
The roaring wind blew through the night of the dream and the strange square with huge rocks.

The immortal sitting cross-legged on the highest stone in the square was looking at the food-sharing monument floating in front of him with a crazy look.



He was the Demon Beard Immortal!

He was white and fat, without hair, but with curled and wriggling tentacles.

"Soon, I will be able to enter the world, soon, soon..."

The first person on the food-sharing monument was still his apprentice.

[Zhang Qiren]

[Sequence Six (Six)]

[Demon Beard Immortal]

And this monument was already oozing oil out faster, trembling, and twitching, as if it could be launched at any time and fly into the sky at any time!

The Demon Beard Immortal looked up and saw the night sky, and the thick dark clouds had even begun to roll over. Surge, in the rotation, a huge vortex is generated!

And the center of the vortex emits a little light, as if it leads to the present world!

He is more crazy, more intoxicated, and more yearning!

"Hahahaha... good... good... good..."


The sky of Xizhou is still gloomy, and the wind is still howling.

The chubby little black bird is still circling in the sky, dancing the dance that seems to know no fatigue.

"Ga... ga... ga ga ga...

"Ga... ga ga ga ga ga ga ga..."

This dance cannot be interrupted by the outside world!

It cannot be stopped actively!

The dance can only end when everyone in the city has completed the goal and learned the skills!

But now, the little black bird is a little impatient...

In most places in the city, most people have learned skills and found positions, or provide flesh and blood, or provide spirit, or provide willpower, or do hard work, or do scientific research, or do education... In short, everyone can help the king practice.

There are only a small number of people who are stuck and have not yet completed their goals.



Who is it?


In the nightmare, Tie Shiba and the workers were already disheveled and panicked.

"Not in the office building."

"Not in the workshop."

"Not in the warehouse."

"The phone can't be reached."

"No reply to WeChat."

"No response when I called his name."

"Where did the expert Bai Mo go?"

Fang Xiaoyu was confused and suddenly proposed.

"How about we ignore the expert Bai Mo?

"Just us, do our best to provide services for the princes?

"We have scientific researchers, management personnel, and front-line workers responsible for production..."

At this moment, Tie Shiba roared!

"No way!

"With the expert Bai Mo here, we are the world's number one factory!

"Without the expert Bai Mo, we are just a mob and a third-rate factory!

"Only by finding the Bai Mo expert and following his instructions can we provide better services to Wang Hou!"

The scientific researchers and frontline workers in the factory raised their arms and shouted.

"Find the Bai Mo expert!"

"Yes, find the Bai Mo expert!"

"With him, we can provide better services to Wang Hou!"

"We must find him even if we have to look for him for ten thousand years!"

"We will continue to look!"

Just then, the singing of crows came from the sky above their heads.



This song spread over, revealing impatience and depression like seeing a ghost. It gradually blurred this nightmare in a series of fluctuations, and gradually began to distort the cognition of every worker!




The chubby little black bird flew in the sky.

While singing and dancing, it forcibly corrected the bug in the dream that "there is no Bai Mo expert and the level is stuck".

Its eyes looked down, and saw the Xizhou Boss Exchange in the northern suburbs base, and saw the figure wrapped in five-colored flames.

It already understood, and it sneered.

It just waited for the bug of this nightmare to be fixed, and when this dance was over, it could fly down and kill the so-called "Xizhou Boss"!

And Bai Mo below seemed to notice the gaze and malice from the sky.

He looked up and didn't care.

He just lowered his head and looked at Dai Yunzhong, who was lying on the ground and immersed in a nightmare.

From the sleeve of his left hand, strands of mycelium flew out, pierced into Dai Yunzhong's brain, and connected his nerves!

Zizi... Lala...

The mycelium sparks flashed and poured into Dai Yunzhong's mind.

And around Dai Yunzhong, countless bronze runes flew out, like colorful butterflies, and gradually condensed into six containers.

The first five were black stone water tanks, and the sixth was also a water tank, but it faintly revealed a bronze color!

Bai Mo frowned, carefully controlling Dai Yunzhong's nerves, and through him, controlling the six containers to gather together.

Then he put the small furnace in his left hand on the container!

"Everyone will remember the pain you suffered.

"I'll give you this sequence five."


The furnace pressed the six containers down!


Two stone water tanks were even cracked by the pressure!

Bai Mo's expression remained unchanged.

