"Actually, on the first day we entered wartime, I applied for a gun for myself."

Sitting in the office, facing the computer screen and the video conference, Tian Weiming smiled and took out a pistol from his waist.

“This gun is produced by Xiaohuoshan Military Factory.

"Caliber 5.62 mm.

"Use special bullets engraved with runes.

“It can cause effective damage to magicians of sequence eight and below.

"It's a pretty good gun."

He looked toward the video conference while looking at the gun.

“Don’t laugh, everyone.

"Ha ha ha ha.

"That's right, this gun in my hand is just like a gun.

“I sit at my desk or in the conference room every day, and I don’t have time to practice shooting.

"Even if I am equipped with a gun, it is impossible for me to hit a sequence nine or even sequence eight magician.


“But, I still wore the gun.

“It’s right around my waist, lifting up the hem of my suit.

"Everyone in the Immortal Weapon Research Institute can see and know that their director is equipped with a gun!

"I want them to know that we are in a war.

“Both the soldiers on the front line, the scientific researchers at the back, and even bureaucrats like me who are engaged in administrative services are all involved in this war!

“Maybe this war is really unwinnable, maybe the soldiers on the front line will die, maybe the enemy will invade our research institute and enter our office.

“By then, I must be reaching for the gun at my waist, and I must be putting my finger on the trigger!

"My last resistance will be the bullets fired from the chamber of this gun!

"I will never give in and always resist!

"Until we win this war, or I die in this war!"

In the video conference, there was a burst of applause.

Tian Weiming's speech was very contagious.

Tian Weiming looked back at the cup of tea on the table.

He heard a voice ringing in his ears.

"Very well, your performance was very successful.

"You no longer need us.

"You will be successfully elected to the Mjolnir Management Committee.

“You will gain a higher status, more power.

“And every promise you make becomes heavier and can be exchanged for more and better things with us.

"I will continue to be by your side and hope to provide you with better services one day in the future."

Tian Weiming was stunned for a moment and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Professor Hua Yuyue's voice was heard in the video conference.

"Okay, let's start voting.

“All candidates, please wait patiently for a moment.

"We will announce the results as soon as the voting is completed."


In the evening breeze.

Dai Yunzhong and Chen Siming are still waiting.

Under the wall next to her, Fang Xiaoyu held Wu Qingyun's hand.

"How about you go upstairs and say goodbye to the white ink expert?

“I always feel like once you leave, you don’t know when you will come back.

"It would be a shame not to say goodbye."

Wu Qingyun was stunned for a moment, looked up and seemed to be moved.

But he shook his head.

"He's in a meeting."

Fang Xiaoyu looked at her phone and saw that the meeting had not ended yet.

"It's okay!

“Expert Baimo only wants to show his face by participating in this kind of meeting.

"He'll turn off his mic when you go in. Let's have a little chat."

They had just finished dinner and before they returned to the office, Wu Qingyun received an emergency appointment.

Dai Yunzhong and Chen Siming came to pick them up.

This is too fast and too urgent!

Wu Qingyun was silent for a moment.

I feel like interrupting other people’s meetings is not a good idea after all.

"Just wait a little longer."

"...Okay, then congratulations to Director Tian Weiming for being successfully elected to the Mjolnir Management Committee.

"I hope we can unite and cooperate to manage the scientific research, production, maintenance, and operation of Mjolnir."

Professor Hua Yuyue's voice came from the video conference room.

Bai Mo sat in front of the computer, posing in a comfortable position, hugging the fox apprentice's potato buns, and scanned the screen and the video conference room with his eyes.

This result is quite reasonable.

After all, this is a general management position, which is a complex and huge business system.

Director Mo only understands technology, not management, and doesn't know how to brag. It is difficult to unite people's hearts and understand such a huge business.

Looking at Tian Weiming again, this guy is capable, right-handed, understands people's hearts, can brag, and has experience. He is really the perfect candidate.

"Then the meeting should be over, right?"

Bai Mo looked downstairs sideways.

"Going to see Wu Qingyun off?"

