The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 579 This will be the first short essay in ancient and modern times!

"Migration?" The priest repeated the word, which was exactly the same word he heard from God when he was pierced by the sword of the root.

After mutual confirmation, it can be confirmed that this is probably the fact of current experience.

What makes the priest a little strange is that what he heard from God is indeed a "migration" ghost story. Human beings cannot carry the source of ghost stories, but why did Qin Haijian say that every migrating human being will carry it with him? The root of the mystery?

The usage of word symbols was learned from those Kaitan humans. It is impossible to say that they do not have the origin of Kaitan. Would it be wrong for God to say that?

Or did he misunderstand the message God revealed?

"All Kaidan humans are clones of this Raider, including you, who used to be the source of Kaidan? Are your thinking patterns and ideas also converging?" Yu Liang asked, which reminded him of the flesh and blood planet. group in.

When Li Huachao connected with deformed people, his consciousness was involved in the space of "group" consciousness, and he deeply felt what the so-called consciousness connection was all about.

It's probably just dozens of nagging guys whispering in your ears, constantly instilling their own ideas into you, trying to convince you.

And after he assimilated a group of deformed people, he was shocked to find that the number of deformed people had increased...

Fortunately, the brains of those deformed people are not very good, at least they are easy to fool, so in the end he became the "group leader".

"No, no, no, it's not that simple." Qin Haijian put on his own face again and quickly shook his head. The face that had not yet fully fitted was swung in the air, and then it stuck to his face.

Qin Haijian said: "If this is the case, why should I let their consciousness erase my consciousness? I want to live until the end, I don't want to die."

As he spoke, he rolled his eyes, which seemed to indicate that Yu Liang's speculation was completely unreasonable.

"So what does this mean?" Yu Liang continued to ask curiously.

"A guy like me who later became a 'human' can only inherit part of his memories, and at the same time, he can form a consciousness object in his mind." Qin Haijian continued, "It is equivalent to installing a piece of software. Have you ever heard of it? It’s probably that kind of thing, but it’s not so smart.”

He thought for a while and continued: "As for those 'human beings' born innately... that's a little different. You can think of them as a group of untriggered 'raiders'."

"What do you mean?" The beekeeper looked at the "violent" character on Qin Haijian's hand, his vigilant expression never relaxed, and there was even a "dismissal" character on his hand.

Well, the function of the "eliminate" character is to offset the effect of one character, but it probably won't have any effect in Qin Haijian's character, so the beekeeper's move seemed to be at a loss.

Unfortunately, he really didn't know what to do except "eliminate" the characters.

As a profession that drives creatures to assist in combat, he was defeated by the man in front of him. The powerful and contagious smile was not something that the swarms he controlled could compete with.

"I don't know much about the specific situation." Qin Haijian shrugged, "I'm just telling you so many irrelevant things because I'm a little curious. What if I can get the answer from you?"

He smiled, glanced at the faces of everyone who was deep in thought, and then talked about a concept that these people should all understand: "You should be aware of the theory of cause and effect and the concept of time and space in this world, right? It's that kind of... trigger According to the causal relationship, 134 can never lead to 567, but 1324 can directly lead to 567, reach the other side, and complete the cause and effect of the connection."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded slightly, including the adventurer, who could understand what this meant.

They all have an understanding of the time and space of the Kaitan World, and they can also understand what the messy numbers 1234567 mean.

Only Yu Liang felt a little regretful. He thought that this trigger theory was his own unique invention. Unexpectedly, everyone present had some insights.

Okay, probably because the damn dungeon security of Kaitan World is originally a disrupted time and space.

"So, the reason why the original Forgotten City attacker didn't show up can be found." Qin Haijian's face showed a kind of sincere admiration, "He erased all traces of his existence because he was willing to incarnate into Anyone can make a wedding dress for anyone."

"Ah? What do you mean?" The adventurer was confused by Qin Haijian's sudden turn, and for a while he didn't understand what was going on.

