The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 628: The Eternal Daoist Maniac, Sequence Four, Part Two, Caixia Knows




Circle Hu completes the deal, gets the jade tablet, and returns to Fox Mountain!

As soon as I broke into the white mist, I couldn't help but start cheering!

White Ears and Black Ears followed closely behind with excitement on their faces!

After breaking out of the white mist, he did not return to the Imperial Scripture Purchasing Department. Instead, he came to the Bronze Hall and came to his master.

The master smiled and took the jade tablet and placed it on the table.

Then he picked up the three of them, put them in his arms, and took off their purple vine armor.

“Hey, I finally got it!

"The second training of Sequence Four!"


White Earring also rushed up and jumped into the master's arms.

A few furry heads, together with the master, looked towards the jade tablet, eager to read the inscription.

[Qinggui talks about the knowledge of colorful clouds]

Caixia Shi?

Divine consciousness?

Bai Mo frowned.

Objectively speaking, his spiritual consciousness is already quite good.

Can this Sequence Four cultivation be strengthened again?

How can it be strengthened?

Bai Mo continued to read the inscription.

[Every sequence of immortals has something it should do]

[Just like sequence six, study the world]

[Just like sequence five, study creation]

[Just like sequence four, study your own power]

[And spiritual consciousness, of course, is part of one’s own power, and is one of the important practices of sequence four]

[Spiritual consciousness is the eyes and ears of the immortal, the nose and tongue of the immortal, and the immortal uses it to perceive the world]

[There are strong and weak spiritual consciousnesses. The strong ones’ spiritual consciousness covers a thousand feet in radius, while the weak ones only have five steps in front of them.]

[But, even the most gifted person, with divine consciousness covering a thousand feet in radius, is not enough to deal with legends]

[The ancestors tried countless ways to refine and amplify their spiritual consciousness]

[The immortals throughout the ages have never given up research and have been working hard]

[For tens of thousands of years, immortals have become more and more thorough in their research on spiritual consciousness, and their spiritual consciousness has become stronger and stronger. However, the methods of cultivating spiritual consciousness have become more and more dangerous, and the price paid has become more and more tragic.]

[Some people become possessed, some bleed from all the orifices, some have their heads exploded, and some are lifelong idiots]

[Every time I think about this, I can't help crying, lamenting how difficult life is for the common people and how rugged the road to immortality is.]

[Perhaps God heard my cries and sighs and allowed me to realize a better and safer way to cultivate my spiritual consciousness.]

[Emperor Guarwen of the Fulu Kingdom has the same compassion as me. Together we have opened up a secret realm for all the people who come after the Nine Paths to jointly cultivate their spiritual consciousness]

[This secret realm was named]



Bai Mo was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

Why is it so familiar?

Wan Hua Tian?

What does it have to do with the Tushita Heaven opened by Emperor Yincao?

Bai Mo continued to look down.

[The emperor’s mercy belongs equally to all people in the world]

[The rugged road to immortality, treat everyone equally]

[Therefore, Wan Hua Tian treats all immortals equally. He only needs to build an ink shipyard and build a fairy cloud painting boat, and then he can enter it]

[Xianyun Painting Boat uses fairy wood as the keel, fairy weapons as the planks, runes as decorations, yarrow as the south, fairy beasts as the helm, formations as the sails, poisonous insects as the bottom, and fairy swords as the The bow of the ship uses force to break the current]

[If the prince's family is rich and well-off, he can build a beautiful house and paint a boat]

[If the house is built with grass roots and only four walls, it can also be broken down by sails and sampans]

[Ships are big and small, wealth and thrift depend on people...]


It was White Earring, who had already jumped on the table and made a cup of tea for the master.

After finishing it, he immediately returned to Master's arms and read it with Master, for fear of missing something... even though he couldn't understand a single word.

Bai Mo grinned and touched the heads of several apprentices.

"It's a coincidence. Fortunately, I also know a little bit about other ways of knowledge.

"Otherwise, we really wouldn't be able to go to Wan Hua Tian."

There was an introduction to the Xianyun Painted Boat in the Emperor's Scripture, so Bai Mo took out his tablet and read it while taking some notes, preparing to arrange for his disciples to build one first.

The day of the dream corresponds to the night of the real world.

Secret brain office, secret base.

Under the bright lights, a man and a woman were sitting next to the table, reaching out to pull out a pile of rotten purple dragon king stalks on the table.

Both of them are descendants of the Holy Land of the Alchemy Path.

