"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

"Thank you uncle."

Jun Moyao was bitter in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Picking up the steaming teacup, she looked at Ding Fengying with a smile: "Auntie, you look pretty good."

Ding Fengying unconsciously raised her hand to touch her face, feeling that her skin was much smoother than before, she smiled so hard that she could see her teeth, "Is it?"

"I also feel that my complexion is getting better and better."

As he said that, he looked at Si Chongzu arrogantly, "Even your uncle always praises me recently, he said that I am getting younger and more beautiful."

"This is not a compliment, my uncle is telling the truth."

Jun Moyao felt Ding Fengying's heartfelt joy, and spoke more easily, "You are young and good-looking."


Sure enough, Ding Fengying couldn't help laughing loudly after hearing this, "My Ling'er said the same thing."

"I'm ashamed to be praised by you."

In the end, she couldn't help but blush, and lowered her head in embarrassment to tease her granddaughter.

Seeing this, Jun Moyao couldn't force him to talk to her.

Looking back at Si Chongzu: "Uncle looks much younger than last time. I wonder if Uncle has any good ways to restore youth?"

"What can be done?"

Si Chongzu is not as easy to fool as Ding Fengying, "It's nothing more than changing from an ordinary person to an awakened person."

"Gene awakened people like you all appear younger than their peers."

"We can do it too, what's there to say?"

Jun Moyao blinked, and congratulated with joy on his face: "Congratulations uncle for becoming an awakened one."

"Hey, our awakening is not the same as your awakening."

Apparently this touched on the most arrogant part of Si Chongzu's heart, he couldn't hold back, and told the truth, "What we awakened is a supernatural power, isn't it..."

It was only when he said this that he reacted.

Shut up quickly, and looked at the young man in front of him angrily: "I don't like talking to people like you."

Accidentally being tricked by others, it's really...

Jun Moyao's face was innocent and blank: "Uncle's words are so right that my nephew can't figure it out. I don't know what my nephew did or said wrong?"


Si Chongzu's old face was flushed, and he turned his face away, not wanting to talk to him.

He wanted to blame Jun Mo Yao for being unkind, but he silently said what he said.

But thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to do anything, and he didn't force himself to say anything.

From the beginning to the end, I was the one who proudly and proudly said what should not be said nonsense.

How can anyone blame this?

Because of this, he was annoyed and uneasy, for fear that his daughter would find out if she went downstairs, and he would think he couldn't hide his words.

In fact, what he didn't know was that what happened downstairs was all in Si Lingling's mental perception.

He could hear the conversation between his parents and Jun Moyao clearly.

As for the fact that they told Jun Moyao about their abilities, Si Lingling didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, now that she has ten series and fourteen stars, she really doesn't think that anyone in the interstellar world can pose a threat to her.

Even if some high-tech weapons in the interstellar world are used on her, she can still perceive and avoid them in advance with her strong mental power.

What's more, there are strict requirements for that kind of thing to be used in Interstellar.

Those weapons are all used to deal with the space Zerg and star beasts, no one dares to be crazy enough to use mass destruction weapons in the interstellar interior.

Jun Moyao was so amused by Si Chongzu's childish reaction that he couldn't help but laugh.

He took a deep breath, resisted the urge to laugh, and solemnly assured: "Please rest assured, my nephew will not do anything to hurt Ling'er and you."

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