The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 339 Now that we have the hardware, let’s get some software

This woman is not human...

Is it a ghost?

Yu Liang had a guess in his heart, and the woman's words just now intuitively confirmed this guess.

Ghosts are outside the Three Realms and are not among the Five Elements. They can see some things that ordinary people cannot see, such as the created characters in their universe.

From the looks of it, this woman is most likely a ghost.

How should a ghost monk deal with it? She would definitely not be afraid of those evil-proof props. The evil-proof props at the door were even arranged by herself.

But then again, if this monk is a ghost, why do he need to set up so many evil-proof props?

Is it possible that other ghosts will attack this experimental base?

Yu Liang kept his distance from the woman in the wheelchair. He held a silver coin in his hand, ready to switch to Lu Baoshen at any time.

It may be a little difficult to fight, but escaping shouldn't be a problem. The combination of [Purge] and [Qian Shu] is very powerful for escaping, not to mention that Yu Liang can also use Tank Daofu.

As long as he doesn't offend the officials of this cyber city or some people with inexplicable methods, Yu Liang can still ensure his own safety.

He opened the page and took a look at his remaining exploration time. It was 209 hours and 13 minutes, and he had not yet deducted time for encountering ghosts.

To be honest, Yu Liang felt that it was worthwhile to exchange six hours for the information from the female monk. At least he now had a deeper understanding of the ghost and probably knew the origin of this strange creature.

But why can they steal time?

Yu Liang couldn't understand this question.

"So... the ghosts have been created. Have they obtained the 'human heritage' you called it?" Yu Liang saw that the other party was still calm and had no intention of breaking out, so he continued to ask, "The so-called human brain Are they ready to use the computers that came with them?”

"Of course... no." The female monk smiled. She didn't seem to notice Yu Liang's vigilance, and just continued to explain the mystery to Yu Liang, "They have indeed returned to their true colors, but they are a little different. The mistake has become what it is now. The ghosts completely lost their consciousness in one breath and returned to their original soul, but they are too old, and their consciousness is too mature and thick, so that the soul has been covered for too long. So weak."

The female monk shook her head: "To put it simply, this makes them unable to even recognize the 'problem'. Without consciousness, they cannot even recognize the 'self'. This is equivalent to a computer without The 'input end' has been removed. In this way, even if the door to the inheritance is opened, it can only remain in a daze and become a beast-like existence."

"Is there no solution?" Yu Liang instinctively felt a pity. These people seemed to have opened the genetic lock that bound humans, but they were told that the price was to completely turn into beasts. How could this not make people feel regretful? .

"If the soul is weak, it will devour other souls to make up for itself; without consciousness, it cannot recognize itself, so it will use the consciousness outside the body to assist." The female monk gave an extremely intuitive answer.

She smiled and raised her hand. There was nothing on her hand, but she was staring straight at it: "Consciousness outside the body is a spiritual body, and it can also be called -"


"Software? Spiritual body?" Yu Liang's mind instantly thought of another way of saying this kind of thing.

Evil spirit!

This is what those law enforcers call evil spirits!

Similarly, what is said on the graffiti wall is correct. When the ghost is looking at itself, it is very likely that it is really communicating with its own evil spirit, and that is consciousness!

The female monk licked her lips and turned to look at Yu Liang again: "You should know now, right? About consciousness and soul."

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded.

Those ghosts outside are probably complete soul bodies, and have never brought their consciousness into spirit bodies with them. This is equivalent to computers without software, so most functions cannot be performed.

Then the female monk in front of me...

Does it belong to the complete ghost body?

They do look more normal and more human than those ordinary ghosts.

"According to the official statement, people slowly turn into ghosts when they have too much contact with evil spirits. There are also theories that people become ghosts because they change jobs at will. So these statements are all wrong?" Yu Liang asked bluntly, He didn't need to get the exact answer from the female monk, he could judge a lot from the female monk's reaction.

The female monk sneered: "Of course, what they call evil spirits is consciousness in the spiritual state. It is just a software. The official statement is even wrong about cause and effect. How can so many people believe that elementary school Taoism? Is the class taught by a physical education teacher?”

