The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 995 Preliminary Formation

Looking at the shocked two junior brothers, Daoyi Zhenren calmed down and continued: "Because my brother is still a long way from the peak of the late Nascent Soul, and the vitality of the Chu Kingdom also needs time to recover."

"So the most important thing now is to deal with the sea clan!"

The two old men were still digesting the mysteries of the Divine Transformation Stage. At this time, when they heard the word Sea Clan, they all thought of something, and their expressions changed.

"The tenth-level peak turtle monster, the Great Array of Ten Thousand Tides..."

Dao Yizhen looked at the west, and said to himself: "The breakthrough of the demon king is similar to the spiritual transformation stage of the cultivator, and it also needs the support of huge heaven and earth vitality."

"According to the news from the old Kui Niu, the old turtle has a gap with the Jiaolong family, and wants to break through to a higher realm as soon as possible."

"The Great Array of Ten Thousand Tides, on the surface, is to introduce seawater into Xiyuan Prefecture to provide a better training and fighting environment for the sea clan demon cultivators, but it actually accelerates the intersection of the Inner Sea and Xiyuan Prefecture's heaven and earth, so that it can quickly return to its original state. state."

"In this way, this tenth-level peak turtle monster can immediately try to break through with the help of the heaven and earth in this area."

"This time, the alliance between the major factions and the land monsters is to destroy the plan of the turtle monsters, kill a large number of high-level sea tribes, and curb their offensive."

"After the success, the major factions can harvest a lot of materials and demon pills. The land demon clan has helped us share the pressure, and I have enough time and cultivation environment for my brother, so we can go all out to the spirit transformation stage."

Dao Yizhen looked at the two junior brothers and said slowly: "Do you still think it's a pity to leave the Yunwu Mountains now? Compared with this kind of minor loss, ensuring the breakthrough of the God Transformation Stage is the most important!"

The two old men looked at each other, bent over and said respectfully, "Senior brother is far-sighted, and he respectfully obeys his orders!"

Daoyi Zhenren said lightly: "Okay, let's go make arrangements, the biggest performance is about to start."

"Yes, brother!"

Afterwards, the two old men in the middle Nascent Soul turned into two white mist-like escaping lights and left Misty Peak.

Daoyi Zhenren walked to the three-legged bronze tripod, rubbed the dragon head statue on it, and muttered: "Fortunately, that old Kui Niu has entered the tenth-level realm. With our cooperation, even if we fight the old tortoise monster head-on, the odds of winning are still good. Not low, let alone a sneak attack.”

"The old tortoise demon has the bloodline of the thunder turtle, and the thunder ball of life in its body is of great help to the fusion of ethereal meaning. The tenth-level peak demon soul and the turbid dragon fruit cultivated by the sect for nearly 20,000 years can also be refined. Good Fortune Pill."

"Such an opportunity is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

When Dao Yizhen's mind was surging, he waved one hand and put away the three-legged bronze tripod filled with ethereal meaning. Clouds and mists began to emerge from the sky above the open-air cave.

At this moment, he suddenly frowned, turned one hand, and a piece of cyan kraft paper appeared in his palm. His senses swept away, and his face changed slightly.

"What! Disciple of Hualing Sect!"

Dao Yizheng carefully scanned the kraft paper again, and his expression was extremely complicated.

"As expected of a cultivator in the Spirit Transformation stage, he also left such a note to the Spirit Transformation Sect."

"If the giant ape is really as powerful as the old Kui Niu said, it can be regarded as a great cultivator, and the newly promoted cultivator in the Nascent Soul period should be Fang Yuan's daughter."

"Spiritual Transformation Sect is very strange. It can control high-level spirit beasts with low-level cultivation. If they interfere in the war and control the old turtle monster, aren't we marrying others."

Dao Yizhen turned his hands and put away the kraft paper, with a ruthless expression on his face: "Senior Yin, the era of Hualing Sect has long passed, and the next immortal cultivation world of the Chu Kingdom will definitely be the world of Dao Yi."

Then his body flashed with aura, turned into a cloud of mist, and disappeared in place.


Somewhere on the cliff at the junction of Nanzhao Prefecture and Xiyuan Prefecture, Lu Kun sat cross-legged in a rather large stone cave, and his body was filled with an aura of destruction.

In front of him lay the corpses of two monsters.

One of the white bears was lying on his back on the ground, with a few fist marks on his head, but his fatal wound was in his chest, where there was a hole, as if the sternum had been broken, and the internal organs were missing.

The corpse of the other blue-haired giant wolf was lying on its stomach, with an incision on its back extending from head to tail, the spine disappeared, the two rows of ribs were spread out, and the internal organs were still there, but they were mixed up.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Kun's body trembled, and an amazing power of qi and blood erupted in his body, as deep as the ocean, but after this power of qi and blood appeared, it became erratic, sometimes rising, sometimes weakening.

With the passage of time, this fluctuation gradually stabilized, but the strength of the power of qi and blood began to weaken, as if it disappeared into the body bit by bit, and Lu Kun's face became a little pale.

It was not until most of the fluctuations in the power of qi and blood disappeared that he stopped cultivating and slowly opened his eyes with joy flashing in his eyes.

"After many experiments, I finally found a suitable operation method. As I guessed, in addition to operating in the internal organs, the force of life also needs to absorb the blood in the body."

He looked at the two rounds of monster corpses in front of him, thinking in his heart.

"Let's not talk about the phantom sea monster, the life force in the body of these two demon cultivators will also subconsciously absorb my blood essence when they operate at the same time as the demon spirit power."

"For the power of life, blood essence itself is a kind of energy that can be absorbed."

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with strange brilliance, and he couldn't help but stand up and murmured something in his mouth.

"The method of improving the power of life has been determined, and the cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation has taken shape and can be divided into three stages."

"Stage 1: Tempering the strength of the muscle fibers."

"The muscles of the whole body are in a tense state, and the destructive power generated by the magic energy is filtered through the bone treasure, tempering the muscle fibers, and gradually increasing its strength, so as to reach the level of a mature magic weapon."

"The second stage: Strengthen muscle activity and cultivate the power of life."

"Because the life force that the internal organs can hold is limited, only a small part of the life force circulates at this stage. By absorbing the blood essence and blood in the body, it is slowly raised, and the remaining life force enters the muscles to nurture and enhance the activity of the muscles."

"Cultivation at this stage continues until the blood is exhausted."

"The third stage: restore blood essence."

"Absorb the magic energy and spiritual energy, transfer the magic energy to the bone marrow cavity, and restore the blood of the body."

Lu Kun continued to scrutinize in his mind. Every time he solved the problem of body training, he was extremely excited and intoxicated.

"The method of cultivation has taken shape initially, and efficiency needs to be improved. Now, it seems that the cultivation of life force alone takes a lot of time."

"The Yunling Mountains are full of magical energy and spiritual energy, and the cultivation time in the first stage cannot be shortened; while in the second stage, the growth of life force is relatively constant, and the cultivation of muscle activity cannot be omitted. What can be shortened should be the first stage. three stages."

After the cultivation of the Gorefiend's Bone Refinement Technique, the blood essence of the body cultivation has become very powerful. After entering the bone transformation stage, it has reached a terrifying height. Relatively speaking, the recovery of the blood essence has also become slow.

"No, the running route of the force of life can also be optimized, and a lot of blood essence was obviously wasted just now."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun sat cross-legged, absorbed the magic stones and spirit stones in the rib space, transferred the magic energy into the bone marrow cavity, and began to restore blood essence, planning to start a new round of cultivation.

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