The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 318 Cao Ying: Let’s go to the tree!

The potent bacterium "Fire".

Prometheus the Fire Stealer.

The "original" microorganism, the manifestation of will.

The chief engineer did not hide anything from other people present or Cao Ying. He told everything he knew without omitting anything.

It was sure that it had not missed anything, because it did not understand the meaning of certain nouns in these words, so it often read and sorted them out, trying to find scientific guidance.

After repeated reading, it had already memorized the handwriting left by the mysterious engineer.

After reciting these handwritings, the chief engineer looked at Yu Liang again. The owner of the ancestor of Cao Ying showed a thoughtful and understanding expression on his face. He suddenly realized that Yu Liang could understand the words of the mysterious engineer, and his expression suddenly changed. He had to get excited: "Master, do you understand what it is talking about? The power of flames, the power of time and space..."

Yu Liang did not answer, but was sorting out what he had just heard.

Obviously, this is the true face of the root ghost story.

Microorganisms called "origins" have abilities that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"Fire" means swallowing and releasing; "Celebi" means wandering in time and space.

Judging from the span of capabilities, this microorganism called "origin" is far more than just these two.

The rules of this root ghost talk are very different from what Yu Liang thought. He originally thought that the flesh and blood type root ghost talk would tend to have abilities such as "proliferation", "differentiation" and "giant body", but he did not expect that it would actually use the power of this special microorganism. form appears.

Moreover, these original microorganisms do not seem to have strong subjective initiative, in other words, they do not have a particularly clear purpose.

For example, "Fire" is discovered and raised to act on goblin bombs, while "Celebi" needs to parasitize the engineer to survive.

Yu Liang thought of something that happened a long time ago. Lee lay on the altar and called in the direction of the giant's head, but what he got was a messy response like "golden throat".

The "golden voice" is obviously something that only appears in the human world. This means that the engineer's spiritual body has entered the human world, so he learned this term, just like the name "Celebi".

It can be regarded as an answer to a long-standing doubt.

"When I appeared on the other side of the river, I heard Cao Ying saying -" Yu Liang recalled, "The high priest is right, we really waited for humans, so you already knew that I would come here?"

The high priest Cao Ying nodded and sighed: "This is a language from a long time ago. The first generation high priest always believed that you would come back, but it is a pity that he could not see this scene in person."

"Okay." Yu Liang agreed. His guess just now was the prophecy of the high priest of this generation, and the source of the prophecy was the parasite of "Celebi".

Unfortunately not.

"In other words, 'Celebi' might be among these engineers?" Yu Liang turned to look at the engineers standing in a row not far away. Some of them were discussing the power of the bomb just now, and some of them were discussing the power of the bomb. Ying Ze was picking up debris at the bomb explosion site and conducting analysis on the explosion site.

"It's possible, but we can't really find him." The chief engineer replied, "In fact, I have been looking for it since the discovery of the goblin bomb, but the two-month search has not yielded any results, but it has slowed us down. The research progress of the Military Industrial Research Institute. It is like a ghost that suddenly appears and disappears suddenly. It has the ability to travel through time and space, and it comes and goes at will."

It could be heard that the chief engineer was helpless. He was like a pilgrim yearning for the knowledge and skills mastered by the engineer, but in the end he gained nothing.

So it placed all its hopes on the master in front of it, hoping to get more information from Yu Liang.

"There are many kinds of original microorganisms, and they come from the will of the planet." Yu Liang connected the information he had obtained, and also did not hide it from these grass babies.

From Li Huachao's attitude towards the grass babies, it is not difficult to see that if you treat the grass babies better, the rewards may be hundreds or thousands of times, just like what they are now.

What's more, the only people present were Zhong Chen, the high priest and the chief engineer, all of whom could be considered their own.

"The will of the planet?" The high priest and the chief engineer repeated Yu Liang's words almost at the same time, but the former was thoughtful, while the latter was confused.

"Well, this planet has its own consciousness. Although it is very weak, it has finally become a living creature." Yu Liang nodded and said, "Before this, it could not reveal its own consciousness, but in hundreds of years After the first three-eyed people created microorganisms, He made them his own way of influencing the planet."

He continued: "But if my guess is correct, the inability of the three-eyed man to return to the [Tree] is also related to the will of the planet. He is guiding the three-eyed man to create microorganisms and send out the power of 'decomposition', thereby making himself Get more power.”

