The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 668 The dream is shattered! Bai Mo advances to Sequence Three!

Huh... Woo...

A small town on the border.

Chen Jing sat in a musty hotel, holding a tablet, watching the live broadcast of Xizhou and the flock of crows covering the sky.

"Master, what is the secret of this crow?"

"Even if it is the soul of the Dandelion Prince, it can be reincarnated without cultivation.

"Why is this crow so terrifying?"

In his mind, Ling Xue Prince sighed.

"Reincarnation does not bring cultivation.

"But... there is a kind of existence in this world, called divine beasts.

"They are born with cultivation.

"Some divine beasts are born with sequence six before they open their eyes.

"Some divine beasts are born with sequence five as soon as they can suckle.

"Like this nightmare crow, it originally only existed in legends and theories, but who knew that it was a coincidence that really made it appear...

"This thing was born... sequence three...

"The cultivation brought from the mother's womb.

"The Lord created by heaven and earth."

The more Chen Jing listened, the weirder it felt, and the more he felt that the order of the immortal path was unfair!

But then he thought, since he set foot on this immortal path, who has promised fairness?


The cold wind of Xizhou blew between heaven and earth, blew on the flames on Bai Mo's body, and blew on the shaky Dai Yunzhong.

The land under his feet burst like a fountain, and began to spew out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

The light and shadow around him, like the environment distorted, began to emerge with order runes!

These runes that were dim in the dream, after coming to the world, actually regained color and became fresh again, as if they had transformed from dead leaf butterflies into colorful butterflies, escaping in all directions, escaping in the cold wind, and escaping in the air!

And behind him, a figure emerged.

Wearing a cloth robe, with a frosted face, his eyes were full of ecstasy, and he hurriedly took out an inkstone from his arms.

It was the Immortal Ku Nian!

"Haha, hahaha, hahaha!"

The Immortal Ku Nian laughed crazily, overjoyed!

He stepped on the ground of the square, "bang bang" a few times, stomped out cracks, and felt the touch of his feet.

He looked up in all directions, saw the square tall buildings, and saw the glass windows of the tall buildings.

He turned around and saw Bai Mo not far away.

"Ahahaha, Xizhou boss, thank you so much, without you, I wouldn't have come to the world so soon!

"The first bite of the feast in the world was invited by you, hahahaha!

"To express my gratitude, I can give you a decent death..."

He laughed wildly and threatened crazily. Around his body, the aura that kept overflowing from the dream was diffused, and the runes that kept flying out of the dream were fluttering!

But Bai Mo didn't answer him, just raised his chin slightly, indicating that he should look at the sky.


The Immortal Ku Nian raised his head and saw a dense flock of crows in the sky.

"Heh, where do so many crows come from?"

"I just came to the world and I encountered this mourning thing, it's so damn unlucky!"

He raised his hand and was about to use magic!

But after a little look, he found something wrong!

The crows in the sky are still increasing!

The black cloud of crows is still getting thicker!

A crow, with a flickering figure, turned into three crows!

Three crows, with a flickering figure, turned into nine crows!

Just like that, one becomes three, three becomes nine, nine becomes twenty-seven, the changes are endless, and crows fill the sky!

The immortal Ku Nian was stunned for a moment, and in a trance he remembered the dandelion prince of the past. , is an absolute genius of immortal arts, who once proved the legend with immortal arts.

The immortal arts he used to prove the legend is a move, [One Qi into Three Pure Ones].

Could it be that...

Just as he was in a trance, he heard a "clattering" sound, like a torrential rain falling!

And what was woven into a rain curtain and pressed down from the sky was not rain, but one after another, densely packed, crows!

They are one after another, each with a sharp beak!

They are one after another, each The speed broke the sound barrier!

One after another, they flew down from the sky at high speed, their trajectories converged at high speed, and concentrated on this square, concentrated on Bai Mo!

It was like pouring back, a black rain all over the sky!


The square was instantly shattered!

The smoke and dust splashed up and gradually rose!

And one crow after another fell and smashed the smoke and dust, and then flew up from the smoke and dust, and after flying up, they flapped their wings and smashed back into the smoke and dust!


In the distant combat command building, a group of people stood in front of the window and saw this scene in the square.

They could hear this terrible noise, the "cackle" of crows, the "boom boom boom" of the ground exploding, the "pa pa pa" of high-speed sonic booms... The dense noise even penetrated the double-layer vacuum glass of the command building!

