The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 633 Behind the curtain, there are mostly dirty things

Blah blah blah...

The sea water ripples slightly and the sea breeze blows gently.

The Blessed Immortal stood on the boat, his eyes focused, staring at the painting on the sea, and he had already begun to draw the details of his shoulders.

He first used blue and green to bring out the dark blue color of the robe, and then used dark black seaweed to depict the folds of the robe.

A few strokes, complete with form and spirit.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

He smiled happily and felt that his shoulders were really cold, as if they were soaked in sea water.

He then painted the details of the chest, using the dark blue of the sea to bring out the faded texture of the robe, and using the changing water waves to outline the folds that changed with the wind.

Only a few strokes, lifelike.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

He smiled heartily and felt that his chest was really cold, as if he were soaking in sea water.

In this way, he smiled while painting, gradually perfecting his portrait, and gradually felt that his hands, arms, shoulders, chest, waist and abdomen... were all becoming colder, as if he was feeling the gentle push of sea waves. , all like soaking in sea water.

This feeling was strange, but also wonderful. It made him feel refreshed and unable to stop. He continued to stare, smile, and carve his own portrait on the sea.


Within the curtain of sea and sky, the sea water is making waves!

The roar of the sea resounded through the fog and throughout the patrol ship!

The building was swaying, barely maintaining its balance in the tsunami!

But in front of the ship building window, the fourth sea patrol officer frowned and looked out the window again!

My eyes seemed to be looking through the fog, towards the head of the tsunami, and I saw the huge ship rushing up against the tsunami!

He reached out and picked up the last bell on the table!

This bell was dark black, the largest and heaviest. He couldn't even lift it with one hand, and it was even more difficult to shake it!

He frowned, slightly troubled, then suddenly raised his head again and looked into the distance.


Amid the roar, the huge waves looked like mountains!

Fox Mountain's boat was at full power, like a sharp sword, cutting through the water waves along the mountains and climbing up!

The fiery red figures on the deck landed on the ground with four paws, facing the strong wind, their faces and beards were blown out of shape, their claws clung to the floor, and their tails swayed to control their balance!


The tiny sound of the tsunami was deafening, but each of them still tried to prick up their ears and listen to the sound!

They are not afraid at all, they are even very excited!

His eyes were narrowed by the wind, but his eyes were also shining!

I was blown away by the wind and couldn't open my mouth, but I still wanted to sing!

It’s so fun to come out and play this time!

And such an exciting project!

On the observation deck, the white-inked lounge chair was tied up by the grass and vines growing on the deck, making it stable and motionless.

He was lying on a chair, holding his bow and white tail. His hair was already messed up by the strong wind, and his ears were numbed by the sound of the tsunami!

At this time, he stared slightly and looked sideways in the direction of the patrol ship.

My spiritual sense was touched, and I seemed to notice something?

“Um, that’s fine… that’s all.

“We will not enter this veil.

"Turn the ship around!"

Blah blah blah blah...

"Full rudder! Full rudder! Control the sail! Control the sail! Don't be afraid of capsizing! Run for me!"

Amidst the hoarse roar, Prince Langhao's boat shook violently, causing "crash" waves. After exhausting all his strength, he finally escaped from a sea whirlpool!

They are lost!

I ran around in this sea area full of abandoned buildings and boats. I thought I was about to leave. Unexpectedly, I encountered another dangerous sea area. I encountered whirlpools one after another, reefs one after another, and undercurrents one after another. It was dangerous. There are many difficulties, every step is crisis, every step is difficult!

Blah blah blah...

The ship gradually moved away from the whirlpool and gradually returned to stability. A group of prince disciples could finally breathe a sigh of relief, wipe away their sweat, or sit down on the deck, or hold on to the railings and breathe heavily.

"Oh, it's difficult."

"It's all the fault of that damn building ship. If we weren't trying to avoid it, we wouldn't have strayed into such dangerous waters."

While the senior brother was breathing heavily, he suddenly saw the second junior brother in a daze beside him.

"Second brother, what are you stunned for?"

But I saw the second junior brother was stunned for a moment.

"Um... I just saw that there was... black oil in the center of the whirlpool?"

black oil?

A group of people were stunned.

Subconsciously, he looked behind him, towards the water tank where the master was hiding.

black oil?

That whirlpool, what kind of fallen immortal left it in this sea area?

Blah blah blah...

Gentle wind, smooth water.

The immortal in bitter years stood on the boat and saw himself drawn in the sea water.

It was an immortal wearing a black robe. His face was full of vicissitudes of life, and his body was covered with dust and frost. But in his eyes, the black eyeballs were always looking forward, never looking back, never looking back, revealing his rock-hard heart. For millions of years, we have not changed our direction!

"The painting is done...

"Ha ha!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

It's a magical experience.

It was clearly painted in water, but he felt as if a person was in the water.

