The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 340 No, what about the character I created? !

The nun's hand gently caressed the transparent jar.

"Consciousness" does not have an entity, but it can be stripped off, captured, and stored.

It is not scientific to say that it is stored. To be precise, "consciousness" spontaneously adsorbs between the gray silver on the upper and lower layers of the jar, and exists here for a long time.

The mass ratio of the upper and lower layers of gray silver is 1:2. This combination allows the consciousness to circulate in it over and over again. When the ratio is 2:3, the consciousness will reject the jar and spontaneously stay away from the jar. .

If you want to use the God-knowing software, you need to open the jar first, and then issue instructions to install the program. After the installation is completed, it can enter the running state.

Before this, she had never installed the complete software, nor had she tried out how powerful the complete software was, but she had predicted it beforehand.

The inheritance in the human brain is called "Tao Ancestor" by her. As long as this consciousness named "Lu Mingzhe" is installed into the body, she can control about 10% of Tao Ancestor's power, which is far more than the 3% power she currently controls. Be strong.

As for the adventurer named "Ren'an" in front of him, he may have some means, but it is impossible to resist 10% of Daozu's power.

At the current level of 3%, the power displayed by Daozu is still within the range that humans can understand, but 10% is different.

If it is 10%, it is estimated that he can randomly master seven or eight earth evil magical powers; and after obtaining the complete software "Multiple Knowledge Gods", he can even get a Tiangang magical power.

Tongyou, driving away gods, carrying mountains, forbidding water, Five Elements Great Escape, Liujia Qimen...

These magical arts that were only recorded in the "Shenxian Baojian" could finally be performed with the human body. She had long known that the ancients would not deceive future generations.

If mankind wants to regain its heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is just the last few steps.

The female monk slowly unscrewed the jar and looked at the adventurer. At this time, the adventurer was putting his hand on the lid of the cabin, not knowing what to do.

In this glance, the female monk noticed that the adventurer was also looking at her. Their eyes met in the air, and they understood each other's meaning almost instantly.

The other party wants to take advantage of you.

Such thoughts are almost written on his face.

As a result, the two started new actions almost at the same time.

The female monk raised the jar in her hand and said loudly: "Lu Mingzhe, come to me!"

The jar shook on its own, and an invisible mass floated out of the jar. "It" slowly circled around the jar, like a circle that keeps turning during the software installation process.

Wait, why is the installation process so slow?

The female monk was immediately stunned. Could it be that the complete God-conscious software is so slow?

It shouldn’t be. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be faster, right?

Yu Liang looked at the female monk's reaction, combined with her previous words, and instantly realized something, so he imitated the female monk and said loudly: "Ren'an, come to me!"

Hearing the real name, the group consciousness seemed to have sensed the correct opening command, and moved towards Yu Liang's position without hesitation, completely terminating the female monk's command and no longer executing the installation program.

"Wait!" The female monk was shocked. She tried to control the consciousness with words, but she couldn't do it at all. It seemed that the consciousness couldn't hear her instructions.

What? !

Why does this group of consciousness listen to each other?

Isn't Ren'an the name of the man in front of me?

Why does "Ren'an" call a group of consciousness gods "Ren'an"? This consciousness god will raise the priority of this command to the top?

Even if "Lu Mingzhe" is a made-up name, isn't "Ren'an" also a made-up name?

Why are the priorities different?

The priorities of the two should be the same. Logically speaking, her installation command is still activated first, which is why she nonchalantly told the "adventurer" the real name of "Lu Mingzhe".

Because it was the Consciousness She stripped off, she was more familiar with the Consciousness God, and she issued the order earlier, so of course the priority of the order would be higher.


how so!

For a moment, the female monk's face was full of shock, but Yu Liang across from her didn't give her enough time.

He had just "checked" the composition of the surface of the cabin. It was almost as he thought, it was glass, and the upper and lower ends of the glass were made of a special metal.

Yu Liang hit the word "broken" on the glass surface of the cabin, and the glass suddenly shattered, revealing a hole.

"Ren'an, go and enter your body." Yu Liang continued to give instructions. However, he did not see the adventurer sit up in the cabin. Judging from the vague feeling, this group of consciousness seemed to still be lingering in him. Next to him, a line of cool air formed on the back of his neck.

The consciousness does not come close to the adventurer's body.

Why is there natural rejection?

Yu Liangyi frowned, but he reacted quickly. He guessed that this might be related to the special metal on the upper and lower ends of the glass cabin, so he took out a metal spoon and used [Cleaning] to break down the two pieces of special metal.