"He turned himself into a link in the causal relationship?" Yu Liang understood what Qin Haijian meant, and his surprise was palpable. "There is no face and no other traces, so he can be any player who traveled to the Wangcheng period. What does it look like?”

"Very good, there are still people who understand what he did." Qin Haijian laughed, "Otherwise, such a heroic deed would have perished, and even I would feel regretful. After all, I want to completely erase it. It is very difficult and painful to leave traces of one's own existence, which means that he has completely disappeared from all timelines."

Yu Liang fell silent. He didn't know how this was done, because it sounded like the attacker was not even a player, but he knew how cruel such a decision was.

Burn all your energy just to help others make wedding dresses.

It’s easy to understand what the Raiders did, it’s probably like this——

Several years ago, there was a man in Forgotten City who made a lot of preparations to fight against ghost stories, seal ghost stories, and save mankind.

This is the cause, and it can be the cause of anyone.

If there is such a storyteller, then in his mouth this person can be Yu Liang. It is the future Yu Liang who traveled to the past and completed many causes and effects of the Forgotten City as a "conqueror". At the same time, he also took over the entire story. The twist in the story.

If the attacker is Yu Liang, then by virtue of this identity, Yu Liang can become the protagonist throughout the entire story of the Forgotten City incident. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as "the chosen one".

It is equivalent to directly inheriting everything left by the Raiders.

No, this is more thorough than inheritance, because in the long history, Yu Liang was the attacker.

According to the trigger theory, completing condition 2314 (no need to follow the order) can lead to 567. Now what the attacker is doing is to help the latecomer complete 231, so the latecomer only needs to complete one more thing "4" to be able to Meet all conditions and lead to 567.

Since the voice and smile of the trigger person have all disappeared in the long river of history, the "231" he completed can become anyone's wedding dress.

It's hard to imagine what the Raiders were thinking about when they made this decision, maybe themselves, maybe their family, maybe everyone else.

He has put in all his efforts, but he still cannot change the situation where the root monsters are gradually recovering.

He made the decision to sacrifice the Forgotten City and use "it" to disappear the entire Forgotten City to prevent the ghost stories in the Forgotten City from spreading, but he didn't know what to do in the near future.

Wangcheng's restrictions on the source of ghost stories will eventually weaken. All he can do is to extend the lives of the cities around Wangcheng for a period of time.

In a helpless situation, he chose to dedicate himself and let history abandon his existence. He believed that someone would inherit everything from him and accomplish what he failed to accomplish.

In fact, the Raider has succeeded, because he has indeed turned himself into a "wedding dress" that can be draped on anyone who has the ability to save the world.

He doesn't care about achievement, fame, or his own death. He just wants to get the world back on track.

From this point of view, he is the one who really deceived time, even more ruthlessly than Yu Liang before.

Yu Liang only manipulated the timeline of the dungeon, and the time span was only a few dozen hours, but this guy deceived the real time, and the span reached several years or even decades.

On the other side, the coach and the priest had a brief exchange, and the reasons for this incident were basically explained clearly in their words. Even the adventurer understood what it meant.

"In this case..." The adventurer thought for a while, but finally did not say it out loud, choosing to keep his admiration deep in his heart.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, became curious about the attacker's intentions: "So what is the purpose of the attacker doing this?"

At present, he can feel from Qin Haijian's narrative that this person is doing a great thing, something that is definitely not done for his own selfish interests, but the embarrassing point is...

what's the function?

The condition "231" for the Raider to complete means that a player from the future can return to the Forgotten City in the past, wander around in the Forgotten City, and fight against ghost stories, but what kind of "results" do these "causes" lead to, and how to complete the Raiders The goal in mind...

No one can explain all this clearly.

"Oh, this is the second thing I want to say." Qin Haijian was very satisfied with Yu Liang's pragmatic thinking, and then he chuckled, "I don't know either."

Yu Liang: "..."

No, you don’t know either?

Then what is the use of telling us this matter in a heroic and epic tone?

So I still don’t know what the Raider’s sacrifice is for. It’s really hard for me to have any admiration for him, okay?