At this moment, Tian Weiming on the screen took the initiative to get on the microphone and started to thank him with a smile.

“Thank you very much for your support and trust!

"The management of Mjolnir is very complicated and difficult. I hope you can support us in the future.

"Actually, I am just a fan of officials, hahahaha.

“When I was in kindergarten, I was already competing to be the monitor.

“When I was in elementary school, I rushed to be the captain of the children’s red scarf team.

“When I was in junior high school, I successfully became the president of the student union.

"In three years of high school, I studied hard, got admitted to Beijing University, and got the position of student union president.

"Later, when I entered the official career, I worked more diligently and conscientiously. I first wrote materials, then became a secretary, and did a lot of operations, and then I gradually came into contact with greater power.

"I've been climbing up all my life. I like status and power.

“Hahaha, this sounds weird, but actually there’s nothing that can’t be said.

"Because, I'm not the kind of person who eats nothing.

“I like doing things.

“I can work twenty hours a day, I can read materials for four hours without drying my eyes, and I can attend meetings for five hours without getting up to go to the bathroom.

“Even when I was working, I couldn’t even take care of my family, which led to my son being taken advantage of by a dark side magician, which led to my wife divorcing me and moving away, never to see me again.

“But I don’t care about these things.

"As I said before, I am a fan of officials and I like to do things."

In the video conference room, everyone was very considerate and applauded for Tian Weiming.

Although what he said is actually similar to most people here.

Everyone also likes to climb up, and everyone works very hard. Everyone can read a lot of materials and hold long meetings.


The night wind blew through the downstairs of the pharmaceutical factory.

The factory area was empty, except for the occasional worker on duty who wandered out of the workshop to get some fresh air.

Wu Qingyun looked at her phone, then looked up at Bai Mo's office, and saw that the window was still lit.

She turned around and said goodbye to Fang Xiaoyu.

"Goodbye, we're leaving."

Her emotions were sealed. Although she felt empty inside, her face still had no expression, and she couldn't even analyze what she was feeling inside.

Chen Siming and Dai Yunzhong next to them also smiled.

“Secretary Fang, don’t be sad.

"It's just a normal job transfer, it's not like I won't come back.

“The white ink expert is also very busy.

"In special times, etiquette is no longer a concern."

Fang Xiaoyu curled her lips and took Wu Qingyun's hand again.

"Then remember to send me messages, call me, and make video calls. If you have a chance, come back to the pharmaceutical factory."

Wu Qingyun was stunned for a moment.

Have the opportunity?


Before she had time to nod or shake her head, she heard a "swipe" sound, the car fell beside her, and the door opened.

"Commissioner Wu Qingyun, let's go!"

“Actually, I still admire Chairman Nanjun.

“Although I don’t know why he committed suicide.

“It’s really baffling.

"Could it be that he has something to hide?

“Or want to teach us something?

"Expert Baimo, have you considered this issue?"

In the video conference, a bunch of people were confused.

Why is Tian Weiming so good? Why did he bring it up and ask Nanjun again?

"Expert Huang Fu has gone to take over Wennanjun's job.

“Actually, I really feel a little panicked.

"Can anyone be as good as Chairman Nanjun?

“He is a weather-beaten veteran, and not just anyone can have his intensity.

"Are you right, Professor Hua Yuyue?"

In the video conference screen, Hua Yueyue was smiling, but her eyes flickered strangely.

It seems that Tian Weiming suddenly stopped talking and started talking nonsense, as if he was drunk, which was very strange.

During the video conference, Tian Weiming grinned again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

“The last seat on the Mjolnir Management Committee!

"The most powerful weapon in the world!

"This is really a high-ranking position.

"I never dared to think that one day I would be able to sit in this position?

"I'm satisfied."

I saw him laughing and moving naturally, as if he had rehearsed it thousands of times in his mind, and touched the pistol on the table.

He laughed again, took a look at the video conference, and actually swallowed the barrel of the gun and pulled the trigger with a "click".


A crisp sound!


A cloud of blood mist!

His cervical spine was broken by a bullet.

His body slumped against the office chair.

His head drooped.

