The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 575 Engineers and Magicians

Some humans were once root monsters.

If Yu Liang had not personally experienced the incident related to Qin Haijian's departure from the moon copy, he would probably not believe that such a thing happened.

But it was a pity that he saw with his own eyes that Qin Haijian, like all other players, was enveloped in the white light of the ghost story world, and then he patted his butt and left the Moon Community easily.

At the same time, the dead Lin Xiangu was abandoned by him, and the other five sides of the dice were also abandoned by him.

The only player who ran out was Qin Haijian, but the noise caused at this time was not limited to a source of ghost stories.

If all the "human" ghost stories in Forgotten City are like this, then there will be a big problem.

At least Yu Liang felt that a root ghost story with player authority was more dangerous than a normal root ghost story.

Because of the character rules and alienated career rules that players can use, their priority is higher than that of the Kaitan. This is the weapon that Kaitan World gives them to fight against the Kaidan.

And now, such weapons have been captured by the Root Ghost Stories in such a magical way.

Yu Liang originally thought that "Smile" became blasting engineer Qin Haijian by giving up his original ability, but now it seems that this is not the case.

If only the abilities of ordinary T2 players were available, Qin Haijian would definitely not be able to injure the Rat Lord God, the source of the strange story. Yu Liang was almost sure of this point.

You know, he himself is also a T2 writer, and he can be said to be the absolute king in the T2 gradient. Some mid- and upper-level T1 gradient players cannot compete with him, and players of this level must be the founders.

In the country and even the world, there are very few players of Founding Seat level, probably only a few hundred. However, unlike Yu Liang's imagination, these players have been restricted by the strange world and cannot move at will.

According to Xu Cixi, there is another planning model for the entire world area in the Kaitan world. Kaitan players with titles cannot cross different areas without a pass.

The pass needs to be applied for, but the procedure is very cumbersome and must be applied by a "human" player.

Li Huachao, Lu Baoshen and An Buchen all have titles, but there is no such pass application channel on their pages, because they completely rely on Yu Liang's existence, just like A Ze's personality clones rely on A Ze's existence.

This is also easy to understand. A relatively closed area will naturally form order, and the emergence of order is conducive to the stable operation of society.

Players with titles undoubtedly have the ability to break the order. If they can run around the world, God knows how much trouble they will cause.

This world is not as strong as an urban fairy tale. It cannot withstand too many plots of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers and slaps in the face. Every conflict between powerful players may destroy the already fragile order of ghost stories.

Players with titles may have power at the level of Kaidan. This is like walking humanoid nuclear bombs, which is too detrimental to the stable order that the Kaitan world needs.

Each division may have disaster points in each division. If you are lucky, there may not be any big weird incidents in this season, which will tend to be easier for the players. It is a recovery period for the player's strength, which is equivalent to the culture. King's rule.

Of course, if there is a big problem in the surrounding competition areas, these players may still be dispatched to put out the fire, and that is what will happen every season.

It is precisely for this reason that several founding seats in Haicheng decided to enter Wangcheng before the major events of this season completely broke out to see if they could nip the disaster in the bud.

As the core city of the entire southern coastal region, Haicheng is an international metropolis. It is absolutely leading in terms of population and economic prosperity, so the player density is relatively higher.

Under this premise, it is normal for five or six founder-level players to be born.

"No." Yu Liang found Lu Baoshen, "Did Qin Haijian give you a handkerchief before? A handkerchief with a bloody smile on it."

"Yeah." Lu Baoshen opened the page and wanted to take this thing out of the inventory. He didn't pay much attention to it, he just put it in the inventory.

"No, there's no need to take it out." Yu Liang knew what this guy wanted to do and immediately stopped Lu Baoshen.

At that time, Qin Haijian was probably in a state where his root ability had been stolen by the moon, and he was unable to display the cognitive pollution ability of "smile".

"Sister, is the moon still in your shadow?" Yu Liang asked Miss "Zhi".

"Of course, as long as you don't think wildly, He can't come out." Hearing this, "Zhi" immediately responded.

