
A strong wind blew over Fox Mountain.

The morning sky was still a little dark.

The smoke above the cafeteria hall has been blown messy by the wind.

In the main hall, beside the stone tables, fiery red figures were eating glutinous rice balls stuffed with sweet-scented osmanthus and wine. They were all excited, gesticulating and bragging.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

...I went to Wanhuatian this time and had a great time!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch?"

...Master said, I will go there many more times!

With Peach Blossom Eyes hugging her shoulders, Braised Pork Bun's face was filled with envy.

It hasn’t seen the sea yet!

I haven’t surfed the waves in the sea either!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..."

Peach Blossom Eyes gestured and mentioned the master's arrangement... The master said that next time we go to Wanhuatian, we will change a group of foxes and everyone will take turns to play!

Braised Pork Bun shook his head.

It doesn't want to go.

Recently, it seems to have discovered some new changes in the Ghost Eye computer room!

Although I'm not sure yet...

But as the computer room operation and maintenance engineer of Fox Mountain, he and Brown Tangbao must work harder and go all out to do this beautifully!

In the corner of the cafeteria.

Bai Mo felt a little depressed while drinking glutinous rice balls.

The patrol ship that took away half of the soul disappeared into the mist and disappeared very quickly, leaving him unable to catch up or find it. He didn't know where the half of the soul was sent.

While eating hot glutinous rice balls, Bai Mo frowned slightly.

"From the reign of Emperor Qingfu, to the reign of Emperor Liuhuo, and then to the collapse of the Immortal Dynasty, Wan Huatian has been running for tens of thousands of years... In such a long time, I don't know how many souls have been harvested.

"What exactly is harvesting this thing for?"

He picked up the bowl and took a sip of the fragrant and sweet fermented glutinous rice ball soup, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Emperor Qingfu sympathized with the common people one by one. He really swung the sickle and his movements were very neat."

When the sky in the dream world is just dawning, the night in the real world has become dense.

The lanterns come on in Xizhou.

The dormitory buildings in the university town were also noisy and noisy.

"Damn it, the flash team is starting, keep up!"

"Okay, the ultimate move pulled four!"

"Look at me, look at me, the stone man is going to cut me to death!"

"Damn it, Zhang Jian, are you reading secretly again? Do you want to trap us to death?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

In the dormitory, some people are playing games, some are watching others playing games, and some are holding textbooks and wearing earplugs, frowning and studying hard.

This bitter reader is Zhang Jian, Bai Mo's high school classmate and Fang Yuan's boyfriend.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, so he took off his earplugs, turned around, and grinned when he saw it was his brother from the dormitory next door.

"Hahaha, just cramming to avoid failing the exam."

These people laughed and chatted.

"Do you know that our school is about to be promoted, hehehehe."

This school is called "Heluo University Medical College". It was originally a branch campus of Heluo University in Xizhou, and its grade is much lower than that of Heluo University.

“When we applied last year, the Heluo campus required 620 points and the Xizhou branch only required 580 points.

“This year, things seem to be different.

"Everyone estimates that the Xizhou branch is likely to have a higher score than the Heluo branch!"

A group of students laughed.

In the year they passed the exam, they did nothing, studied hard, often slept in and skipped classes, and stayed up late playing games every day. As a result, before they knew it, they were promoted in school!

“In the final analysis, it’s because of the location.

"Our school is in Xizhou, and right now, Xizhou is what everyone wants to come to the most."

Zhang Jian nodded.

Although Kyushu is basically safe and all places are safe, with no large-scale terrorist attacks involving immortals, small-scale terrorist attacks and covert terrorist attacks still exist.

"I heard that there is a village over there in Nantian, and the whole village is anemic.

"Later, the medical team went to investigate and found that the spleens of everyone in the village had shrunk in size, and there were runes engraved on the surface of the spleens..."

"There was a hot search in Chunshan before, but it was suppressed. It said that every household in a community had mourning birds visiting their doors. Later, the fairy committee dealt with the matter, but many old people and children in the community still fell seriously ill."

College students surf with high intensity every day, and they all know all kinds of news. At this time, they are chatting about one thing after another, spitting and dancing.

Suddenly, the classmate next to me shouted.

"Where's Lao Li? Why didn't you come back after going to the toilet for so long?

