The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 319 Come to the front line quickly, it’s time to fight!

Hide in a [tree]?

Yes, these grass babies are not viruses. They can hide in trees.

The engineer who owns "Celebi" said that the potent bacteria "fire" is the source of power for the Cao Ying tribe to ascend.

Before that, Yu Liang had not realized the true meaning of ascension, but now it was clear.

The so-called ascension is to go to the [tree]. What the three-eyed people lack, the grass babies have, but the restrictions on the three-eyed people do not have the grass babies. They are favored and allowed to return to the tree.

Yu Liang felt a little emotional when he thought of this.

Could it be that what flesh and blood civilization could not achieve after three reincarnations would be achieved in the four grass babies he planted casually?

It's a bit...


It is also difficult for him to describe his current feelings. From hundreds of years ago to the present, from the three-eyed man to the whistle beast to the grass baby, he has witnessed many of the key events. This kind of ruthless epic feeling over the years and The vicissitudes of life are upon us.

"Is hiding in the [tree] something you have already decided on?" Yu Liang asked calmly. He vaguely sensed another meaning from the words of High Priest Cao Ying just now.

If hiding in the [tree] was Plan B prepared in advance, then this means that the High Priest Cao Ying has always known about the "tumor" and "lesion". It shouldn't have had a headache for so long just now and just couldn't remember it.

"Yes." The High Priest Cao Ying nodded in agreement, "This is something that Cao Cao started working on in previous generations, because we know that the Whistle Beast Clan has been studying the space program. It's like an arms race. Our Cao Ying Clan has I also want to give it a try. However, just like the Three-Eyed Man civilization long ago, we cannot make a spacecraft with enough power."

The face of the high priest Cao Cao showed pride in this grass-infant era: "The space program of that period has basically stopped, but after we obtained the potent bacteria 'Fire', our engineers saw the possibility of the space program. .”

It touched the grass blades on its head and said with joy in its voice: "Now I remember the secrets about this planet. We grass babies don't have these restrictions, so going to the [tree] is naturally a better choice, isn't it? ?"

"That's right." Yu Liang could not deny that the words of the high priest Cao Ying could dispel some of his doubts, but he still had doubts and was secretly alert that the high priest's memory might have been tampered with or moved.

After all, they in the Cao Ying group are just T3 level monsters at the moment, and they don't have much resistance to some weird abilities.

Since the high priest is very friendly to him, Yu Liang can "check" the detailed settings of this strange creature.


Character Card·Cao Ying High Priest

Gradient level: T3

Abilities: Lingren, Vine Veins, Agility

[Vine Veins]: Has the ability to grow vine-like meridians, which can be controlled freely.

[Alertness]: An infant who is extremely alert and has a higher intelligence level than his peers.

Look at the chief engineer and grass infant soldiers. They are all at T3 level. After hundreds of years of development of this group, adult grass infants can all reach T3 level.

T3-level grass babies generally have two standard abilities: "Lingren" and "Vine Veins", and the remaining ability will further distinguish different grass babies.

The high priest adds intelligence, the soldier adds physical fitness, and the chief engineer adds technical strength.

This [Vine Vein] should be Cao Ying's tool to control the mecha. After returning to reality, Yu Liang can use Lu Baoshen's ability and the direction of the demon blood to catalyze a sufficient amount of [Vine Vein] Cao Ying, and then train him into a Cao Ying soldier.

"Those mechas and the matching heavy machine gun 'Black Adam No. 1' can be prepared for fifteen infants for me." Yu Liang said, he planned to bring as many as he could. This heavy machine gun cannot be obtained everywhere. Arrived.

You see, T1-level Lin Xiangu cannot use such high-end goods, and can only use similar talisman machine guns.

Of course, Lin Xiangu has never been a creator like Yu Liang is now.

Fifteen Cao Ying mechas and the corresponding bullet base, this is the amount Yu Liang estimated he could take away. His inventory has twelve slots, Li Huachao has ten slots, Lu Baoshen has ten slots, and Zhong Chen has ten slots. As for The little fairy in the simulation state, Yu Liang, is not included in the calculation.

There are a total of forty-two grids here. If you discard some props, you should be able to take these mechas away.

It's a pity that when Yu Liang summoned the Scrooge, the Scrooge said that he couldn't put the mecha into the jar and take it away. On the one hand, it couldn't be stuffed directly, and on the other hand, things like mecha machine gun bullets couldn't be taken away. Count as "wealth".

