
Under the dim clouds, the cold wind swept the sand and blew through the continuous ruins in the mountains.

Blowing through a field of medicinal herbs.

Then it blew into the ruined hall not far away.

Then I saw that in this temple, piled on the floor and erected on the walls, one after another, were all stone slabs.

Each stone slab is engraved with words that have gone through the vicissitudes of time.

In the deepest part of the hall, there are piles of notebooks on the desk. Some are brand new, and some are already filled with writing, piled crookedly there.

A box of "Ju Neng Writ" carbon pens that had just been opened has been half used.

The ancient immortal sitting in front of this table, with a white face and beardless face, cold and cold, and a scholarly appearance, is exactly the immortal who has suffered in his years.

At this time, he was holding a bottle of "Huangshu Huo Nao Soup" and was looking around. While looking, he even shook the bottle slightly to see the foam inside.

"Not bad...not's such a good medicine..."

His eyes were fixed on the medicinal soup, which made the disciple Dai Yunzhong standing next to him a little nervous.

Dai Yunzhong was wearing the black uniform of the Immortal Committee. He looked at the medicinal soup and then at the master. He always felt that... the master seemed to want to drink this medicinal soup?

Probably not?

Master is a cold Taoist idiot!

How could a Taoist idiot steal the opportunity from his apprentice?

Sure enough, the master looked at it a few more times and handed the medicine bottle back.

“You’re not ready yet.

“Practice a little more and learn more.

"In a week, I will test you.

"If the heat is enough, drink this medicinal soup again, and rush to sequence six in one go."

As the Immortal Ku Nian spoke, he found two notebooks filled with words from the table and handed them to his apprentice.

"Take it and read it."

Dai Yunzhong nodded quickly, grabbed the medicine bottle with one hand and the notebook with the other. He thanked the master repeatedly before his figure blurred and left the dreamland.

Only the Immortal Ku Nian was left, staring at the wind at the entrance of the hall in a daze.


"It's only effective for sequence seven. Even if I drink it, it's still a waste.

"Why couldn't I drink this kind of medicinal soup when I was at Sequence Seven?"

He is a Taoist fanatic who wholeheartedly pursues the Tao.

But he never misses a resource.

As long as it is beneficial to spiritual cultivation, he will get it, use it when he needs it, and eat it when he needs it.

When he was a child of a slave, he used his parents to test medicine. After killing his parents with the medicine, he even squatted in front of their parents' graves and observed the changes in the corpses for a long time.

After all, he was in Sequence Nine at that time and needed to observe samples to understand the properties of the medicine.

At that time, he was the son-in-law of the immortal, but the immortal was very pedantic and insisted on dividing his limited savings equally among his son, daughter and son-in-law, so he slaughtered the entire family of the immortal.

After all, he was Sequence Seven at that time, and refining the secret medicine required a lot of fairy grass, and how could those fools deserve to waste resources?

Back then, he became a disciple of an old immortal. The old immortal was expelled from the Holy Land, but he insisted on remembering the old feelings of the Holy Land and refused to tell the secret of the Holy Land. Therefore, he slaughtered the old immortal and found the secret from the old immortal's space ring.

After all, he was in Sequence 6 at that time and needed to take an adventure in Tushita Heaven. Tushita Heaven had a narrow escape from death, but the old immortal knew the secret but refused to give it to him. For the sake of the road, he had no choice but to kill people.

" is not easy for immortals, and the road is not easy."

He sighed, took out a new "Ju Neng Writing" carbon pen, took out a new notebook, started writing, and calculated again.

Use the text of sequence five to write down three words... [Caixia Shi]

That's right, before the fall of the Immortal Dynasty, he failed to successfully learn Caixia Consciousness.

Now thousands of years have passed, the world has changed, civilizations have changed, and he wakes up again, but his Taoist heart has not changed, and his path cannot be broken. Day by day, night by night, in addition to teaching his disciples, what he has to do every day continues. Study this, [Caixia Knowledge]!



A cold wind blows.

Fox Mountain was as busy as ever.

Bai Mo sat on the edge of the square on a fishing lounge chair.

Holding the tablet in his arms, he was still writing and drawing, and he overturned another version of the cockpit design drawings.

At this time, he frowned and recalled the emperor's scriptures and recalled the key points.

"'s quite troublesome."

He raised his head and saw that the fox apprentices were busy in the square, shuttling between large and small components.


They are overalls from the car manufacturing department. They are wielding a hammer and gently correcting the keel.


It's the bow tie and big bag of the car building department, painting the deck with medicine.


A car drove up from the mountain, carrying a huge propeller blade that had just been produced by the foundry department.

Bai Mo took a quick glance and confirmed that everything was working normally so far, then lowered his head and continued drawing the design.

