The Arrogant And High-Profile History Of The Pirate’s Richest Man

Chapter 689 Just Need You To Break The Ceiling To Become God...

"Is it really possible?"

After listening to Holmes Gaia's analysis and summary, Stussy and Baccarat were startled at first, then shocked, and finally sad.

The water is a bit deep.

The world's richest group is not invincible.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't we building spaceships? There are also a lot of super-large Ivan hoarding, and if we can't beat it, we will blow up the planet."

"I don't believe that I can't get rid of these ghosts and sprites."

Baccarat is very Haki.

With a slap on the desk, that hot temper and Betty have a fight.

Kaos couldn't help turning over Byakugan, almost choked by the smoke.


"This is just our trump card. I don't approve of blowing up the starfish as a last resort, especially before discovering other life planets!

This place is also our home anyhow. "

Stussy frowned, very pitiful.

It was not her conscience that found out.

It's just that it's more or less reluctant and difficult to make a decision.

Of course~

If it really reached that point of weakness, she would still agree to blow up the starfish without hesitation.

"BOSS, if it's really as you said, then you only need to break the ceiling and become a god, and then all problems will no longer be a problem."

"Xiao Xixi makes sense!"

Kaos spit out smoke rings, and raised Erlang's legs in agreement.

At the same time, he showed an expression that was all in the Master.

It seems that becoming a god is just a trivial matter for him to build someone, and he can do it with his fingers.

"I'm a little tired, go to rest first!"

Kaos got up.

I plan to go to the bubble spa, and then have a massage, and think again by the way.

In the mirror world at this time.

Guy looked at Vinsmoke Judge and Quinn and smiled happily.

The efficiency of BOSS is also too high.

Judge and Quinn were caught so soon.

"Damn it."

At this time, Quinn had a hideous face, and his heart was filled with despair.

When the Golden Emperor brought him back, he deprived him of his lifespan, leaving only one month.

Just give him two choices.

Either die or be obedient!




The ability to deprive life is the soul fruit ability of Charlotte Linlin's stinky lady. But why did the Golden Emperor do?

Although there have been speculations in previous wars, it is difficult to accept once it is really confirmed.

Who in the world does not know that the Golden Emperor is a Paramecia·Golden Fruit capable person, but now he uses the power of the Soul Soul Fruit?


Quinn wanted to die but couldn't figure it out.

Compared with Quinna's heartbroken dissatisfaction, Judge, who came earlier than him, was much safer.

As for Reiju, Iji, Niji, and Yuji, they are doing miscellaneous work now!

Build the instruments and utensils needed by the replicator.

You can't be disobedient!

Unless you want to die.

Let’s not talk about Quinn and Judge’s frustration, an island in a certain sea area of ​​the Grand Line, 100 meters underground, there is a laboratory far beyond modern technology.

On several operating tables, lying on the table are Kaido, Yamato, Jin, Jack, Runti, Black Maria and other flying hexapods.

A figure who couldn't see his face, dressed in a white coat, was operating at the operating table, and seemed to be transforming several people in Kaido.

not far away.

Kaos guessed that the angel who was suspected to be Uranus was naked and closed his eyes, and placed himself in a similar nutrient solution device. Upon closer inspection, he would find that there were other nutrient solution devices in the dark place.

None of this is known.

The next day.

A news paper spread across the sea and caused an uproar.

Especially in Sabaody Archipelago.

"How can it be!"

"What a joke."

"Didn't the Golden Emperor go to North Blue? How could it be possible to return to the New World within two days and even attack Beasts Pirates. Now the whereabouts of Kaido, the Three Plagues, and the Flying Six Powers are unknown, and all of them are suspected of being dead."

"Beasts Pirates is suspected to be destroyed by the Golden Emperor?"

"The Golden Emperor is alone..."

"How could it be possible to return to New World from North Blue in two days and wipe out Beasts Pirates?"

Everywhere in Sabaody Archipelago, whether it is a pirate thug, a Marine aristocrat, or a civilian wealthy businessman, they all looked at the news paper in their hands with an unbelievable and fantastic expression.

Two days ago.

They saw the golden emperor passing by Sabaody Archipelago in a magnificent manner.

Why did the news that the Golden Emperor appeared in the Sea of ​​Beasts and wiped out Beasts Pirates all at once?

