The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 631: The Emperor has compassion for the people? The truth about Wan Hua Tian


Midnight in the dreamland is extremely dark.

Cold wind blew into the hall.

"Master! Master!"

Dai Yunzhong cheered and rushed into the hall. He saw his master sitting at the table, lighting a solitary lamp and wiping sweat.

"Master, you are on the hot list!

“Hahaha, somehow your life has spread on the Shexian Forum.

"Now everyone knows that there is an ancient immortal who is crazy about Taoism.

"Your character is also very popular in our current world!"

The Bitter Nian Immortal wiped away his sweat, his mind was shaking and his vision was blurry.

Just now in Wan Hua Tian, ​​he had overdrawn his consciousness and was extremely weak at this time.

He reached out to take the apprentice's cell phone and glanced at it roughly.

[Immortal who is crazy about Taoism, Immortal who suffers from hardship]

[Cold Taoist Idiot, wholeheartedly seeking the Tao]

[I don’t know if this is a fallen immortal, but he is really interesting]

[He should be the strongest among the Sequence Four]

Netizens didn't know where they got the news and started discussing it.

The face of the immortal in the bitter years was expressionless, but in fact he was filled with emotion in his heart.

"I'm probably, really, the strongest among the Sequence Four?"

From before the destruction to after the destruction, the length of his cultivation was no more than six hundred and twenty years.

He has already mastered Qing Cang Shen, and he has actually found the way to this [Caixia Consciousness].

He returned the phone to his apprentice, wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the water glass on the table with trembling hands, and took a sip.

Dai Yunzhong said with concern.

"Master, you went to that... um... Wan Hua Tian again?

"I read the internal information of the Immortal Committee that most of these messy secret realms have problems.

“There are many dangers and many conspiracies.

"That Tushita Heaven, after you go there, half of you will be a fool when you come back..."

Immortal Ku Nian stretched out his hand to stop him, indicating that he didn't need to say any more.

“Wan Hua Tian is different.

"Emperor Qingfu, sympathizes with the common people.

"You will not understand his compassion."

Dai Yunzhong was slightly startled.

"Compassion? Compassion? Does the emperor also have this feeling?"

The suffering immortal raised his head slightly, his sweating face in the candlelight showing infinite piety and yearning.

"Of course.

"Emperor, the emperor dominates the whole world, the emperor's magic power is boundless, the emperor's Taoism is profound, the emperor can do whatever he wants.

“The emperor will be cruel if he wants to be cruel, and the emperor will be compassionate if he wants to be compassionate.

"The emperor is the true free body in this world."


"A high-energy particle collider?

"It's not cheap to repair this thing, right?"

In the office.

Bai Mo sat in front of the computer, picked up the files on the table, and frowned slightly as soon as he took a look at them.


The fox apprentice next to him, Bai Baishuang, also frowned and leaned his furry head over with a solemn expression.

Although it does not understand "high-energy particle collision".

But it can understand "not cheap".

So this time, it has a really solemn expression!

Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun next to them also turned their heads.

"What is this for?"

"Is it useful?"

Bai Mo frowned and tried to organize his words.

"This thing's really hard to explain.

"It's the collision of high-energy particles.

"It can be used to experiment with what happens when particles collide."

Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun frowned and didn't ask any more questions.

Sitting here, Bai Mo thought of Wan Huatian just now.

That place looked like a training ground and laboratory for immortals to practice the use of their spiritual consciousness and experiment with their spiritual consciousness skills.

But for him, the training intensity was too light and meaningless, and he basically just drew casually.

"What does the so-called Caixia knowledge mean?

"How can I practice it?"


The cold wind blew and poured into the bronze hall.

The lightbulbs on the roof swayed, casting light.

Prince Langhao had just changed into a robe, sat behind the desk, and looked at the disciples sitting in the hall.

"Go today, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

The disciples nodded.

"Master, don't worry."

"We practiced today and I feel pretty good."

"It's just that... uh... I encountered a strange thing.

"We saw the projection of Wan Hua Tian appearing in the world..."

Several apprentices talked and described the scene they saw to their master vividly.

It turned out that the prince was hiding in the barrel and did not sense the outside world.

At this time, he frowned and listened with doubts on his face.

"Is there such a thing?

"Never heard of it...