"According to what you say, a ghost with a spirit body is far more advanced than a normal person..." Yu Liang hesitated for a second, and then continued, "Advanced?"

Yes, now he even wants to use the word "advanced" to describe ghost people.

According to the female monk, to become a ghost, you need to deconstruct yourself first and separate the consciousness from your body.

The habits and characters developed since childhood, all the knowledge gained, and all the experiences gained from practice are part of the consciousness of the spirit. Only by completely abandoning them can one return to the origin of human beings - the soul.

At this stage, talents can be regarded as regaining the spirituality of the primate of all things, but this spirituality that has just escaped the control of the consciousness is often weak and needs to swallow more souls to thrive.

According to the female monk, this process should be called "flashing", which is to restore the computer system to factory settings.

Then there is the need to re-cultivate the consciousness, and you need to consciously develop the "external consciousness" and obtain the spirit-like consciousness. Only in this way can the function of the computer of the human brain be brought into play.

That is "installing the software".

Without the corresponding software, the performance of a computer cannot be reflected no matter how good it is.

Starting with Taoism, the human brain is used as a computer, and the structure is analyzed using mechanical principles...

Although Yu Liang has not seen many human body modification components with cyber characteristics until now, such as mantis knives, orangutan arms, but now he feels that this is very "cyber".

Cyber ​​Cultivation.

"The ghosts who only have souls are low-level, but the ghosts who have installed the software are more advanced." The female monk said.

"Okay, how can a normal person become what you call a ghost? To completely strip away consciousness... Isn't it easy?" Yu Liang planned to ask for advice on the method of cyber cultivation, but he didn't want to Give it a try, but get the hang of it.

After figuring out the principle of ghost people, this copy should be much easier.

The female monk glanced at Yu Liang. She didn't intend to hide it. It would be better to say that she had a strong desire to share.

Just like a reclusive mad scientist, after someone accidentally breaks into his territory, the scientist will often show off his great inventions or discoveries to the other party.

"Practice hard and practice Taoism." The female monk raised her head. She was very familiar with this practice method. "The Yuan Shen is the innate god, and the Consciousness God is the acquired god. When a person is born, the Yuan Shen is in charge. Director, and then gradually hand over all affairs to the consciousness. Taoist priests can use the soul to watch their consciousness through meditation. If the consciousness does not move, the heart will be empty. Once the heart is empty, it will enter the state of selfless void. Gradually peel off the cocoon woven by the consciousness and release the soul."

Yu Liang frowned when he heard this. It didn't sound simple, and it was far beyond the scope of what normal people could do. So where did so many ghosts come from downstairs?

It’s not like they are all ascetics, right?

Of course he didn't believe that there would be so many people who could devote themselves to the austere practice of Taoism.

Those ghosts are probably not acquired through practice, including the female monk in front of me.

"Hard this a very simple thing? According to you, those ghosts downstairs have achieved something, right?" Yu Liang expressed his confusion.

"Yes, penance is one method, but a simpler method is to perform electronic stripping." The female monk said, trying to describe the scene to Yu Liang, "I have not seen that scene, but I guess it is official Some people did this, or some chaebols used human bodies to do electron stripping experiments a long time ago, and eventually the experiments went out of control and spread to the entire city. This kind of thing is not uncommon in movies and TV dramas, isn't it?"

Yu Liang nodded. He did not deny this possibility, but the words coming from the female monk's mouth always made him feel strange.

He suddenly understood that this woman could not determine the origin of the ghost, it was just her own conjecture and practice.

This set of conjectures and practices is logical, but it does not mean that it is reality.

I'm afraid this is just a conjecture about the origin of ghost people. It is the insight gained by the female monks through penance and a lot of experiments.

"So now that you have a deep understanding of what I mean by ghosts, I want to take you to see something..." The female monk stretched out her hand and pointed to the place where she had just entered.

Yu Liang rubbed the silver coins in his hand. The laboratory was at the back of the room. The female monk might not have good intentions, so he was not prepared to follow her in.

It's almost time to run away.

From the current point of view, it is worthwhile to get this information. As for what the female monk said, just don't read it.

"That is my masterpiece, a consciousness god with a very special ability. His name is 'Lu Mingzhe'." The female monk smiled slightly, "Because the consciousness god is familiar with his real name, so he will know how to call them by his original name. More responsive and easier.”