This thing is actually not easy for Fox Mountain to handle... because Bai Mo doesn't have a deep understanding of the other eight paths, and only has a superficial understanding of them.

The design process at this time can only use strengths and avoid weaknesses, using more things from the Dan Dao path and less from other paths.

But Bai Mo has a good attitude...

"After all, I'm a lame shipbuilder... I don't want to be too good. It's enough if I can successfully go to Wanhuatian, get into the water, and come back. It's enough if I can help me cultivate [Caixia Consciousness] well."


A strong wind blew through the fertile medicinal fields.

Several fully automatic cultivators and seeders were parked next to the medicinal fields.

Wu Mao, the successor of the Holy Land, wearing glasses and a white coat, squatted in the medicine field, trying to sow the seeds of the Purple Dragon King with the ancient immortal master.

"Master, is it really okay?"

The ancient immortal was short and fat, with a red face and wearing a tight robe, grinning at this time.

He held a small piece of lavender wood in his hand and was about to bury it in the soil.


"Your master and I are also Sequence Four Fire Masters after all.

"In the past, in the Fire Gate Holy Land, they specialized in growing super fairy grass."

As Gu Xian spoke, he inserted his fat palms into the soil, buried the seeds without much effort, and patted them gently, leaving a soft and breathable soil bag.

“Super fairy grass, it’s hard to live if you die, and it’s hard to die if you live.

“Since this small piece of tissue is alive, if it goes like this, it will take root and sprout!

"It's just that the fertilizers needed later may be a bit troublesome..."

The two masters and apprentices poured water on the broken piece of the Purple Dragon King, sprinkled it with medicine, and used their spiritual sense to explore it. After a lot of effort to confirm that it was alive, they were finally able to wipe the sweat from their foreheads. Sitting down in this medicine field, everyone was laughing.

"Master, you used to specialize in super fairy grass in the Holy Land?"

The ancient immortal nodded. At this time, the cold wind was blowing, chatting with his apprentice about daily life and reminiscing about the past.

"Actually... I was mainly responsible for two businesses at that time.

“If you’re busy with the grass jelly care, I’ll come and help.

"Over at Xianyun Huafang, if it's busy, I'll go and help.

"You know about this Xianyun Painted Boat, right? Hey, that thing has a pretty high technical content.

"Emperor Qingfu left an imperial scripture explaining the principles and techniques of boat painting.

"But it was too simple for him to leave that thing behind!

"The Holy Land of the Nine Kingdoms can only use his foundation to study the Immortal Cloud Painting Boat.

“The research on some holy places is quite good, and they can be built for their own use, and they can even be sold!

"Some holy places are not very good at research, so they can only sell them. If you want to use them yourself, you need to buy more expensive and reliable ones."


Wu Mao was stunned for a moment, recalling Master's words, he always felt strange, as if there was something wrong with the logic?

Then I saw Master talking and became very happy.

"Our Fire Sect Holy Land specializes in the production of Xianyun Painted Boats for sale to the outside world.

"And your master and I were responsible for painting the deck of the boat back then!"

Hearing this, Wu Mao frowned.

Suddenly I wondered... Was Master working as a handyman when he was in the Holy Land?

The kind who just go and help wherever there is work, no technical content, a handyman?

Master seemed to understand Wu Mao's micro-expression. At this time, the old man's face turned red and he quickly explained.

“Most people really can’t handle this painting.

“It involves nine pathways!

"Isn't this a joke?

“One way is enough to give people a headache.

"Nine pathways merge with each other to form such a weird thing, and the difficulty immediately takes off. It's actually very difficult to do!

“And you have to know, this is not asking you to go to the East China Sea or Beihai, this is going to Wan Hua Tian!

“There are only a few holy places that do this, and the goods they make are guaranteed not to capsize.

"A few fairy palaces also build this thing, and the goods they create require courage to ride.

"There are also some poor ghosts and immortals who cannot afford to buy a finished boat, but in order to pursue their dreams, they form a team and build it themselves!

"Some of the painted boats they built cannot go to Wanhuatian at all.

"There are also some who are less lucky and can enter Wanhuatian."

Those who are unlucky can go?

"You can enter Wanhuatian, but you can't come back."

Wu Mao twitched the corners of his mouth, his face full of embarrassment.

"Oh Well."

Gu Xian patted Wu Mao on the shoulder.

"So, your master and I, even if we paint the boat... it is a super-skilled job, so don't accept it!"


The day flies by.

On Fox Mountain, dusk has fallen.

In the square, the foxes are still busy.

when! when! when……

It's overalls, wielding a hammer and installing watertight compartments.

brush! brush! brush……

It was Little Big Eyes, holding a brush and applying oil to the propeller wings.

