The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 635: Expensive things have only one disadvantage: they are expensive

In the office building late at night, only the security department still had lights on.


The door opened, and Zhang Shan and others pushed the door open and walked out.

As he left, he explained to the head of the security department.

"I'm sorry, our preliminary judgment here is that everything is normal.

"It may be a misjudgment by big data. Thank you for your cooperation!"

The fat and big-eared section chief was all smiles.

"Ah hahaha, it's okay as long as it's okay, it's okay, it's okay to cooperate, it's okay!"

After exchanging a few words, Zhang Shan and others left the office building, got into a government car, and hurriedly drove out of the campus.

The security section chief and staff who were left to see him off were all very sad.

"It's not easy for them. They have to come to investigate the case in the middle of the night."

"I heard that as long as the alarm is triggered, no matter day or night, they must go to investigate as soon as possible.

"After all, many immortal terrorist attacks really can't wait."

"It's certainly not easy for them."

The night is dark and the breeze is blowing.

The campus was quiet.

From the office building to the dormitory building, there was no one on the road, just the night.

The corridors of the dormitory building were even more deserted.

In dormitory rooms, students grind their teeth and snore, or sleep quietly.

The freshman lying in No. 402, with his hair parted, huddled in the bed, secretly smiled.

"What kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp do you want to check on me?"

He opened his eyes, and his pupils flashed with black light, and four crooked black knowledge containers appeared, flying and circling!

Moreover, his path is also very hidden... He is the formation path, sequence six, [Master of the Original Sacrifice]!

With such a route and such a sequence, no one can catch him unless the boss of Xizhou takes action himself!

The heirs of Heavenly Palace can’t do it!

The descendants of the Holy Land cannot do this!

The Immortal Committee cannot do this!

Secret Brain Office doesn’t work either!

But how can the boss of Xizhou have time to catch him?

There are not a hundred, but eighty great Sequence Six Immortal Magicians like him secretly deployed in Kyushu.

It’s impossible for the boss of Xizhou to take care of it.

He rubbed his eyes and was about to go back to sleep.

Suddenly he frowned.

"Is someone coming again?

"A master of eight disciplines? A master of distinguishing talents?

"Soothsayer and weapon refiner?

"It's all..."

He frowned and used the formations arranged in the school to slowly sense the specific cultivation levels of these two people.

"The weight of those who stepped on my formation... is the weight of two people. There is no container of knowledge.

"Damn it, two people together can't make up a knowledge container?

"Are you trying to find me?"



Two figures were hiding behind the shadows of the dormitory building.

A figure was wearing a thick black cloak, and hanging on his body were daggers, daggers, guns, magazines, trumpets, fireworks tubes... It was Guan Yuexi.

Another figure wore a wreath on his head, a fruit bunch around his neck, and a staff in his hand. Behind him were a bunch of large and small hedgehogs, mice, and was Dong Yunhui.

When two people meet for the first time, you look at me and I look at you.

Dong Yunhui saw the flowers on Guan Yuexi's cloak.

" sent a message to the boss and it was sent to you?"

Guan Yuexi looked at the purple morning glory held by a mouse on Dong Yunhui's shoulder.

"Um... maybe the boss wants me to accompany you on the case?"

Both men nodded.

The boss must be very busy. If the boss can't take care of some small things, just let them do it.

Dong Yunhui is good at reconnaissance and Guan Yuexi is good at combat. The combination is just right and very reasonable.

Guan Yuexi saw Dong Yunhui's messy equipment.

"You're quite rich."

Dong Yunhui took a look at Guan Yuexi's motley assemblage.

"You're not poor either."

Both men nodded.

"Well... now the more powerful prince disciples have three knowledge vessels.

"How many do you have?

"Can you calm down the situation?"

"I have Zero."

"Me too."

Both of their necks were stiff, and it was really difficult to nod this time.

Dong Yunhui stretched out his hand, and the weasel behind him took out a pair of kickers from his backpack and handed it over.

"Well, I do have insurance here..."

Guan Yuexi patted the fairy firework tube on her waist.

"I have a more advanced one here."

"Then... it should be... okay?"

The two of them were still a little scared and a little on tenterhooks.'s here!

"Let's go into this dormitory and take a look!"


A strong wind blew over Fox Mountain.

The whole morning passed in a hurry.

Happy lunch time is here again.

