had extremely sharp eyes. He soon noticed some differences.

He turned into a yellow beam and landed on the mountain peak, his palm with sharp claws stroked the uneven rocky ground, his eyes narrowed.

"The traces of the Immortal Cultivator's Formation! It seems that there are indeed Immortal Cultivators breaking through here, wait..."

His expression changed slightly: "There is a fresh breath of demon spirit power, that demon cultivator succeeded in transcending the calamity?"

"Transforming Thunder Tribulation, eighth-level demon cultivator, forming a baby celestial phenomenon... Could it be the Spirit Transformation Sect?"

The iron-winged demon's face was not very good-looking. He then looked around, and suddenly his wings moved slightly and flew towards the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of this mountain, there are several huge potholes, and the soil inside exudes a fresh breath. Obviously, these potholes have not been formed for a long time.

And the woods surrounding the pothole seemed to be bombarded by some kind of terrible aftermath.

The iron-winged demon fell into a pothole, its sharp claws rubbed a few white hairs in the crevices of the rock, and there was a solemn look in its eyes.

"The hair of the wild bear's body, this guy responds to the enemy with his body, and it seems that he is the one under pressure in every pothole, and the physical strength of the enemy seems to be far greater than him."

His consciousness swept around carefully.

"There is no aura of demon spirit power, which means that only the power of the flesh is used. The only remaining eighth-level turtle monster in the Spirit Transformation Sect cannot have such strength."

"There is still the breath of wolf blue wind here, and he has disappeared..."

The iron-winged demon seemed to have thought of something, and his face became frightened.

"It won't be the giant ape with the arm..."

"Only the bloodline of the ancient demon emperor, who is born with divine power, can defeat two eighth-level demon cultivators with pure physical strength."

The next moment, a dazzling yellow aura flashed around him, turning into a huge yellow-haired giant eagle, with wings spread out, it was seven or eight feet long, and its feathers glowed with a metallic luster.

With the huge wind pressure, the iron-winged eagle flew away at an alarming speed.

His sharp vertical eagle eyes radiated fear.

"The demon cultivator of transcending tribulation and the celestial image of the baby born at the same time appear here, and they must be the immortal cultivators of the Spirit Transformation Sect, and this giant ape, is it the backhand left by the Spirit Transformation Stage powerhouse to the Spirit Transformation Sect? "

"A large number of high-level sea clans are about to enter Xiyuan Prefecture. If the Spirit Transformation Sect has the help of the giant ape, they can attack in secret, capture and control the transformation demon cultivator, and accumulate strength."

"If such a sect grows, it will definitely be a nightmare for the demon clan! And now is the critical moment of the plan, there can be no slack, and the guys from the Spirit Transformation Sect must be found out."


Seowonju, close to the border of Namchoju, is a cliff with a height of dozens of meters. Below the cliff, there is an endless swamp forest.

The demon clan invaded from the southwest coast of Xiyuan Prefecture, not far from Nanzhao Prefecture. The immortal cultivators here had already evacuated, and only sporadic monsters appeared nearby.

Somewhere on the cliff, there was a layer of invisible forbidden light curtain, covering a cave. There was not much space inside, only about ten feet long and wide, and there were three people and two beasts hidden.

A cyan giant wolf was crawling on the ground, with a circle of spirit stones placed around its body, and a large amount of demonic energy gushed out of its body. These rich yellow demonic energy seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction, forming a small vortex and flocking to the cave. of a corner.

There, a white and beautiful woman sat cross-legged, her brows furrowed, she seemed to be enduring some kind of pain, her body seemed like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing demonic energy.

Lu Kun stood not far away and observed, Xiao Jin was lying on his head, with curiosity flashing in his eyes, looking at Fang Yuan.

A three-tailed fox was lying on the side, the demon spirit energy in its body was rolling, its tail swayed uncomfortably, and said, "Pavilion master, I can't feel the essence and blood at all, as if it was absorbed. Sister Yuan will be fine."

Lu Kun said slowly, "Don't worry, Fang Yuan's bones will gradually heal under the influence of her body's mana. Even without the help of your blood essence, she will not lose a lot of blood."

Fang Xiaobo looked worried: "Pavilion Master, elder sister has absorbed the demonic energy for a whole day, and the demonic energy that entered the body has not been converted into demonic spiritual power or mana, is it really okay?"

Lu Kun didn't answer, but said softly: "Fang Yuan is about to wake up, Lang Qingfeng, you can stop."

The blue-haired demon wolf lying on the ground heard the words and stopped the operation of the demon spirit power. The wolf head lay directly on the claws and spit out a small section of tongue, as if very tired, and then an invisible force field appeared, wrapping the demon wolf. .

As Lu Kun said, Fang Yuan over there opened her eyes and woke up. Her eyes were a little dazed. After seeing Lu Kun, her eyes flashed, and she said in a hoarse voice, "Pavilion master, what am I doing? already."

"Hey, the physical mana entered the bone marrow cavity, and I successfully broke through?"

Lu Kun snorted coldly and said, "You're taking too much risk. Body training pays more attention to the foundation. Breakthroughs beyond the realm will cause unimaginable damage to the physical body."

"If it wasn't for Xiaobai becoming an eighth-level demon cultivator and being able to use the blood control method, even if you kept your body, your bones would be severely damaged."

Fang Yuan thought of the previous breakthrough scene, her face turned pale for a while, she was really impulsive, she leaped through the realm of the coagulation stage, and the speed of bone self-repair was completely unable to keep up.

At that time, her mind was filled with the pain of broken bones, and her divine sense tried her best to control the temporary demon spirit power to refine the bone marrow, and she didn't have any extra energy to control the blood flowing away.

Lu Kun said in a calm tone, "Did you know that your body absorbed a whole day's worth of demonic energy, and all this demonic energy entered the bone marrow cavity."

Fang Yuan looked surprised and said, "Demon Qi? After absorbing the monster energy for a day, why can't I feel it..."

Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "Did you notice Xiaobai's blood essence?"

Fang Yuan said with a reminiscence: "During the most painful time, there was indeed a kind of blood aura pouring into the body, and it also helped control the temporary demon spirit power to refine the bone marrow cavity, and then this blood line breath seemed to enter the bone marrow cavity. ."

Speaking of which, Fang Yuan looked blank: "Then... I'll wake up."

A thoughtful look flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, his figure flashed, he came to Fang Yuan's side, a white aura appeared on his hand, and shot into the other party's body.

After a while, he looked stunned, then the corners of his mouth rose, his body trembled slightly, and he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, as expected, Fang Yuan, as the saying goes, luck and good fortune depend on each other, and your adventure has made a great contribution to the Body Refinement Pavilion!"

Fang Yuan looked bewildered.

Lu Kun's laughter was full of excitement: "I tested it just now. The conversion ratio of blood mana in your body is six to one, which is already a six-star physique!"


Fang Yuan said incredulously: "Pavilion Master, you are not wrong, am I not a three-star physique!"

Lu Kun said excitedly: "I didn't expect that the combination of Yaoling Art and Hualing Jue, combined with the robbery formation and the blood essence of the eighth-level natal monster, can improve the physique of practitioners."

"Or in other words, transform the human body into a half-demon body!"

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