Su, Su, Su...

It's Bowtie, which is installing mycelium upholstery on the seats on the boat.

Not far away, Bai Mo was guarding the board of the ship, stretching out his fingers, with blood ink dripping from his fingertips to indicate the pen, and the pen moved like a dragon and a snake!

This blood ink was transformed by him using the Suihuo Pill, the immortal energy of the Talisman Path.

Xianyun Painting Boat couldn't get around the talisman, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and paint it.



It was Lightning Lightning and Hong Bang Lei, carrying the newly cast huge deck and running to the master's side.

"Put it there first, and I will burn the fairy energy circuit into it myself later.

"Well, you two, go take a look at the yarrow tree first. If it's grown, dig it right over!

"Go to the warehouse again and help me get a Snow Warming Pill and a Purple Fruit Pill."


A strong wind blew into the hall.

The dusk has become so deep that the notebook on the table can no longer be seen clearly.

Immortal Ku Nian stood up, walked through the small door, and went to the back of the hall.

Every day during the day, he studied magic.

Every night, he goes to explore Wanhuatian!

At this time, he passed through the small door and came to the ruins overgrown with weeds in the mountains, and came to a smooth stone platform.

Then he saw that on the huge stone platform, there were densely engraved array diagrams and square and complicated runes.

The dents of the array diagrams had been blurred after ten thousand years of wind and frost.

And the rune notes had also faded over the ten thousand years.

The Immortal Ku Nian sighed and thought of the Taoist friends who had teamed up to explore Wan Hua Tian. At that time, everyone was obsessed with Taoism. Everyone gathered together to study the Emperor's Scripture and the Xianyun Painting Boat. They ate, lived, slept, and worked together every day. How happy it was?

Unfortunately, after ten thousand years, the array diagrams and runes written by the Taoist friends were still there, but the voices and smiles of the Taoist friends had already blurred in his mind.

"Daoist... Daoist!"

He walked to the grass next to him and dragged out a small boat.

The boat was more than three meters long and more than one meter wide.

There was yarrow tied to the bow, wooden oars hung on the hull, and a sail in the middle of the boat.

Black blood stains could be vaguely seen on the mast, and even after ten thousand years, they had not dissipated... This was the blood of his fellow Taoist.


He sighed, pushing the boat onto the ink dock while recalling the past.

That day, they built this boat in the mountains.

They were still happy, but before they could use it, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and the emperor destroyed the world!

That day, fire rained from the sky, the mountains collapsed, the mountains and the sea became runes, and the killing intent was overwhelming!

The runes climbed over the hillside and attacked, about to kill them!

The magma was overwhelming and about to drown them!

The fireballs fell from the sky and flew, about to smash them!

At that time, a food-sharing monument flew in front of more than a dozen of them.

He did not hesitate, did not hesitate, regardless of the greasy and dirty monument, regardless of being contaminated, and climbed up the stone monument to escape.

He couldn't die!

After all, his journey was not over yet!

He used the Dan fire to condense a giant hand and took the newly refined painting boat!

He flew beside with the alchemy furnace, taking the dock he had just drawn!

His fellow Taoist also wanted to fly onto the stone tablet to escape, but the stone tablet was not big enough. It could accommodate him, the boat, and the dock, but it could not accommodate anything else.

He had no choice but to kill his fellow Taoist!

To this day, he still remembers his fellow Taoist's angry face and his eyes wide open!

But what could he do?

The stone tablet was so big! The boat couldn't be lost! The path of Taoism couldn't be interrupted!

That day, he killed thirteen fellow Taoists, and then flew into the sky with the food-sharing tablet, flew over the smoke and dust of the world-destroying, flew into one of the dreams of the Ten Thousand Immortals, and fell asleep.

Ten thousand years later, when he woke up while lying on the dock holding the boat, and found that the faces of his teammates were blurred in his memory, he sighed with emotion... The dream of the Ten Thousand Immortals, one dream for one immortal, can't accommodate one more immortal.

Fortunately, he was determined to be a Taoist back then, and he killed all his fellow Taoists.

Otherwise, it might not be him who could live through the long years and walk the path of Taoism again.


At this time, he put the boat on the dock, sat in the boat, and held the oar.


The formation of the dock raised the wind and lifted the boat.

Hua La La...Hua La La...

The rune of the dock gave birth to water and carried the boat.

The yarrow in front of the boat swayed in the wind and pointed to the left front.

He rowed the oar, controlled the sail, and turned to the direction of the yarrow.

So, in the wind and in the waves, his boat moved forward more and more...

The scenery in front of him was blurred and changed suddenly, from the dark and gloomy dusk ruins to the brilliant and bizarre...Wanhuatian!

I'm done!

Thank you for every monthly ticket!

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