These stalks are so rotten, mixed with soil, and crispy, as if they have been stewed in a pressure cooker, and they break into pieces when touched with your hands.

Their hands were stained with purple juice and black soil.

But there was excitement on their faces!

But their eyes were all shining!

The man in his twenties, wearing glasses and a white coat, was pulling, sometimes gently twisting, sometimes lightly rubbing, and carefully found a small piece of white wood from the mud and sawdust!


"Look at this piece, the fibers inside are not completely dead yet! The above point is still active!

“Perhaps we can extract the cells and start cultivating them!

"Create this Purple Dragon King!"

The female heir was wearing work clothes and had a bob haircut, and her face was full of excitement.

Next to the table, they had found three small pieces of tissue that was suspected to be still alive!

The success rate of cultivating the Purple Dragon King is already quite high!

“I heard that this Purple Dragon King was quite a bug even in the ancient Immortal Dynasty, and he was the undisputed king of Super Immortal Grass.

"If we cultivate this thing and raise it well, we can use it to absorb the aura of heaven and earth in dreams, hehehe.

“In the future, we can even use it to fight!

"If it is really alive, I will risk my life, blindness, and hair on my head to learn [Purple Dragon Pan]!"

"When the dream is shattered, control this thing. God will kill the god if it blocks it, and Buddha will kill the Buddha if it blocks it!"

"I saw the boss of Xizhou using Zilong Climb before. Oh my god..."

At this point in the conversation, both of them were stunned and realized something was wrong.

Holding the crispy and rotten plant tissue in my hands, it was hard to find a living cell... Is this thing really that powerful?

But why was the Zi Di Long, the boss of Xizhou, made him so virtuous?

The two of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly, not bothering to think too much, so they continued to search for alive cells.

As soon as the male heir pinched open a piece of black soil and seemed to find a piece of purple bark, he heard a "click" on the door and someone walked in.

It turned out to be Director Wang from the Immortal Book Department of the Secret Brain Office.

"Two experts, are you busy?

"Hahaha, it's so hard in the middle of the night."

Director Wang sat over and exchanged a few words.

"Um, I'm here to find an immortal advisor to find out more about him. One is called...Bitter Nian Immortal. I want to find out more about him."

The two heirs nodded.

The Immortal Committee and the Secret Brain Office both have this business... They will collect immortal information through all possible channels and organize and archive it.

For example, consulting with the descendants of the Holy Land, consulting with the Immortal Arts Committee, interrogating from Pure White Prison, asking for self-reports from the Immortal Arts Committee... The immortal information obtained will also be cross-verified to distinguish the true from the false.

At this time, the few pieces of printing paper in Director Wang's hand were the information about the "Suffering Immortal" that had just been retrieved from the database.

"This Blessed Immortal, well... his apprentice just went to the boss of Xizhou tonight to redeem his Sequence Six qualification.

"He will soon have a Sequence Six disciple, so his alert rating has been raised. We need to investigate him more fully."

The male and female heirs nodded.

“What…sequence is this?

"I remember it was sequence four?

"Sequence 4 immortals like this are generally not well-known. Maybe..."

At this time, the master's voice came from the male heir's mind.

"Ha, what a coincidence, I don't know about the other Sequence Four Immortals.

“But I have definitely heard of this Bitter Year Immortal.

"He is a... Taoist idiot!"



lunch time.

The food in the canteen of Fox Mountain is fragrant and lively.

Next to the small stone tables, fiery red figures were eating and bragging.

Black Star was holding a roasted sweet potato, his paws were covered with black ash, his mouth was covered with honey, and he was boasting proudly.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…”

...Purple Earth Dragon goes out and kills the enemy's super powerful fairy grass!

"Ouch, ugh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

...The one on the opposite side is also a purple earth dragon, but with a tattoo!

As soon as these words came out, the brothers and sisters were all stunned, their eyes widened with surprise on their faces.

Every fox knows that people with tattoos are usually ruthless!

By analogy, grass with tattoos is probably also ruthless grass!

Black Star simply put down the roasted sweet potatoes, his eyebrows were flying, and he was gesticulating with his fox paws, bragging to his brothers about the battle process...

On the other side, in the corner of the cafeteria.

Bai Mo finished eating the roasted sweet potatoes, wiped his hands, and took another sip of glutinous rice tea.

Continue to watch the tablet computer and design the drawings of this "Xianyun Painted Boat".

This must be designed by oneself... The Emperor's Scripture is concise and concise. It talks about functional principles, design ideas, design framework, and functional modules... but it does not give a specific plan!

