The office fell into silence.

Tian Weiming stared at the teacup, the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup, and the pattern made of tea leaves.

"Can you...really help me?"

The rabbit made of tea leaves nodded immediately.

"Of course, no matter what problem you have, we can help you solve it.

"In this world, there are no goods that cannot be bought, only prices that cannot be bought.

"As long as you pay enough, no matter what you want, we can help you get it."

Tian Weiming thought for a moment, his eyes glowed, staring at the teacup, and continued to ask.

"Then if... I want to be the president of the Immortal Committee, can you help me?"

The rabbit made of tea leaves was stunned for a moment, as if thinking.

"This... um... we can help you do it.

"But, you can't afford that price.

"Even if you give us everything you have, it's still not enough."

Tian Weiming nodded immediately.

"Yeah, I understand.

"That makes sense.

"But what about the seats this time?"

"This time, the seats probably need the nine presidents of Jiuzhou, plus Hua Yuyue, Bai Mo, and Li Mushroom to vote together.

"These people are not simple guys.

"Can you help me influence the vote?"

He stared at the rabbit pattern at the bottom of the teacup, waiting for the answer.

Then the rabbit spoke.

"We can.

"The price is... three promises.

"Your three promises."

Tian Weiming frowned.

"Uh... three promises... it's not impossible.

"But, are you really sure?

"This incident must involve the boss of Xizhou.

"If you want to use some shady tricks, throw dirty water on Director Mo or something... it probably won't work.

"Or have you already planted a hidden chess piece?

"Or, among the people who have the right to vote, are there your people?"

The rabbit drawn by the tea pattern seemed a little impatient, but still explained seriously.

"If you want to confirm our ability, there is no need.

"Our ability is beyond your imagination.

"Even within the Immortal Committee, we have enough power.

"Do you understand?

"Do you want to make a deal?"

Tian Weiming smiled awkwardly.

"This... um... hehe... promises are trivial.

"But, I'm afraid you don't understand human society, I'm afraid you don't understand the weight of this seat.

"This may be the only chance I have in my life.

"Seize this opportunity, move up a level, and your future career will be bright and open.

"If you miss this opportunity and keep going in circles, you can just wait for retirement."


At the bottom of the teacup, the rabbit head outlined by tea leaves, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

"You really like being an official?

"Official fan, I'm talking about people like you, right?

"Human society is about to end.

"No matter how big an official you are, what's the point?"

Tian Weiming grinned.

"So, I'm hooking up with you.

"No matter how society changes, no matter how history goes, there will always be a need for someone to be an official.

"With you here, my position in the old era can be inherited to the new era.

"Okay... I... I don't need your help, I'll try it myself first.

"If I can't do it, I'll ask you to help me, okay?"

The rabbit head outlined by tea leaves reminded him friendly.

"Of course, but if the difficulty of the matter changes, if the value of the matter changes, our quotation will also change at any time!"

Tian Weiming was slightly stunned and thought about it.

"Oh, oh, okay."


A day passed in a hurry.

The sky outside the window has turned dark blue.

The lights in the office are turned on.

On the desk, Bai Mo's fox apprentice Potato Bao is quietly eating a roast chicken!

The skin of the roast chicken is crispy!

The meat of the roast chicken is juicy!

The fox squinted his eyes and ate with a happy face, but with his superb chicken-eating skills, he didn't make any sound!

Because...the master is still in a meeting!

It was a video conference.

Hua Yuyue was talking freely.

"... First of all, let me introduce President Huang Fu to you.

"I believe that everyone has heard President Huang Fu's report to some extent.

"At that time, he was still our expert in studying the culture of the Xian Dynasty.

"Later, he retired behind the scenes and became the head of the Xian Dynasty's countermeasures department.

"Today, we have entered a wartime state, the situation is critical, and President Wen Nanjun committed suicide inexplicably. We invited him to take up the burden of Heluo..."

Bai Mo sat in front of the screen, sometimes listening, sometimes distracted, thinking about the order rune of sequence three.

Then, in the video conference, the fat expert Huang Fu turned on the microphone and began to introduce himself.

"Good evening, everyone.

"I am Huang Fu.

"I am honored to take over the burden left by President Wen Nanjun..."

A bunch of polite words, not very nutritious.

