Qin Haijian was in a hurry.

He really didn't expect that there could be such a disgusting creature in this world, and it happened to be in the hands of the writer.

It directly ate up his character's casting distance. The normal player's character's casting distance was only five steps. He tried all kinds of means to increase it to seven steps, but now it is inexplicably missing one step.

Just as Yu Liang guessed, the word symbol is almost certain to hit, but similar to the characters, it requires a pair of "eyes" to lock the target, and is also limited by the casting distance of the characters.

Once these two conditions are met, the word symbol can be cast instantly and has absolute priority.

Then the writer reduced his character's casting range. Is this how anyone plays the game?

Will Kaitan World make a game?

This kind of setting that destroys other people's ghost stories and affects other people's game experience shouldn't happen, right?

It’s easy to force old players to quit gaming, so you don’t understand!

What made Qin Haijian even more disgusting was...

The Qin Haijian who appears on the street at this moment is not his real body!

Why is the casting distance of the characters on the main body also shorter?

Are these little snakes poisonous?

In fact, Qin Haijian wanted to commit suicide the first moment he saw the prompt box popping up. He couldn't let his character's casting distance be damaged twice here, so he immediately recalled a piece of laughter in his mind.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As he recalled the memories, he laughed along with the laughter in his memory. First he suppressed his laughter, then he burst out laughing, and finally his whole face became distorted with laughter.

The coach frowned, left Qin Haijian behind, and quickly retreated. He knew that Qin Haijian's ability was related to "laughter", so he didn't dare to overestimate the opponent's ability.

And this just fell into Qin Haijian's plan. He didn't want to deal with these people anymore. He recalled that the laughter was just to commit suicide.

This was the laughter remembered in his soul, the laughter when he was still "smiling" at the dice. If this temporary body was infected by the laughter of the dice, there would be no chance of surviving.


As three wails of evil laughter came out, Qin Haijian had completely lost his vitality. His face seemed to have received huge forces from several different directions, twisting it into a smile like an acute triangle.

"Dead?" The adventurer felt that this guy must be completely dead, but he also knew that Qin Haijian could not die because of this.

"No, what appears here is just a clone. His body is elsewhere." The beekeeper said quickly, "He stole the fusion ability of my scout bees. His body is a clone fused with the scout bees. As for the body, … I kept looking but couldn’t find it.”

Yu Liang nodded silently, finally understanding why the beekeeper was looking around just now, like a traitor in the water.

The reason why the beekeeper didn't warn Qin Haijian was probably because he didn't want Qin Haijian to know that he already knew, and thought it would be best to secretly search for Qin Haijian's identity.

"The scout bee turned into a human? Is this...possible? His body did not turn back into a scout bee." The adventurer was surprised, and even kicked Qin Haijian's body to confirm that this thing was not a combination of insects. formed together.

The beekeeper glanced at him and answered briefly: "Cells make up bees, and cells can also make up people."

"Ah?" The adventurer was stunned when he heard this, and then silently closed his mouth, but the doubt in his heart turned into shock.

Okay, okay, the so-called "fusion" rules are so integrated, right?

Creatures are all carbon-based creatures. Why don't you use the carbon elements that make up the Scout Bee to re-form a trainer for fun?

The adventurer complained in his heart, but he could vaguely understand why beekeepers could create different types of bee colonies with different functions.

I used to think it came with the career panel, but I don’t think so now, because the types of bee colonies mastered by beekeepers are obviously gradually increasing, as if a version update has been completed.

This new swarm was most likely fused by his own rule-based ability design.

You are a beekeeper, not a PhD in biology who studies bee colony genes, okay?

"Did Qin Haijian run out of the safe zone?" Yu Liang was not worried about Qin Haijian's escape and just asked the beekeeper.

"Definitely not, he didn't move that fast. The scout bees were captured by him in the safe zone." The beekeeper immediately answered in the affirmative.