Do you want to be so arrogant?

As for the news of the demise of the Vinsmoke family and the Kingdom of Gilma 66, although there are reports, none of them are as shocking as the news of the demise of the entire Beasts Pirates.

The key is to do it alone.

The front foot was still passing by Sabaody Archipelago, and the back foot went to New World to kill a Four Emperors force from head to toe?

Who can believe it?

What about teleportation and space transfer?

Even if you can get to New World from North Blue in two days, but even if you kill Beasts Pirates, it's impossible to kill it in two days!

Kaido, the king of beasts, doesn't want face?

Think the power of the Four Emperors is bragging? In fact, the silver-like pewter tip does not look good?

The play is too big.

The logic is not round!

Not to mention that people like Sabaody Archipelago were shocked, or unbelievable.

It is said that Marine, Revolutionary Army, Red Hair Pirates, Blackbeard Pirates, Flying Pirates, and other top forces or kingdoms were shocked because they received the exact news.

The new ghost island has been erased from the map.

Beasts Pirates went up to Kaido, Three Plagues, Flying Six Cells, and down to the real hit all disappeared.

Fuck is neatly wiped out!

The threats and information revealed in this make them feel insecure at all.

The dog said.

The Golden Emperor is as wild as ever.

Either it will not disappear, and it will be earth-shattering when it comes back again after it disappears.

Do not talk about martial ethics.

The shot is Wang Fried!

The whole world is dizzy and dizzy.

"What the hell is this stupid boss doing!"

Sabaody Archipelago.

In the open-air coffee shop, Betty looked at the news paper with confusion.

But forget it.

Tomorrow is the auction, and I will go back when I get the Lingling Fruit.

"very scary!"

"Four Emperors were destroyed like this!"

The residence of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Nami and Chopper looked at the news report, and their backs were shocked.

Faintly desperate.

Alabasta's destruction of the country is already a fact, and revenge is impossible.

All this is to blame her.

If she didn't make her own claim, perhaps Alabasta would not be erased.

Sanji, Zoro, Brook, Robin also looked solemn.

As for Luffy who was sleeping beside him, it was obvious that he had just eaten and drank enough!

Heartlessness is also at a certain level.

Supernovae, Gyūki snake gods, legends in other regions also looked at the news with different looks.


A new day is coming.

The auction has begun!

A large number of reporters recorded this moment with cameras or videophone worms.

I want to see if I can photograph some real big shots.


"That is the supernova Eustass Kid, who is offering a reward of 315 million Bailey, and the killing warrior Kira, who is also a supernova."


Someone pointed at the team from far to near.

The head is a man wearing a dark red coat, a dagger and a pistol on his chest, a red-haired hedgehog head and goggles.

"Don't look at him, this guy is an extremely cruel pirate."

Someone quickly stopped the companion beside him.

"Hey haha..."

Kid was very arrogant, looked at everyone around him with domineering contempt, kicked the person in front of him and strode into the auction house.

"Some rubbish."

Those who were kicked dared not speak, but stood up in silence to let Kid's team advance to the auction.

"Look, there's another supernova."

"That's the magician Basil Hawkins, offering a reward of 249 million Baileys."

"That's Chiqi Drake, offering a reward of 222 million Baileys."

"Chaoxing's new disc sound · Apu, offering a reward of 198 million..."

"That's gluttonous girl·Jewelry·Boney, offering a reward of 140 million..."

"Hey, that's the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy with a reward of 300 million Baileys, and Loroya Zoro with a crew of 120 million Baileys."

"Even the monk Urouge who has offered a reward of 108 million Bailey is here."

"Death surgeon."

"All the supernovae are here."

"It's terrible, these are the latest generation of pirates with the most potential, and they are expected to defeat the Four Emperors."


The whole auction will be huge.

At least five to six million people can be accommodated.

It is a standard ring auction, and more and more people are sitting over time.

None of them are small characters.

Either have power, wealth, or power!

"There are so many people!"

"Are those supernovas as famous as Luffy?"

Nami sat in the middle rows and looked around at the pirate groups that are also supernovae.

It doesn't feel so easy to get along with.

All of them are either fierce or evil, or they are cruel to resist people thousands of miles away. .

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