Yu Liang has always been not afraid to speculate on these ghost stories with the deepest malice. These seemingly coincidental things may be driven by the ghost stories behind them.

In his impression, the root monster is a very strange creature, or it is not a creature at all.

As born superiors, they have almost endless lifespans and seem to have taken the initiative from the beginning, but they are always limited by various settings, as if they are restricted by their own "logic of existence".

Regardless of logic, they may not be able to exist, so they will try to circumvent the rules that restrict themselves, just like the source of the dungeon at this moment.

"Is that so...?" Such information was obviously beyond the chief engineer's understanding. He opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment, feeling that his outlook on life had been impacted.

It's like one day human beings know the real existence of their Mother Earth. Even some major events in history were caused by Mother Earth.

"Where is the culture base of this potent bacteria? I want to observe them up close through a microscope." Yu Liang asked these grass babies. If they could see these microorganisms called "origins" with their own eyes, they might be able to figure it out directly. The existence logic of the entire root ghost story, and find out where the root ghost story comes from.

"Okay." The high priest agreed, "The research base related to potent bacteria is on the second underground floor. They are the essence of the earth. This is also the origin of the name of the goblin bomb."

It narrowed its eyes, as if it thought of another message: "And Master, your words reminded me of something I saw a long time ago, but I can't remember it anymore. It was many years ago. matter."


"Surgery, virus, civilization." The high priest muttered a few nouns in his mouth, and his facial features were almost twisted together. It could be seen that recalling such things made it feel very painful, but it did not give up, and just continued Try to dig out the memories in your mind.

Finally, it seemed to think of something: "Wait a minute, that place... I have been to that place where the engineer has been."

"Huh?" Yu Liang looked at High Priest Cao Ying in surprise.

The experience of that engineer is already fantastic enough. He accidentally entered a fairyland and obtained a treasure. How come you are also the protagonist?

"Yes, I have been there." The high priest's tone gradually became firmer. "Also when I was very young, I came to a special space full of fluorescence. It seemed to be deep underground. I saw what was above mural."

It said: "This is an operation. [Tree] is a whole, [Fruit] is a deformed tumor, and the flesh-and-blood civilization on this planet... they are all viruses, viruses that cannot come back."

"So everything the planet's will does is to protect the tree?" This was a clue that surprised Yu Liang, but he looked at the Cao Ying High Priest carefully and felt that the timing of this clue appeared a bit unexpected.

"Perhaps, this is how the flesh-and-blood civilization was born. The 'fruit fell' they said was just what they thought. In fact, it was not a fruit, but a diseased tumor." The high priest's tone became more and more certain, It's like gradually recalling the memory of that time.

Not a fruit, but a diseased tumor.

Yu Liang repeated the words of High Priest Cao Ying in his heart, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

This may be true.

All the information obtained before was learned from flesh-and-blood civilizations. Of course, they do not think of themselves as viruses. They are fruits eager to return to the tree, and for the tree, they are viruses that cause disease and necrosis.

The tree cuts off these cancer-like flesh-and-blood civilizations before they spread, but these viruses desperately want to return to the tree.

This is the logic of the existence of this planet, or the origin of the tumor.

It has always had a clear goal, which is to prevent the virus from returning to the original body. Like a warden, it needs to take care of the prisoners in its own prison.

Yu Liang got a somewhat vague answer, and the next question was...

What on earth is the warden calculating?

It is not difficult to infer from this information that the will of the planet clearly does not need microorganisms to prevent flesh-and-blood civilization from returning to the [tree], so why does it rely on microorganisms to influence the planet more extensively?

Do you realize you have little influence and crave more power?

Yu Liang couldn't figure it out yet, so he didn't open the page to complete the third stage of the main mission.

Now that I have gotten some information from Cao Ying, I will collect a wave of information after the matter with the Whistle Beast has been dealt with. Don't just believe one side of the story. Only by combining the two can we get a better answer.

"But... I remembered this information before. Why can't I remember it after a while? Why do I still have such a headache when I think about it again." The high priest held his head in some distress. It felt like it was experiencing Just like some accidents.

However, the high priest has always been an easy-going grass baby, so he thought about it and gave up without thinking about it.

Let’s talk about it when I think about it, just like now.

Without this peaceful mentality, the Cao Ying clan would not be able to develop such a prosperous civilization.

After all, whistle beasts often invade the territory belonging to Cao Ying and rob the forest left by them. If they didn't have such a peaceful mind, they might have chosen to die...