From the top of his head to his neck, from his torso to his limbs, he felt the coldness of the sea water and the gentle push of the waves.

Even in a trance, his perspective seemed to go to the sea, as if he was lying in the cold sea, looking up to see the floating boat, seeing himself standing on the boat, looking up to see the colorful sky, and seeing the blue and pink clouds splashing all over the sky!

"Where am I?"

"On the boat?

"Or in the water?"

He was on the boat, looking at the waves on the sea, looking at himself in the water, smiling, crazy, drunk.

He was in the water, looking at the splendor of the sky, looking at himself on the boat, smiling, crazy, drunk.


Hua La La La ...

In the sound of water waves, the big ship of Langhao Wanghou was moving slowly, continuing to look for a way out, looking for the exit of this terrible sea.

The eldest brother and the second brother stood by the guardrail, looking and complaining.

"Is this patrol ship really that scary?

"Logically, this thing should protect those who seek the truth, right?

"Why are we afraid of it?"

The eldest brother rolled his eyes.

"We are not seekers of truth either."

"Besides, have you forgotten what Master said, that this patrol ship may not protect seekers of truth?

"But the process of seekers learning the rainbow consciousness?"

"Master once said that for thousands of years, this process has been covered by the curtains pulled up by the patrol ship, and no one has ever seen it.

"This is a kind of protection, but also a kind of cover-up.

"Think about it, what kind of things need to be pulled up to hide from others?

"Changing clothes? Taking a bath? That? Going to the toilet?

"They are all things that are shameful! "

The second junior brother was slightly startled, feeling that this statement made so much sense, he could not refute it!


Hua La La La...

In the mist of the sea and sky curtain, the tsunami has receded, and the sound of the waves has gradually become smaller.

Inside the window sill of the patrol ship.

The fourth immortal official put down the largest and heaviest bell, but in the end did not ring it.

It seems that this bell is not only heavy, but also too important and costly. It is difficult to ring it, and the fourth immortal official is unwilling to ring it.



"Ao Ao Ao! "

The big ship of Fox Mountain has been far away from the tide and is running smoothly.

The foxes on the deck are extremely excited. They are happy, singing and dancing, forming a circle, shaking their heads and tails, singing and dancing!

This wave just now was so fun!


It's Black Tail, opening a barrel of sparkling wine, and the sweet hops spray out and spray onto the deck!


It's Black Eye Circle, spraying oil and seasoning on the mushrooms on the grill, stimulating the barbecue aroma!



The foxes, wearing life jackets, were very proud. They took large glasses of wine, grabbed large bunches of mushrooms, and started eating and drinking.

"Yingyingying, Aoaoaoao! ”

It was peach blossom eyes, holding a wine pot in one paw and a lot of grilled mushrooms in the other paw, rushing to the observation deck to feed the master and two brothers!

When he ran to the stage, he saw White Tail and Bowknot, one on the left and one on the right, guarding the master, stretching out fox paws and gesturing to him to keep quiet.

It turned out that the master was lying on the chair, with his eyes closed, breathing evenly, and motionless.

The foxes all knew that the master was not asleep, but just more focused!

Although they didn’t know what the master was doing, they couldn’t disturb him!

Hua La La…

The boat swayed gently in the gentle sea breeze.

The immortal Ku Nian squatted down and saw the floating painting in the sea water and himself soaking in the sea water.

“So…where is the colorful cloud consciousness?”

“Have I practiced it?”

“Have I? "

He frowned, confusion appeared in his eyes.

It seemed that his consciousness had not undergone any essential changes?

He was silent, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sea water, looking at the portrait in the sea, and suddenly, somehow, an inexplicable idea came to his mind.

"Should I cut this portrait open?

"Try it, can he maintain it after cutting it open?

"It will be interesting if it is cut open, right?

"What will happen?"

This idea came from nowhere, floated into his heart, and expanded rapidly, gradually occupying all his thoughts and consciousness!

His eyes gradually brightened.

His right hand gradually itched.

He stretched out his hand knife towards his portrait in the sea water.

He on the boat saw himself stretching his hand, stretching it to himself in the water.

He in the water saw the hand knife reaching out from himself on the boat.

He on the boat and him in the water, their eyes were bright, their mouths were curled up, they were all smiling, they were all expecting, and they were all itchy!

The thoughts in his mind seemed to have echoed!

"Cut it open!"

"Cut it open!"

"Try it!"

"Try it!"

"Cut it!"

"Cut it!"


The palm knife plunged into the water!


The palm knife swung up!

The sea water was surging, and the portrait was cut vertically, split in two!

The cut that ran vertically through the body was actually flowing red, like blood.




He seemed to have lost something on the boat.

The left half of him in the water smiled.

The right half of him in the water cried.

The left half of him in the water stretched out his left hand to him.

The right half of him in the water was scattered in the waves.

He reached out and held his left hand in the water, saw his right face scattered in the water, felt the sea breeze, and heard the sound of the waves...

