What? If you don’t want to eat, then don’t eat! Damn Weiwei!

But there is a reason why Daiwei is so attentive. After all, it was Xia Qiu who helped Daiwei with his singing performances that allowed him to buy his first guitar in his life! And he gave it a cute name - Jitai!

Now, the girl is still holding her guitar and is so happy that she doesn’t know where to go. It seems that she has regarded Jitai as her baby.

Eating snacks and drinking high-end black tea brewed by the eldest lady, life is really good, Xia Qiu feels truthfully.

But this snack tastes unexpectedly good, not worse than the high-end snacks Xia Qiu has bought before.

"This dessert is……"

"It’s made by my sister You! It’s delicious, right? I wanted to make it originally, but when You saw me entering the kitchen, she was so scared that she kicked me out. What? I also wanted to make some snacks to reward everyone."

After hearing the girl's words, Xia Qiu covered her chest. Fortunately, fortunately, it was Pingze You from the Five Virtuous Sisters who took charge, and let Dai Wei cook.

Well... uh... it’s hard to imagine what kind of weird things this guy will make. Although Wei has a single-core processor, if he wants to make something that can be imported in one night... forget it, Dai Wei will just be a cute useless sister.

"By the way, why did the president come so late today? In the past, he would come to the light music club very quickly and come to eat."As

Kotobuki Tsumugi said this, she added black tea to Xia Qiu's quilt and placed the washed fruits in front of Xia Qiu.

Looking at it this way, these two people... seem to have some feelings of married life?

Akiyama Mio, who was watching from the side, felt

"Well, I was going to come here, but Shizuka Hiratsuka-sensei asked me to help her, so I was late."

"What's going on?"

Team Law's head popped over and asked.

"It was during the school festival, and he asked me if I wanted to perform on stage."

School festival, it seems to be coming soon. After the school festival, there will be school trips and final exams. It seems that the class ranking of this school festival will affect where to go for school trips.

The school festival of ordinary schools should be in September or October, and the school trips are also at this time, and only for senior high school students, right?

Xia Qiu doesn't remember clearly, but Sobu High School, as the best high school in the city, naturally does not need to be like other ordinary high schools. Not only does it have three school trips and school celebrations every year, but it also has two school sports meets and a large-scale The joint sports meet was enough to demonstrate the status of Sobu High School, the high school with the second highest deviation value in Japan.

Being asked by Shizuka Hiratsuka to perform was indeed beyond Xia Qiu's expectation. After all, he thought that there were other important things for Xia Qiu to do. Besides,

Xia Qiu himself did not expect that his road show with the girls would be so popular on the Internet. So Xia Qiu was thinking about whether to record the performance on the road and upload it to the account they created together?

Anyway, it was also to pave the way for the future of the Budokan, so Xia Qiu was delayed on the road for a while.

"Eh? So our light music club should also perform, it seems like every club has to participate."

Neighbor's club culture is already very active, especially during school festivals, they have to lead by example.

So it stands to reason that their light music club should also make some contribution, after all it's a performance, or they can present any awards they won in competitions. At most, their light music club was formed no more than two months ago, so there are definitely no awards to present.

What they can do is to arrange a performance, but where to perform? That's a problem.

"It's so sad, the president was dragged away to serve as a soldier, ugh!"

He pinched Lulu's cheek.

"I'm not being drafted, but teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka asked me if I want to participate in a show or something. I have the right to refuse, but I'm also thinking about whether to participate. After all, if I win the first place in the competition, it seems that I can choose where to go for the school trip."

Xia Qiu is a little tempted by this. After all, traveling is really fun.

And you can freely choose the place. If you can go abroad, it will be even better? If there is a choice, Xia Qiu wants to go back to China, or travel to Europe

"By the way, if our light music club also wants to perform, what songs will we perform?"

Akiyama Mio raised her hand and asked

"Well, we have the almighty president here, so don’t worry too much, miomio!"

The law team said carelessly, patting his chest. After all, everyone can see the president's talent, he is so amazing! Are you still worried that there will be no songs for us to practice?

"No, I won't participate this time. You guys come up with the songs and music, and I'll be responsible for the performances."

Xia Qiu said, wiping his mouth with a tissue, then picking up an apple and biting into it.

"Hey hey!!! President, are you going to abandon us? Woohoo!"

"Did Xia Xia find a new love?"Wuwuwu!!!"

The two silly guys, Lu Dui and Dai Wei, grabbed Xia Qiu's arms from the left and right and started shaking them, as if they were afraid that Xia Qiu would say,"I won't be here anymore" or"I'll be the president from now on".

That won't do! The light music club can't do without anyone!

"Hey, what are you thinking about?

Pull your arms out of the girls' arms. Are these two guys not well developed?

"I'm not leaving the club. I just want you to write the songs. You can't always rely on me, right? We can't always rely on me to write songs in our band, right?"

Xia Qiu sighed helplessly.

The girls are talented, and I can't take on all the work by myself, thus depriving them of their ability to create, right?

"That's right, I think what the president said is right, we really can't rely on the president too much."

Akiyama Mio nodded in agreement

"After all, the light music club belongs to everyone, and it is wrong to always expect the president to make all the efforts."

After being lectured by Akiyama Mio, the two of them, Ritsu and Hirasawa Yui, bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.

Indeed, they kept thinking about what to do if Xia Xia is gone? The band will be without soul in the future, but they forgot that Xia Xia is not a superman. What if Xia Qiu doesn't come in the future? Will their light music club stop making music?

Of course not, so~the next song to be played at the campus celebration will be their responsibility!!!!


Looking at the girls' expressions, Xia Qiu nodded with satisfaction. These are the light music girls in his cognition.

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