The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 697: Fox's special anti-pollution technique

In the office, it's quiet.

Tian Weiming's body was lying on his back on the office chair, his head hanging down.

Plasma came out of his mouth.

Dirty black oil seeped out of his eye sockets, and the oil streaked across his cheeks, like two lines of tears.

On the desk, Bai Mo's fox apprentices Peach Blossom Eyes and Scud, wearing heavenly weapon suits, were carrying a demon mirror and slowly rotating the mirror, taking pictures here and there, looking for any abnormalities.

In fact, you don’t have to turn the mirror...

After all, the magic mirror detection relies on ghost eyes, purple bell flowers and seven-emotion straws.

The mirror mainly plays a decorative role and a luminous role.

But the two foxes generally believe that turning the mirror is more ritualistic!

Around the mirror, the seven-emotion straws trembled and rustled.

The niggas blinked and looked around.

The purple bell flower felt the black oil of Tian Weiming's body and gently rang the bell, making a crisp sound of "dang dang dang" from time to time.

And wait for the mirror to turn around and completely scan the office...

The two foxes looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, nothing was found?

In a video conference.

Everyone frowned, everyone was waiting for the results.

They stared at the screen, staring at the two heavenly soldiers of Xizhou boss.

"what happened?"

"Didn't the Heavenly Soldier find out something fishy?"

"Shouldn't it?"


A cold wind blew through the window.

In the office of the pharmaceutical factory, Bai Mo was also embarrassed.

There seems to be nothing unusual in that office?

What happened to the enemy this time, this infiltration? What kind of doorway is this?

In the office.

Scud carried the demon mirror behind his back.

Peach Blossom Eyes has already started, wandering around and wandering around, trying to see if he can find other clues.


It saw that there were densely packed documents of all kinds in the cabinet, but it couldn't understand them... After all, it couldn't read.


Scud also followed the search, checked the door and windows of the room, and looked up at the air outlet of the air conditioner. After looking for a long time, he found nothing unusual.

Both foxes sighed and shook their heads.

I saw Tian Weiming's computer desktop again, and several small windows had shrunk.

Peach blossom eyes jumped over with a "swish" sound, opened these small windows one by one, and observed one by one.

After looking through the windows one by one, I still found nothing unusual... After all, the fox couldn't read and could only read pictures.

And in these few small windows, there are several official documents with only words and no pictures.

After pretending to read it, the two heavenly soldiers left the desk in a swaggering manner.

He stepped into the white mist that blurred the boundary between the real world and the dream world, and left this place.

In the video conference room, a group of people were left stunned and looking at each other.

"That's it?"

"Boss Xizhou, is the investigation over?"

"What was found?

"Can't you tell us?"

"This... oh... let's go check it out..."

Far away in the office of the pharmaceutical factory, Bai Mo was also slightly embarrassed.

It’s not that I didn’t say it, it’s that I really didn’t find out.

Everything is normal.

It is completely impossible to find out why Tian Weiming committed suicide.

What can be done?

During the video conference, another group of people wearing white coats, masks and glasses, carrying professional equipment, walked into Tian Weiming's office... They were from the Materials Department, experts from the Materials Department in Beijing. They came here at this time. In the room, investigate the specific cause of Tian Weiming's death and collect materials for future evidence.

It turned out that they were very professional and acted separately. Some used negative pressure pots to collect the air in the office, some squatted down and used test strips to collect dust on the floor, and some took photos everywhere with cameras, taking photos from various angles to leave a lasting impression of this incident. Possibly detailed imaging data.

Someone else came to the computer, picked up Tian Weiming's teacup, and looked at it up and down.

Then I saw that the cup of tea had cooled down, the tea leaves in the cup were fluffy and the tea soup was dark yellow.

They used test tubes to collect the tea soup in the cup.

He looked at the computer again and began to carefully check every document in it.

"There are so many documents..."

Tian Weiming's computer stores all the documents he has used, read, and written since he started working. They are divided into categories and arranged by date.

Not to mention, as the director of the Immortal Artifact Research Institute, he needs to read a large number of documents and give instructions on a large number of affairs every day, and all of this work will also leave files on his computer.

The material experts responsible for the inspection, a total of two people and four pairs of eyes, stared at the screen together.

Open the next small window and see the files inside.

[...In the dream of the ancient immortal master, a very strange, black rabbit appeared. It crawled on top of the food-sharing monument and was not afraid of the food-sharing monument at all]

[It chatted with my master like it was an old friend for many years]

[My master said it can help make wishes come true]

[As long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, there is no wish that cannot be realized...]

The two materials experts were stunned.

"Is there such a thing in fairy dreams?"

"This is the first time I've heard of it."

At this moment, a weak voice sounded in both of their minds.

"Congratulations to both of you, you have obtained the qualification to talk and trade with gods."

The two material experts were stunned and looked at the computer. They saw a black, greasy rabbit in front of the computer desk. It appeared at some point and was showing them a flattering smile.

The two material experts were shocked!

They were about to turn around and call for help!

Looking back, they found that time in the office seemed to have frozen.

The colleagues were all frozen, some holding negative pressure pots, some lying on the floor with test paper to wipe the dust, and some reaching into their trouser pockets to keep their phones ready to be taken out.


The rabbit laughed.

"Please don't panic, both of you.

"This is a moment that belongs to the three of us.

"Except for the three of us, the time of everyone else has stopped flowing.

"And my purpose of becoming an immortal today is to invite you to see our wish store.

"As the name suggests, this store can satisfy any of your wishes.

"Of course, the currency used to buy wishes is not the paper money of your civilization.

"But... promises.

"Currencies of different denominations correspond to promises of different weights.

"How about it, do you want to consider it?"

The two material experts looked at each other.

Then the rabbit continued.

"Have you ever thought about letting you clean up the battlefield during this period of time?

"In fact, the real purpose may not only be to clean up the battlefield.

"They also want to use you as experimental subjects and guinea pigs, and want to throw you into this office to see if you will be contaminated.

"All the materials you collected today will not be touched again.

"And all of you material experts who participated in cleaning up the battlefield will be monitored and closely observed.

"I said this, do you believe it?"

I don't know what happened today, I'm so sleepy!

The first chapter will be short. The second chapter may be updated later.

The second chapter, try to be long!!!

Thanks to the book friend 20190819021607924 for the reward

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