"Okay." Yu Liang knew that as long as he had not escaped from the safe zone, he called the adventurer to the edge and waited for his signal. At the same time, he said, "Come here and help me. I will capture Qin Haijian later." , you open his box at the right time, and we will give him a full service, you know?"

"Yes, it can still be like this!" The adventurer understood instantly. He still knew exactly what abilities Yu Liang had.

This can be called an unsolvable goblin hook lock to find someone is one of them.

"Lu Baoshen, come here, use the goblin hook gun to catch that guy back." Yu Liang called Lu Baoshen to his side, and Lu Baoshen took out the goblin hook gun, rotated with his eyes closed very skillfully, and then "poof" The hook rope was shot out at once.

Originally, this cooled hook gun was prepared for Li Huachao. Now that Li Huachao is back, he can use it on Qin Haijian.

As the goblin hook gun was fired, several other founders gathered around, seeming to be a little confused about Yu Liang's actions.

Although they are a group, judging from Yu Liang's calm look and the instructions he just gave to the adventurers, they have some special speculations in their minds.

"You..." The programmer frowned, perhaps in disbelief.

"Is it possible that this hook gun can do such a thing?" The beekeeper may have guessed it first, but his tone was full of surprise.

Generally speaking, mandatory rules are definitely ineffective against the source monster. Even an item that can easily crush the T1 gradient is extremely powerless in the face of the source monster.

As the hook gun was slowly pulled back, when Qin Haijian's shocked, confused, and confused face appeared on the opposite side of the street, the founders truly confirmed their suspicions.

It is actually possible to bring back a creature of the Root Kaidan level!

What an exaggeration?

If there is such a thing, wouldn't it be possible to arrest whoever you want?

"No, buddy, where did this thing come from?" Qin Haijian's confused voice came from across the street. He was really confused and even felt like he was angry.

Hey, he is a Geng Kaidan. Even though he has become an honorable player according to the official certification of Kaitan World, he is also a Geng Kaidan.

So shameless?

How come a writer has everything? !

On the other side, the adventurer strictly abides by Yu Liang's will and chooses to open the box when Qin Haijian appears within the scope of his ability, stealing the power of ghost stories.

Seeing the "smile contagion" rising at a constant speed in the grid, the adventurer smiled with sufficient satisfaction.

Sure enough, entering Wangcheng is a good choice!

It hasn't been two days, but he has already collected five or six kinds of source-level ghost powers. If he stays for a while, wouldn't he be able to leave the city in full disguise?

There is no difference in the ability of the root level, but there is still some vague restraint relationship. As long as he masters enough root power, he will always be able to fight with the opponent's root power and enjoy attribute bonuses forever.

"Hey, my old friend, we meet again." Yu Liang greeted him and hugged Qin Haijian, but he would definitely not really get in touch with him.

The core of Qin Haijian is the source ghost talk, but this appearance is not good-looking. It can only be said to be an ordinary popular face. The unique temperament of the source ghost talk cannot be saved.

"Brother, I was wrong, let me go, shake me." Qin Hailiang immediately apologized to Yu Liang with a sad face, but his tone was not too sincere, at least he did not successfully infect Yu Liang.

So Yu Liang shook his head, looked back at the distance between Qin Haijian and Lu Baoshen, estimated and said: "You still have about 7 seconds to make a choice. Before you get there, choose to tell the information you know." We may still be able to be saved."

He smiled: "You should be able to feel it, right? Your power is being stolen. In this state, you can't fight against so many of us, and I haven't sent out the Snake Eater yet, so you still have a chance. Save character casting distance."

"Why are there such cheap props and weird creatures in the world?" Qin Haijian roared unwillingly. Now he couldn't laugh at all. He just wanted to switch to the "angry" side of his brother, "Okay. , I’ll tell you everything I know.”

Qin Haijian sighed, and then saw several founding chairs approaching, all of them gearing up.

It's a pity that after just testing the fusion of Scout Bees, he already knows the strength of these founding seats. When using word symbols to sneak attack, he can basically attack one at a time, but the use of word symbols is limited by intervals and distances. , it is impossible to kill four founding seats in a row.