The corners of his mouth were still raised, and it seemed that the remaining smile could be seen.

Tian Weiming, director of the Immortal Weapon Research Institute and the last member of the Mjolnir Management Committee, died laughing.

"How annoying. How long will this meeting take?

"Why isn't it finished yet?"

Fang Xiaoyu stood downstairs in the office building, stamping her feet with a depressed look on her face.

Watching the car that came to pick up Wu Qingyun, it drove away from the gate of the pharmaceutical factory with a "swipe", then accelerated with a "buzz", rushed into the empty road, rushed into the vast night, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I don't know when she can come back again?"

In the video conference room.

Everyone was silent.

Bai Mo hugged the fox apprentice potato bun and stared at the screen, also falling into silence.

"What's going on?"

"A thorough investigation is recommended!"

"First I asked Nanjun, then Tian Weiming! What on earth is going on?"

In the video conference room, most of the people were lower than Wen Nanjun and most of the people were higher than Tian Weiming. At this time, they were all in panic.

At this moment, Bai Mo opened his mouth and spoke lightly.

“All calm down.

"Please be patient and don't be impatient.

“We must believe in Director Tian Weiming, he is a qualified leader and a veteran who has experienced many battles.

“He talked a lot today.

"He said he would fight until the end, until the war is won or he dies. Do you still remember?"

There was silence in the video conference room.

Some people who are not smart enough do not understand the meaning of Bai Mo.

There are also some people who understand instantly... that there is indeed something unspeakable about the death of Tian Wei Ming and Wen Nanjun, and they do have a reason to commit suicide suddenly.

But this time, did Tian Weiming leave a clue?

In the video conference room, Hua Yuyue also nodded, lowering his eyes and frowning in thought.

Just now, Tian Weiming specifically mentioned Bai Mo, mentioned him, and mentioned the two smartest people in the Immortal Committee, very suddenly.

Maybe, he was hinting at them?

Then Bai Mo continued.

"I intuitively guessed that Commissioner Tian Weiming should have used some special method to find out some information before he died.

"He can't say it directly for fear of disturbing the situation.

"Just hide the information in a bunch of weird-looking nonsense."

As soon as these words came out, more people realized something and began to recall Tian Weiming's words.

Professor Hua Yuyue nodded and took over Bai Mo's words.

"Commissioner Tian Weiming said a lot before he died.

"He said that he had something to hide when asking President Nanjun.

“He said, President Nanjun wants to teach us something.

“He said, not everyone is as good as President Nanjun.

"So, I roughly surmise that what he means is that within the Immortal Committee, and even in today's video conference, among the members participating today, he is not the only one, and it is not just Wennanjun who was asked before.

"There are other people who have experienced similar things!

"He wanted to leave a message, he wanted to warn us... the Immortal Committee has been infiltrated!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole house was in an uproar!

And Hua Yuyue has quietly turned on the recording function of the video conference, recording the reaction of each participant at this moment, their movements, their faces, their shrinking or dilating pupils. , leave it for later analysis.

After the uproar, Hua Yuyue smiled bitterly.

"We only know that Commissioner Tian Weiming committed suicide.

“We don’t even know what kind of enemies he faced, what kind of struggles he went through, what kind of grievances he suffered, and what kind of spies he conducted.

"But he said in his speech that he would fight until the end.

"Even if the enemy enters his office, he will reach for his gun, pull the trigger, and resist to the end!

"He...really did it!"

In the video conference room, the atmosphere became increasingly weird.

Some people lowered their eyebrows, and some people had wet eyes.

And Professor Hua Yuyue was wiping away his tears when he suddenly looked up!



This is also the clue left by Tian Weiming!

He didn't dare to say anything, so he immediately reached under the table and secretly took out his mobile phone without letting the video conference see it.

Just as he was about to send a message and deploy an investigation, he heard another uproar in the video conference room.


He raised his head and saw that in Tian Weiming's office, two heavenly soldiers from Xizhou Boss suddenly appeared, holding demon mirrors, they had just appeared!

Thanks to book friend 20190819021607924 for the reward

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