After school in the afternoon, the girls from the light music club went to the house of the law team together. After all, they were preparing to release a song, so they had to discuss it carefully.

And since they decided to write their own songs, they would be busy in the light music club. After all, writing songs is not something that can be done easily.

Akiyama Mio lowered her head and thought, since everyone gave her the task of writing lyrics, what kind of song should she write?

Now Akiyama Mio would unconsciously take out the lyrics she had in mind and compare them with President Xia Qiu, and then... then she would lose her confidence.

"Wow! How could this happen!!!"

Just as Akiyama Mio was thinking, the shouting of the law team made Mio frown.

""Wow! Sbarasi!!!"

I looked over and saw that it was Team Lu and Dai Wei who were huddled in front of their phones and yelling.

"We have a lot of fans mio!!!"

Tianzhong Ritsu said to Akiyama Mio excitedly, holding up her phone and playing the video of their last road show to Akiyama Mio.


Akiyama Mio tilted her head in confusion.

"Someone must have taken a picture and uploaded it to the internet. This was sent to me by the president, who asked if we were interested in creating an account so we could upload footage of our performances and new songs."

Ritsuki Tamao said to Mio Akiyama while typing a reply to Xia Qiu.

Alas, the president is the only one in the light music club who takes their dreams to heart.

To be honest, even Ritsuki Tamao thinks that holding a concert at the Budokan is a bit too wishful thinking, like wanting to run before you learn to crawl first.

But... among all the members of the light music club, it seems that only the president cares about it. Not only did he join their seemingly playful band, but he also went on a roadshow to write songs to earn money to buy guitars for the club members who were short of money.

Now he's even asking them if they want to set up a Set up a personal account, gather fans, and lay the foundation for the dream journey to the Budokan.

Looking at it this way... I really feel like I'm falling in love with the president. After all, who would refuse a boy who is willing to work hard for you?



When Akiyama Mio thought about being exposed on the Internet, and then thought about the questions from her family and the greetings from her classmates.

Ahhh, what a social dead feeling!!!!!!!

At Xia Qiu's house, I touched the head of the cute little sister as usual. It felt as cute as petting a cool cat.

By the way, is Xiao Qiong too much at home recently? Doesn't she even want to go out? ?

Xia Qiu usually wouldn't forbid Xiao Qiong from going out to play, and gave her plenty of pocket money, but Xiao Qiong had a vague sense of being a homebody.

She would rather lie on the bed watching TV or browsing her phone than go out to make friends with girls of the same age.

Why aren't there boys?


Go online! Watch the readers break down!

Satisfied with a cup of green tea, Xia Qiu felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction watching the readers struggle, twist, and break down.

When did I become so evil?

Oh, it's okay, I'm just dark.

I've done a poor job at work lately. Not much."Your Name" will be released at the end of July. I guess the library doesn't want to delay the release for too long. After all, everyone thinks that Gaero-sensei is an out-and-out pervert.

No other novelist can maintain his standard while launching a new book, so he is going to start promoting the new book directly.

Since the completion of"Your Name", Xia Qiu hasn't launched a new book yet. Now he is thinking about whether to prepare for the next new book? This matter of sacrificing to my lovely readers cannot be postponed.

What? You say he is not a human being?

Isn't there a buffer period for them to write one? Scratching my head.JPG

《"Anohana" or"Plastic Memories"?

Xia Qiu has already made a conscious decision to choose between the two works, but compared to"Anohana", Xia Qiu is more inclined to"Plastic Memories".

The reason is that"Anohana" and"Your Lie in April" are very similar, which makes people feel tired, while the setting of"Plastic Memories" is a little more novel.

Moreover,……《"Plastic Memories" is a true light novel that tells you in advance that it is Daozi's light novel, and then forces you to watch and eat it.


Just when Xia Qiu was preparing to start work, Acorus called.

Xia Qiu picked up the phone, puzzled.

The first week's sales should not have come out yet, why did Acorus call him so urgently?

"Hello! Is Teacher Xia Qiu here? It should be time for school to end. Sorry to bother you."

"No, don't bother me. If you say that, there must be something bad waiting for me. Last time, you asked me if I could sign. This time, I will never sign."

Xia Qiu said that it was unlikely that he wanted to pua me, and I would not be fooled.

"No, no, this time I’m not here to ask you to sign the second volume and sell it as a hidden edition, but to ask Teacher Xia Qiu if you are interested in a meet-and-greet?"

"Hiss, are you sure?"

No? Xia Qiu wondered if he had offended Dengeki Bunko? Or was Dengeki Bunko dizzy from the recent explosion and was planning to drag him down with it?

"Hahaha, it's not what Teacher Xia Qiu thought. This meeting will be mainly online. We will arrange a host and you can connect at home. The main activities are to answer readers' questions and sign a few books as prizes for the lucky draw. Also, this meeting can also warm up for Teacher Xia Qiu's new book in advance."

Acorus chuckled. As expected, the lovely teacher Xia Qiu would also be afraid.

An online fan meeting? It is indeed very feasible. Just wear a mask, and there shouldn't be that kind of idiot who wants to open the box of others. The library pays great attention to the privacy of writers. If they are caught, they will be sentenced to ten years in prison.

After all, this involves the privacy and security of writers, especially Xia Qiu's size is so big now, and he has the feeling of becoming the top author of Dengeki Library. Therefore, Dengeki Library will definitely not be stupid enough to let others find out Xia Qiu's address at will.

There was a precedent before, such as the rumor that the author was forced to use the holy sword of physics to change the ending by offline readers.

After all, in Neon, it is not strange to have any monsters and ghosts. It is not impossible to have such radical fans.

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