The rhythm about the Four Lies continued, and when Xia Qiu went to school, he could still see students discussing this book.

Looking at the boys who strongly recommended this book to their friends, saying how sweet and good-looking it was, Xia Qiu could only sigh... people's hearts are sinister.

When Xia Qiu was sitting in his seat and sighing, he saw Eriri staring at him with red eyes.

What does this mean?

Humph! It's this guy in front of him, why did he write it so cruelly, wouldn't it be better to let Arima Kousei and Miyazono Kaoru have a happy ending!

How hateful Xia Qiu!!! You guys, why do you always do bad things!

Eriri accused the hateful Xia Qiu in her heart, and made her cry.

I was so embarrassed in my mother's arms yesterday, I cried while reading the light novel, and Sayuri thought that Eriri broke up, but it turned out that she was just too sad after reading the second volume of the Four Lies.

Sayuri... naturally laughed at her own good daughter mercilessly.

"Is that really the ending?"

Eri Li came close to Xia Qiu and asked quietly.

Xia Qiu understood clearly that Eriri was crying because of Si Lie.

After feeling a sense of satisfaction in his heart... it was actually a bad taste.

Xia Qiu started to explain:

"There's nothing we can do about it. The ending was just set when the story was set up. In fact, many details were written in the previous parts. Four Lies is not a happy end, but a bad end. After all, there will always be regrets in youth literature."

Okay..." Eriri pouted. She was just asking because she hoped that the ending of this story would be better.

After all, this was the first work she and Xia Qiu collaborated on.

Woo woo woo, I'm still so sad. What should I do?

At the end of the morning class, Xia Qiu was called to Shizuka Hiratsuka's office.

It felt like she hadn't been to Shizuka's office for a few days. Looking at Shizuka, who was still wearing a white coat and holding a lady's cigarette as usual,

Xia Qiu sighed.

"Ah Jing, this is not good for you."

Hiratsuka Shizuka: ???????

Xia Qiu walked forward, took the cigarette out of Hiratsuka Shizuka's mouth, and explained earnestly:

"Ajing, smoking is bad for your health. You don’t want to be unable to have children in the future, do you?"

" kid!!!"

He patted Xia Qiu's hand unceremoniously and asked this guy to return the cigarette to her. Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was about to light the cigarette, paused with the lighter in her hand, and then put the cigarette into the box.

"Don't make fun of the teacher in the future, you know that? If we weren't close, I would have to torture you for ten months.……"

Just as Shizuka Hiratsuka was about to talk about the home visit, she suddenly realized that this guy's home was in China, so she immediately swallowed her words. What was the point of her going on a home visit when his parents were not around?

"Do you know why I came to see you today?"

"Club teacher? Well, we have been trying hard to find one recently, but Jing, you know, I'm still very busy recently, writing a book and improving relationships with club members, so I forgot."

Listening to what Xia Qiu said, Hiratsuka Shizuka first looked at him with a strange look, then clicked his tongue twice.

"I'm not urging you to find a club teacher. I'm just thinking about your psychological problems."


"Otherwise, why did the style of the second part of your Four Lies suddenly become depressing? Tell me! Have you been heartbroken recently?"

"Huh? ? ?"

Looking at the four lies that Shizuka Hiratsuka pulled out, Xia Qiu knew that she was here to call him to task.

How strange, Jing, can this be related to real life issues? I just wanted to give my lovely readers a stab.

"No, Jing, I think I'm pretty normal and I don't have a girlfriend."


Seeing Xia Qiu talking seriously about her relationship problems, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but laugh.

Then she reached out and patted Xia Qiu on the shoulder.

"Come on, if I guess correctly, you are not likely to take the initiative emotionally. Do you think I can't see that the first volume is laying the groundwork for the plot of the second volume? I am your Chinese teacher. I am just teasing you. I asked you to come here for something else."

Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled carelessly and took out her mobile phone.

Then she found a video uploaded on a website.

The video was the video of their light music club going out for a roadshow that day.

It was probably filmed by a passerby and posted on the Internet. Since they were all wearing masks, there was no mosaic.

The number of views of this video was unexpectedly high, with hundreds of thousands of views. The title was called——《A genius band suddenly appeared in Akihabara. A road show band suddenly appeared in Akihabara. They were all very young boys and girls. The performance level was surprisingly high! The songs they sang were especially beautiful!

"This should be your light music club, if I am not mistaken."

That's right, if you look carefully, it is not difficult to see that it is Xia Qiu and his friends.

Especially Hiratsuka Shizuka, who is familiar with Xia Qiu's height and weight. Even if he is wearing Ultraman Zero's mask, Hiratsuka Shizuka can still recognize who the boy is.

Hiss, you are not secretly in love with me, are you, Jing?

Xia Qiu was shocked..JPG!

"Hey, are you thinking about something weird?"

"No, no, it was us, but I remember that the school didn't seem to prohibit students from roadshows, right?"

Xia Qiu thought that Shizuka Hiratsuka was here to ask for accountability, because Xia Qiu was not sure whether there was such a rule in the school rules. After all, school rules are something that contain some very strange things, and you don't know why there are such rules. It is probably made by some weird seniors.

"There is no rule. Okay, I don't mean to hold you accountable. This belongs to your association.���It's just a club activity. I just came to ask you if you can have a show during the campus celebration."


When he arrived at the light music club, compared to the deserted service club next door, his light music club was particularly lively. Before he even reached the door, he could hear the sound of girls playing and fighting inside.

""Ah! Xia Xia is here!"

The cute Dai Wei was the first to spot Xia Qiu. He rushed to Xia Qiu at a very fast speed and pulled his arm inside.

""Xia Xia! Xia Xia!! I brought some delicious sweets today, come and try them!"

The girl enthusiastically pulled Xia Qiu to sit down, then took a plate of snacks from the front of the team and placed it in front of Xia Qiu.


Tian Zhongli shouted in dissatisfaction!!

"Lulu has already eaten most of it, so I’ll leave this for Xia Xia!"

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