They saw that the square, the Xizhou Boss Exchange, the Xizhou Boss, Dai Yunzhong, and the immortal standing in it, were all drowned by the crow rain and the smoke and dust!

"Alas, why do you have to do it?"

"What a pity! "

"The Xizhou boss could have worked with us to provide services for the princes!"

"Why did he want to anger the princes?"

Chairman Chen Shu, Commissioner Gu Lin, Professor Zhang and others were all standing in front of the window, talking about it.

In the depths of Professor Zhang's eyes, the black bonfire was burning and jumping, crackling.

Next to the bonfire, the little apprentice was full of surprise.

"What kind of magic is this?

"It has completely distorted the minds of everyone in the city?"

The ancient Qinglu Immortal beside him sighed with a bitter smile.

"Mystical beasts... they are originally bugs between heaven and earth, and they are things that should not exist.

"The Dandelion Prince is already a monster.

"This nightmare crow is also a monster.

"The soul of the monster has been circulating in the world for tens of millions of years, and finally met the body of this monster after going around in circles.


The little apprentice was silent for a moment.

"Master, is the boss of Xizhou dead?"

The ancient Qinglu Immortal was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

"Look carefully."

Smoke was floating on the bonfire, and the picture was reflected in the smoke.

On the picture, in the broken square, in the rising smoke, one nightmare crow after another kept flying up and falling hard, smashing out bigger and higher smoke!

But in the smoke, there were twinkling stars of light!

They were one after another, vivid, order runes!

Those runes were gradually increasing in number, gradually becoming brighter, and gradually outlining one picture after another.

The ancient and ethereal aura is projected from the smoke and dust, and it cannot be blocked!

That is the ancient flint, jumping and shining!

That is the original city wall, extending and blocking the danger!

That is the bronze altar, towering and reaching the sky!

That is the magnificent palace, continuous and covered with mountain mist!

That is the torrent of chariots, whistling, pouring into the wilderness!

That is the boundless grass field, growing, green and endless!

That is the captive fairy beast, roaring, full of vitality!

That is the geomancy formation, spreading out, and the mystery suddenly appears!

That is the flying alchemy furnace, rotating, and worshiped by all!

That is the immortal god who ascended to the sky, flying and looking down on the world!

That is... a small temple, rising from the smoke and dust, rising higher and higher!

Supported by the small temple are huge tentacles wearing chain mail!

Next to the tentacles, runes outline the long history of the immortal way!




Dense crows, like a rainstorm flying across the sky, like dense needles falling, desperately attack the small temple and the fish leg grass!

But all their attacks were blocked by the bronze historical scroll, and they could only chisel out a shallow brilliance, but could not advance an inch!


In the conference room of Shangjing.

A group of leaders stared at the big screen on the wall, staring at this picture, all of them were fixed, and even held their breath!

They also couldn't understand too many things in the world of immortal arts, but this time, it really looked particularly dangerous!

Fortunately, the boss of Xizhou seemed to have the upper hand again?

"Is it the upper hand?"

"Can it win?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the slowly rising Xizhou boss exchange, and on the tentacles of the historical scroll.

Only Pan Duolong looked down and saw the ground where the smoke and dust gradually subsided, and saw a pool of bloody and rotten things on the rotten ground.

"This... this... this pool... could it be the immortal who just entered the world?"


When he said this, all the leaders were stunned, and they all looked at the bottom of the screen and saw the pool of blood and flesh.

"Uh... Xizhou boss will probably protect Dai Yunzhong.

"So, this pool... is really an immortal?"

They looked at each other, feeling very disillusioned and unreal.

Immortal, just like this?


Border town.

Chen Jing held the tablet computer and looked at the screen with his eyes shining.


"Master, Xizhou boss also withstood this?

"He is..."

In his mind, the voice of Ling Xue Wanghou was faintly smiling.

"He infused Dai Yunzhong with a container, and helped him get a pill furnace, and fed him to the first place in the food sharing monument.

"The spiritual energy and immortal order that shattered the dream all fell into Xizhou, all fell into his side.

"Then with the help of the immortal order, with the help of the legendary popularity of his Xizhou boss exchange... it's already Sequence Three!"

Sequence Three?

Hearing these words, Chen Jingze's mind was dazed for a moment, and it felt very unreal.

How many years has the immortal age been opened?

It's been less than four years at most!

But why is the Xizhou boss already Sequence Three?