Gold and silver have the concept of wealth, and characters also have similar concepts, but things like this mecha cannot be linked to general equivalents.

Most of the props on Yu Liang can be thrown away directly. They are not unique and are nothing compared to mechas.

For Li Huachao, you can throw away everything except the Five-Five-Open Ring and the Ten-Complete Replenishing Ring. Lu Baoshen's inventory is basically full of silver coins. If you throw it back into the jar, it will clear the inventory.

"You can throw away everything else. Those two coffins are good things I left for you." Li Huachao expressed his resistance to Yu Liang's inventory being cleared. He said plausibly, "There are also the masked man's new mask and Tuyou's big white legs. , those two table knives are my precious memories that cannot be thrown away..."

"Stop." Yu Liang stopped Li Huachao's behavior, "Let's arrange it this way first, and then we can bring as much as we can."

However, Li Huachao also reminded him that he could try to store the mecha machine gun and bullets in the masked man's grocery store, and only carry a small amount of bullets in case of emergency.

Looks like I still have to go find the masked man.

At the high priest's order, the grass babies began to prepare mechas and weapons for their fertility gods, and then the high priest took Yu Liang to visit the potent bacterial culture base farther north in the forest.

The base is located underground, and the potent bacteria must be in an environment about ten meters underground to reproduce. They need to absorb some special energy in the land.

Taking a unique vine-like elevator, Yu Liang came to the potent bacterial culture base. The place was heavily guarded. Almost every few steps there were two grass infant soldiers standing guard. One infant observed the surroundings, and the other infant controlled a light machine gun to guard the key points. road.

These grass infant soldiers on guard did not know anything about Yu Liang, but they also expressed surprise at Yu Liang, a man born from an egg, and the human Zhong Chen beside him.

The Dansheng people were okay, after all, there were Dansheng people who entered the Cao Ying group as guests last time, but there had never been any Dansheng people who could enter the potent bacteria culture base.

Not to mention eggs giving birth to humans, even most of the grass babies in this group have never come in.

The human next to Yu Liang made the Cao Ying soldiers stare intently. They originally thought that this kind of creature only existed in paintings or sculptures in art galleries. They were as surprised as humans when they saw a dinosaur resurrected.

The high priest brought Yu Liang and the two to the petri dish of potent bacteria. The place was divided into twenty plates, and a large number of potent bacteria were cultivated in each plate.

"What is in these petri dishes is the potent bacteria 'fire'." The high priest said, pointing to the petri dishes.

Yu Liang looked over and saw that the twenty petri dishes here only totaled about five square meters, which was considered a small scale.

"How many of those goblin bombs can the bacteria here make?" he asked.

"About two, but we need to wait. The life span of potent bacteria is longer than imagined. We need to wait until all the potent bacteria in a petri dish enter the growth stage before we can put it into production." The high priest said, and then looked at the chief engineer.

The chief engineer understood and immediately said: "It is not yet in mass production, but we should be able to break through the technical difficulties this year."

It continued: "This is the limit of the virulent bacteria that can be cultivated in this base. If there are more, these virulent bacteria will react with each other, tremor, engulf, or even cause explosions. These virulent bacteria are self-aware, but This self-awareness is related to the number of their bacterial colonies. The more potent bacteria there are in a certain area, the stronger their individual consciousness."

"Okay." Yu Liang came to a microscope. This place was underground and there was no natural light source, so the Cao Ying tribe also relied on a detached tumor-like nodule for lighting.

With the bright light, Yu Liang really saw this potent bacteria for the first time.

The whole body is in the shape of a long strip, with a large number of small spines growing on the surface. Each small spine has an approximately pentagonal organ inside.

The familiar pentagon.

From this alone, Yu Liang knew that this bacteria must come from the will of the planet.

The previous guess was correct. The "will" referred to in the handwriting left by the mysterious engineer was the will of the planet.

After further verifying the conjecture, Yu Liang took another arrow from Zhong Chen's back, and then synthesized a unit of bacteria on the spot and placed it in a petri dish for observation.

When he synthesized this time, he wanted to synthesize more other types of bacteria, such as various bacteria on the earth, but what he synthesized was still the larger bacteria like the first time.

Perhaps it was because he didn’t know much about bacteria and didn’t even know how many structures bacteria were made of, so he couldn’t synthesize it.

If a bacteriologist were to synthesize the character "bacteria", he should be able to synthesize most of the bacteria he knows.

The potent bacteria cannot be obtained through the "bacteria" character, and Yu Liang cannot obtain these potent bacteria so easily.