"So is Yue Yue's root ability still there? What I mean is that the other root powers that he deprived of Kaidan will be sealed with him, or will they be left in the Kaidan copy?" Yu Liang asked a question.

"Zhi" thought for a while and gave an inaccurate answer: "I should only have the ability to seal the moon. The source ghost stories occupied by the moon should be left in the ghost story copy."

At this time, she was still a little self-aware. If she brought other source ghost stories to seal them together, she might be a little unable to suppress it, so she just dealt with the moon.


"Qin Haijian is just an ordinary player", this happened a long time ago.

The timeline of the Origin Ghost Story is extremely special. Qin Haijian probably entered the Forgotten City after that and recovered the power of "smile" in the Forgotten City!

Moon Community...

The dice were left in the Moon Community, and Qin Haijian returned to the Moon Community to get his abilities back!

But thinking of this, Yu Liang felt a little strange.

How did Qin Haijian convince the other sides of the dice not to beat him up?

Forget it, it's not important.

Qin Haijian could detect the presence of Li Huachao and smile just in the memory of Lord Shushu. This shows that the current Qin Haijian must have completed his own completion, and his strength has returned to the realm of the root ghost talk.

"It's very troublesome. If that guy knows that I am here, he will definitely come to me." Yu Liang thought of Xu Cixi and understood that with Qin Haijian's fun-loving personality, he would definitely want to come and see him.

But he doesn't have to worry too much, after all, he has a lot of helpers now.

Yu Liang looked at the priest not far away. Now the adventurer had run over and used the priest's [God] power.

People paid a lot of indulgences (churches with domes), and even the priest could only ask for them.

Coincidentally, during this period, Yu Liang also came to the priest's side and informed the priest of some situations.

After all, we will have to rely on the power of the Haicheng Alliance later, so some of the most basic information naturally needs to be shared.

"So now we need to take down the source of the invasion of the safe zone, and then we can obtain a semi-permanent Forgotten City safe zone?" The priest understood what Yu Liang was talking about and agreed with such a deal, "It sounds good. good."

At this time, he will naturally see more things. Having a safe zone belonging to the Haicheng Alliance in Wangcheng is a rare and good thing for the players of the Haicheng Alliance.

Not to mention anything else, the accelerated growth of alienated professions alone can make some ambitious players choose to settle here.

Although it is not a good thing to stay away from the world and live in the Forgotten City surrounded by strange stories all year round, it is nothing compared to the advantage of rapid improvement in strength.

Players from other cities or even other regions may move here after hearing about the existence of the safe zone, just to reach the T1 gradient faster.

Only after reaching the T1 gradient can one truly be able to gain a firm foothold in the Kaitan dungeon.

"Well, the area of ​​this safe zone is not too small. The underground belongs to the source of ghost talk, and the ground belongs to us." Yu Liang nodded and said, "With the important relationship between the Bride of the Rat Lord God, the rat people will not make things difficult for us."

He also had some plans that he had not told the priest, and they were business plans.

Just like the school district house, he plans to build a ghost house in the safe zone. There are also comparisons between the two...

appropriate price.

Guitanfang is mainly for rent, specially rented out to those players who want to quickly improve their alienation career gradient.

At the same time, the safe zone is also a transit point for the new route trade, and some items that should not appear in the world of ghost stories are "laundered" through the masked man's shop.

However, both plans have a common prerequisite, which is to open up a safe and stable trade route.

If a Kaitan player rents a house and is completely eaten by the bone roots on the way there, then what business is there?

"But the source of the strange story that invaded this safe zone is a bit special." Yu Liang glanced at the priest and did not continue, "Forget it, let's wait until the other founders come over."

"Okay." The priest did not refuse, and turned to look in the direction where the coach and other subsequent players were stationed. "They should be a few hundred meters away. We just need to go there now."


After a small meeting in which a lawyer was absent, several founding chairs almost unanimously agreed to Yu Liang’s plan.

Dealing with the source of the invasion was a permanent solution that was totally worth the risk.

