"Ah, it's Xia Qiujun, good morning. Xiao Qiong has to go to school today too."

Even though she was busy, Mrs. Xigong still had a smile on her face as she greeted Xia Qiu.

Xia Qiu also responded with a polite smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Nishimiya. Would you like to hand over Naoko and Yuzuru to me? I can take them to school."

Naoko and Xiaoqiong are not much different in age from Yuzuru. They just happened to go to the same elementary school. Thinking that any help is good, Xia Qiu made this suggestion, which could also help this hard-working woman.

"So what?"

Mrs. Xigong lowered her head and pondered. She was not afraid that Xia Qiu would kidnap her daughter, but she was wondering if this would cause too much trouble for Xia Qiu.

"It's okay. My way to school is not far from Xiaoqiong's school, so I can just take them there together."

As if seeing Mrs. Nishimiya's concerns, Xia Qiu mentioned that he could just take care of the two children for the convenience of taking care of them.

Okay, Mrs. Nishimiya finally agreed to this suggestion, thanked Xia Qiu for his help again, and then handed the two daughters to Xia Qiu.

Then he hurriedly prepared to take the tram to work.

Neon's morning rush hour is notoriously horrible, comparable to the third brother's ticket train.

It's really hard work.

After sending the three little ones to elementary school, he repeatedly told them to be good in school, and asked Xiaoqiong to call him if she had anything, and then Xia Qiu also prepared to go to Sobu High School.

"Is it possible that the sales of Four Lies will exceed 500,000?"

Looking at the phone on the way, it seems that the editor-in-chief Acorus sent me a message last night, but it was late at night, and Xia Qiu had fallen asleep at that time, so he didn't notice the line message.

Now picking it up and taking a look, Xia Qiu realized that the sales of Four Lies in the second week had reached 32,000, which was about half of the sales in the first week. But after all, light novels only have high sales in the first week.

The sales of 30,000 in the second week are enough to show that this light novel is popular, and a single volume may exceed 500,000.

This is 500,000 for a single volume? There is no comic or animation adaptation, and the sales of 500,000 are only based on the industry's reputation, which is enough to show that this light novel is very successful.

It's good~ the higher the sales, the more small money you will get.

Xia Qiu is still quite pragmatic~ but...……

【Teacher Xia Qiu, are you free to come to Dengeki Bunko tomorrow? In order to celebrate the popularity of Four Lies, the editorial department has decided to release a signed version, with an estimated 500 copies, which will be included in the supply sent to various bookstores as a hidden promotion, and also as a way to thank the fans who support you. 】

Signed version?

Hmm~ feasible.

Anyway, he has nothing to do, so he can promote his own book, increase sales, and make money for himself.

He responded to the editor-in-chief Acorus with a"hello", and I don't know if he was waiting for Xia Qiu's reply, but he replied quickly.

But the next message………

【Teacher, are you interested in holding a book signing event? I believe it will definitely boost the sales of Four Lies!(*σ´∀`)σ】

Regarding the book signing event, Xia Qiu only had one response:

【Da me! 】

Others don’t know, but doesn’t he know what’s going on in the second volume of Four Lies?

It’s a knife! It’s a knife!

What if someone secretly takes a photo of me and posts it online? If someone I know sees it, won’t I be exposed? I’m afraid I’ll receive tons and tons of razor blades in the future! Forget about attending book signings. I’ll wait until I graduate. By then, I’ll just stay at home and do nothing.

Hehehehe~ Isn’t that wonderful?

At the same time, in the editorial department of Dengeki Bunko,

"How about calamus?"

"Editor-in-chief? Teacher Xia Qiu promised to come to the library to help sign 500 sets of Four Lies. We can cooperate with the promotion."

""Okay, okay, I knew the lolita teacher wouldn't refuse. Then we can hand over the blades... cough cough cough, thank the lolita teacher in person."

Did the editor-in-chief say something incredible?

Acorus tilted his head.

"However, he did not agree to the book signing event, and the reason he gave was that he did not want to reveal his identity yet."


The editor-in-chief stroked his chin and spoke slowly

"I think it's normal. I guess the lolita teacher is afraid that she will have trouble in her life after becoming famous. After all, the popularity of Four Lies is visible to the naked eye."

But the editor still admires Teacher Xia Qiu. After all, who doesn't want to show off when they become famous at a young age?

At least in the eyes of the editor, it's rare.

It's not that there are no genius high school students who are very young and have become popular with a book. Without exception, they start to show off their achievements on the Internet.

There are too few people like Teacher Xia Qiu who can remain calm.


In addition to the news about Acorus, of course there is also news about our senior sister Kasumigaoka Utaha on the phone!

【Is my junior here?】

【Awesome, Junior, did you see that? The second week sales of the book about the four lies are out, Junior has become famous with this book.】


【Junior? I want to discuss with you the idea of the third volume of Love Metronome?】

【Junior? Are you asleep?】


【Hehehe, unfaithful men will suffer retribution.

Xia Qiu wanted to say something but stopped, and then looked at the time again.

【1:36】Message sent.

No? This woman has a cat disease.

Back to school, back to my class, back to my hometown of the back row window king!

The classmates in the class just glanced at Xia Qiu's arrival and there was no follow-up. It seems that the rumors yesterday are not heard much today.

As expected by Xia Qiu, this group of high school students are just idle, and what Eriri is worried about is not true.

But what makes Xia Qiu speechless is that Eriri seems to be in a bad mood today.

What's wrong with this guy? Is her period coming? She looks at me with a gloomy face.

As if I have cheated her?

I don't seem to have provoked this young lady, right?

Eriri is indeed very unhappy...

The reason is still last Friday.

That fat woman is really hateful, jumping up and mocking her! While Eriri was drawing a fan draft, she sent me a photo of her and Xia Qiu having an intimate meal on the rooftop.

Damn! Aren't they just acquaintances? When did their relationship become so good! It's really hateful!

When she thought of the affection between Kasumigaoka Utaha and Xia Qiu on the rooftop, Eriri felt an unspeakable annoyance in her heart.

It was as if there was a grudge stuck in her chest.

Even if it was like this, Eriri would just be sulking for the rest of her life. Who hasn't had the experience of exchanging lunch with Xia Qiu?

Who would have thought that Kasumigaoka Utaha's provocation would not stop there.

This guy! This guy actually sent a message directly saying that she had no charm!

【Hey, little golden retriever? It seems that your relationship with Xia Qiu is just like this? When he knew that I heard those rumors, he tried his best to clarify with me, for fear that I had misunderstood something.】

【Hmm~ It seems there is no need for misunderstanding~ Xia Qiujun still calls the little golden retriever Sawamura-kun, right? Tsk tsk tsk, it's really... puchi~ very ordinary】

【Oh, that's right, that's the relationship between you two.】


I'm furious! Really furious! What does this fat woman mean? Is she saying that I have no charm? In Xia Qiu's heart, I'm just an ordinary classmate!

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