If you want to take it away and bring it back to the earth...

If the number is too small, it will be useless. If you bring too many, it will take up space, and there are no Cao Ying engineers on Yu Liang's side who can cultivate goblin bombs.

Are we going to take away all these grass-infant engineers?

"These bacteria are..." The chief engineer took a look at the microscope and was surprised to find that these bacteria did not belong to any bacteria he had seen.

"Earth bacteria." Yu Liang said, "You can cultivate more of these bacteria from the earth, but be careful not to mix them with potent bacteria."

He looked at the chief engineer with great interest and asked, "Are engineers like you willing to come with me?"

"Go? Where to go?" The chief engineer did not understand what Yu Liang meant.

"Go to the human world." Yu Liang explained.

The chief engineer refused almost without thinking: "I'm sorry, my master, my world is here, and the space program may not be able to continue without me."

"Okay, it's okay." Yu Liang just asked, knowing that such a request would be a bit overwhelming.

Instead of persuading these grass babies to leave with themselves, it is better to find a way to solve the root cause of the ghost story and store this planet into a scene card.

It is another way to conquer the grass-infant civilization. He can even have a complete production chain, including mecha machine guns and bullets.

Then acquire a large amount of raw materials from the masked man or other players to use them to upgrade and iterate the bone machine gun and create more production chains.

Finally, the grass babies cultivated in the universe were put into the scene card through the monster column of Li Huachao and others for production work...

Hasn’t the military industry developed?

Primitive capital is accumulated through the sale of grass babies, and then the accumulated capital is used to purchase resources, and then processed into things that players need, and to prepare for the opening of player factories in the Kaitan dungeon in the future.

If you think about it this way, grass babies are really the best creatures in the world. They can be put on the shelves as commodities, and they can also be used as cheap labor to make commodities.

Yu Liang knew how tempting these special bone machine guns would be to players, and maybe the entire world of ghost stories would be transformed as a result.

Players below the level of T2 in the alienation profession have almost no possibility of fighting against the bone machine gun individually. Even the physical warriors above T2 can only be defeated by the incline firepower of a large number of bone machine guns.

The only thing that needs to be considered is whether the use of this kind of firepower will be caused by the attention of the source monster in the dungeon. Whether it is curiosity or hostility, when the source monster becomes interested in a player, the fate of that player is no longer under his control.

All players will be crazy to buy a Black Adam series machine gun with better performance and faster fire rate.

Below T2, everyone is equal.

Yu Liang had already seen the white money flowing to him in the future, but when he looked at the quiver on Zhong Chen's body, his thoughts returned to the present.

On the way to solving the root cause of the strange story, the answer he gave was to use the character "bacteria" to transform all the bacteria on the planet, but this would take a lot of time.

So when he leaves this dungeon, the bacteria left behind will slowly disintegrate the will of the planet. So after a period of time, does it mean that he has solved the source of this dungeon?

For example, when you wake up and find that there is an extra scene card in the universe?

But this is just a guess. The best situation is to directly absorb the planet, and the second is to receive the entire production line skills of the grass babies.

There are also grass babies in his universe. Through the magic blood to catalyze some grass babies with high intelligence and high skills, they might be able to replicate these assembly lines in a few years.

After asking these Cao Ying, Yu Liang learned that their craftsmanship requires a large number of skilled Cao Ying workers, and some relevant information can be preserved through the small biological computer in the Cao Ying group to produce fruits.

This biological computer was an iconic gift from the Whistle Beast Clan and the Grass Infant Clan when they declared an armistice several years ago. The Grass Infants gave the Whistle Beast Clan a huge statue. The carving contained the message that the Whistle Beast Clan was rich in oil at that time. The leader of the class is a masterpiece jointly completed by several artists in the Cao Ying group.

Such a precious biological computer is exchanged for a statue...

Yu Liang no longer knows how to complain about these rich people.

After some travel, he visited various places of the Grass Babies like a superior leader and returned home with a full load.

He brought the fruits that contained production line skills, and at the same time left some fruits that contained information about the source of the dungeon, and asked the Cao Ying high priests to leave the fruits to the best human players.

This is also the task of the third phase.

About four weeks later, Yu Liang received a second call from Lee. Lee’s voice on the other side was concise and to the point:

"Come to the front line quickly, the war is on."

I ate so much at the self-service Pizza Hut that I felt a little uncomfortable. I wanted to ask for leave, but suddenly I found that there were no more times this month QAQ

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