Bai Mo listened and drank tea.

Sometimes he reached out and touched the fluffy tail of the fox apprentice next to him.

There were more than a hundred people participating in the video conference, including all the senior members of the Xian Committee.

After introducing expert Huang Fu, we immediately moved on to the next step.

"We will decide all the candidates for the Thor Hammer Management Committee through elections at today's meeting, and decide a total of thirteen seats.

"And there are fifteen candidates participating in the election."

Hua Yuyue said, and everyone present at the meeting understood what was going on.

There are twelve candidates for the thirteen seats, and there is no dispute at all, it's just a formality.



The cold wind at night blew on the Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory.

Downstairs of the office building.

Next to a black official car stood Chen Siming, Dai Yunzhong, and Wu Qingyun.

"Commissioner Qingyun, how long will it take?

"According to the plan, you need to rush to Heluo before eight o'clock tonight to serve as the bodyguard of Huang Fu expert."

Chen Siming and Dai Yunzhong, both of whom have been separated from the ancient immortals, are free immortal masters, and have a transcendent status in the Immortal Committee!

But at this moment, in this Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory, they didn't dare to speak loudly.

It was Fang Xiaoyu who held Wu Qingyun's hand, with a fierce momentum.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"There's not even a ghost on the road now."

"You drive so fast, and you know the formation and the magic. Are you in such a hurry?"

She held Wu Qingyun's hand.

"Wait for half an hour, wait for expert Bai Mo to finish the meeting, then you can say goodbye and leave."

After all, this is an era and a time.

After parting, no one dares to say whether they can meet again.

Wu Qingyun looked at Fang Xiaoyu, glanced at the pharmaceutical factory, looked up at the top floor, looked at the window that was still lit, looked at the office, and nodded at this time.



"...Okay, then we'll decide on the first twelve seats.

"Next, it's the last seat.

"Professor He Yuhei, Director Mo, expert Tian Weiming, you three are the nominated candidates.

"Next, please speak in turn, talk about your understanding of this seat, and talk about your advantages after taking office. ”

The video conference is still going on.

Bai Mo's fox apprentice, Potato Bun, looked at the remaining two chicken legs and two chicken wings on the plate, and looked at the master who was still sitting in front of the computer.

It frowned.

Can we call a pause for this meeting?

Let the master eat the chicken legs and chicken wings first?

If it goes on, the chicken legs and chicken wings will get cold and not taste good!

But the master smiled, reached out and touched its head.

With a click, the shortcut key turned off the microphone of the video conference.

"You eat it, the master is not hungry.

"This roast chicken is not a rare thing now.

"There are still a lot in the cafeteria.

"You eat first, and after you finish eating, ask the cafeteria to send a few more."

Potato Bun tilted his head and was stunned for a moment.

Anything else?

Foxes are very cunning!

It looked at the master to make sure that the master did not coax it.

Seeing that the master was staring at the computer again and continuing the video conference, he grinned, grabbed a chicken leg, opened his mouth wide, and bit into it with a "woop"!

"Qingyun, what are you still dawdling about?"

"Hurry up, go to Huang Fu!"

"Time is very important!"

In the dream, Wu Jianxian was guarding a bronze mirror, shouting to the mirror, to the real world, and to Wu Qingyun!

Wu Qingyun was slightly startled, and actually looked at him and shook her head gently.

"What, Qingyun, are you afraid when the time comes?

"You want to give up your mission?"

Wu Qingyun continued to shake her head.

"Then you..."

Wu Jianxian was about to shout again!

But an old hand patted his shoulder with a "snap".

"Don't shout.

"There's still time.

"Let Qingyun wait a little longer.

"This child...she...she's not easy either.

"Qingyun, wait for another forty minutes at most, and you can't wait any longer.

"Do you understand?"


In the real world, Wu Qingyun nodded.

Looked at Fang Xiaoyu next to him again.

"Forty minutes, can the meeting be over?"

Fang Xiaoyu looked at her phone and looked at the meeting schedule.


"According to the plan, the meeting will be over in more than 20 minutes."


In the office.

Bai Mo sat in front of the computer, frowning, listening to Director Mo's exposition.

"...I am a scientific researcher who participated in the research of Thor's Hammer throughout the process.