As if he understood something, tears flowed.

In the next moment, he forgot something and smiled.


He fell into the water, splashing water.


He was startled, and after struggling to wake up, he heard the whistling mountain wind, saw the dark night sky, and the ruins under the night sky.

"Back to the fairy dream?"

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, touched the hull of the boat, and found that he was sitting in the boat, and the hull of the boat was dry and clean, without splashes, as if everything just now, the waves in the sea, the picture of the sea water, were all his illusions.

"But Caixia knows... huh?"

His eyes lit up, and the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows and the sea of ​​qi in his dantian were faintly connected!

The Dan Fire rises from Dantian, surges up along the meridians, goes to the Sanjiao, spreads to the pericardium, passes through Tianchi, Touxi, Jiaosun, Heliao, Sizhu Kongxue, pours into the eyebrows, turns into spiritual consciousness, and fills the sea of ​​consciousness!

"This... Dan Fire turns into spiritual consciousness?"

Dan Fire is Qi, and spiritual consciousness belongs to God.

Dan Fire is infinite, and spiritual consciousness is finite.

Dan Fire turns into spiritual consciousness, then Dan Fire and spiritual consciousness are infinite together!



"So this is Caixia Consciousness!

"Kunian Immortal, thank the Emperor Qingxie! "

He climbed out of the boat, tears welling up in his eyes, and bowed to the east, knocking his forehead against the rocks and the ground!

He couldn't help it, trembling, raised his head, and released endless spiritual consciousness!


The spiritual consciousness was blown away like the wind!


The spiritual consciousness was like clouds spreading all over the sky!

He trembled, shed tears, and was intoxicated, feeling this spiritual consciousness that he had never had before!

It was just that in Wanhuatian, the experience in that curtain, the experience of cutting open his own portrait, and the half of himself that was thrown away...but he couldn't remember it at all, completely, disappeared from his memory.


Hua La La La...

In Wanhuatian.

On the boat of Langhao Wanghou, the disciples couldn't help cheering.

"Fuck, we finally escaped, hahahahaha!"

"Hurry up, go back to where we came from, can we still find it?"

"Look at the yarrow compass! ”

Once you enter Wanhuatian, there are only two ways to leave... One is to learn the colorful clouds, and the other is to go back to the way you came.

At this time, these princes and disciples were excited, steering the rudder, controlling the sails, controlling the ship on the sea, and gradually finding the way back.

They were smiling, sweating, and their clothes were soaked.

"Oh my god, these few days are weird.

"There weren't so many things when I came to Wanhuatian before.

"On the contrary, these two days, what patrol ships, what sea and sky curtains, what ship burial grounds, what pollution vortexes, what reflections of the world...all kinds of wonders, I've seen enough of them!"

"After I go back, ask Master for a break, otherwise my little heart really can't stand it! "



The sea and sky curtain still did not fall.

The right half of the immortal Ku Nian that remained in the water had been disintegrated in the waves.

That half of his face seemed to be blurred by tears, as if he had cried until he was twisted, and his dark eyeballs were floating in the waves, as if blurred by tears, revealing loneliness, pain and endless regret!


A large spoon reached down from the sky, scooped up the scattered half of the picture, and slowly scooped it away.

It turned out to be the patrol ship, which had come over at some point.

The person holding the long-handled spoon and salvaging half of the portrait had an expressionless face. He was the first of the four immortal officials.

He had not noticed that the dark eyeball in this half of the portrait suddenly disappeared in the shaking waves.



The huge ship was sailing on the sea.


"Ahhh! ”


The foxes on the deck were happy and joyful, eating, drinking, singing and dancing.

On the observation deck, Peach Blossom Eyes, Butterfly Tie and White Tail also smiled and sat quietly together, eating grilled mushrooms and drinking sparkling wine in a low voice, licking the barbecue sauce off their lips while eating.

It’s not that I don’t want to leave some for the master...

These grilled mushrooms will not taste good if they are cooled, I will grill them for the master later!

This sparkling wine will not taste good if it is flat, I will pour it for the master later!

They didn’t notice that the master had opened his eyes, and a black ghost eye appeared between his fingers.

“Wan Huatian, so this is what happened.”

The three foxes turned their heads.


“Ahhhhh? "

Master is awake?

They were overjoyed, "swoosh swoosh" rushed down the observation deck to get delicious food and drinks for the master!

Leaving Bai Mo alone, blowing the sea breeze, pinching the black ghost eyes, and sighing.

"Three souls and seven spirits were painted into the sea, and half of the body was cut off with a knife.

"Use half of yourself in exchange for this colorful cloud recognition secret technique?

"Really... Is it worth it?"

Brother Gang recommended the book to me, and it stands to reason that there must be more chapters. But I am the kind of person who has the will but not the strength.. This plot is very difficult to write..

Also, thank you for every monthly ticket~

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