In the center of West Won State, there is a huge mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles. It is like a substantial spiritual energy, forming layers of white clouds and mists, lingering among the towering peaks.

There are many immortal cultivators flying in the clouds and mists in the mountains, and some cultivators are accompanied by snow-white cranes, just like a sacred place for immortals.

This is the Yunwu Mountain Range, which is the first of the nine sects of Chu State, and the first one.

Daoyi has 12 elders at the Nascent Soul stage and dozens of monks at the alchemy stage. The strength is the highest in the Chu Kingdom. The sect specializes in various water-attribute magical powers. Even the rare ice-attribute exercises have as many as five or six kinds. .

However, its core practice is a partial practice that focuses on cloud and fog techniques, called Misty Cloud and Mist Art.

The great elder of Daoyi, the Daoyi real person who had the cultivation of Nascent Soul in the late stage, cultivated this practice to a very deep realm, and the magical powers of clouds and mists have reached the realm of unpredictable ghosts and ghosts.


In the center of the Yunwu Mountains, there is a ten-thousand-foot-high Misty Peak, which is wrapped by thick clouds and mist. These clouds and mists are like a huge funnel with a diameter of thousands of feet, slowly rotating. The center of the funnel is facing the top of the Misty Peak. A real cave.


Suddenly, the rotating funnel cloud dissipated, as if a terrifying energy broke out inside, the thick cloud turned into circular white circles, swaying in all directions, and the clouds over the entire mountain range were stirred up. .

For this amazing vision, the Dao disciples in the mountains just looked up and didn't pay attention, as if they were used to it...

On the Misty Peak, is an open-air cave dwelling. In the courtyard sit three old men of immortal style. In the middle of them is a three-legged bronze tripod with three dragon heads protruding from the side, absorbing the increasingly faint clouds and mists around. gas.

As the last trace of white clouds disappeared, the white-haired old man in black and white Taoist robes slowly opened his eyes, and the whiteness in his eyes seemed to be filled with clouds and fog.

This person is the Great Elder of Daoyi Sect, Daoyi Zhenren.

He stared at the three-legged bronze cauldron in the middle, and let out a sigh of turbidity, the white light in his eyes disappeared, revealing deep eyes, and said slowly: "Very good, all the ethereal meanings are collected in the cloud and fog cauldron. , we can evacuate the Cloud Mountains at any time."

Not far away, a black-haired old man with a ruddy complexion and a fat body frowned and said, "Senior brother, do we really want to give up the Yunwu Mountains and move to Zhongyun Prefecture? Even the aura of Luoyun Valley can't compare to this place, let alone. other places."

The last old man with a childish face also showed concern and said:

"Although we are cooperating with the demon clan and setting up the sea clan, the price is too high. According to the news from the younger brother, the location of the Lieyang Sect's migration is much better than that of the original sect. Obviously, the Luoyun Sect took this opportunity. , weaken the strength of this sect."

Daoyi Zhenren heard the words, was silent for a while, and said indifferently: "Two junior brothers, you should know that for so many years, this sect has always been at the head of the Chu country's sect, and Elder Yuanying has always maintained more than ten people, relying on the what?"

Hearing the words, the two old men couldn't help but look at the three-legged bronze tripod in the middle.

Daoyi Zhenren said: "Yes, it is these illusory meanings, that is, relying on it, the probability of this sect's disciples breaking through the Nascent Soul will be higher than other sects."

The blessed old man said thoughtfully: "I understand what Senior Brother means, as long as there are these ethereal meanings, the foundation of this sect can be preserved."

Daoyi Zhenren first nodded, then shook his head, he sighed: "The meaning of the ethereal is the rootless source, even if the seniors in the sect created a great formation of clouds and mist to slow down its passage, the meaning of the ethereal is still used less and less. , and the rest, we can't use any of them."

He murmured: "This half-cauldron's ethereal meaning is barely enough for a great cultivator to try to break through the bottleneck of God Transformation. After so many years, the current state of Chu finally meets the conditions for breaking through God Transformation."

"Deity Transformation Period!"

The other two old men looked at each other with a look of shock and confusion. The old man Hefa asked, "Senior brother, why is it now?"

"For ten thousand years, all the great elders of this sect have been cultivated in the late Nascent Soul. If the ethereal meaning can assist in breaking through the realm of god transformation, the number of it was more abundant before, wouldn't it be more suitable for breaking through than now?"

Daoyi Zhenren was silent for a moment and said: "You all know that this sect's misty cloud and mist art, including the meaning of misty here, was inherited by an ancient monk of the gods."

"The last layer of this practice tells the secret of the breakthrough of the God Transformation Stage."