"Zhang Jian, can you help him play? Does the piano girl know how to play?

"How can we play in a group if he doesn't come?"

Zhang Jian was about to get up when he heard the dormitory door creak open.

Lao Li walked in expressionlessly, pale and staggering, and walked to his seat.

A group of students laughed and cursed.

"Why so slow?"

"Still looking vain?"

"Did you go to the toilet and have sex?"


Lao Li smiled miserably, but his face still looked ugly.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, let's play in a group!"


The strong wind carried the yellow sand, blowing through the medicinal fields of Fox Mountain and passing through the workshops.

Then it blew up the mountain and into the Ghost Eye computer room.

Then I saw that in this huge computer room, there were ghost eyes everywhere in the water tanks, squirming, blinking, and flashing with electric light, providing computing power for Fox Mountain's production.


Lu Rou Bao stood beside a water tank and stared at a group of ghost eyes in the tank.


This group of ghost eyes was "crackling" with electric light, calculating at high speed.

The two foxes looked at each other, looked at this group, and then looked at the others.

It seemed that this group of electric light was brighter than other places?

The master said that this electric light was bioelectricity, and the brightness of the electric light represented the working intensity of the ghost eyes.

If the electric light is too bright, it means that the working intensity is too high.

If the electric light is too dim, it means that the working intensity is too low.

If the electric light continues to flash, it means that it has been working.

If the electric light stops flashing, it means that the work has stopped.

And now, after several days of observation, the two operation and maintenance engineers of Lu Rou Bao and Brown Sugar Bao have confirmed...

This group of electric light is brighter!

This group of work is faster!

And the most important thing is that this group... consumes no more Baihua pulp!



The two foxes tilted their heads and laughed.

This is great!

Fox Mountain likes this kind of thing that eats less, works faster, and is efficient!

I like this kind of thing that is both "motivated" and "high-performance"!

It would be great if this group could pass on some experience to the surrounding groups.

The two foxes poked their heads out, looked left and right, trying to find out what was different about this group from the others?


The strong wind blew the yellow sand into the bronze hall.

Bai Mo wrote and drew on the tablet, trying to find ideas and ways to track the patrol ship.


He crossed out the established plan with one stroke.

"It seems…it still doesn't work."

The things left by the emperor are indeed not that simple. They seem to contain very profound principles of formation.

With his entry-level formation level, it is still difficult to crack.

As he was writing, his spiritual platform was suddenly touched.


He gazed slightly, and his consciousness went to the present world, to the residence of the West University Family Compound, and found that his mobile phone on the desk had received a message of condolences from President Chen Shu.

[Expert Bai Mo, why haven't you come to work today? ]

[Are you still feeling unwell? ]

Bai Mo's mobile phone popped up a keyboard, and virtual keys jumped on their own, typing a reply.

[I'm not feeling unwell, I just want to take a rest these two days]

President Chen Shu's reply popped up immediately.

[Oh, okay]

[You are right, you should take a good rest for a few days]

[If you have any questions, please contact me at any time]


It was late at night.

The student dormitory building of the Medical College of Heluo University was dark and quiet.

Everyone in the dormitory had already fallen asleep.

Zhang Jian got up, rubbed his eyes, and groped towards the dormitory door in a daze.

He was going to the toilet!

There was no independent toilet in the dormitory, so he was going to the end of the dormitory corridor.


In the silent night, the sound of opening and closing the door was particularly clear.

Zhang Jian walked through the corridor in a daze and went to the toilet.

Today, I felt like the toilet was farther away. I walked for a long time but couldn't get there.

I entered the toilet, flushed the water, washed my hands, looked up at the mirror in front of the sink, and saw myself in the mirror, my outline blurred in the dark.


He smiled, and his big white teeth appeared in the mirror.


He smiled and turned to leave.

But the more I walked, the more I felt dizzy and felt very weak.

I walked back to the dormitory door and was about to go in.

He suddenly thought of a strange question.

"Is there a mirror in our toilet?"

"Is there?"


In this broken school, broken campus, whether there is water in the toilet depends on luck, where does the mirror come from?

"Is that a new mirror? "

He was dazed and didn't think much, so he pushed the door and went back to sleep.

But the color of his face was also very pale.