“However, Wan Hua Tian is indeed a very evil place.

“It’s not surprising if something goes wrong.

"Don't think too much."

None of the disciples understood it.

"Master, it's not Wan Hua Tian, ​​it's Emperor Qingji who shows compassion for the common people that..."

The prince looked disdainful.

"What a pity!

“None of these messy secret realms is evil.

"The emperor makes a deal with you, do you still want to make a profit?

"Selling you without letting you help count the money is the emperor's greatest kindness.

"Okay, don't say any more.

"Everyone of them, practice your spiritual sense diligently for me!"

All the disciples nodded.

Suddenly someone took out their mobile phone.

"Master, there is new information in this world.

"It is said that there was an immortal who lived in bitter years and was a Taoist idiot who lived to this world.


The prince waved his hand, used his spiritual consciousness to capture the "whoosh" movement of the phone in his hand, and looked at the screen.

While watching, he gradually sneered.

After reading it, throw the phone back.

"Just a clown.

"Do you really think no one knows about the dirty things he did?

“In front of mortals, he can perform whatever he wants.

“In front of the real big guys, he’s just a juggling monkey.

"Don't worry about him."

One day passed by in a hurry.

The Fairy Cloud Painting Boat in Fox Mountain once again sailed onto the gorgeous sea of ​​Wan Hua Tian, ​​shuttling between the vast mist.

On the deck, there are fiery red figures and dozens of fox apprentices, either watching, making tea, steering, or controlling the sails.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…”

Peach Blossom Eyes and Pear Blossom Eyes, two foxes side by side, with binoculars hanging around their necks, are chatting.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Both foxes are very excited!

This big ship was verified to be fine yesterday. Today, Master immediately expanded the number of people on board the ship and took them on a trip together!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch?"

It was the black tail from the cafeteria, pushing a small dining cart and running all the way to provide refreshments to the brothers.

There are warm corn soup and freshly baked butter cookies on the dining car, which are smelling delicious. Yes... there is a new kitchen on this ship!

Master said that today we should stay in Wan Hua Tian for a while and observe everywhere.

In the middle of the deck, Bai Mo was sitting on a deck chair, enjoying the sea breeze.

Holding the tablet in his arms, he was writing and doing calculations... He was thinking about the high-energy physics laboratory, whether it was useful or not, and whether it should be built?

After writing, I thought for a moment, stopped writing, opened the database stored in the tablet, found an article, and quickly browsed through it.

Sometimes I raise my head and look at the boundless and colorful sea.

The main task here today is to wander around and explore more on the sea, trying to find some of the connotation of Wan Hua Tian!

Just as he was about to continue looking down at the tablet, he suddenly heard the cheers of the fox apprentice coming from the observation deck above his head.



Something was discovered!

Blah blah blah... bang!

A wave broke it, and white water foam splashed!

The Blessed Immortal controlled the oar with one hand and the sail with the other, escaping the waves.

With excitement on his face, he steered this small boat through the undulating sea to the sea he had passed before.

“Hey, no problem!

“That sea surface is calmer, there are no waves, and there are seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, which is enough for me!

"Caixia knowledge can be practiced immediately!"

Although he couldn't control so many colors yet... he found that some pictures were easier to paint!

At this time, he was steering the boat, his mood was getting more and more exciting, and his speed was getting faster and faster!

"Well, the secret technique I discovered can't be seen by anyone, right?"

When he thought of this, he immediately raised his head and looked around.

Even the black elixir fire flashes in the eyes, increasing the limit of vision!

After looking around, he confirmed that no one could see it without the sight range!

Blah blah blah...

A huge ship was turning the steering wheel to adjust its direction.

“Beat to death!

“Beat to death!

"Stay away from that kid!"

Astonishingly, he is a disciple of Prince Langhao!

Someone is standing next to the guardrail, holding a fairy telescope, looking at the immortal in the bitter years.

There is also someone who is using all his strength to control the sail and the helm. Stay away from this person.

The prince's disciples didn't know why they wanted to stay away from him.

But Master has told me, if you see it, stay away!

Blah blah blah...

The patrol boat was splitting the waves and chasing the boat of Immortal Ku Nian.

The four immortal officials on the boat building were holding telescopes and looking in different directions.

"This Bitter Years Immortal has caused changes in his Qi, and he seems to have really realized something."

