The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 576 The priority of words is above everything else

"As much as I hate to admit it, as I just said, there are indeed traitors among us."

The short meeting ended, the coach concluded.

Not many people participated in this meeting. Only the four founding chairs, Xu Cixi, Yu Liang and the adventurers participated.

For the writers, three high-level players who had absolutely no risk of being traitors, the founders didn't mind them knowing the secrets about the traitors.

In the final analysis, traitors will only appear in the five founding seats. Writers and adventurers are players who are qualified to participate in founding seat-level battles. If they join, it will naturally be easier to deal with traitors.

As for Xu Cixi...

The strength is actually not bad, but to participate in the battle between the founding seats, I am afraid it will take a while to hone.

Well, strictly speaking, it doesn’t take a while, it just requires some adventure.

As for the adventurer, in fact, he does not have much sense of participation, simply because this guy has a very strong survivability ability, enough to preserve his strength in the battle between the founding seats.

"But the current situation is a little different from before." The programmer thought of what he had heard from the coach. "Didn't God say that 'human' monsters can't have root monsters? This Qin Haijian obviously does, right? So your God made a mistake?"

The programmer looked at the priest and asked.

The most troublesome problem now is that their understanding of "human" ghost stories is too shallow and they don't know from what angle to deal with it.


The state of having a little knowledge is worse than not knowing anything at all. Bookmakers, Gods, and writers all have different accounts of "humanity" weird stories, and there are even contradictions. This situation can easily lead them to misjudgment.

"No, God cannot make mistakes." The priest immediately expressed his belief, but he was still rational, so he added, "But people who interpret the Bible can make mistakes."

The meaning is also very obvious, and it is possible that he himself misunderstood it.

"Catch Qin Haijian, and we should be able to get some useful information from his mouth." Yu Liang said, he must be qualified to interrupt now, "Judging from his previous plans in the ghost story copy, he knows very well what he is doing." What he wants to do shows that he knows the whole thing better than we do."

Qin Haijian comes from dice, and dice is the "immortal" enshrined by Lin Xiangu. Lin Xiangu is an old player from last season. Could it be related to the players from last season?

"By the way, I met old players from last season in that dungeon. I want to know what kind of players are like in the world of Kaitan?" Yu Liang asked the question that has been bothering him for a long time. Now the founding chair is here. I must be able to give him a more accurate answer.

The coach waved his skinny hand and immediately said "no need to worry".

"Don't worry about those guys." The priest agreed.

"Generally speaking, most of the players last season will die, either in dungeons or major events, and there are also many who die of illness and old age." The programmer explained, "Only a very small number of players can survive, but for To survive, they need to make a lot of changes, either looking for a special ghost area to hibernate in, or simply becoming a ghost completely."

"They no longer need to participate in the Kaitan dungeon. Participating in the dungeon is more of a mercenary mode than a compulsion." The adventurer said, "That was what Fairy Lin was like before."

The programmer glanced at the adventurer: "Yes, after the season version is updated, they will no longer be protected by the world of ghost stories. They will be corroded by ghost stories all the time. The weaker ones will often die completely within a few years."

"So Lin Xiangu, who participated in the Ghost Story dungeon, actually couldn't hold on any longer, so she took the risk and entered the dungeon to seek a chance to transcend?" Yu Liang understood Lin Xiangu's motives.

"Absolutely. It can be considered that these old monsters are weak. If they have the ability to resist the erosion of Kaidan, they will not come out and run around. If they want to use the power of Kaidan in reality, they are hastening their death." The beekeeper concluded. , and then looked in the direction of the center of Forgotten City, "But what you said reminds me that these 'human' weird stories that made this whole thing are all old things from previous seasons, right?"

He smiled and said: "Haha, they are the ones who want the world of ghost stories to die the most."

As soon as such speculation came out, the priest and coach looked serious at the same time. They had dealt with some old players, but it was just like what the beekeeper said.

Those who come out to cause trouble are often weak old players who can easily handle them once they take shape.

More than 20 years have passed since this season, and the old guys are almost dead, so they subconsciously ignore the existence of these guys.

However, the beekeeper's thoughts reminded them that those old things scattered in various no-man's lands were summoned and gathered in the Forgotten City. Under a certain understanding, this was also a kind of "migration."