Before he could give the order again, he felt the cold air on the back of his neck disappear, and the consciousness seemed to instinctively crawl back into his body and take control of his body again.

The next second, the adventurer opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Yu Liang's somewhat familiar face.

"Eh? You! Why are you here?" He was stunned for a second, wondering why he was here and why Yu Liang was in front of him.

"Follow me first." Yu Liang completely shattered the glass cabin and pulled up the adventurer who was soaked in the liquid.

However, at this time, the adventurer showed his cautious side. He took two steps back with a vigilant look on his face: "You are a ghost, right?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Is it really hard to do your intermittent wit?

When the female monk in the distance saw this scene happening, she was immediately furious. What she least expected to happen happened, and the complete consciousness that she had worked so hard to separate actually returned to the original body.

"You! Damn it, I wanted to give you a happy one!" The female monk was so angry that she stood up from the wheelchair and said angrily with a ferocious face, "You could have attained enlightenment and become an immortal with me, but you abandoned it yourself. This opportunity!”

Then, the female monk raised her hand without hesitation, and her own consciousness obeyed her call and appeared behind her, with great momentum for a moment.

Except for herself, no one can see the external consciousness that has been installed in her brain, but the full stimulation of the consciousness will disturb the air and cause some changes in the corresponding space.

Just like people cannot see the wind, but they can judge the movement trajectory of consciousness from the objects blown by the wind.

At this moment, the female monk's hair was blown into chaos by her consciousness, her eyes lit up bright red, and the next second, the name of the magical power came out of her mouth: "Charming Soul!"

[Soul Capturing]: One of the seventy-two earth evil magical powers, a method of absorbing souls.

After the ghost condenses his own external consciousness and installs it, the consciousness will randomly obtain a number of magical powers based on the development level of the "Tao Ancestor". 3% of the development progress is to obtain two of the seventy-two earthly evil magical powers.

Fortunately, what she obtained happened to be "soul-capturing", which could greatly enhance her efficiency in stripping away the consciousness, and she could even directly separate the consciousness without relying on special instruments.

Just like it is now!

The female monk's hands were like eagle claws, and the soul-stirring technique was launched. The consciousness quickly locked on Yu Liang while the consciousness was running, trying to forcibly peel off the consciousness from Yu Liang's body.

Originally, she wanted to rely on medication to help peel off the consciousness, because that way she would not encounter any resistance, and the probability of peeling off the complete consciousness was almost 100%, but now this situation was obviously beyond her expectations, so she did not The pursuit of perfection.

Catch as many as you can!

"Huh?" Yu Liang quickly retreated when he saw the female monk raising her hand, but he could feel that his people seemed to have left the place, but something was left there.

"Wait, wait, what the fuck?!" In the universe, Li Huachao was shocked, "Someone is pulling me, I'm going to be pulled out of the universe!"

"Me too... I can't hold you back, Chao Zi!" Lu Baoshen seemed to want to exert force on Li Huachao in the opposite direction, but this external pulling force was too strong. Even An Buchen and Zhong Chenyi I can't even hold it back when I get up.


Yu Liang didn't expect that this woman could actually peel off consciousness from a distance, which was also beyond his expectation.

No, wouldn't you be able to use this method just outside?

Do you want to trick me into coming here again?

He tried to use the power of the universe, but in this situation where his consciousness was stripped away, he could no longer control the universe freely.

Those strange creatures couldn't be used, and the character cards in the universe couldn't be switched out. They were all busy holding Li Huachao to prevent Li Huachao's consciousness from being pulled out and locked in a jar.

We must find another way to interrupt this female monk.

"Damn it, it's really Lu Mingzhe!" The adventurer noticed the tug between the female monk and Yu Liang. He took out the heavy machine gun given by Yu Liang from the inventory, installed the air bag in a few clicks, and inserted the drum. In the gun slot, he pointed at the female monk and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da da da da da-"

A series of bullets were fired at the female monk. At the same time, Yu Liang also took out his weapon from the inventory, raised the machine gun and fired at the female monk.

"This thing?" The female monk looked at the two heavy machine guns and the bullet chains pouring in, and was a little confused for a moment.

Why were these two people able to pull out such heavy weapons from the void?

Is it possible that they all have the "Hu Tian" technique to absorb Sumeru and mustard seeds?

But why did the guy locked up in the holding chamber also have this kind of weapon?

Why didn't he use it when he was arrested?

