Get an abandoned ship?

On the deck, the brothers looked at each other, all shocked by the eldest brother.

Is this possible?

They could already see with their naked eyes that there were intermittent shallow black lines on the sea level in the distance, which must be a group of abandoned ships.

It seems that there are a lot of them!



The wind on the sea is cold and salty.

The hearts of a group of young people are eager!

At this moment...


Behind them, the water tank filled with black oil where the master was hiding suddenly shook violently and made a sound!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It seems that the master in it suddenly felt a huge panic!


The cool sea breeze blew, and the disciples suddenly realized and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Yes... They knew nothing about Wan Huatian!

Only the master knew the danger of Wan Huatian!

Why did they dare to have evil intentions?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The water tank is still shaking violently!

The master's panic is not over yet!

The eldest brother's face turned pale. After a moment's reaction, he waved his hand.

"Quick, steer the rudder! Control the sail! Turn around! Stay away from these abandoned ships! Stay away!"



The calm waters were slightly undulating.

The immortal Ku Nian stepped on the boat, put his hands behind his back, saw his reflection in the sea, and raised his head to see the white mist rising from all around in the distance, like a curtain, rising from the sea and connecting to the sky, covering him in it.

"Really, I figured it out?



"Hahahaha! ”

Before it was destroyed, this Wanhuatian was much more lively than it is today!

At that time, the princes and grandchildren of the nine countries rode on painted boats and competed with each other here!

At that time, the genius immortals of the nine countries paddled sampans and competed with each other here!

At that time, there were thousands and thousands of patrol ships, countless, appearing and disappearing in the mist!

At that time, the real secret of Wanhuatian and the real method of practicing and breaking through the colorful consciousness were only mastered by the Heavenly Palace and a few holy places, and only the truly noble princes and grandchildren of the holy places, the descendants of the holy sons and fairies, could master them !

They took a pleasure boat to this gorgeous place with sea and sky, set up wine and wrote poems, drank until dawn, painted on the sea, and sang with the sea breeze. Once they were sure, they left the pleasure boat, drove a small boat, entered the calm waters, tried to break through, and tried to learn the colorful clouds.

And if the breakthrough process takes the right path and gets the right reason, it will attract the patrol ship to protect the law and stimulate the sea and sky curtain!

"The poor immortals in the past could only rely on themselves to guess and seek hard to understand the way to break through.

"And I, the immortal Kunnian, practiced in this Wanhuatian for three years, and realized the truth in one night, and then stimulated the sea and sky curtain!

"Sure enough, it's me!


"Today, I have to thank Emperor Gua Wen for contributing this talisman path Wanhuatian!

"Today, I want to thank Emperor Qingxie for creating the Caixia Knowledge of the Dan Dao Path!

"Today, I want to thank the patrol ship for protecting me even after ten thousand years!"

With the patrol ship protecting me, what can happen even if there are princes on the sea?

Even if the princes have a conspiracy, what can happen?

The sea and sky curtain is here, no one can enter here, and no one can stop him from breaking through!

Only when he was really in the curtain did he feel that the emperor's compassion for the people was not just a slogan!

"Today, I also want to thank myself for not giving up in a hurry for a hundred years, not giving up for eternity, not abandoning the path, and not changing my heart! "

He was passionate, opened his arms, opened the acupoints between his eyebrows, and blew out his consciousness like the wind, entangled in the sea breeze, connected to the sea water, and attracted colorful colors from all directions, flowing and converging towards his small boat!



Amid the sound of water waves, a giant ship was like a fairy mountain on the sea, heading towards the sea and sky curtain.

On the observation deck of the giant ship, Bai Mo sat on a lounge chair, holding a bow and a white tail, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sea and sky curtain, a little confused.

"Why is the curtain still drawn?

"What's the situation inside?

"Let's go in and take a look!"

The Fox Mountain ship has very advanced functions, with super-powerful impellers, an indestructible hull, and a variety of plant sensors to provide all-round collision protection... Small reefs can be directly crushed, and large islands can be detected in advance and avoided, so they are not afraid of this fog curtain at all!

The fox apprentices on the deck were also excited!

They jumped up and down, their eyes shining!

"嘤嘤嘤! "



They saw that the fog ahead was getting bigger and thicker, and the air was getting wetter and colder!

"Yingyingying, aoaoaoaoyingying!"

It was Bailiandan, who was pushing a small cart, rushing out of the cabin and onto the deck!

The cart was filled with temporary orange-yellow sailing life jackets!