"By the way, since there is a traitor, I have a good idea." The adventurer said with a smile, "In short, I can confirm now that there is nothing wrong with me, Yu Liang, and Xu Cixi, right?"

"Yeah." The four Creation Seats did not deny it.

"So is it a good idea to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the three of us to some extent?" the adventurer continued.

The beekeeper frowned and said: "The growth of strength does not happen overnight. If you are still in Wangcheng, it would be easy to say. We all have some rare resources that can be given to you, but now..."

"I've taken care of you enough, don't look for me anymore." At this time, the priest reacted quickly and removed himself immediately.

"Hehe, I can steal the power of the root ghost talk or the same level. If I borrow some from you, I will soon gain power." The adventurer patted his chest, "And if someone really changes sides, I can still In turn, it is definitely a good thing to use the power of his root ghost story to temporarily compete and protect others."

Faced with the adventurer's behavior that struck everyone in the face, several founding chairs fell silent.

In the end, it was the priest who spoke first: "I agree, this is definitely a good thing to deal with traitors. It's hard to imagine what kind of psychology would lead to disagreeing with this request."

The remaining three founding seats: "..."

Why didn't I realize that this priest was so owed before?

It was obvious that the priest was dragging the three of them into the water.

Under normal circumstances, players definitely don’t want their power to be stolen, which means that adventurers may conduct in-depth research on the rules they master.

This is not safe.

However, the priest's words put the three of them on the fire. If they refused, they might be suspected of being traitors hiding in the alliance...

Okay, okay, is this what the priest is doing?

Not everyone in the founding chair has a source of ghost stories, but everyone has more or less hidden power of this level, and as long as this kind of power that belongs to the "rules" may involve the "safe", it can be risked If you open the box and ask for it, you will be charged a protection fee.

Reluctantly, the other three founders gathered around and began to try to let the adventurers try to extract the power of the root.

The founders know each other's abilities very well, and they know the root strength of the others. Now, at most, they are letting only two or three adventurers know their trump cards. In fact, it is not too much. .

Moreover, the adventurers are new T1 players in the Haicheng Alliance. They have preferential treatment for this new T1 player, not to mention that the opponent is also a hidden financial backer of the Haicheng Alliance.

Coach - The Sword of Roots extracts some "sealing" power and needs to be used through some media, preferably cold weapons. By nailing the monster creature in the same way, it can make it unable to drive the body and use abilities.

The adventurer has extracted a total of 202 copies of the power of the seal, which has been capped here and cannot be extracted anymore. According to experiments and guesses, the power of the seal that each gradient level of monster creature needs to consume increases in a gradient.

T3 is 1 point, T2 is 10 points, T1 is 100 points, and Root Monster is estimated to be 1000 points, but unfortunately, the most he can do is try to seal the T1 gradient.

Unfortunately, the sealing power released by adventurers is similar to "syringe injection". You need to pin the target with a medium first, and then inject the sealing power into it. Only when the limit is reached can the seal be completely completed.

Fortunately, T3 can be injected in an instant. T2 takes about 10 seconds, and T1 takes 100 seconds.

There is no doubt that T1 level monsters or players are not that easy to deal with, because no one is stupid enough to be nailed by you for a hundred seconds.

The adventurer's sealing power can compete with the sword of origin. He can force the creature sealed by the "sword" to escape for 0.202 seconds.

For ordinary people, this is only a moment, but for creatures at the level of the root monster, they only need to lose control for such a short time to escape.

Most of other people's countermeasures are like this. The beekeeper's fusion power can be used by adventurers to counterattack, greatly slowing down its fusion speed; the programmer's code ability is given to adventurers, and adventurers can use it to create some small objects. bug, causing her trouble.

Among the four founding seats, no matter who is a strange "human", when using the root ability, they may be hindered by adventurers using the power of the same attribute.

It can't have a big impact, but sometimes it's this small detail that can change the battlefield situation.

"My bees are back." The beekeeper sensed something and looked up at the scout bees he had released.

High in the sky, the buzzing sound from the bee swarm comes from far and near, and is about to fly in front of the beekeeper.

