The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 996: The Difficulty of Cultivation

More than two months passed in a blink of an eye, and the power of qi and blood tumbling around Lu Kun gradually disappeared.

He opened his eyes, lowered his head in thought, and reviewed his cultivation during this period: "Cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation is similar to the middle stage of bone treasure."

"The middle stage of the bone treasure is divided into three stages: refining the bone treasure, restoring blood magic power, mana, and nurturing the bone treasure. As long as there is pure spiritual energy, the training time for this round is about ten days."

"Cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation is divided into refining muscles, cultivating the power of life, nurturing muscles, and restoring the blood of the body."

"Comparing the two realms, there is not much difference between restoring blood essence and restoring blood magic power. The extra part of the bone transformation period is the cultivation of life force."

"But even if I perfected the cultivation method of the power of life, this whole round of cultivation took two months."

Lu Kun's brows were furrowed, his spiritual consciousness enveloped his whole body, his muscles tightened and loosened from time to time, like a dexterous python, swimming around on the surface of his body, he calculated silently in his heart.

"When the muscles are in a stiff and straight state, they can be tempered for at most ten days to the limit, and the material has been improved by two to three ten thousandths. According to the experience of the Gubao period, the strength has been increased by 50%, that is, about two thousand times of practice, it can be achieved. The level of a mature magic weapon."

"The cultivation of life force and the cultivation of muscles can be carried out at the same time after my perfection. A trace of life force is improved in the internal organs, and the rest of the muscles are cultivated until 90% of the blood essence is consumed, which is almost 20 days of cultivation. "

There was sadness in his eyes: "But once the power of life is cultivated once, it seems that it has only increased by one ten thousandth, which is very small. The speed of cultivation is far lower than that of muscles."

"According to my calculations, the power of life is at least twice as high as it is now, and it is possible to enter the middle stage of bone transformation."

The reason why Lu Kun was looking for a way to improve the power of life was to make the muscles with increased strength also accommodate magic energy.

Now the magic energy can be stably stored in the bones, in addition to the amazing strength of the bones, it is because of the existence of the force of life.

In order to store magic energy in muscles, there must be excess life force to maintain magic energy. Muscles are attached to bones. From the perspective of volume and quantity, at least the same life force must be blessed.

If the next physical cultivation realm does not have enough magical energy, even if the physical body is strong, the physical source power is not enough to support long-term battles.

The power of life is doubled, and the muscles reach the material of the mature magic weapon in a rigid state, and the newly added magic energy is filled in the muscles of the whole body.

This is Lu Kun's preliminary inference, several conditions for entering the middle stage of bone degeneration.

But now that he has cultivated, his life force is only increased by one ten thousandth each time. To reach the threshold of breakthrough, he must practice at least 10,000 times, every 20 days, even if there is an endless absorption of blood essence, he will not stop. , that would take more than five hundred years!

Lu Kun rubbed his chin.

"It can't be counted like that..."

"The tempering speed of muscles will get faster and faster. After all, the stronger it is, the more destruction it can carry, and it doesn't even need bones to filter."

"As for the power of life..."

Lu Kun showed a brooding look.

"After practicing twice, the internal organs seem to have changed a bit, but they don't improve the material like bones, and it seems to be more in line with the power of life."

When the power of life was transferred to the internal organs at the beginning, the energy given by this thunder tribulation could only enter a small thread, and if it went in a little more, the internal organs would feel unbearable pain, and even a feeling of collapse.

After practicing twice, he could feel that the pain was reduced.

"If it is inferred in this way, with the increase in the number of life force cultivation, the internal organs can hold more life force, and its cultivation time in the future will be less than twenty days."

"But the recovery of blood essence..."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun showed a headache.

His blood essence is extremely powerful, even an eighth-level monster is much weaker than him, not to mention immortal cultivators. It will take a full month to recover such a thick blood essence.

For the past two months, Lu Kun has spent most of his time recovering his blood essence.

"If two months are regarded as a round of training, then in this round, the muscles have increased by two or three ten thousandths, and the force of life has increased by one ten thousandth."

"This kind of cultivation speed, even if the life essence is exhausted, I am afraid that it will not be able to reach the conditions of the middle stage of Gubao."

"The most critical part of improving the speed of cultivation is the recovery of blood essence!"

Lu Kun's brain was spinning rapidly:

"If cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage only absorb spiritual energy, the increase in mana will also be slow, so they will look for all kinds of elixir to increase the speed of cultivation."

"Is it possible to find a related spiritual herbal medicine that can improve the recovery speed of blood essence?"

Lu Kun had encountered a similar pill, the Qi and Blood Pill from Jiuyoumen back then.

Today's Body Refinement Pavilion has completely perfected this elixir, using the essence and blood of the body to cultivate itself as a material, and taking it in battle can significantly improve the stamina.

But how can the blood essence squeezed out of his body be used for the recovery of his essence blood? Or find some kind of spirit grass that can directly enhance or speed up the recovery of essence and blood, and change it into a new Qi and Blood Pill.

He thought for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"My blood essence is already very strong. Even if ordinary immortal cultivators find such herbs, it is also highly poisonous to them. Such a powerful blood and energy thing will only make immortal cultivators with weak bodies explode to death."

"There may be such herbs in the world of immortals, but if you want to find them, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's impossible in a short time, but if you don't start with herbs, what way is there?"

Lu Kun thought about it for a long time, and suddenly his mind moved.

"By the way, my own blood essence is not good, what about the blood essence of other powerful creatures, and I have the magic power of blood and blood, so I don't need the trouble of refining medicine pills at all."

"Hong Yuntian used this strange energy to even devour the flesh of high-level demons."

"The magic energy in my body, the mana and magic power it separates out, has the phagocytic property of blood and blood magic power. Is it possible to use it to devour and absorb the blood essence of other powerful creatures and try to speed up the recovery of blood essence? "

Lu Kun's understanding and application of qi and blood magic power far surpassed that of the Hong Yuntian brothers.

When he first broke through the bone transformation stage, he used the magic power of qi and blood to devour two demonic qi and blood magic pills. At that time, the blood and magic power in the body greatly increased.

Later, he created the method of strengthening the meridians for Jianxiu of Tianjianmen, and even flexibly used the strange characteristics of Qi and blood magic, using the essence and blood as a medium to transfer the essence of the cultivator's body to the meridians.

"Hong Yuntian and the others used qi and blood magic to devour the essence of the child's body and deny their own body, but I, Lu Kun, are all tempered by myself, and simply devouring the essence of the body has no effect at all."

He seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was a little excited.

"The essence of the demon clan's body is still powerful, but what is really useful is not necessarily the essence of flesh and blood. There is also a kind of energy in the body of the eighth-level demon cultivator. It is hidden deep in the blood vessels of the internal organs and can be absorbed by the force of life. The effect is different in the same way.”

"If I could swallow it..."

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with excitement, and with a wave of one hand, the corpse of the eighth-level wolf demon appeared on the ground.

He opened his mouth slightly, spitting out clumps of silvery blood, which gradually became compatible, until they grew to the size of a watermelon, and then flew forward, submerging into the demon wolf's split back.

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