
Time passed by every minute and every second.


A sound of inhalation and playfulness sounded from the shooting venue.

Several Nami subconsciously turned their heads and looked back. Perhaps because of the light, they could only temporarily see a shadowy body with a penultimate figure and enchanting perfection.

Accompanied by the sound of high heels striking the heart.


"real or fake."

"I can't read it wrong!"

Many supernovas or rich pirate merchants, watching the light dissipate and reveal their true colors, all took a breath.

Nami's expressions also changed drastically.

"The richest group is in charge of sexy, dancing queen Belo Beatty."

"A reward of 2,330 million Pele is offered!"

Kid showed an aggressive smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the sexy woman wearing an open-chested long-tailed skirt, swaying peach hips, draped with big purple wavy hair, and a miniature stone man and mini water elf lying on her shoulders.

Once entered, it is the center of the world.

"I didn't expect such a big man to appear here!"

"What a surprise!"

"One of the most beautiful women in the world!"

A pair of gazes or jealous, or playful, or irritable, followed the steps of the seducing woman, and gradually penetrated into the first row of the auction.


"Luffy what are you doing?"

On the seat.

Nami grabbed Luffy's hand, her face pale in shock.

Weiwei and Robin also changed their faces.

"This woman is also responsible for the richest group!"

"Golden Emperor's men."

There was no anger on Luffy's face, some were just abrupt.

"What do you want to do?"

Sanji pinched out the cigarette in his hand, his lips trembled a little.

A few days ago, the fall of Gilma's 66 kingdom, other people would not pay attention to it, but he was different.

There are people in that family that he is worried about.

At this time.

The sound of high-heeled shoes on the ground disappeared, Nami and Usopp cautiously raised their heads to look at the corridor, frightened and swallowed hard.

"Monkey D. Luffy, son of destiny!"


Betty smiled disdainfully, ignoring the others and just looking at Luffy.

She couldn't see anything peculiar.

I really don't know why the stupid man in my own family has such a high evaluation, and he also has all kinds of accidents, all kinds of unkillable, the incarnation of justice, or the richest group will be planted in the hands of the other party.

It's really ridiculous.

Just a glance, Betty lost interest.

She felt like she could crush to death at will.

The high heels stepped on the ground and walked away, and finally stopped in the first row.

But Luffy was angry.

The contempt of the other party made him angry.

"Luffy, calm down!"

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper are all crying, they are afraid that Luffy will provoke each other again.

You must know that this woman may be as powerful as the Shemale King and Lucky Queen you saw in Enies Lobby. Even the dignified leader of the Revolutionary Army and the Marine hero have instructed Luffy not to provoke the richest group anymore.

If Luffy continues to be muddled at this time, then their adventure may be over here.

"I know."

Luffy struggled for a moment, and took a deep breath.

at this time.

There is noise and noise at the gate of the auction again!

It's not difficult to guess that another big man came in.


"This is~"

"Heir of the Devil Douglas Bullet."

"I heard it was the original One Piece crew member."

The oppressive footsteps approached from far to near, a tall, sturdy man with long blond hair, earmuffs and a military uniform. After scanning the audience, ignoring the supernovas, they looked towards the first row. .

Where is there only one lonely beauty sitting.

It is estimated that only this woman can fight him, the others are ants.

The reason why he appeared here was also a coincidence.

Because he is going to challenge the world's strongest man, the Golden Emperor, and he pursues power Ultimate. Only by killing that man can he prove that he is the strongest existence.

It is also a proof of surpassing Roger.

I just heard that the sexy subordinates of the Golden Emperor are in charge of the Sabaody Archipelago, if that's the case, I'd like to come and meet you by the way.

Come to the first row.

Bullet sat down and stared at Betty like a prey.

This impolite behavior made Betty frowned.

That violent temper is ready to pick things up.

But there was noise again from behind.

"I can't read it wrong!"

"How can such a big man appear?"

"Is there a lot of precious things in this auction?"

"The lonely red Barloric Lederfield."

"The legendary man who sits on an equal footing with One Piece, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion."

"The legend of Celestial Dragons, a world nobleman, on his hands."