In the conference room, Li Mushroom and his group have slowly woken up.

They are sitting around the conference table, discussing how to help the king and the prince practice!

"The most impressive thing we can show is Thor's Hammer!

"The current progress of Thor's Hammer's refining is about 70%.

"It won't be long before we can achieve mass production!

"Unfortunately, only half of the related industrial chain is in Xizhou.

"We have to go to other places to help the king and the prince get back the industrial chain..."

In their minds, the ancient immortals of the holy land have been confused.

"What's going on? "

"You are descendants of the Holy Land!"

"What Dandelion Prince are you helping?"

"Wake up!"

Just then...

The projection on the wall opened automatically, and the picture showed the square of the North Suburbs Base. Huge tentacles were coiled around the historical scroll, and the Xizhou Boss Exchange was slowly rising!

Countless crows surrounded it like a storm, pecking wildly, but to no avail!

Several descendants of the Holy Land were stunned.

"Oh my god?"

"Is this the Xizhou Boss and the Dandelion Prince?

"Why are you still fighting?"

"Can the blood food that the prince ate in the Sakura area be able to withstand the consumption?"

In their eyes, the ancient immortals were even more shocked!

"This... legend?"

"Boss of Xizhou, is he already in sequence three?"

They are hard to imagine and hard to understand.

It has only been four years since the Immortal Art Era, but it has only been four years. The boss of Xizhou has already reached the third level?

When the ancient Immortal Dynasty collapsed, the nine emperors may not have thought that the next civilization would be a technological civilization with weak force, unable to withstand the invasion of the immortal civilization...

But the nine emperors must have never thought that such an unreasonable, unreasonable, and unprecedented monster would appear in the next civilization!

Go to Beijing.

The live broadcast of this battle has been quickly accessed to various units for management, administration, scientific research, and production personnel to watch!

In the office, a group of people stared at the screen.

"Wow, Xizhou Boss Exchange, is it really that powerful?"

"What an exaggeration. You can see that the ground has been beaten to pieces, but this exchange doesn't look afraid of being beaten at all!"

"I used to think this thing looked very bluffing and powerful!"

Hong Xiaoyun in the corner was even more shocked.

"Master, didn't you say that the Dandelion Prince is a super scourge, very powerful?"

In her mind, Lord Qingyue's eyes were attracted by the screen and he subconsciously answered.

"'s a disaster...

"Back then, with the power of the Flowing Fire Emperor, three thousand Tiantiao Immortals bloodbathed nine heavens and ten places, but they still couldn't kill all the seeds he left behind...

"But today...this..."


The top of the seven-story wooden tower suspended in the sky was submerged in the dark clouds.

The ten princes sat around the dining table, all squinting their eyes, looking at a battle in Kyushu.

They have different expressions.

Some seemed to be laughing, laughing at the embarrassment of Prince Dandelion!

Some seemed angry, angry because Prince Dandelion almost succeeded in taking over Xizhou!

Some seem to be regretting that they didn’t take the risk and try to force this Xizhou boss to stay!

Some seemed to be sad and shed tears, wondering what they saw in the future!


The yellow sand is vast, covering the sky.

A lake in the desert is like a mirror.

Above the mirror, one ghost statue after another floats, casting his gaze down to the reflection in the lake.

Then he saw in the reflection, it was the battle of Xizhou!

Surprisingly, it was the boss exchange in Xizhou. Under the storm-like siege of countless crows, I calmly rose up slowly!

Among the ghosts, the floating immortal official was looking at the group of crows.


“On the road to hell, a fish slipped through the net!

“If you don’t enter reincarnation, you have a beginning and no end!

"Disrupt the world and corrupt Tsunasa!"

He looked at the slowly rising Xizhou Boss Exchange again.

"Can this... be won?"

Around Dai Yunzhong's body, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still spurting out, and the runes of order are still flying!

The bright light of the runes even illuminated the interior of this small temple, illuminating the shelves everywhere, illuminating the various weapons, molds and drawings presented as tribute by Xizhou.

He looked in front of him, at the immortal beast standing at the temple gate, and at the boss of Xizhou, and at their backs.

I heard the intensive crow call of "quack, quack, quack," outside.

Feel the slight shaking of the small temple as it slowly rises into the sky.

"I...I...I still feel...that my master's death is not unjust. He was not a good person.

"But you and Prince Dandelion don't seem to have to..."