And more importantly, he needs to prevent that writer from using...

It's called "Snake-Eating", right?

Even if all these founding seats are killed, as long as the Devouring Snake is still there and can devour his casting distance two or three more times, then he is really useless.

Besides, what he wants to do is survive, so he can't attract too much hatred. Having too many enemies is not in line with his outlook on life.

The moment the hook rope released Qin Haijian's body, the chain from the priest wrapped around Qin Haijian's body. However, the chain did not trap Qin Haijian as easily as before. Instead, it hovered around Qin Haijian, unable to control him.

"You should be glad that now I have a reason not to kill anyone, otherwise you would be dead." Qin Haijian glanced at the priest indifferently, and then said coldly, "Since it is what I promised, you just need to listen carefully. Don't Do the extra stuff.”

While speaking, a "violent" character appeared on Qin Haijian's hand, but he did not choose to use it and just let it hover in his hand.

When the character "violent" appeared, the expressions of the founders present changed one after another. They felt the threat of death, so they all prepared their life-saving abilities in the hope of blocking this blow when they broke out.

"Say it." Yu Liang did not react at all to Qin Haijian's threat, because he stood ten steps away from Qin Haijian and there was no possibility of being hit by the talisman.


Do the characters "violent" form "violent laughter"?

It sounds much more reliable than the so-called broken smile, and at the same time, it is much more dangerous. This word talisman probably has the ability to kill.

Can the power of rules and characters be integrated to achieve the goal of instant kill?

Unexpectedly, even T1-level founders can be killed instantly. What are the "human beings" deep in Forgotten City studying?

Qin Haijian mechanically narrated what he learned: "I don't need to say more about the cause of Forgotten City. Strange stories about its origins came one after another, and eventually it got out of control. The city was forgotten by the whole world, as if it had never appeared."

"Before it got out of control, some players or some humans who discovered anomalies ran around trying to prevent the spread of the source of the ghost story, but obviously, they failed."

"Among them, there is a human whose performance is the most eye-catching. He can be seen in several areas where the source monsters are haunted. Sometimes he can successfully lead the survivors to evacuate, and sometimes he can seal the source monsters, but most of the time he can only I can leave some key information and hope that future generations can deal with the source of the strange rumors."

"He has no name. He has no name from beginning to end. I have seen him before, but at that time I was still enshrined by Lin Xiangu." A thoughtful expression appeared on Qin Haijian's face, and then turned into a kind of expression. A helpless smile, "But even I can't remember his face or his name."

"He only has the strength of an ordinary person. He is as weak as an insect, but he is like a terrifying existence that transcends the current dimension. Even the source of ghost stories cannot produce a memory point for him."

Listening to Qin Haijian's narration, Yu Liang had a clear guess in his mind.

He knew exactly who this person was, because he had also found traces of his existence in Forget City-related copies.

Either letters or short news in newspapers have records of this man's existence.

However, what he didn't expect was that even Qin Haijian, who was a source of weird talk, couldn't remember this guy?

It was once said in the copy of the Moon that the source of ghost stories is the measure of a person's memory, because they will not be interfered by anything, cannot be modified or blocked, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"He is like a ghost standing higher up, looking down at the source of the ghost stories."

"The Raider, you can call him that. He is like a guy who controls the strategy of ghost stories, wandering among countless ghost stories."

"At the same time, he is the origin of the strange story of 'human beings'. Based on him, several 'human beings' were born deep in the Forgotten City."

"Wait a minute, are you talking about him as the model?" Yu Liang asked, "But a 'human' like you..."

"I know what you want to ask." Qin Haijian shrugged. He reached out and took off his face, revealing a faceless face. "This is my true appearance now, but you can't remember it." He has this face, so he looks like a faceless man."

"All 'human beings' essentially look like this, because they all originate from this common Forget City people."

"You can think that they are all clones of this attacker and have inherited his strategy level."

"And now, the raiders who once left the Forgotten City have returned here carrying their source of ghost stories."

"This is a 'migration' that spans several years."

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