"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Kashiwagi Eri and I are planning to collaborate on publishing a comic."

Originally, Xia Qiu planned to let Eriri finish the illustration work for"Your Name" before collaborating on publishing the comic, but after thinking about it, he decided that there was no need to pile all the work on the little golden retriever.

So Xia Qiu plans to find a new illustrator for the light novel"Your Name."

Ah? Comics?

Hearing Xia Qiu's words, Acorus couldn't help but be stunned. Why is the gap so big? From light novel to comics?

But Acorus thought about it and it didn't seem to delay things. After all, Kashiwagi Eri did have the ability, and Xia Qiu was in charge of the plot, so the library would definitely be very interested in this comic.

Dengeki Bunko also has its own comics department, but its development is not as good as those of the old comics companies, such as Shueisha, Shogakukan, and other comics publishers.

"In this case, do you need the library to arrange a new illustrator for you?"

""Well, thank you for your help."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qiu turned off the computer, went downstairs to the door of Xiao Qiong's room, and knocked on the door.

【My favorite Onii-chan: My brother called me, let’s talk later in the evening】

【Eromanga-sensei: Okay, sister-chan】


Xiao Qiong opened the door of her room and tilted her head to look at Xia Qiu curiously. She didn't understand why her brother was looking for her at this time?

Could it be that he found out that she was rolling around on her bed while her brother wasn't paying attention?

Xiao Qiong was surprised!

"Xiao Qiong, remember to change your clothes and shoes, we are going to visit the neighbors later."

Xia Qiu blessed, he did not forget that last time a new neighbor moved in brought gifts, but because Xia Qiu was not at home, Xiao Qiong could not open the door to strangers, so the visit had to be cancelled.

Xia Qiu himself was still very moral and polite, it was impossible for him not to visit the neighbors just because of the last neglect, after all, it would show that he was uncultured.

After listening to Xia Qiu's words, Xiao Qiong sighed and patted his chest, fortunately. Oni

-chan did not find out what she did, next time she should try to be more covert, otherwise if her brother found out, she would not know how to explain it.

So, with Xiao Qiong and some high-end snacks, Xia Qiu rang the doorbell of the house next door.

"Come on, come on, hello, who are you?"

The door opened a little, and Mrs. Izumi looked at the people at the door cautiously and asked.

After all, she was a single mother with her daughter, so it was normal for the wife to be a little cautious in this regard.

"Hello, I am your next-door neighbor, my name is Xia Qiu. Last time, no one was at home, so I didn't get any news."

Xia Qiu said, raising the snack in his hand, indicating that he was here to visit.

""It's Xia Qiujun, welcome!"

Upon hearing that they were visiting, Mrs. Izumi opened the door enthusiastically and welcomed Xia Qiu and Xiao Qiong in.

(I don't know what Sagiri's last name was before, so I'll just write Izumi. )

Walking into the neighbor's wife's house, Xia Qiu felt that the lady in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before?

He couldn't quite remember.

He put the snacks on the table.

Speaking of which, there are quite a lot of these high-end snacks at home, which are usually sent by Dengeki Bunko, and they are used to reward him as an author.

After all, Xia Qiu is now a pillar of the platform. The four lies directly made Dengeki Bunko explode. Recently, I heard that the reprinted novels were not enough, and they had to be reprinted again.

The group of people in the sales department worked overtime every day with red eyes.

Do you think you are watching the factory printing? Wrong! In fact, you are answering the phone and getting scolded! After all, the owner of the bookstore is more anxious than them. These are all hard-earned money!!

Xiao Qiong sat next to Xia Qiu obediently. At this time, she just didn't say anything. She was not very good at dealing with others.

Compared to her, it seems that Onii-chan can easily get along with others. Sitting on the sofa, swinging her legs, she watched Onii-chan and the lady opposite get along very well.

It seems that Onii-chan... seems to be very popular with the"big sisters"!

Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka is the same, Aunt Yaeko is the same, and now the lady in front of her is the same.

Tsk... Xiao Qiong suddenly felt that she had no competitiveness.

During the conversation with Mrs. Izumi, Xia Qiu also learned the name of the lady in front of her.

The last name is Izumi...

Damn! Isn't this Sagiri's mother? The first generation Eromanga teacher?

No wonder this lady looks inexplicably familiar, no wonder... It turned out to be Mrs. Izumi, with the same beautiful silver hair as Sagiri, and a face that looks very young, and a very dangerous hairstyle. It's not an exaggeration to say that she is a larger version of Izumi Sagiri. Didn't

Izumi Sagiri's original family reorganize? It seems that this is very different from the original work. It has become that the wife lives alone with Sagiri who doesn't go out and is autistic.

So... after A Silent Voice, there's another Eromanga teacher next door?

Sometimes... fate is something that's hard to predict.

"Eh? It turns out that Xia Qiujun has worked so hard. Not only does he study here alone, but he also has to live with his adopted cousin. You have worked so hard."

Mrs. Izumi sighed that it was not easy for Xia Qiu.

When introducing herself, Xia Qiu naturally would not say that Xiao Qiong was adopted by herself. After all, it is better to avoid unnecessary trouble. Besides, it is always right to be more careful when you go out. There is no need to tell everything about yourself to others.

But on second thought, the neighbors living here don’t seem to have harmonious families.

This can be regarded as another kind of fate. Maybe it is fate that brings them together so that they can help each other and overcome difficulties together.

I guess that’s the case, Mrs. Izumi couldn’t help thinking.

After talking with the lady for a while, Xia Qiu took Xiao Qiong went back. After all, this was just a visit. It would be impolite to stay any longer. She couldn't go to someone else's house for dinner, right?

As soon as she got home, Xiao Qiong started typing on her mobile phone.

This made Xia Qiu shake his head helplessly. Could his sister be addicted to mobile phones? But Xia Qiu thought about it and felt that it was unlikely. Occasionally, Xiao Qiong could be seen reading some books. Xia Qiu thought that as long as she was overly addicted to it for a long time, it would be fine. Otherwise, he would have to correct her.

Unconsciously, Xia Qiu seemed to have become a qualified parent. Obviously, he was a child who couldn't even take care of himself before.

【I love Onii-chan the most: I just went to visit my neighbor with my brother. 】

I wish you all good luck in the college entrance examination and get into your favorite school!

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