The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 513: The Counterattack Begins

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Si Lingling's mental strength observed this, and she couldn't help laughing.

He hurriedly retracted his mental strength, so as not to embarrass his parents when they knew that he was observing them.

However, the ray of mental power following Si Chaoyue never came back.

Si Chaochao left the small courtyard and headed towards the east.

The young man plunged headlong into the jungle, he couldn't help but pause, and seemed a little at a loss for a while.

After all, he hadn't faced this kind of situation on his own since he was so grown up.

Due to various reasons, I have never encountered such a large and deep jungle in Zhenhuangxing.

Faced with such an environment suddenly, it is normal for a teenager to feel uneasy.

Si Lingling observed him quietly, without urging him, let alone disturbing him to make his own judgment on the upcoming unknown things.

Fortunately, after a brief hesitation, Si Chao resolutely walked towards the depths of the jungle.

And his demeanor and spirit are tense, obviously, he understands that there are many unknown dangers in the jungle in front of him.

"Thunder and fire abilities can easily cause serious disasters."

In order to relieve the fear in his heart, Si Chaoyue muttered words.

"But if you want to improve your ability quickly, there is really no better way than going to the jungle to find the little star beast that slipped through the net to practice."

Listening to the boy's self-regulation talking to himself, Si Lingling contacted Lu Peng.

Let it properly put one or two star beasts into this area to practice for the younger brother.

Lu Peng received Si Lingling's idea and quickly acted according to the request.

At the same time, according to her wishes, guard the boy, as long as there is no danger of death, there is no need to act.

After the matter of Si Chaochao was settled, Si Lingling withdrew her mental power and took a lunch break beside her children.

After a short break, Si Lingling's life returned to normal.

It's just that the star network at the moment is very restless.

A moment ago, all the posts were aimed at the twin mother, scolding her for not knowing what to say.

Having given birth to two cubs by virtue of her womb, she forgot who she was, dared to open her mouth, and demanded such a high appearance fee from Xingwang.

Just when many people in the entire galaxy were criticizing the twin mothers, a post with pictures and the truth was posted.

The person who posted this post is the up master who has become popular for reporting on the birth process of twin mothers in the past few months-the real one cannot be faked.

A post titled [Is the Twin Mother Star Beast Opening Its Mouth or Someone Deliberately Changing the Rhythm] was posted on the Xingwang current affairs platform.

It contains pictures and texts that tell the whole process of Xingwang entertainment platform inviting twin mothers and being declined.

In the invitation, Han didn't say anything about the appearance fee, so a communication voice was released in due course.

It was the answer given by Si Lingling after the mother of twins received the private voice message from the person in charge of Xingwang Entertainment.

In the private voice message, there was indeed a discussion about the appearance fee for inviting the twin mother and child.

Not only is it not as outrageous as the star network rumors say, but it is ridiculously low.

The other party only gave a symbolic appearance fee of 80,000 star coins, which also included travel and living expenses for the twin mother and child to go to Shengrui Star.

The twin mother's reply, like the reply to the situation, is very tactful.

In terms of tone and attitude, not only did not show the slightest pride, but it made people sound very gentle.

As soon as this post came out, fans came to help spread it.

In less than ten minutes, this post became a hot topic on the Xingwang current affairs platform.

In less than half an hour, the post went viral and became a hot post on the entire platform, making many star people who didn't know twin mothers gradually familiar with it.

"Hmph, a group of unknown things."

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