A blood-red figure appeared at the door.

Depressed the audience and suffocated.

The supernova gates close to each other were dripping with cold sweat on their foreheads. Although the other party did not exude any momentum, they couldn't help but increase their pressure sharply.

The strong man's aura is too terrifying.


Lonely Red ignored the so-called supernova, stared at Bullet one after another, and finally disappeared in place and appeared in the first row out of thin air, sitting a few seats apart.

The emerald eyes looked at Betty aggressively.

It's very simple.

His purpose here is Betty.

I want to learn about the mysteries of eating the second Devil Fruit through Betty.

Do you think this is over?


There was another oppressive footstep at the door.

The noise kept resounding.

"What is going on today?"

"Why are all the legends here!"

"What a joke."

"Ochoku, who was once a crew member with Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido, and BIGMOM!"

"What did you say?"

"This man is..."

Everything is in sight.

Condensed on the new man.

Not someone else.

It is Ochoku of the original Rocks Pirate.

The man who once molested Stussy in the Golden City and was finally chased by someone.

The supernovas felt their gaze in a trance, and then turned their heads to find that Ochoku was also sitting in the first row, glanced at Lonely Red and the heir of the devil, and then set their gazes on Betty.

"The atmosphere doesn't seem right."

"How do you feel that you are staring at the dancing queen?"

"It's very simple, because whether it is the heir of the devil or Ochoku, or the lonely red, all have grievances with the richest group."

"It is said that Ochoku once offended Yan's role as the queen of joy in the Golden City, causing the Golden Emperor to pursue and kill, and the final result is unknown!"

"It's needless to say that the lonely red is red. I intervened in the war between the richest man group and the Whitebeard Pirates a few years ago, so I fought the Golden Emperor for several days and nights, spanning most of the New World."

"As for the heirs of the devil, it is said that there is an unknown grievance with the brainwashing czar."

"How do you know these secrets?"

"Idiot, you only need to check the news paper more than ten years ago. These are all reported."

"Only the richest group dare to provoke these big shots!"

"I have an ominous hunch that Sabaody Archipelago is not safe anymore."

"You are right, the lonely red, the devil's heir, and Ochoku will not attack the dancing queen? Then it will attract other responsibilities from the richest group, even the golden emperor."

"If this fights, Sabaody Archipelago will definitely be over!"

"The captain, let's withdraw!"


The whole auction venue is as depressing as it is.

I am afraid that the dancing queen will have an accident in Sabaody Archipelago, if this happens, Sabaody Archipelago will be ruined.

These legendary powerhouses do not know whether they are dead or not. Their little characters will definitely be affected. Maybe they don't know how they died.

"What do you look at? Haven't seen a beautiful woman like this queen?"

"If you're unhappy, you can compete, singled out or group fight, this queen will be called immediately."

After being offended by the heir of the devil, the lonely red, and Ochoku, Betty's hot temper exploded on the spot.

Very unhappy with the playful, contemptuous, and despised gazes of these three people.


Look down on women?

Look down on female boxing?

So Hengmei coldly stared back arrogantly.


It doesn't exist at all.

She is Belo Betty, the sexy role of the richest group, not only the number one in the nest, but also the number one outside.

Anyway, no matter how big the disaster is, there is that stupid boss of his own.

Casually wave.

Do whatever you want.

Rampant is right!

She acts strictly in accordance with the purpose and culture.

There are people behind, just so confident.

Betty's voice calmed the hearts of the others present.

It really deserves to be the richest group!

They don't give the face of these legendary powerhouses at all, and yell if they want to. The arrogant death is simply carved on the face, and I am afraid that others will not know how rampant they are.

The lawless style of doing things is too obvious.

No need to run.

It is the purpose of the richest group.

Take a look.

Heads-up or group fights, call people right away, what a self-confident group culture.

That didn't put the lonely red, the heir of the devil, and Ochoku in his eyes at all.

All actively threatened!

Needles have been dropped throughout the venue.


If only I could be so arrogant Haki.

I feel that this is real freedom and real life.

I have to say that the richest group is so open and bright! !

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