No, it's just an egg hitting a stone.

Of course, that was what happened in the past. As long as they study the original microbial "fire" that comes from the will of the planet, there will definitely be no problem for Yijiang to protect itself.

At this time, a team of Grass Infant mechas came out of the underground warehouse. They took out five bone machine guns of different shapes. It was obvious that their main materials came from different types of creatures.

The team leader reported to the people present: "High Priest, God of Fertility, here are all models of light bone machine guns, all versions in the past fifty years."

Yu Liang looked at the five light machine guns arranged. There was a drum for his use on the side of each light machine gun.

Let’s try the machine gun first. These are the fruits of civilization of the Cao Ying tribe and are the most intuitive things that can enhance his strength.

If this dungeon is included in the Chinese server, then ordinary players can only pick up rubbish, use some unreliable biological weapons, and even cannot get the secondary jaw capture gun, because those things have been packed away by the pioneering players. .

At most, I got a few bone guns, which may have been left behind by the natives in the base. Black armor was even more scarce.

And this machine gun of the Grass Babies...

The Cao Ying tribe is very peaceful, but they are not stupid either. This kind of killing weapon cannot be handed over to players casually.

However, Yu Liang is different. He is the Creator. He can pick and take the good things at will. If he takes less, the high priest will be unhappy, thinking that the master does not want to see them.

This feeling...

Inexplicably cool.

He picked up a bone machine gun, and the high priest next to him immediately stepped forward like a dog-legger and told the grass-infant engineers who were still in the center of the shooting range to get out of the way. The master was about to conduct a test firing.

Yu Liang used five light machine guns in sequence. They were not as light and easy to use as the machine guns made by humans in reality.

First, you need to carry the air bag behind your back, then hang the drum on your waist, pick up the machine gun, and connect the air bag and the machine gun through several bone spur tubes.

The machine gun alone weighed 20 kilograms, and with the drum and airbag, it weighed about 30 kilograms. Yu Liang couldn't lift it, so he had to give it to Li Huachao to use.

However, even Li Huachao couldn't run fast with such a large weapon. He had just completed the second phase of the mission, and Yu Liang couldn't store the bone machine gun in the inventory.

The frontal firepower of the fifth-generation light machine guns in front of them is limited, and the rate of fire is about fifty to one hundred rounds per minute. This is a relatively slow rate of fire, and it is basically impossible to create a frontal barrage.

Rather than using this kind of light machine gun, Yu Liang still prefers to install four heavy machine guns on his tank.

As for the lighter firepower configuration, he could ask the high priest for some training methods for Cao Ying mechas and mecha pilots, and return to the real world to train slowly. After all, he does not lack Cao Ying.

"With your productivity, how long will it take to produce a set of such mechas and heavy machine guns?" Yu Liang said. Of course, he would not be polite to the Cao Ying. Under the condition of ensuring that the Cao Ying has enough self-protection strength, he also To strengthen your own strength.

The Cao Ying mechas lined up one after another, pouring out firepower to show Cao Ying's charming moment.

"A complete set would probably require..." The high priest looked at the chief engineer beside him.

"The mecha needs one star and moon, and the heavy machine gun needs fifteen star days, which is equivalent to three weeks and eleven days in the human world." The chief engineer said, the dates and times they use are different from those of humans on Earth, but as the chief engineer, it Of course you know the approximate exchange rate.

The High Priest Cao Ying seemed to have seen what Yu Liang was thinking, so he continued: "If the master needs it, we can provide you with a large number of mechas."

"A large amount? How much is it?" Yu Liang was curious.

"A full three hundred cars." The high priest said without hesitation.

Yu Liang: "..."

If I remember correctly, it’s only three hundred for you, right?

If you give them all to me, aren't you afraid of annihilation?

These grass babies are really sincere.

No more talking, I will feed the other grass babies in the "Golden Temple" when I get back, and I will use the metal spoon very hard.

"No, no need, you need to leave enough weapons to protect yourself." Yu Liang said righteously.

This was part of the reason, and part of the reason was that he simply couldn't take away so much.

There are only twelve slots in the inventory, and you can't take back any more.

"Protect yourself? We won't have to protect ourselves soon, because we can hide in the [tree]." The high priest replied, his tone was understated, but it shocked Yu Liang.


"Go to the tree, we are not viruses, why is the will of the planet stopping us?" the high priest asked, without any flaws in his logic.

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