"Why do you think I can know?" Qin Haijian shrugged, "I told you, that guy has completed condition '231', and only needs condition '4' to lead to '567'. If I Knowing what he wants to do, that is, I can know '567', wouldn't it be simple to deduce condition '4'?"

Qin Haijian's numbers were confusing to Yu Liang, but he could understand what the other party was talking about.

"1234" are four conditions respectively, and "567" is the result obtained after completing these four conditions, and it is also what the Raiders really want to accomplish.

If you know "123" and "567" at the same time, it will not be a problem to deduce the last "4", and all difficulties will be easily solved.

"The problem is that this guy has been removed from history! In other words, he does not exist. His goal is to have someone who can wear his wedding dress in the future. The fourth condition for completion is that he does Conditions that cannot be met. This is equivalent to..." Qin Haijian thought for a while and used a strange metaphor.

"You know Chiba Tofu, right? It has almost no original flavor. How you mix the sauce will determine the taste. It all depends on you. But how to mix the sauce to make it most delicious is only known by Chiba Tofu at that time. Anyway, this is It’s a dead question, unless you can guess what the guy wants to cook, and you can also get the seasoning down to the tiniest bit.”

These words are a bit convoluted, but they basically reflect Qin Haijian's mental state at this time.

In short, all the Raiders have left for them now is a confusing condition "123", and someone needs to add follow-up to completely solve the whole thing.

"Then what does this have to do with the strange tale of 'human beings'?" the coach asked.

After talking about a lot of background, I still haven’t gotten back to the topic.

"Oh, it's simple." Qin Haijian nodded and said, "Those weird 'human beings' are gifts left to the future by the Raiders. Originally, there should be a 'someone' to inherit his mantle, which is equivalent to becoming the Raider himself. Then all the weird 'human beings' will become clones of 'someone', which is equivalent to the faceless man growing the face of 'someone' and serving him."

A pilgrim-like radiance appeared on his face at the right time, and he continued with such madness: "This is an unparalleled wealth, enough to make even the source of ghost stories tempting."

Then, Qin Haijian shrugged helplessly: "However, after so many years, those powerful or weak source monsters, humans and players have tried many methods, but there is no way to deceive time and obtain monster monsters." 's allegiance."

After saying this, Qin Haijian sneered disdainfully: "How can it be so simple? If it is really that simple, the attackers are not leaving a blessing to future generations, but are murdering subsequent players and all mankind!"

Everyone was silent for a while, probably because they understood the origin of this strange talk about "human beings", but more questions arose.

"Listening to what you said, these 'human beings' should be on the human side. After all, they are special products made by the Raiders themselves, but why has it become like this now?" the programmer asked curiously.

"Of course it was like this, but those ambitious people who wanted to become raiders didn't understand how to control the strange 'human beings'. Instead, they activated them. It was equivalent to the originally unconscious AI intelligence. Suddenly, they all If it becomes a conscious AI, wouldn’t something happen?”

Qin Haijian's tone was very helpless, and he was speechless towards those careerists and human beings who were causing trouble. If those guys hadn't caused trouble, the current situation in Wangcheng would not have changed, and he could have done it easily. Return to your own land of forgotten city rich man.

"The 'Humans' of Kaidan began to seek territory in the Forgotten City, and at the same time more thoughts were born, and they gained self-awareness. This is nothing, just treat their group as a strange existence in the Kaitan. As a result, this gang is now It was only then that the Origin Kaitans realized that it turned out that Kaitan 'human beings' had been planning for a long time, and they were all united and moving towards a common goal."

Qin Haijian said slowly, as if he was preparing to reveal the final truth, which was also the source of the turmoil in "humanity".

"Through years of planning, each of the strange 'human beings' has brought back the 'words' related to the root rules, just like salmon crossing the oceans and mountains, and finally reaching the City of Forgetfulness."

"There are so many 'words' that the strange 'human being' can write a short essay based on these words."

"If the word symbols have such a priority, with so many words...all the words they write will become facts."

"This will be the number one short composition of all time!"

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