"Those Sequence Six are driving away in boats."

"Where's that huge monster ship?

"Didn't you come with me?"

"No, not found, not within sight range."


On the high observation deck, Bai Mo held the fox apprentice's bow.

Bow Knot, on the other hand, held the binoculars with both paws and continued to look out.


This is a telescope that is a specialty of Fox Mountain!

I can see a small boat coming and going in the storm in the distance!

You can also see the prince's big ship leaving in the opposite direction!

Bai Mo didn't need a telescope. At a glance, his pupils shrank and shone. After a brief search, he found the Immortal Ku Nian. He found the two giant ships that were escaping in different directions and found the Immortal Ku Nian who was following him from a distance. Yes, that patrol ship.


"What the hell is going on?

"The patrol boat is chasing the sampan immortal?

"The other big ships...are they hiding from the patrol ship?

"Afraid that their pollution of the waters will be discovered by the patrol ship?"

Bai Mo frowned.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Suddenly I heard the disciple's voice. It turned out to be Bai Tai. He ran to the observation deck with a deck chair on his back, arranged it for the master and asked him to sit down.

"Hahaha, okay."

Bai Mo simply sat down, holding the bow and the white tail.

Then his consciousness spread out and gave orders to all the disciples on the boat.

"We are not in a hurry, keep the direction unchanged, slow down, don't catch up with them, keep your distance!"



This stretch of water is colorful and the waves are much softer.

The immortal Ku Nian rowed all the way here, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and touched the cold sea water outside the side of the boat, and smiled immediately.

If nothing unexpected happens, today, he will be able to cultivate the colorful cloud consciousness!


He sighed for a long time, smiled, and stood up on this small boat.

See your reflection in the water.

See your body, as thin as it was ten thousand years ago.

See your cheeks, which have grown stubble.

See your face, with the vicissitudes of time.

"Just... draw myself."

That's right...

The difficulty of this painting is also closely related to what you draw.

Drawing yourself is definitely the easiest!

He had a hunch that once the painting was completed, the awareness of the colorful clouds would probably be mastered!

What he didn't know was that when he made up his mind and made a decision... the patrol ship had already stopped and turned its head out of his sight!

"Adjust the direction and circle around the immortal Kunian!

"Wrap him up! "

The four immortal officials were very happy!

Wanhuatian has not been open for a long time!

Today, finally, there are signs of opening again!

Their ship was moving very fast, circling the place where the immortal Kunian attained enlightenment!

Behind their stern, wherever they passed, a high wall of mist rose, enveloping the immortal Kunian!



The huge ship of the Langhao prince was speeding on the sea!

The apprentice at the helm and the apprentice in charge of the sails all looked unhappy.

Today, in order to avoid the immortal Kunian, they sailed into an unknown sea!

This place is really the first time they have come!

If there is a reef, whirlpool, undercurrent, etc., it will definitely be enough for them to drink a pot!

At this time, the prince disciple who was responsible for the lookout suddenly trembled with his hand holding the telescope, and almost dropped the telescope.


Others looked over.

"Old Four? What's wrong? "

But the fourth brother shook his head, his face full of panic.

"We can't go forward!

"Something is wrong ahead!

"I see so many, so many, so dense, so large, all of them... patrol ships!"

The eldest brother ran forward, grabbed the telescope, and looked ahead.

Sure enough, he saw that on the sea level in the distance, there were densely packed patrol ships!



But he found that those patrol ships seemed unable to move?

Some were tilted on the sea, some had broken masts, some had collapsed ship towers, some had broken bows, some had been covered with green algae, and some were covered with thick salt crusts.

"Huh? Are they all abandoned patrol ships? "

He suddenly understood... Perhaps ten thousand years ago, this Wanhuatian was much more lively than today, with thousands of ships competing, and more and more patrol ships were needed.

It's just that no one has come here in the past ten thousand years.

It's just that after ten thousand years, the patrol ships are dilapidated, sunk, and abandoned.

There is only that one ship left, still in this boundless sea, adhering to its duties and patrolling every day!


He suddenly had a crooked idea!

"Can we... get an abandoned ship?"

Brother Gang actually gave us this book chapter promotion, the cards are full of woohoo!

This time I'm going to take advantage of Brother Gang's popularity hahahahahaha

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