"Hey! Xia Xia and Tsumugi came so quickly!"

After a while, Hirasawa Yui, Tiananaka Ritsu and others walked into the light music club. After seeing Kotobuki Tsumugi and Xia Qiu who were already drinking tea, they immediately sat next to them and put their heads on the table.

"The teacher said that we were going to have a school celebration today, so I came a little late. Our class was going to have a super scary secret room adventure!!"

Taizhong Ritsu said with his hand raised, and explained why he came so late today.

"Eh? Secret room exploration? It seems that our class is going to set up a fried noodle stall! What is Xia Xia's class going to do?"

Hirasawa Yui looked up at Xia Qiu curiously and asked.

Hearing Hirasawa Yui's question, Xia Qiu raised his head and answered

"Crepe Bar~"

"Was it Xia Xia who made it!!!!! ?"

Upon hearing this, Dai Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked curiously. After all, which girl in the light music club hadn't tasted the food made by Xia Qiu? It was super super delicious!! It was simply the most delicious food she had ever eaten in her life!

So Dai Wei, who was a little greedy, naturally took it very seriously.

"I don't think I have the time to go. It should be the responsibility of other students in the class. I also have a drama rehearsal and a personal performance."

Xia Qiu's words made Dai Wei's eyes lose their luster. Since it was not the crepes made by Xia Xia, she was not interested.

Woo woo woo, I feel that my stomach has become like Xia Xia. Even if I eat the food made by You, it is no longer as pleasant as before.

What a sinful man.


Compared to crepes, others are more interested in Xia Qiu's drama performance.

"Yes, I was chosen by the lottery. I think I will be the prince in Sleeping Beauty, but I don't think I have any role."

Xia Qiu said, supporting his chin with one hand.

"Sleeping Beauty! It sounds so romantic. My dream before was to live in a castle!

Tianzhong Ritsu seemed to be trapped in a fantasy, because, what girl hasn't imagined herself to be a princess? And there is a handsome prince to save her.

"But I feel like Lulu should be a knight, right? After all, there is no princess with such a wide forehead."


Hearing Dai Wei's complaints, everyone couldn't help laughing

""What are you talking about?!"

Team Lu was furious! He grabbed Dai Wei's cheek and pulled it!

Why the hell did he make fun of her forehead!

"Who is the heroine?"

Besides that, Akiyama Mio is a little curious about who the heroine is.

"The heroine, Eriri."

When everyone heard that the heroine was Eriri, one of the most popular girls in the school, they couldn't help but exclaimed. They didn't expect it to be the mixed-blood girl.

But~ it seems normal when you think about it. After all, Xia Qiu and Eriri are in the same class, and Eriri herself is beautiful, so she is indeed the best choice for the princess.

But~ wuwuwu, we also want to perform a drama with the president

"Then~ Xia Xia! Xia Xia! You are going to rehearse a play, so you won’t play with us! You won’t come to the club!"

Dai Wei pulled Xia Qiu’s sleeve, and suddenly became dissatisfied. If Xia Xia’s"love" was given to someone else, what would happen to their rehearsal!

We can’t live without Xia Xia!

Wei Wei cried.jpg

""Okay, okay, I don't have much role left, and it's just a play. I have a personal performance that needs your cooperation, and the light music club's performance also needs me." The big hand rubbed Dai Wei's soft hair. Dai Wei, who was as cute as a little hamster, really made people want to touch her. She was so cute, just like raising a daughter.

Dai Wei was dazed by Xia Qiu's patting on the head, and there was a silly smile on her face.

This made Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi, who was watching from the side, open her eyes wide!

"That... that Qiuqiu, staring at——"

At this time, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi put her hands together, and while watching Xia Qiu touching Dai Wei's hand, she stared at Xia Qiu with shining eyes. Xia Qiu felt very uncomfortable being stared at by this gaze. It was really hard to resist such a cute young lady. But she did such an intimate action to Dai Wei because Dai Wei was a little silly, and she treated her like a pet? It was really hard not to touch her head.

But ~ Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi was a real beauty, and it was not appropriate for her to do such an intimate action.

"Qiuqiu ~Secret~"

"Hi, hi! I really can't do anything with you."

Damn it? Who swapped my innocent young lady? She actually used a secret to"threaten" him!

As she wished, Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi enjoyed the head pat that only Dai Wei could enjoy.

The soft hair brushed across her fingertips, and the faint fragrance of flowers filled her nose.

So ~ is this how it feels to be patted on the head by the president?

Touching her chest, she felt her heart beating very fast.


The ambiguous atmosphere between the two made Akiyama Mio and Tianzhong Ritsu speechless! When did the relationship between these two become so close! And what is that secret!

In an instant! The Ritsu team shook Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi and asked if Tsumugi had mastered the method to use the president!

Damn it! She also wanted to use the secret to"threaten" the president!

"I told you it’s a secret, a little secret between Qiuqiu and me!"

The eldest lady has also learned to keep people in suspense!

Akiyama Mio was holding her mouth, not knowing what she was thinking. She felt that everyone seemed to be closer to President Xia Qiu, but she and the president were still strangers, like ordinary friends, without a deep relationship. I

’m afraid only Dai Wei, who knows nothing, chewed snacks while watching Xia Xia being asked by Lulu what the secret was!

Can she"threaten" Xia Xia with the secret? Haha~ Lulu is so stupid, even she knows that this is useless

""Okay, okay."

He held the captain's head with one hand, letting her sit in her seat steadily.

"It's not a big secret, you will know it soon."

After hearing Xia Qiu's words, the noisy light music club finally quieted down. Only Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi couldn't hide her joy, and her lips curled up. But I was the only one who knew it first~

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's discuss the performances first. Have you finished the lyrics and music recently? I'll make it clear in advance that I won't help you with this." Xia Qiu's question brought Mio back to her senses. She was about to raise her hand and say that she had finished writing, but suddenly shyness came over her.

It seems... it seems that the lyrics she wrote are a little too cute!...

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