Bailiandan was very proud and wanted to give one to each of his fellow apprentices!

Although it was basically useless...but since we were in the sea, we should give everyone a life jacket to create an atmosphere!


Hua La La La...

The big ship of Langhao Wanghou was traveling at full speed on the sea!

But the eldest apprentice, who was looking out with a telescope at the bow, looked more and more strange.

"Why is there an abandoned building ship ahead?"

It has obviously turned around, but the sea ahead is densely packed, and there are still floating patrol boats one after another. Some of these boats are dilapidated, some are in ruins, and some have only half of them left. They float on the sea as if they are telling the story of eternity. The passage and the ruthless desolation of time.

"There are more abandoned buildings than we imagined!"

The senior brother frowned and tried to remember the way he came.

" full rudder, left full rudder!!"

Blah blah blah...

In the center of the curtain of sea and sky.

The Blessed Immortal stood on the boat, his consciousness concentrated on the sea surface, his mind focused on the sea surface, controlling the dark blue water light, pink sky light, dark green water plants, white water foam, bright red fire light, and popping bubbles... Mastering the various colors of the sea water, gathering them, blending them, controlling them, and outlining them, I have gradually sketched out a human figure... It is a thin ancient immortal, standing on a small boat, standing in the sea breeze, wearing hunting robes, and high-spirited .

After finding the right path, he got twice the result with half the effort. When he painted himself, he felt extremely relaxed and comfortable. The colors in the sea water could be controlled as easily as his hands and fingers, and there was no sense of sluggishness or heaviness before.

By this time, his portrait in the sea had already been roughly outlined.

Although the details are not clear, the character is highlighted!

A few strokes outline the hem of clothes facing the wind, revealing the wind, frost and perseverance of thousands of years of pursuit!

Blah blah blah...

The patrol boat broke through the water waves and sailed slowly in the mist of the sea and sky.

In front of the window of the ship building, the second immortal official frowned and stared into the distance, seeming to see the huge ship rushing in through the mist of the ten thousand feet curtain connecting the sea and the sky.

He reached for the bell on the table and shook it gently.



The crisp sound flew out of the window sill and was carried into the sea breeze.

And the sea wind suddenly became chaotic, whistling and roaring, messing up the fog and making waves in the sea water!

Blah blah blah blah...

On the observation deck, Bai Mo was holding two fox apprentices, and they had entered the fog where they could not see their fingers.

His hair and the fox's hair had accumulated water droplets formed by the mist.

"It's such a heavy fog."


The sea breeze blows, the fog does not disperse, but becomes more chaotic!

Bai Mo frowned slightly.

"What's the meaning?

“The wind is in chaos, the fog is in chaos, the waves are in chaos, and the water is in chaos.

"Are we going to let our ship get lost in this heavy fog?"

The wind can mess up the sails, the fog can mess up the sight, the waves can hit the hull, and the water can mess up the pulsator.

In this messy curtain of mist, the direction of the ship's bow will be uncontrollable, and the entire ship will be like a headless fly, spinning around in this mist.

"This... won't let us in?

"Don't show it?"

Bai Mo frowned slightly, looked below the observation deck, looked at the deck, and softly spoke out the order.

"Yarrow, take the helm."

Yarrow is a grass that guides the way of divination.

Bai Mo has only briefly dabbled in divination, and his level is average.

But the level of plant cultivation in Fox Mountain is extraordinary.

At this time, he gave an order, and the foxes on the deck heard a rustling sound!

Indeed, a pot of yarrow next to the rudder suddenly grew, suddenly branched out, sprouted buds and scattered leaves, and suddenly grew into a big tree at a speed visible to the naked eye, with white flowers blooming all over the tree!

The leaves and flowers of the trees were whistling in the sea breeze, and crystal dewdrops hung in the mist. The vines hung down and flower branches grew, falling on the rudder of the ship and wrapping around it.

The wind blew and the yarrow trees swayed.

The rudder will move accordingly!

Creaking... the rudder of the ship squeaked.

Crash... water ripples.

The whole ship adjusted its direction, smashed the messy wind, ran over the turbulent water, ignored the beating waves, cut through the misty fog, and continued to move forward deep into the curtain!

Blah blah blah...

Between the vast sea and sky, the giant ship also looks small.

"Full left rudder...ah no, full right rudder...ah...turn around...ah...anchor! Anchor!"

On Prince Langhao's ship, the eldest disciple responsible for the observation and command was sweating profusely while holding up his telescope.

