The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 548 Comprehensive understanding of interstellar genes

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

"Who knows?"

Jun Moyao's words did not dispel Si Chongzu's inner worries, "Nothing can be guaranteed by words alone."

"Uncle is right."

Faced with Si Chongzu's awkwardness, Jun Moyao had no choice but to say along, "I believe time will prove everything."

"Jun Moyao, come here."

Before Si Fu could say anything more, Si Lingling who came down from upstairs interrupted their conversation.

"Eh, good."

Hearing Si Lingling's voice, Jun Moyao instinctively responded.

And looked at Si Chongzu: "Uncle, let's talk later, my nephew first go over to see what's going on with Ling'er."

"Not yet."

Si Chongzu urged in a bad tone.

He felt that the young man greeted him not out of politeness at all, but as if he was deliberately showing off in front of him.

To show off that her own Ling'er came downstairs to rescue him so coincidentally, hum!

Jun Moyao smiled, got up and followed Si Lingling into the small study room prepared for the children.

After closing the door of the study, before Si Lingling could speak, he couldn't wait to say: "Linger, we can finally stay alone for a while."

Si Lingling: "I called you here not to be alone with you."

As she said that, the pictures she drew in the music class with the children appeared in her hand.

Looking at him with a serious expression: "Are you sure you can use this thing?"

"I'm sure."

Facing Si Lingling's business-like expression, Jun Moyao is not too contrived.

He replied seriously: "As soon as your painting appeared, some subordinates immediately contacted my substitute through various channels."

"You also know that the subordinates know the relationship between me and you through that live broadcast, so they want to try to see if I can contact you."

Si Lingling didn't listen to his explanation, and asked with a serious expression, "What do you mean by recovering from mental trauma?"

"Is there a very powerful existence in the interstellar world?"

Yes, this is what Si Lingling cares most about.

If Interstellar also has strong people in this area, and they can hurt people to such an extent that they cannot live normally, then she has to be more cautious in her actions.

Jun Moyao saw that she paid special attention to this aspect, carefully sorted out her thoughts, and then explained.

Following the man's narration, Si Lingling understood:

It turns out that the spiritual power mentioned by the interstellar population is not exactly the same as the spiritual power she recognizes.

There are several types of genes for the awakening of interstellar people: combat type, generally the genes with strong combat sensitivity shall prevail.

For example: Gene-awakened people like 'wolves, tigers, leopards, etc. belong to the combat system.

The strength system is generally based on genes with infinite strength, such as: bulls, bears, etc.

The agility department focuses on agility, such as: monkeys, hawks, sparrows, etc.

Auxiliary systems are mostly plants. For example, vines can help comrades besiege enemies, healing can heal teammates and reduce the burden on teammates, and so on.

Then there is the spiritual department.

The spiritual system here is only a slightly stronger one than others in the genetic awakening, which can smoothly control the ability of object mechs or control enemies.

It can't fight independently like a psychic superpower, and it can't severely damage the enemy with just mental power.

It can only be regarded as a slightly more powerful auxiliary gene.

It is still very different from the spiritual power that Si Lingling understands.

The spiritual system of supernatural powers can carry out spiritual battles according to the subjective wishes of the awakened ones.

Even without the help of external force, it can use strong mental power to severely injure the enemy, and even kill the enemy silently.

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