The strong wind blew and poured into the Fox Mountain machine room.


It was the flower pulp, flowing from the pipes into the water tanks, providing energy for the ghost eyes.



It was the ghost eyes, which ushered in the morning's work peak and started to operate at high speed.

Brown Sugar Bao turned his front paws backwards, swung his tail, swayed, and wandered among the ghost eyes.

From time to time, he looked here, and from time to time, to ensure that each one was working properly.

"Oh? "

It suddenly thought of the particularly "motivated" group it had found before!

It grinned and ran over.


The other ghost eyes around were still running at high speed, emitting electric light.


This particularly "motivated" group had extinguished its electric light and completed its mission.

Look at the remaining water level of the Baihuajiang in the pool...I still didn't eat too much!

The brown sugar bun was full of appreciation and began to observe this group again!


The braised pork bun also ran over and observed with the brown sugar bun.

The two foxes looked at each other with appreciation and love. They looked left and right, watching the ghost eyes piled up, watching the nerve bundles growing from these ghost eyes, entangled and connected with each other, and seeing that they would actually be tired and listless after completing their tasks.

I saw a particularly large one on the left side of the ghost eye pile, which was spinning around and looked very energetic.



An ordinary ghost eye is only as big as a grape.

This large one is as big as a lychee.

Where did this big guy come from?

The two foxes looked at each other, and neither of them could explain it.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm?"

... Could it be that this thing is originally big and small, and grows unevenly?

The two foxes tilted their heads and squinted their eyes, and couldn't explain it. They just remembered this particularly large one for the time being.


"Are all the surveillance data here?

"Inside the dormitory building, outside, in the corridor, and on the stairs, are they all here? "

In the security department of the Medical College of Heluo University, Zhang Shan and several members of the Immortal Arts Committee sat next to the desk and looked at the section chief together.

The fat and big-eared section chief was stunned for a moment, then looked at the thin and skinny clerk next to him.

The clerk nodded quickly.

"It's all there, all in these folders.

"There are four levels of directories in total, I'll tell you..."

Zhang Shan raised his hand.

"No need to bother.

"As long as the surveillance footage is there, it's fine."

The technician behind Zhang Shan immediately took out a laptop and began to import the surveillance footage for analysis using artificial intelligence.

The fat and big-eared section chief was worried at this time.

"Our school... um... something happened?"

Zhang Shan shook his head.

"Not sure yet.

"But big data warned that the students in your school have suddenly weakened their physical fitness recently, and the proportion of colds and fevers has greatly increased.

"The hospital diagnosed that there is no virus, nor is it typhoid fever, but simply physical weakness,

"So, let's take a look."

Zhang Shan has to deal with this kind of business almost every day, and he is already very familiar with it.

At this time, he looked up and smiled at the section chief.

"Don't worry, it's just a routine check, it's not a big deal.

"Even if there is a terrorist attack involving Xian, it can't be blamed on you."

The section chief smiled awkwardly.

"Uh... could it be that these guys have been spreading some superb... uh... that kind of movie recently, and they have all become weak?"

After saying this, he felt it was too funny, smiled awkwardly, and lowered his head.

But he heard Zhang Shan's serious tone.

"We have considered this situation.

"But, big data has actually been monitoring your campus network, and has not found such a thing."

As the two chatted, the fan of the technician's laptop began to "buzz" wildly!

Frames of images flashed wildly on the computer screen!

Students appeared in and out, in groups of three or five, talking and laughing, some carrying schoolbags, or holding basketballs.

Volunteers from student clubs appeared, holding a thick stack of flyers, walking through every corridor of the dormitory and knocking on the door of every dormitory.

This flyer was identified by artificial intelligence, and the title was [Xizhou Boss Fan Club]

This caused Zhang Shan and several members of the Immortal Arts Committee to smile awkwardly.

"Does your school have such a club?"

The head of the Security Department also smiled awkwardly.


"There is also the Bai Mo Expert Fan Club.

"The Peacock Ruby Fan Club.

"The Guixu Bottle Model Club.

"The Wine Vessel Flower Succulent Cultivation Center.

"The Immortal Arts Master Cosplay Group.

"Uh... The hobbies of our students are still very wide."

Thank you for every monthly ticket~

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