The specific plan still needs to be implemented personally.

"It's also troublesome..."

Bai Mo sighed with emotion and continued to write and draw.

“This guy is a Taoist idiot.

"Um... I wonder if you can understand this word?"

In the office, the male successor nodded immediately.

"Master, don't worry, we all understand!

"Not only does your Immortal Dynasty have this setting, but our current web texts also have this setting!"

Then I heard Gu Xian smile awkwardly.

“Then let me tell you.

“Not necessarily the same.

"This guy was actually born as a slave, but he has good talent. According to legend, he was successfully promoted to Sequence Nine when he was eighteen years old.

"Twenty-three years old, sequence eight.

"Twenty-six years old, sequence seven.

"One hundred years old, sequence six.

"Three hundred years old, sequence five.

"Six hundred years old, sequence four.

“Don’t rely on blood, don’t take evil paths, be down-to-earth and practice on your own.

"He is a well-deserved genius."

The male successor nodded and relayed it to Director Wang.

Then I heard the master say again.

“It was in the year he was promoted to Rank Four that he became famous.

“Such a young Sequence Four is rare to begin with.

"But everyone later discovered that he, the immortal Immortal Buxian, was not an ordinary genius.

“He is that kind of strange person who is devoted to the Tao and seeks nothing else.

“When he was a child, his slave parents were exhausted from work, so he read scriptures in front of the grave, and continued to practice without being sad or crying.

"Later, he was promoted to Sequence Seven, found a female immortal to marry, and the immortal's family suffered a tragic death. His wife, parents-in-law, and his wife's brothers and sisters all died. He read scriptures in front of the spirit, and continued to practice without being sad or crying. .

"Later, he was promoted to Sequence Five and became a disciple of an old immortal. The old immortal's family died tragically for unknown reasons, but he stayed in front of his soul and continued to read scriptures. He continued to practice without being sad or crying.

“I heard that in his heart, he only has cultivation.

“He doesn’t care about fame and wealth, the love between men and women, or life and death.

"He has no friends and doesn't care about his relatives. He is either reading scriptures, growing medicine, or refining elixirs.

“He spent all his time practicing.

"In this way, within six hundred years, he reached Sequence Four and became one of the youngest Sequence Four members in the Nine Kingdoms."

The male heir expressed emotion while relaying the story.

The female heir apparent and Director Wang in the office also heard this with emotion.

"This... is said to be Daoist madness, but it is indeed madness.

"But I always feel that this person seems to be a bit indifferent?"

"It seems a little bit."

Director Wang listened and nodded, keeping all these things in mind.

He had learned about this suffering immortal from many other places. In fact, the information he got was pretty much the same, just these rumors and legends about the "indifferent Taoist fool".

This doesn't seem to be particularly special or dangerous?

He looked at the female heir again.

"Expert Fang, your master, do you have any other information that you need to add?"

The female heir was stunned for a moment and then relayed.

"This person, when he achieved Sequence Six, was actually not far away from the collapse of the Immortal Dynasty.

"At that time, the number of fallen immortals gradually increased, and they even formed organizations to start wars with major holy places and fairy palaces.

“The fortune of the entire dynasty is already going downhill.

"But this man, he did not join the war, he still devoted himself to the Tao, and he still worked hard to cultivate.

"At that time, he found a dozen Taoist idiots from other countries... Oh yes, there are quite a lot of Taoist idiots. Is this character fairly common?

"More than a dozen of them worked together and found a jade tablet that recorded the refining method of Xianyun Painted Boat.

"We collected a large amount of resources and used their respective magical skills to work together to refine the Immortal Cloud Painting Boat.

“I heard that they went to a deep mountain to escape the war.

"As for whether the boat was successfully refined or not, and what happened to them... no one knows."

People in this office probably knew the term Xianyun Huafang, and they all nodded at this time.

Director Wang sighed.

"Oh, who said he can't make friends because he's cold-tempered?

"Isn't it possible for me to make friends with other Taoist idiots? Hahahaha.

“It’s like top students playing with top students, and bad students playing with bad students.

"He can't make friends, maybe just because he doesn't like the people around him?"

Several people laughed.

"Can we try to win over someone like this?"

The male heir and the female heir heard the ancient immortal sighing in their minds at the same time.

"No way!

"No matter what happened before, if you don't rely on the protection of the Holy Land, you can live for thousands of years and wake up, you must be a fallen immortal!"

Thanks to book friend Digital Brother 5686 for the great prize!

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