The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 514 Grandfather and grandson are both true fans

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

"Hmph, a group of unknown things."

In a certain castle on star 31, a voice full of air came from the main hall.

There was a depressing breath in the air, which shocked all the servants into silence and acted cautiously.

"Grandpa, who made you angry?"

Fortunately, at this moment, a crisp and sweet voice broke the depression, "You tell Yue'er, Yue'er will help you clean up those guys."

This girl is exactly that Xingyun in Si Lingling's live broadcast room, not Yun.

As for her grandfather, needless to say, everyone should know that it is the grandfather whose ID is Xingyun, not Yun.

The upright Qiu Mingxin looked at his granddaughter who came dodging from the outside, and the anger in his heart not only did not dissipate, but became even stronger.

"Yueyue, tell grandpa, are you a fan of twin mothers?"

"Of course it is."

Qiu Luoyue nodded vigorously, "I'm a true fan of the host's mother."

"Then, help grandpa find out these nonsense, grandpa will deal with them by his own means."

Qiu Mingxin opened the star network to find those posts that said bad things about twin mothers, and ordered in a bad tone.

Others don't know the identity of his granddaughter, but Qiu Mingxin knows it very well.

Qiu Luoyue looked at those posts, and then looked at her grandfather's angry appearance at the moment, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You little girl, no matter what time it is, you can still laugh."

Seeing his granddaughter like this, Qiu Mingxin was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "Just say, do you want to help grandpa with this?"

"I laugh grandpa, you also have a time to chase stars."

Qiu Luoyue has long been used to her grandfather's temper, and was not intimidated by his appearance, "Grandpa, tell me, when did you become a true fan of twin mothers?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business first."

Qiu Mingxin was slightly embarrassed by his granddaughter's question, so he could only show his grandfather's majesty, "Grandpa will tell you when it's done."

"No need, Grandpa."

Listening to her grandfather's instructions, Qiu Luoyue quickly comforted her, "Our twin mothers have already made arrangements for this matter."

"You are old, just wait and see the good show."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Qiu Mingxin looked at his granddaughter suspiciously, "Do the twin mothers know about these things on Xingwang?"

"I didn't know it at first."

Seeing her grandfather's mood stabilized, Qiu Luoyue replied easily, "However, not long ago, the group leader of our true love fans contacted her through Nijue-Zhengao."

"She only made the current arrangements when she got the news."

While speaking, Qiu Luoyue turned on her communicator, entered the star network, and opened those posts that spread the truth, "Hey, look, that's it."

"These are all released little by little according to the arrangement of the twin mothers."

Seeing what the granddaughter read to him, Qiu Mingxin's eyes lit up: "Did the twin mother say what she wants to achieve?"

Qiu Luoyue shrugged: "This, she didn't say, just let us wait and see."

"You are still the famous LY, can't you find this?"

Qiu Mingxin glanced at his granddaughter in disgust, "If this is the case, you have no right to call yourself LY."

Qiu Luoyue was speechless: "Grandpa, no matter how powerful a hacker is, he must have a medium."

"Ni Rise-Zheng Ao didn't even get a hint from the host's mother, how would I know what she would do?"

Speaking of Nijue-Zhengao, the old man's eyes lit up again: "Yueyue, do you think this Nijue-Zhengao is really the brother of a twin mother?"

"That's what he said."

After Qiu Luoyue finished answering, she thought of something, and suddenly stared at her grandfather with wide eyes: "Grandpa, what do you want to do?"

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