"I am familiar with all the working principles of Thor's Hammer and all the working details of Thor's Hammer.

"I am familiar with the subsequent development of Thor's Hammer and the subsequent maintenance and repair of Thor's Hammer.

"The factories that need to be built to maintain Thor's Hammer, the technologies that need to be mastered, from facilities to management to personnel training, these business processes, I am familiar with them.

"So, my biggest advantage is that I am a scholar and proficient in business.

" "The other members of the Thor's Hammer Management Committee also have heavy responsibilities.

"If I join this committee and become the last seat, I should be able to do all these trivial behind-the-scenes work well..."

Director Mo spoke calmly.

In the video conference room, everyone else listened carefully and nodded slightly from time to time.

Bai Mo's fox apprentice Potato Bun, after eating and drinking enough, also huddled in his master's arms, and nodded with his fluffy head.

Although it didn't quite understand, what exactly was this human saying?


Shangjing, Immortal Weapon Research Institute.

In the conference room, Tian Weiming listened to Director Mo's speech, took a sip of tea, and took a sip.

Asked again about the pattern under the tea cup.

"If I want you to help me win this seat now, how will you price it?"

At the bottom of the teacup, tea leaves outline a rabbit head with a three-petal mouth.

"We still need three promises.

"What, do you want to make a deal?"

Tian Weiming shook his head.

At this moment, Director Mo's speech ended.

The host invited him to speak on the microphone.

Tian Weiming took a deep breath and collected himself.

Start speaking.

“Everyone, everyone, good evening.

"I am Tian Weiming from the Immortal Artifact Research Institute.

"Compared with Director Mo, my business proficiency seems not as high as his, hahahaha.

“I don’t quite understand a lot of the little things.

"However, I have also participated in scientific research, and I can understand all the frameworks and processes in the entire link from scientific research to production to testing to maintenance and application.

"I know how to arrange work, how to carry out work, how to organize personnel..."

As he spoke, his eyes occasionally scanned the video conference and saw other people's faces.

In this video conference, although there are many people, everyone has different numbers of votes.

For example, President Hua Yuyue has ten votes alone.

For example, Bai Mo Expert has a very high weight and has ten votes in his hand.

For example, President Chen Shu is now ranked first among the nine branch presidents, and he also has nine votes in his hand.

While he was talking, he was trying to observe the micro-expressions on these people's faces.

"...Here, I would like to briefly introduce my previous resume to the leaders..."

As he spoke, he looked at the teacup on the table and gave it a questioning look.

And in the tea cup, a voice that only he could hear immediately came out.

"Well, our offer now is two commitments."

Tian Weiming nodded imperceptibly and continued to speak.

The rabbit in the tea cup was left alone, and suddenly understood.


"Cunning human, what are you doing?

"Are you judging your success rate based on our quotation?"

Tian Weiming ignored it and just continued talking.

“…The follow-up Mjolnir deployment will focus on taking care of Xizhou.

"Although the boss of Xizhou is here, the number of people in Xizhou, the key units and scientific research institutes in Xizhou are also the largest, and they cannot be lost."

This statement is to win the votes of experts Bai Mo and Chairman Chen Shu.

“Besides, Heluo is also an important place.

“I have always believed that Heluo is the center of Kyushu, and the secrets involved in the Immortality may be far deeper and more numerous than we imagined.

"Therefore, the deployment of Mjolnir must also be tilted towards Heluo."

As he spoke, he looked at the newly appointed Heluo President Huang Fu, trying to win Huang Fu's support.

As for President Nan Tian, ​​who had even fewer votes and was a fellow countryman of Director Mo, Tian Weiming ignored him and didn't even mention him.

While talking, he looked at the teacup at hand, handing it over with a questioning look.

In the tea cup, the rabbit outlined with tea leaves responded angrily.

“Hmph, congratulations, the price has been reduced again.

"If we need to take action now, we only need a commitment from you."

Tian Weiming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and continued.

“…Of course, Mjolnir needs to pay attention to its positioning.

"In front of the boss of Xizhou, Mjolnir is nothing.

"The position of Mjolnir in Xizhou is to protect those corners that the boss of Xizhou cannot take care of..."

The weather is like this now, one day is cold and the other is hot, it is really unbearable.

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