A series of fiery red figures gathered around the small stone table, eating fried dough sticks, drinking soy milk, and dipping it in celery sauce, enjoying themselves.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…”

It's Blockclaw, bragging about the latest results from Danpi Labs!

"Ouch, ugh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

It was Kojiro, telling the story of his heroic deeds of clever troubleshooting and repairing a pipeline failure!

Bai Mo, who was in the corner of the cafeteria, was eating crunchy fried dough sticks while flipping his tablet to check Fox Mountain's operating reports.

“Well…it’s all pretty good.

“The Danpi laboratory and the Danqi laboratory are running smoothly.

“The Dijing Purchasing Department also bought another board.

"There is no problem in the computer room, and the computing power has been getting stronger."

He frowned.

"In the present world, if Dong Yunhui asks for help and Guan Yuexi helps him, he should be able to handle it?

"The biggest problem now is that Wan Huatian's side is really a bit tricky."

Bai Mo smacked his lips, opened the note-taking software on his tablet, and continued writing and drawing while eating, trying to find a way to break the situation.


The wind blew and poured into the Ghost Eye computer room.

Next to a sink, braised pork buns and brown sugar buns are supervising the ghost eyes in the sink!


The braised pork bun opened his eyes wide, and while watching, he grabbed the fried dough sticks and gnawed them.


Brown Tangbao's eyes widened, and he was drinking soy milk while watching.

Two foxes have set up a small dining table here and won't leave even when eating. They must find out the secret of these ghost eyes!

Foxes are very cunning. In order to ensure that they can't miss anything, they even invented... the method of blinking alternately with their left and right eyes!

Always keep one eye open!

At this moment, the ghost eyes in the water tank had just completed a wave of tasks, and they were all drooping and slightly sluggish. They were "swishing", squirming, trembling, and eating the flower pulp in the water tank... …Both foxes are familiar with this scene. This is normal and will not delay their work.

The braised pork bun was about to raise his head and pour the remaining celery sauce into his mouth... Suddenly he realized something was wrong.


If you raise your neck and look upward, won't you lose your focus?


Brown Tangbao held the small bowl of celery sauce, his eyes widened, staring at the ghost eyes, waving his paws to signal the braised pork bun... He took turns raising his neck, taking turns to monitor!

The corridor of the dormitory was dark and quiet, with only the moonlight shining in from the window.

Two figures silently surveyed along the corridor.

Guan Yuexi held the fireworks tube in her hand, ready to launch.

Dong Yunhui looked around, observing clues, looking for hexagrams... He came to Xizhou to deliver goods, and saw something abnormal in the school's weather from a distance. There was a strange evil spirit rising from the school. Although it was weak, there was only a thin It is a wisp, but it soars upward, floats into the sky, and reaches the sky.

This strange hexagram indicates that something is definitely happening in the school!

The short-term harm is not serious, but the implications and relationships are very far-reaching, very very!

If it is not dealt with, given time, it may cause a catastrophe!

Rats and weasels also scattered around, observing and sniffing everywhere, looking for clues.

Gradually, two people and a bunch of beasts came to the end of the corridor and to the door of the toilet.

Dong Yunhui frowned and stared at the toilet door again and again.

"very strange.

"This seems to change?

"It... changed from Jingmen to Shengmen?

"But in the long run, it seems like it will become...a door to death?"

Jingmen means unknown.

The door of death means great disaster!

Dorm 402.

The freshman student was nestled in the quilt, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, his consciousness connected with the formation, observing the two people at the end of the corridor, with sarcasm on his lips.

"Huh, two idiots."

He is the [Master of the Original Sacrifice] of Sequence Six. The spirit of the Original Sacrifice he cultivated is called the "Midnight Mirror Spirit", which was born out of the urban legend of "You cannot look in the mirror at midnight".

Although the spirit of the original sacrifice sounds like a child's play, and the public's perception is vague and unclear, its popularity is unexpectedly high, and it is surprisingly powerful after being sacrificed!

At this time, he was holding a small makeup mirror in his hand, and he was not afraid of being found.

Because... it is now one o'clock in the morning, midnight has passed.

The mirror spirit was not in the toilet at all, but in his hands.

"Why did you find me?"

He was about to turn over and change into a more comfortable position.

Suddenly, he noticed that the fortune teller took out a handful of powder from his pocket and sprinkled it on the ground.


"Weak spirit pollen?"

He was secretly shocked.