"But the blasting engineer Qin Haijian you mentioned is part of the weird 'human being'..." The coach looked at the sword he carried with him, hesitating whether to use it on Qin Haijian.

If it were just an ordinary source ghost story, it would definitely be possible to seal it with this sword, but "humans" are different.

The difference between the two is like——

If you kill a person, it does not mean that the human species is extinct. It can only be said to be ineffective harm.

"Who knows? Anyway, that guy is a 'human' now, right?" The beekeeper looked like an old god. "Then let my scout bees explore the situation first. As long as we can accurately find Qin Haijian's location, , then it won’t be difficult to deal with him.”

After preparing the props in advance and understanding the rules of the Root Monster, every founding member present has the ability to seal the Root Monster alone. Now that the four of them are dispatched together, there is no reason why Qin Haijian cannot be dealt with.

After saying this, the beekeeper immediately released a dense group of dust-sized bees. He looked at Yu Liang and said: "Brother writer, you just said you have a handkerchief from 'Smile' here, right? Lend it to me. .”

"Okay." Yu Liang called Lu Baoshen over, and then handed the handkerchief to the beekeeper.

The beekeeper placed the handkerchief among the bees and waved it, giving instructions. The bees immediately dispersed and began to search according to the scent on the handkerchief.

"It's better to be careful. The appearance of that guy has blurred the boundary between the player and the source of ghost talk, and his combat power even surpassed that of the Rat God." The programmer warned, but there was no excessive worry in his words.

She learned about the existence of the Root Sword from the coach. This killing weapon found its way to the coach, which gave them the confidence to attack.

"Set up the players first and then move together." The priest said, "From now on, the four of us will always move together to prevent being defeated by that guy one by one, and at the same time... we will also prevent someone from causing sabotage."

After saying these words, the expressions of several founding chairs present changed and instantly became serious.

If the prediction is true, it will be the most dangerous thing.


Yu Liang noticed the change in the atmosphere and noticed something was wrong.


The moment Lu Baoshen took out the "Bloody Smile" handkerchief, the man resting at the junction of the safety zone jumped up from the ground.

"I found you." A wild laugh that was much more exaggerated than a "smile" appeared on Qin Haijian's face.

When he realized that the hunter existed in the safe zone, he had already realized Yu Liang's existence, so all he needed to do next was wait.

He once handed a token to the writer's staff. It would be fine if it had been kept in the inventory. As long as he took it out, he would immediately know Yu Liang's location.

"Who?" There was another person beside Qin Haijian, a man wearing a casual suit and a black high hat.

If there are players from the Haicheng Alliance here, they will definitely recognize him immediately. This is the magician who is one of the founding members.

"An old friend, the writer Yu Liang." Qin Haijian smiled and walked into the safe zone. He took two steps in a decent manner and looked back at the magician, "Do you want to come with us?"

"Forget it, I have other things to do." The magician shrugged and did not follow him. Instead, he turned around and walked into another area near the safe zone. "I guess other people are there too. Now I still It’s better to avoid suspicion. As for you—I hope you die soon and are born soon~”

"Hahaha, don't talk about people, there are many strange stories about the root cause of my death." Qin Haijian laughed wildly, and then suddenly stopped, his face was serious, but his steps were much lighter, "I am a young boy in the 25th century. I'll help whoever wins."

After saying this, a small red ball appeared in his hand that could be easily grasped with one hand. The word "collapse" was printed on the small ball, and then he casually threw the small ball towards the building next to him.

The ball is very elastic. When it touches the building, it starts to bounce in various ways. It shuttles between the abandoned buildings on the street at a speed that does not conform to the common sense of physics. From time to time, it returns to Qin Haijian's hands and is patted by him again. Open and fly towards the next building.

The man walked alone on the deserted shabby street, dancing in a relaxed and happy way. The buildings on both sides of the street slowly collapsed after being touched by the "collapse" point, making a loud noise, like a symphony orchestra - —

Echoing his rhythmless dance steps.

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