"Lu Mingzhe?" Li Huachao said in surprise.

"Lu Mingzhe!" Lu Baoshen suddenly became excited.

Yu Liang: "..."

I had to watch it now.

What the hell?

Why does Lu Mingzhe's name appear here?

Still in the state of "consciousness", the attributes in this copy are exactly the same as Li Huachao and others...

To be honest, there is a very small probability that it is Lu Mingzhe. The timeline in the world of strange stories is not fixed. Maybe his future self sent Lu Mingzhe here in a state of consciousness, or it may be for some other reason.

Yu Liang was vaguely looking forward to it, but not that much. No matter what, he needed to take a look for himself, even if it might be a trap.

Cyber ​​cultivator, right?

A ghost, right?

The worst thing is to take out the Tank Daofu and give it a try to see whether the fortress is better at cultivating immortals or the cyber cultivators.

Yu Liang was not too afraid of this female ghost monk. Judging from the following encounter, the ghost did not have much additional lethality. At most, it would save him six hours of exploration time.

This loss is acceptable.

Seeing Yu Liang lost in thought, the female monk drove the electric wheelchair toward the laboratory inside: "Don't worry, there is no danger inside. I just want to demonstrate the secret of the 'software' to you."

So Yu Liang did not hesitate anymore and followed the female monk, always keeping a distance of three to five steps.

There are several transparent chambers in the laboratory, each containing human bodies soaked in a special liquid.

Not corpses, they are still alive.

Yu Liang noticed the oxygen supply devices at their mouths and noses and made a judgment in his mind.

"These are all ghosts here, humans with only their souls left." The female monk drove past these cabins, "And it is not that easy to completely preserve their consciousness. I have only succeeded in so many experiments. Once, it was this consciousness named 'Lu Mingzhe'."

Yu Liang said nothing, but suddenly he noticed one of the human bodies.

To be precise, I noticed the face of one of them.


I saw the adventurer sleeping peacefully in that cabin.


Adventurer Lu Mingzhe!

In an instant, Yu Liang figured out that this was because this guy had stolen his name again.

What the hell.

Looking at the adventurer sleeping soundly in the cabin, Yu Liang instinctively felt a little funny.

It turns out that this guy also entered this dungeon, and was caught, as if he was about to die.

"After the consciousness is stripped away, can the ghost man turn back into a human?" Yu Liang looked at the adventurer in the cabin and asked.

At this time, the female monk had come to a transparent jar. There was nothing in the jar, but she was operating quickly in front of an instrument.

When she heard Yu Liang's question, she subconsciously replied: "If it is completely stripped away, just let the consciousness return to the body of the ghost. If the consciousness is damaged, it will naturally not be able to return to its original state. I'm afraid it will have to change." He’s become mentally retarded.”

After saying this, she took off the jar from the instrument and started the "software" in her hand.

In the jar is the consciousness she peeled off, "Lu Mingzhe", which is the software.

It is impossible for a computer to install only one software, so it needs more software so that it can better use the capabilities of the computer hardware.

In the "software store", "multiple consciousness gods" is the best situation. Multiple consciousness gods stay in the same body, which shows that the intensity of these consciousness gods is very high and the degree of rejection is very low.

Multiple consciousnesses with the same origin will be more convenient to use, and there will be no rejection reaction even if they are used at the same time.

It is equivalent to a "software family bucket" that can take into account all aspects of use.

The most important thing is that as long as the "main consciousness" of this body is not peeled off, it will be very easy to peel off other deputy consciousnesses, far easier than a body with only one consciousness.

The female monk glanced at the adventurer behind her who called herself "Ren'an" and sneered.

For her, this is the best gift. The Multi-Knowledge God Kit is equivalent to a "software family bucket", which is enough to develop 25% or even 35% of the human brain's computer potential!

At the same time, Yu Liang put his hand on the surface of the cabin where the adventurer's body was. He had to find a way to save the adventurer. According to the female monk, it was just a matter of letting the complete consciousness return to the body, right?

As a result, the two people, each with their own ulterior motives, were sure of their own plans, so they seemed...

Very sincere, as if without any defensiveness.

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