The two old men couldn't help but pricked up their ears. Although they were also a high-level sect, they didn't know much about the spirit transformation stage. When asked about the secret of spirit transformation before, this senior brother always sighed and refused to reveal the slightest bit. , and now actually took the initiative to say it.

Daoyi Zhenren stood up, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the clouds in the sky, and said slowly: "Actually, you can also speculate that the breakthrough of the Spirit Transformation Stage has a great relationship with the powerful idea of ​​the ethereal meaning. "

"To enter this realm, you need to comprehend the unique power of will, and integrate it with the Nascent Soul to become the Infant of the Nascent Spirit. You can control the vitality of the heavens and the earth with your hands. The magical powers are far from being comparable to the Nascent Soul."

"In the ancient times, there were two main ways of breaking through in the spirit-transforming stage. One was the orthodox breaking-through method. The cultivator comprehended the power of his own will, and then introduced the energy of the heavens and the earth into the body, resulting in the transformation of the soul and soul. "

"And another..."

Daoyizhen looked at the three-legged bronze tripod in the middle: "It is a method of pseudo-god, which does not require one's own perception, but forcibly integrates the residual will of others, thereby generating the power of will."

The blessed old man hesitated and said: "Senior brother preserves the meaning of the ethereal, because he wants to use the method of pseudo-transfiguration to break through, but with the aptitude of senior brother, why not try the orthodox method, when you break through the Nascent Soul stage, or even the realm of the great monk , without resorting to ethereal meaning."

Daoyi Zhenren sighed softly: "Why don't you think so, brother, but this orthodox breakthrough method has another limitation, which is to absorb the purest vitality of heaven and earth."

"More than 70,000 years ago, the world of Xiu Xian experienced the invasion of demons, which led to drastic changes in the world. There are remnants of true demonic energy everywhere in the world of Xiu Xian. Although the ancient sects tried their best to kill it, they couldn't stop the chaos and reduction of the vitality of heaven and earth. ."

"In today's world of immortal cultivation, the orthodox breakthrough method is completely impossible to achieve. If I guess correctly, the monks in the Da Zhou period of spiritual transformation all broke through with the method of pseudo-god transformation."

The two old men were silent for a long time, and seemed to be digesting the information. After a while, the old man Hefa asked: "Senior brother, there is a word 'pseudo' in this method of pseudo-god transformation, which uses the residual willpower of others. , is the supernatural power after the breakthrough also weaker?"

Daoyi Zhenren said with regret: "According to the records, the real monks in the spiritual transformation stage can freely control the vitality of the heavens and the earth anywhere, but the monks who break through the method of pseudo-god transformation have geographical restrictions."

"regional restriction?"

"Accurately speaking, it is the breakthrough of the heaven and earth vitality that is limited by the region, and the pseudo-god's breakthrough. Although it does not require pure heaven and earth vitality, the amount of vitality that its breakthrough relies on is extremely large. It is estimated that it will occupy more than half of the Chu country. "

"And after the breakthrough, you can only freely control the heaven and earth vitality in this area. If you go to the territory of other gods, your strength will be greatly reduced. Even so, it is also much stronger than the late Nascent Soul, and has two thousand years of life. "

Speaking of this, Daoyi's eyes flashed: "That is to say, if this method of pseudo-god transformation is to successfully break through, the vitality of heaven and earth in the area cannot be infiltrated by the will of other monks in the god transformation stage."

He paused and said with a complicated expression: "Although Senior Yin of the Spirit Transformation Sect sits on Abyss Island and protects the immortal world of the Chu Kingdom for tens of thousands of years, since she and her natal beasts are both at the level of God Transformation, their willpower will The Inner Sea and the entire Chu Kingdom are infused with the vitality of heaven and earth."

"The nearby Qi Kingdom, although it is large enough to accommodate two Spirit Transformation Stages, is filled with demon energy, not heaven and earth energy."

"The kingdom of Wei and the kingdom of Chu in the east are separated by the land of death. The vitality of the heavens and the earth is blocked by the power of cold and cold. The size of the Wei kingdom itself is too small, and it is not enough for a fake god to break through."

"North of the Tongtian River in the Qi Kingdom is Dazhou's territory, and the area there has long been divided up."

"Therefore, among the predecessors of this sect, even if there are people with extraordinary talent, they cannot be promoted by the method of pseudo-god transformation."

"But it's different now..."

Daoyi Zhenren showed excitement: "Senior Yin and his spirit beasts have fallen, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the Chu country and the Inner Sea is gradually returning to its original state. As long as I prepare properly, I can completely try to break through the spirit transformation period."

"If the breakthrough is successful, even if several other sects unite, what is there to fear!"

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