I noticed that changes had begun to occur in Dai Yunzhong's body, and that he was already connecting to the alchemy furnace, and was already generating new power!

Rumble... Crack...

It turned out that the dark clouds in the sky were already flashing with lightning, and there were already lightning snakes moving around!


A bolt of lightning struck straight down!

It struck Dai Yunzhong's head!


Dust rose up, blocking the view!

When the dust cleared, Dai Yunzhong was like charcoal in the pit, with only a faint gasp, barely escaping death.

Bai Mo looked at him and grinned.

Huo Shaoyun, the apprentice behind Bai Mo, looked at his master and immediately followed suit, grinning.

The little black bird in the sky finally ended the dance and grinned.

The Immortal Committee Command Building not far away.

President Chen Shu, Professor Zhang, Committee Member Gu Lin, and even the Immortal Art Committee members who filled the room all woke up from their nightmares and grinned.

Then President Chen Shu clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

He spoke with ease, as if he had experienced it many times before.

"Then let me talk about it.

"We provide services to His Royal Highness the Dandelion King and Prince. We need to start from the three aspects of flesh and blood, spirit and willpower. Education, medical care, scientific research, and mass organizations must be adjusted accordingly.

"Commissioner Gulin, you go and notify the hospital to eliminate useless departments, expand the maternal and child department, and encourage everyone to have more children..."

As the orders were deployed one by one, the members of the Immortal Art Committee present pricked up their ears and listened, but they seemed to be familiar with it.

At this time, they were guarding the computer and began to "crack" and edit files and emails with ease.


"We have received instructions. Our laboratory is responsible for researching ultra-large-scale blood storage and transportation systems!"

"Hahaha, good, we are good at this!"

In the experimental building of the Immortal Committee, a group of people climbed up and smiled as they listened to the director announce the direction.

"I heard that the neighbor is going to study oxytocin?"

"Is it for having more children?"

"Are they studying brain-activating injection drugs on the right?"

"Will they send it to the school for the students?"


The school was also full of joy.

"Students, the teacher will go to do teaching research first, learn more about the dandelion king, and come back to tell you.

"Everyone sit down first, write the name of the king a thousand times!"

After saying that, the young teacher pushed the door and left, walked through the corridor, and went straight to the teaching and research office.

Walked while walking.

"My students are all pretty stupid.

"Can they complete the tasks assigned by the king?"

"I want to give suggestions to the principal and give the students medicine!"

The window in the corridor can see the playground.

Then I saw that a construction team had arrived to transform a statue of the "source of knowledge" in the playground into a statue of the king!


In every community in Xizhou, people left their homes, came downstairs, came to the road, and came to the gate of the community.

"Let's go, let's pray for the king together. ”

“What a pity, there is no temple for the king yet.”

“I heard it’s already being built.”

“What’s wrong with not having a temple?

“As long as you have the king in your heart, you can pray anywhere!”

“Yes, that makes sense!”

Swish… Bang!

Under the gloomy sky, angry waves hit the coastal port.

The fishing boat swayed up and down with the waves.

Zhang Qiren was still sitting in the dark and damp cabin, still writing his exercises.

In his mind, the Demon Beard Immortal rubbed his eyes and looked at the food-sharing monument again, as if he couldn’t believe it!

The first place has changed!

[Dai Yunzhong]

[Sequence Five]

[Kunian Immortal]

“Dai Yunzhong?

“Sequence Five?

“Sequence Five?

“Sequence Five!


He screamed like a mouse whose tail was stepped on!


“What the hell is going on?

“Kunian Immortal? Does he have this ability?

“Or…Xizhou boss?

"This bastard is behind the scenes, squeezing my position in the world?

"But this... How is it possible..."

The Demon Beard Immortal frowned, his face twisted!

He couldn't imagine how such a thing could be done?

Sequence Five can actually be recommended?

Is there such a saying in the world?



The Immortal Committee in Shangjing.

On the big screen, one picture after another showed one sleeping person after another.

The leaders sitting around the conference table looked uglier and uglier.

"It's troublesome."

"It's a big trouble."

"How could this happen?"

"Have you sent the document to Xizhou?"


"Chen Shu replied that Xizhou is now united and fully serves the Dandelion Prince! He also advised us not to be stubborn and go there quickly to serve the Dandelion Prince! "

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became awkward.

