"I love lolita more than legal lolita! I love lolita more than legal lolita teacher! Tsk!! Why is this guy so popular recently? It's really a headache, why doesn't our publishing house have this genius!!"

Akane Akasaka complained bitterly. Recently, the discussion about Si Lie on the Internet is too high. This is a genius writer who is famous on the Internet for his debut work, and he also has a talent for music!

Such a genius is something everyone would envy, okay? Dengeki Bunko has made a lot of money recently, which makes other publishing houses jealous. They urgently hope that their publishing houses can also publish a writer like Gaara who debuted at the peak! It's so enviable!!!

"Still can't find teacher Gaara's contact information?"

Akane Ayaka asked her assistant.

The assistant smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking very helpless.

"Dengeki Bunko protects Gaara-sensei too well. I heard that Gaara-sensei herself doesn't want to show up in public, so... there is almost no way to find Gaara-sensei's contact information. There is only one personal account."

Hearing this, Akane Ayane sighed, and then lay weakly on the chair. The fragrant genius is right in front of her! It's a pity that it's not hers! It's really itchy.

On the other side, in FULLDRIVE Bunko, the editor-in-chief of FULLDRIVE Bunko, which is second only to the three major bunkos of this new generation, Chris Yamada, rubbed his aching head and muttered to himself

"Genius... Genius!"

The news that the first-week sales of the second volume of Four Lies exceeded 90,000 was undoubtedly a huge wave in the light novel industry in the eyes of these people! It's not that there are those with sales exceeding 100,000 in the first week.

But how many volumes have they been serialized? More than a dozen volumes, and with the blessing of animation. Four Lies can achieve this result in just two volumes. I believe that as long as Teacher Gaero keeps up, it is not a dream for a single volume to directly exceed 100,000 in the first week.

Moreover, Teacher Gaero's update speed is also very fast. While maintaining high efficiency, the quality is not low. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the quality of the second volume of Four Lies is higher than that of the first volume.

And it is only a matter of time for Four Lies to have a total sales of one million.

It's simply terrible! For a light novel to have such a result, wow.

Chris Yamada was amazed, and at the same time he also hoped to contact Teacher Gaero and send a request for cooperation to the other party. As a result, they suffered from the fact that Dengeki Bunko was too well protected, and they could not get any news at all.

"Still thinking about the lolita teacher! Humph! As long as I can get the illustrations from Eromanga, I love Lolita teacher! Just a lolita lover!"

At this time, a little girl in a princess dress and an arrogant tone came over and said shamelessly that Lolita teacher is just average.

This is Chris Yamada's sister, Fairy Yamada! She is also the author of"The Exploding Dark Fairy", a phenomenal writer with sales of over a million volumes.


Chris Yamada sighed and wanted to say,"How can you compare with Gaara-sensei? The writing style is terrible, and the works are all about selling sex and erotic illustrations. There is really no comparison with Gaara-sensei's literary and artistic style, Four Lies."

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that?! Wait! Isn’t the next part of the old thief’s new book going to be released in July? My next part will also be released in July, let’s see who is better!"

Originally, Yamada Fairy was just planning to be tough. In fact, she is also a loyal fan of Si Lie. She also denounces the old thief as a rude person on the Internet every day! But when she saw her brother’s unconfident eyes, she immediately became annoyed!

How could it be that one’s own people don’t trust one’s own people!

Then she unilaterally planned to challenge the old thief

, Ailuo! At the same time, Xia Qiu sneezed when he returned home. He didn’t understand who was talking about him again? Oh~ Could it be his lovely readers? He originally planned to practice with the girls in the light music club at noon, but because Mio wrote the lyrics so cutely, Mio was shy and said that he hadn’t finished writing them yet. He still didn’t wait for Squirrel Egg.

"Xiaoqiong, I'm back!"

"Welcome home, Onii-chan!"

Recently, Xiao Qiong no longer needs him to pick her up, and she is familiar with the route to and from school, and can also take Yuzuru and Naoko home skillfully.

Woohoo! My baby Qiong has grown up!

Xia Qiu's mentality is quite like that of an old father seeing his daughter grow up.

That's great~ That's great~

When Xiao Qiong returned home, she chatted with netizens as usual. I heard that Xiao Qiong found an online friend on the Internet.

Xia Qiu was quite worried at first, because netizens were too unreliable. As a result, when he found out that the other party's name was Eromanga, and that he was the famous Eromanga teacher on the Internet, Xia Qiu suddenly... didn't know what to say. He could only say that this world is really small, so small that Xia Qiu frequently looked next door.

Since it was Izumi Sagiri, Xia Qiu had nothing to worry about. They were all girls anyway, although Sagiri had the habit of looking at other people's panties.

But with Xiao Qiong's personality, she probably wouldn't give it.

【My favorite Onii-chan: Are you there? Can we video chat?】

【Eromanga-sensei: Yes, sister-chan, you can only watch the video, hiss! Hiss!】

【I love Onii-chan the most: I don’t understand what’s so good about girls…】

【Eromanga-sensei: You don't understand!!! You can only draw better if you see it with your own eyes!!! By the way, give me a photo of your brother, so that I can draw him better! But I don't have R18 or R14 for you! After all, my sister is too young】

【My favorite Onii-chan: Okay... don’t post it on the internet!】

【Eromanga-sensei: No problem!

After finishing the chat with Eromanga-sensei, Xiao Qiong happily lay on the bed.

The sketch of pasting with Oni-chan!!!

Just thinking about it makes Sagiri feel excited!!!

This! Must be kept as a treasure! When I have children in the future, I can point to the sketch and tell them, this is mom, mom when she was little, and that is dad! Big dad!

Hehehe, a smile is on her face unconsciously.

In the room, Xia Qiu shuddered again unconsciously, hiss? Someone really stabbed him with a voodoo doll? Damn! What a sinister guy!! Didn’t he just write a depressing work?

When Xia Qiu was thinking about whether to worship tomorrow, he suddenly lost interest in it. It’s all superstition anyway.


"God Tiga, please keep me safe!"

Xia Qiu said as he bowed to the Tiga figurine he bought for himself!

Hey! I'm not superstitious! I'm just praying for the light.

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