He groaned and looked at the back of the Xizhou boss, not daring to speak loudly.

The next moment, he felt that the small temple, which was constantly rising, had stopped and stabilized.

He saw the boss of Xizhou and nodded slightly.

"Ah, you agree with me..."

He saw the fairy beast turning back and making a silent gesture at him!


Not talking to you, you keep quiet!

In the combat command building of the Immortal Committee, a group of people frowned and became more and more anxious.

"Is this wrong?"

"The boss of Xizhou is still taking action. Is that too much?"

"Can the prince win?"

Before they finished speaking, they saw the crows all over the sky, suddenly scattering and flying in all directions!

As for the Xizhou Boss Exchange, the huge tentacle holding it up has a suction cup sunk in. Black light emerges from the pit, spinning, as if it wants to suck in everything and swallow everything, like a black hole!


Between heaven and earth, there is a strong wind!



The glass in the combat command building shattered piece by piece!

The glass fragments were blown away by the wind and sucked into the black hole!

President Chen Shu, Professor Zhang and others' expressions changed dramatically, they subconsciously shrank their heads and hid under the window sill.


The wind doesn't stop and the puffing doesn't stop!

The documents, keyboards, and monitors in the room flew up one after another, stumbled out of the window, and flew towards the black hole!

What they never saw was that in the sky and earth outside, the strong wind was roaring, rolling up the loess, covering the sky and the sun!

The endless flock of birds fleeing in all directions also experienced huge suction at this time!



"Quack quack..."

Even if the bird feathers were sucked away and sucked into the black hole with the wind, they still flapped their broken wings and continued to escape!

Even if the body was sucked back and sucked into the black hole with the wind, they still gave birth to soul dandelions on their foreheads, trying to spread!

Even if the dandelions were sucked back and torn apart by the black hole, they were still screaming desperately, casting magic, looking in the direction of the maternity and child hospital, trying to find even a pregnant woman, trying to spread even a seed!

"Not even one."

Bai Mo's cold voice sounded at the door of the small temple.

And in this world, the strong wind swept, rolling up the ground, glass, vegetation, buildings, feathers, flesh, soul, seeds... all rolled up, rolled, rolled towards the fish leg grass, rolled towards the suction cup, and rolled into the endlessly rotating black hole!

And the fish leg grass that carried the small temple excitedly shook its fat tentacles and swayed the black hole of the suction cup!

It is not afraid of the black hole being filled up... The black hole is already very large, and there is a ray of Dan fire, which can burn anything to ashes!

It was not until this northern suburbs base, as if it had been hit by a typhoon, that most of the glass was broken, most of the trees were broken, a large area of ​​land was destroyed, and many houses collapsed, that the wind gradually stopped.

Dai Yunzhong was picked up by the fairy beast and thrown out of the small temple.

Fishleg grass shrank back into the white mist and returned to Fox Mountain.

In the combat command center, hiding in the corner, the embarrassed fairy committee members all had blood in their noses, their heads were dizzy, and they woke up from a dream.

"What happened?"

"Fuck, there is so much blood in my nostrils, it's sticky."

"So scary, it seems... uh... we were just controlled?"

Under the windowsill, President Chen Shu curled up and wiped the blood from his nostrils.

He shook his head to get rid of some of his confusion and regain some clarity.

He stood up shakily, holding the windowsill, and saw the mess outside.

He took out his cell phone again and dialed Hua Yuyue's number.

"Hello, Professor Hua, I..."

"Okay, no need to say anything, we all understand.

"This is not your fault.

"You have no responsibility.

"Now, please immediately devote yourself to the post-disaster work!"


"... If you need support, please feel free to communicate with me. "

After a few pleasantries, Hua Yuyue hung up the phone.

He took another look at the surveillance screen on the wall and saw the Xizhou Boss Exchange, the small temple, quietly placed in the messy square, saw Dai Yunzhong climbed up from the temple door and was rubbing his head, and saw that the body of the immortal Ku Nian had disappeared, very casually, it disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

He sighed.

"Alas, the disciple of the king was strangled.

"The dream began to break.

"The Xizhou boss was promoted to sequence three and killed the Dandelion King. Another big drama ended.

"So many things happened in one day?

"The first half is over.

"The second half has begun."


He turned around and saw that it began to rain outside the window.

It turned out that the dark clouds in the sky finally condensed into rain and began to fall.

The rain curtains that weaved secretly were like the curtains of a theater.

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