Although everyone knew that President Chen Shu was affected by the magic and his mind was confused...

But it still felt absurd, strange, and outrageous!

Suddenly, Lu Renfeng saw a corner of the big screen!

"The food sharing monument has changed again!

"Dai Yunzhong of our Immortal Committee has broken through to Sequence 5!"

The leaders cast their eyes and stared at the ranking.


"What's going on?"

"Why did he suddenly rise to Sequence 5?"

"Is there a possibility that it is the boss of Xizhou and he is still making some moves?"


Cold wind poured into the bronze hall.

The Bitter Nian Immortal wiped his eyes and looked at the food sharing monument again, as if he couldn't believe it.

The first one in line is his apprentice.

【Dai Yunzhong】

The name that followed was clearly his.

[Suffering Immortal]

"Ah...haha, hahahaha, this...what happened...

"Sequence...Sequence's going on..."

He was beaming, even at a loss. He was about to call his apprentice into the dreamland to ask questions, but suddenly he noticed that the food-sharing monument began to "steam" and emit oil, and began to tremble rapidly!

And in his dream, the howling of the wind suddenly increased!


The Bronze Palace is shaking!


The earth is shaking!


The roof of the Bronze Palace collapsed, revealing the clouds in the sky!

Then I saw that the clouds that had remained unchanged for a long time actually began to surge and rotate, turning into a huge vortex that covered the sky!

And in the center and deepest part of the vortex, a bright light spot appeared, which seemed to lead to the other side!

The suffering immortal smiled.

He immediately jumped onto the food-sharing monument, squatted down, and held on to the monument tightly, just like he did thousands of years ago!

The next moment, the food-sharing monument made a "whoosh" sound, soared up, flew out of the copper palace, passed through the cold wind, carried the immortal immortal, flew into the sky, flew towards the vortex, and flew towards the little bit of light in the center and deepest part of the vortex. !


Flying in the sky, the Bitter Nian Immortal lowered his head again, looking at this fairyland and the devastated ruins.

"Finally...are you going out?"

His heart was pounding!

His inkstone was held on his chest, and he could feel the coldness and stinging of the evil spirit!

He saw the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this dreamland clustering into strong winds, flying towards the sky with him, trying to pour into the vortex!

He saw the mountains, rivers and ruins in this dreamland, all with dark runes rising up... This is the order of immortality sealed in the dreamland!

These gray runes, like butterflies, flew up and flew into the air, spreading all over the sky with great force. They caught up with him and wanted to enter the vortex with him and enter the real world!

The eating monument flew very fast, and the wind in the sky was very cold. In an instant, he was close to the clouds and the whirlpool. He felt the more abundant spiritual energy and water vapor around him, and heard the whistling sound of the whirlpool.

This short distance, this short world, is extremely long to him.

He saw the whistling wind around him, condensed into substance, it was the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, rising with him!

He saw the runes scattered, fluttering and mighty around him, like gray dead leaf butterflies. They were the order of the immortal world, ascending with him!

He raised his head and saw the light spot in the center of the vortex, getting closer and bigger!

In the light spot, he saw his disciple Dai Yunzhong, who was struck black by lightning and was staggering to stand up.


"Ha ha ha ha!

"In this world, I'm coming!"

The food-sharing monument continued to fly upward, carrying him into the light spot!


In the present world, Dai Yunzhong stood up unsteadily, feeling a splitting headache, his ears buzzing as he thought, he felt dizzy, and his mouth and nose were filled with the smell of blood.

But I feel like there is something strange in my body.

"I...uh...Dandelion Prince..."

He looked to his side and saw a figure wrapped in five-colored flames, looking up at the sky.

"Huh? Boss of Xizhou?

"Ah, I finally found you. Let's help the prince together..."

The noise in his ears gradually disappeared.

But then I heard dense noises of "quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack," coming from the sky!

He raised his head and saw that the sky had turned black.

But it's not the dark clouds that block the sky.

But one after another, densely packed crows, like black clouds!

Crows all over the sky, with pairs of scarlet eyes, like stars in the night sky, are looking down!

The crows all over the sky, with their wings flickering and their pointed beaks, all pointing to one person on the ground, the boss of Xizhou!

Thank you Hongchen for paying attention and rewarding you with three thousand looks at the banquet night.

I should be able to finish writing this episode today!

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