Weak Spirit Pollen is a special material produced by the Seven Weak Spirit Flowers in the sequence.

It is a very scary and domineering material!

No matter how weak the fairy energy fluctuations or traces are, as long as enough pollen is sprinkled, it will be revealed!

But he soon relaxed again.

"'s okay."

The weak spirit pollen also has one of the most terrible shortcomings, that is, the yield is extremely low, or in other words... expensive!

Toilet door.

Dong Yunhui and Guan Yuexi lowered their heads and saw blurred footprints on the ground.

"Um... This person seems to have used his footprints to set up a formation?"

Four hundred and three, under the covers.

The freshman was secretly frightened.

The handful of weak spirit pollen that Dong Yunhui just sprinkled requires ten acres of medicinal fields and ten years to grow!

How willing to give it up!

He has already planned to leave school secretly early tomorrow morning, flee overseas, and never come back!

"Damn it, where did this rich man come from..."

Just as he was complaining, his consciousness detected Dong Yunhui and his eyes widened again!



Dong Yunhui took out another handful of pollen from his space pocket and sprinkled it on the corridor... nothing came out.


The second handful of pollen still showed nothing.


The third handful of pollen finally appeared on the ground again, revealing a small edge of light blue footprints.

He and Guan Yuexi looked at each other and smiled, then continued to sprinkle pollen in this direction!

“The boss gave me a lot more!

"If it has a shelf life, use it quickly!"

Dong Yunhui shook the pollen bag in his hand and smiled.

He took out a large handful again and threw it into the corridor as if it was free of charge.

Having done something for the boss once, Dong Yunhui has experience!

It doesn't matter if resources are burned, as long as things can be done, then everything is ok!

Once the work is done and the resources are spent, the boss will give you more!

Just like that, the two of them opened a path with pollen, scattered it out as if it was free of charge, and walked further and further down the corridor, finding more and more footprints.

Bedroom 403.

The freshman gritted his teeth and his face turned red!

"Where did the rich man come from? He shouldn't have pollen to open a road and come all the way to my dormitory, right?"

His consciousness was released and connected with the formation.

He watched helplessly as the two men walked through the corridor and climbed up the stairs.

I washed the ground with pollen at the entrance of the stairs, found footprints again, and continued to climb the stairs to the third floor.


He gritted his teeth!


Cold wind blew into the Ghost Eye computer room.

Brown Tangbao raised his neck and was drinking honey green tea. His mouth was full of sweetness and his face was full of happiness!

Braised Pork Bun stared at the ghost eyes and noticed that in the machine room, although the ghost eyes were still very tired, the sound of "sizzling" electricity was already heard... It should be the watering operation in the afternoon at the medicine field. Adjusting water requires computing power.

It blinked its left eye and opened its right eye.


Suddenly, I saw that the ghost eye, which was as big as a lychee, actually exploded with bright electric sparks, stimulating the entire tired ghost eye!


This large ghost eye discharged fiercely again, as if it ignited the whole ghost eye, driving the whole bunch of ghost eyes to sparkle with lightning and start working quickly!


Braised Pork Bun's eyes widened.


Brown Sugar Bun put down the teapot and looked over.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

...It’s really because of this large one!

Without consciousness before, it was difficult to detect, and it was difficult to distinguish what this large ghost eye released from the chaotic bioelectricity.

Now that I realized it, I immediately discovered that this large ghost eye was still discharged "sizzlingly", shocking other ghost eyes, making other ghost eyes that were originally sluggish become energetic and work faster!

A supervisor appeared spontaneously in the ghost eyes that were originally the same as each other!



Both foxes were excited!


Got it!

The two foxes immediately hugged each other, belly to belly, jumping and dancing, cheering and celebrating!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

After the celebration, Brown Tang Bao continued to monitor, while Braised Pork Bao turned around and rushed out of the computer room and towards the Bronze Hall.

On the fourth floor of the dormitory, Dong Yunhui and Guan Yuexi were walking softly.

There was pollen all the way behind them, and there were visible footprints all the way.

Dong Yunhui grabbed a handful of pollen and swayed it out, feeling very proud at this time.

“Sure enough, expensive things are easy to use.

“There’s nothing wrong with using it.

“The only drawback is that it’s expensive!”

A large handful of weak spirit pollen fell on the door of dormitory 403.

The two of them saw faint blue footprints appearing on the ground again, half outside the door and half inside.

Thank you for every monthly ticket~

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