The sea water on the left is dotted with ship after ship, all of which are the ruins of patrol ships.

The water on the right is densely packed with pools of water, and they are also the ruins of patrol boats.

Behind them, pile after pile, piled up into islands, are the ruins of patrol ships.

Farther behind, there are continents and continents one after another, which are also the ruins of patrol ships.

Front, back, left, right, and in all directions are the ruins of patrol ships!

The eldest disciple wiped the sweat from his forehead and his face became paler.

"This...this is too much."

They actually ran for their lives in a panic and strayed into the depths of the ruins.

At this time, the countless ruins of buildings and ships, one by one, one after another, made the princes' disciples both scared and sighing.

What kind of grand scene was Wan Hua Tian in the past?

How terrible is it?

How many patrol ships are needed?

Blah blah blah...

The gentle sea breeze blows on a small boat.

The immortal on the boat was concentrating on painting with his eyebrows drawn.

At this time, he was using his consciousness as a brush and water color as a paint to outline a hand in the self-portrait.

My own hands are the ones I am most familiar with.

The outline of the palm, the length of the fingers, the scars on the palm of the hand, the birthmark on the quilt of the hand, the lines on the palm rest, the wrinkles on the wrist... He carved them all in detail.

This is a very magical experience.

When he painted his palm, he seemed to touch the water flow.

When he painted his fingers, he seemed to touch the waves.

When he painted his scar, it seemed to cool down in the cool sea water.

When he painted his birthmark, it seemed to tingle in the gentle touch of water plants.

As more and more details were drawn, it was as if his hand was really stretched into the sea water.

And his consciousness became more and more active, more and more sharp, and more and more mobilized, and unknowingly, it was approaching the limit!

As he painted, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his smile became more and more intense.

He didn't notice that the sea and sky curtain in the distance was now turbulent and violently surging!

Hua La La La…

The patrol ship was quietly cruising in the mist of the curtain.

Among the four immortal officials sitting in front of the window, the third one frowned slightly again, looked out the window, and looked into the distance.

It seemed that he saw that the huge ship was advancing like a fairy mountain, and it was completely unaffected by the changes in the mist!

So he picked up the bell and shook it gently.

Dangdangdang... Dangdangdang...

Dangdangdang... Dangdangdang...

The crisp sound of the bell spread out of the window, spread to the sea breeze, spread to the fog, drifted farther and farther in the sea breeze, and spread louder and louder in the fog.

And the whole sea seemed to be awakened by the bell, and at this time, "splash" and "splash" echoed with the sound of rapid waves!

One wave after another, lifted up!

Layer after layer of crests surged up!

The peaks gathered like mountains, and the waves were angry!

Whoosh... splash... la la la la!

Whoosh... splash... la la la la!

The waves on the sea rose with the wind, and the sea was angry, rising like mountains, and in the midst of the surging, a tsunami was set off!


Whoosh... splash... la la la la!

In the strange sound, in the frenzied fog, the big ship of Fox Mountain shook suddenly, and the deck tilted forward!



The foxes on the deck quickly put their four paws on the ground, grabbed the deck, and lifted their big tails to keep their balance!



What happened?

Why did the boat suddenly lift up?

Whoosh... clatter... la la la la!

They raised their heads and suddenly saw that in the fog ahead, a tall mountain seemed to appear and was crashing towards them!

Looking carefully, they found that it didn't seem to be a mountain, but a tsunami, a wave, and a towering wave, hitting them!

"Everyone, hold on tight."

The master's calm voice sounded in the triangular ears of every fox.

Huh... woo-woo-woo-woo...

A strange sound came from the cabin below the deck!

The foxes were all familiar with it. It was the sound of the Snow Warm Pill, running at full power!

Huh... woo-woo-woo-woo...

It's the second one!

Huh... woo-woo-woo-woo...

It's the third one!

Huh... woo woo woo woo...

It's the fourth, fifth, sixth... eighth, ninth, tenth!

Ten Snow Warm Pills, running at full power!

Hula la la la...

The sound of the impeller hitting the water behind the ship has become louder!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The sound of the oncoming sea breeze has become louder!

The foxes held on to the deck firmly, and then they felt that the fairy mountain-like ship under them suddenly raised its head and accelerated suddenly, like a fairy sword, facing the waves of the tsunami, sticking to the tide of the tsunami, and flew up!

Thanks to Beet Sword Saint, the otaku of the primitive tribe, for the reward~

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