Although but... well, Eriri didn't know what was wrong with her. When she thought about the close relationship between Kasumigaoka Utaha and Xia Qiu, she felt a little uncomfortable.

In this regard, Eriri could only sulk alone.

Oh, that's what tsunderes are like~

During lunch break, Xia Qiu didn't go to the rooftop.

Well~ Because his intuition told him that going to the rooftop might not end well. As for the messages sent by Utaha... no matter who reads them, they will feel full of resentment.

Let's go to our own place to eat for the time being.

"Hey hey hey! The president is here! Come on, come on"

"You are……"

Xia Qiu was carrying a lunch box when she saw Tian Zhongli warmly inviting her in.

But is this still her light music club? Why does it feel like the decoration has changed?

There is such a big table and such a big cabinet for storing cups for drinking tea.

My goodness... are you treating the light music club as a teahouse?

"Hehe~ It’s all thanks to Tsumugi"

"She really acts like a young lady~"

Xia Qiu smiled and played the piano and Tsumugi. This girl must have brought all the tea sets she treasured at home.

"It's nothing, I just felt that the light music club was a bit too monotonous, so I arranged for my family to send some things over."

Kotobuki Tsumugi touched her head embarrassedly.

""The eldest lady or something, it's not that exaggerated."

Tianzhong Ritsu and Akiyama Mio were both silent. Damn rich people!

There was also an electronic keyboard in the corner, which should be Kotobuki Tsumugi's instrument.

Not only did they bring in high-end tea-drinking utensils, but the eldest lady's lunch box was also luxurious and eye-catching. Not to mention caviar and tuna sashimi, even tempura fried shrimps are high-end stuff.

Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that the differences between people all start from the amniotic period.


Shamelessly, Tianzhong Ritsu's eyes lit up, he put his hands together, looked at his lunch box, and then looked at the lady's luxurious meal.

"Idiot, stop drooling over other people's lunch boxes." He knocked Tianzhong Ritsu's head with a knife. Mio was still so simple and crude.

"It's okay. My family often prepares too much for me. I can't finish it by myself, so there's often a lot left. If Lulu wants to eat, we can share."

"Woo woo woo, Tsumugi sticks!"

"Oh, by the way, would you like to try it, President?"


Xia Qiu had just opened his lunch box when he heard Kotobuki Tsumugi's invitation.

"That's a bit wrong."

"Isn't it normal for everyone to eat together?"

Kotobuki Tsumugi blinked her eyes, not feeling anything wrong at all. Isn't this normal? She looked at the classmates in the classroom. Didn't those who were close to each other often exchanged lunch boxes?

Okay~ Since they have invited her like this, it would be a bit too much for Xia Qiu to refuse.

"Okay, let's exchange lunches!"

Tianzhong Ritsu said as she put out her lunch box... It's called a lunch box, but it's actually just two bags of bread.

Well, this girl is not very good at cooking either. She just buys bread and milk for lunch, and occasionally she can eat Akiyama Mio's lunch.

Compared to Tianzhong Ritsu, Akiyama Mio's lunch box looks very delicious. Although it is not as luxurious as the eldest lady's, it has a unique home-style flavor.

However, among these people, the most outstanding one is Xiaqiu's lunch box. The fragrance is really hard to ignore.

""Boss, hehehe~" As soon as this guy smiled, Xia Qiu knew what she was planning and pushed her lunch box over directly.

Xia Qiu thought it was nothing, since they had already said they were sharing, it would be okay to let them have a taste, and the portion of the eldest lady's lunch box was really big, enough for three people to eat and there was some left over.

"It's really delicious."

Akiyama Mio also picked up a small piece of beef with chopsticks and put it into her mouth to taste.

The president's cooking skills are unexpectedly great!

Tsumugi Zhuangzhuang didn't say anything, but his bulging cheeks were enough to prove that Xia Qiu's cooking skills conquered this young lady. The speed of picking up the dishes was unexpectedly faster than that of the greedy Tian Zhongli.

Tsk tsk, it turned out that the nickname was not wrong, Tsumugi Zhuangzhuang is well deserved.

"As expected, hot food tastes better."

Holding her belly, Tian Zhongli leaned back in her chair contentedly.


Akiyama Mio couldn't help but tap Tianzhong Ritsu's head.

"Did you forget that the president is an international student?"

"Oh, that's right."

The lunch break passed quickly.

After watching Tian Zhongli playing for a while, everyone cleaned up the rubbish in the club and prepared to go back to their respective classrooms.

Xia Qiu asked a few girls to go back first, and she had to stay to clean the lunch box.

When Xia Qiu was about to leave the light music club, she saw a cute fat Xia blocking the door.

"Hello, junior~"

Although she was smiling, Xia Qiu felt that Kasumigaoka Utaha's smile was a bit scary.

She swallowed unconsciously.

"I waited for news from my junior for a long time last night. What's wrong? Do you want to give me a little explanation?"

"Is there a possibility? I went to bed early yesterday."

No one would believe this, Kasumigaoka Utaha raised her eyebrows.

As a light novel writer, who doesn't have a burst of inspiration at night and write in the middle of the night?

"Well~ As expected, the senior sister is so insignificant in the junior brother’s heart. It’s a pity that the senior sister waited for you for a long time yesterday. Crying...(¬_¬)"

This woman... is really full of temptation

"Hehe, actually I am not here to find my junior brother to blame, it's just that~ I made my senior sister wait for so long last night, do you want me to give you some compensation~"

While saying this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu winked at Xia Qiu, looking both cute and charming

"Okay, okay, I get it. Tell me what you want. Let me know in advance. I am a serious person. I sell my art but not my body."

Hey, the plan has been accomplished.

"Phew~ Junior, you are so interesting, but~ I don’t have that idea, but if it’s Junior, it’s not impossible, tell me how much it costs per night."

Hey! This guy really puts himself���Being a duck?

"Hehehe~ I was just kidding, I hope you won’t take it seriously. Okay, okay, let’s talk about something serious. I would like to invite you to join me in the author exchange meeting of the Fuzugawa Library this Saturday."

"Author exchange meeting?"

"It's called an author exchange meeting, but in fact it's just a group of people getting together to discuss their achievements, or to eat and drink."

"Oh, I get it. The big guys are showing off, the ones who fall to the ground and run away in panic are shown off, while the rest of the audience who don't know what's going on are eating, drinking and having fun."

"Phew, my junior brother’s summary is really spot on."

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