"They have found traces of Qin Haijian..." The beekeeper got the desired result from the pheromones released by the bee colony, but when he noticed the large group of scout bees, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

When he released the scout bees, they went out in a large group, but under normal circumstances, when the scout bees came back, they couldn't come back in a swarm.

They obviously went in different directions, how could they come back from the same direction now?

"Something's wrong, there's something wrong with these bees." A "burning" character appeared in the beekeeper's hand to restrain the bee swarm, and he threw it out without hesitation.

The character "Zhuo" quickly enlarged in the air, condensed into a large ball of flame, and rushed towards the returning swarm.


Does the normal "burn" character have this kind of power?

No, the beekeeper may have used a "violent" character before the "burning" character to increase the effect of the next character.

This beekeeper's spellcasting speed is much faster than expected.

Yu Liang, who was watching from the sidelines, made an instant judgment, and when he looked up at the group of scout bees, he immediately noticed that the bees were smiling.

The corners of their mouths opened abnormally, and green insect juice spit out from the middle, dripping down. Their eyes narrowed slightly, forming an arc. They looked kind and friendly, but at this moment, everyone seemed to be undoubtedly terrified. symbol of.

The next second, the fireball swallowed up the bee swarm and exploded in front of the beekeeper. The flames scattered and turned into a smiling face.

"Dang Dang!"

When the flames completely dissipated, Qin Haijian jumped out with a big smile on his face.

"Ah, old friend, you are indeed here." His eyes searched among the seven people and landed on Yu Liang, "Um... I have an unkind request, can you lend me the moon? I’ll return it to you in two days.”

"The moon has been dead for a long time, and do you really not regard these people as human beings?" Yu Liang shrugged, took two steps back, and stayed as far away from Qin Haijian as possible, for fear of blood splattering on himself.

At the same moment he spoke, the skinny coach rushed forward with a sword stronger than himself.

The current coach is not strong, but he still maintains peak strength and speed. Just like Guo Haihuang, he may seem weak, but no one dares to underestimate his existence.

"God said that chains give birth to the void and imprison the ghosts of the afterlife." The priest began to chant, and the energy-enhanced chains slowly formed in the air.

The beekeeper quickly left Qin Haijian's side. He was not a physical warrior and did not dare to have close contact with him.

The coach simply swung his sword, and the strong wind spread out, making Qin Haijian's clothes rustle.

"Wait a minute, this sword..." Qin Haijian's expression changed, as if he recognized the origin of this sword, and he did not dare to be too big and dodged.

However, the coach's sword-wielding hand suddenly stopped and remained still, silently waiting for Qin Haijian to complete his dodge action, and then slashed Qin Haijian's body with his sword.

"Damn it, you don't have martial ethics!" Qin Haijian hurriedly turned around and faced the attack with his back to the sky. He chose to be chopped away by the sword instead of being driven into the ground by the sword.

"Is this a delay knife? There's something about it." Adventurers who often play games immediately recognized this move. This is one of the boss's most disgusting moves. He uses a starting move and then stops, waiting for the player to roll over. To follow up and follow up with the sword is a very cunning trick.

For a coach who has mastered strength, such fake moves are readily available. As long as he wants, he can stop his sword at any time. The inertia of swinging the sword seems to be non-existent to him.

The moment Qin Hai Jian struck the sword, the chains appeared and held him firmly, making him unable to move.

However, at this moment, the panic on Qin Haijian's face disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. He looked at Yu Liang with a smile: "Aren't you curious about how I suppressed that big bat?"

"Huh?" Yu Liang had a bad feeling.

Li Huachao did not see any alternative fighting methods in the memory of Lord Rat and Rat, and he had no way of knowing Qin Haijian's trump card. Now it seems that Lord Rat and Rat may have been interfered with in some way.

A "broken" character appeared in the hands that were bound by chains. Qin Haijian said quietly: "This is what those 'human beings' taught me. It would be too unfair if only they knew about this kind of thing, so now I I want to teach you.”

He chuckled:

"The rules of Root Kaidan are actually words, and the characters are also words."

"Characters cannot be used together, but characters and rules can, and in this way they form words."

"And the priority of words is above everything else."

"Start laughing, I mean-"

"Original tales."

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