The female monk's mind was full of thoughts, and she used her other level of Earthly Evil magical power in the electric light and flint.

[Remove]: Can make items return and return to their original position.

In an instant, the dozens of bullets fired at her turned around and shot back at the heavy machine guns in the hands of Yu Liang and the adventurer.

What is this? !

The sudden change of sides of the heavy machine gun bullets was unexpected by Yu Liang and the adventurer. Three or two rounds of bullets were fired into the barrel, damaging the heavy machine gun in one go and even stabbing their hands. So they simultaneously took back the heavy machine gun and retrieved its contents. column.

The adventurer only had time to grab a handful of metal nails from the inventory and sprinkle them in front of the two people. In just a moment, the metal nails grew into metal thorns, blocking the bullets.

"You can actually rebound the attack?" the adventurer said in surprise. It sounded like he had never seen this method of a female monk before. Looking at Yu Liang, Yu Liang already looked constipated at this moment.

"No, this guy is about to take away my consciousness." Cold sweat fell from Yu Liang's forehead. He could feel that Li Huachao's character card was loose, and he was about to leave the universe completely. If this continues, he might really lose it. A character card.

what to do?

Is there any other way now?

Hiding in a prison mirror filled with fog?

He tried to run away from the female monk and towards the door, but his body was still the target of the female monk's magical power.

Once he runs out of the room, his body will spontaneously back up and return to its previous location along the same path.

He couldn't run away, and he couldn't stop the process of stripping away the consciousness of the female monk.

The characters he typed could even be bounced back by the female monk. This method was far more disgusting than Yu Liang had expected.

With the items and seals I can use now, it seems I can't stop the female monk from stripping away her consciousness...

Wait, there’s something else!

However, at this critical moment, Yu Liang suddenly thought of the adventurer.

By the way, in addition to his inventory and stamp slots, you can also use the adventurer, the adventurer's abilities, the adventurer's four slots...


"Quickly, open my box!" Yu Liang yelled at the adventurer beside him, "Use your box-opening ability!"

Yes, the universe is also a closed space, and the adventurer's ability to open blind boxes may be effective!

"Ah? Oh!" The adventurer didn't hesitate too much. He chose to trust Yu Liang's judgment, so he activated his ability and grabbed Yu Liang's virtual hand.

Normally, his ability to open treasure chests cannot be used on people unless there are other "enclosed spaces" in the person's body, and this is exactly the case now.

The adventurer held something like a card with his fingers, and he actually grabbed some kind of physical object.

As soon as he exerted force, a series of character cards slipped out.

Li Huachao, Lu Baoshen, An Buchen, Zhong Chen and others appeared next to Yu Liang in an instant, exploding all over the ground like exploding equipment.


"What? Did I kill a pelican?" He couldn't help complaining. This scene reminded him of the game "Goose and Duck" he often played during this period.

Yu Liang looked at the physical bodies of Li Huachao and others whom he had not seen for a long time, and he felt a sense of power.

Now he also has a whole team!

"Go, kill that guy!" Yu Liang gave the order, and the four created characters immediately tore apart the metal thorns like wolves and rushed forward.

Among them, Li Huachao had naturally been holding back his anger for a long time. He was pulled and pulled in the universe, which made him extremely uncomfortable; while Zhong Chen was extremely obedient to Yu Liang's words.

As for An Buchen, she ran down after two steps and stopped going up. Lu Baoshen ran two steps more than her, but when he saw that the other dwarf did not continue running forward, he also stopped.

"No! What's going on?!"

The female monk watched with her own eyes as several people burst out of the body of the adventurer named "Ren'an", as if there were so many people in his belly.

What's even weirder is that after these people appeared, her "soul-capturing" technique was automatically interrupted.

Automatically interrupted because the target was lost!

Seeing those guys with different auras of different intensities rushing over the metal thorns at the same time, the female monk felt a little panic in her heart, so she turned on the ability of the "eviction" technique to the maximum.

The magical power quickly expanded to cover everyone present.

After a burst of white light, there was no one in the laboratory.


Yu Liang opened his eyes in the alley.

He returned to the alley, just like the bullet returned to the chamber of the gun.


Why are the characters I created no longer in the universe?

The character cards are still there, but all the people are gone!

can not be reached.

No, they won't all be randomly teleported to other areas, right? !

Yu Liang looked up at the sky. There was not a single star twinkling in the night sky.

In the huge Cyber ​​City, he felt lonely for the first time.

What is this all about?

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