The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 637: Paper Man Calls Friends

"Is there a bucket man on this island?" Yu Liang held the oar and gradually approached the island. Now it seems that the periphery of the island is basically covered with similar coconut trees, followed by a small beach, and the beach Behind is a dense forest that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Preliminary observation shows that the area of ​​​​this island is definitely not small, and the island has relatively scarce water resources in raft survival. Coupled with abundant wood resources, it is definitely a good place to expand the area of ​​​​the raft.

However, according to the normal game design ideas, the rich resources of the island contrast with the lack of ocean resources, so the security of the two sides is also completely different.

Judging from the paper man's situation, there is probably a barrel man on this island.

"Crooked..." The paper man blurted out when he heard the word "bucket man", but he took it back as soon as he made the sound, and instead made a confused sound, "Huh?"

"Ah?" Yu Liang was stunned by the paper man's reaction. He pointed at the island and continued to ask, "Is there no barrel man?"

The paper man blinked his eyes, made gesticulating gestures, and added a few rare Chinese words, so that Yu Liang could barely understand what it was saying——

No, no, no, there is no barrel man here. If the barrel man were here, we would just run away and work!

There are other things on the island, such as bad people, bad paper people and paper tube people.

The crooked Kirasi eight paper tube man!

Come with me and kill!

Yu Liang: "..."

He looked back at his bone machine gun, which had only thirty bullets in total, and then at the little paper man whose mind was filled with "Blood killing makes me boil." Yu Liang was still hesitant for a moment.

According to previous speculations, the island should be equivalent to an extremely large raft. After landing on the island, you should be able to restore more ghost talk abilities. If this is the case, it will be much easier to handle. If not...

That's just a little bit obscene.

Now that he has relatively few resources, he still doesn't want to fight against the local monsters in the dungeon. If he can't defeat them, he won't even be able to run away.

It is better to explore the situation first and focus on development.

Yu Liang made a decision, appeased the little paper man appropriately, then observed a circle around the island from a distance, and chose an area that seemed more secluded to go ashore.

After landing, Yu Liang noticed another problem. The raft would move with the waves when no one was around. After a while, if no one was around, it would float away.

And now this nine-square-meter raft soaked in water was not something he could easily drag ashore, so he immediately came up with the idea of ​​collecting resources on the raft.

After all, the rules of this copy are different from those of the game. There is no workbench or anything like that, so Yu Liang needs to study it himself.

After different materials are piled together, the "synthesis" option will appear, but synthesis has a fixed formula and requires slow exploration.

At the same time, synthesis also has a success rate, so after nearly an hour of synthesis experiments on the shore, he finally came up with some relatively normal tools.

The three-piece set of sticks, stone axes, and pickaxes that are common in survival construction games, as well as torches made of animal fat, sticks, and cloth strips, and disposable anchors.

Fortunately, Yu Liang has quite a lot of game experience and understands the basic game logic, and he really figured out some simple synthesis formulas for him.

However, in this way, all the material resources collected in the past three days were exhausted. Yu Liang looked back at the raft fixed on the shore, hesitated for a while and chose to take his three-piece suit to the beach.

Among other things, these material resources must be used in the early stage, and they must be loaded as much as possible within the carrying capacity of the raft.

There are also food resources such as coconuts on the island, which also need to be hoarded.

If I miss this island, I don’t know when I will encounter it next time.

Well, probably because of the sequelae of the game, Yu Liang was not prepared to stay on this island for a long time, let alone settle on this island.

Although the ocean is vast, he always has to slowly explore and find the cruise ship and barrel man, otherwise this copy will never be completed, right?

You can't just stay on an island forever, right?

What is the purpose of entering the dungeon?

Moreover, Yu Liang looked at his small raft, and his instinctive vigilance made him not want to drop the raft, because he felt that the raft was a very important core prop for the players in the dungeon, and if it was lost, it would have unimaginable serious consequences.

With this idea, Yu Liang basically only carried out simple collecting activities near the raft, cutting down trees, collecting some large leaves and coconuts on the trees, and catching a few crabs on the beach from time to time.

Fortunately, the dungeon rules are not very good at cutting down trees. You only need to expend physical energy to swing the ax on the tree a few times to completely chop down a tree. Otherwise, with Yu Liang's method, he would not be able to chop down much even if he was given a metal axe. tree.

Cutting down trees in reality is not as easy as in the game, not to mention that it is just a stone ax now.

However, under the influence of the rules of the game, Yu Liang quickly made some planks out of wood, decomposed leaves to get some ropes, and then combined these things into the original raft, gradually getting a raft of several square meters.

It took about an entire afternoon, but Yu Liang barely completed the expansion of the three-square-meter raft to a size of 3*4, and at the same time successfully unlocked a character column.

Fortunately, the "broken" character was unblocked this time, which gave Yu Liang a core offensive method.

After eating and taking a short rest, Yu Liang realized that he couldn't keep working like this. It wasn't because he was lazy, but mainly because such work would consume too much energy, and he couldn't recover quickly by relying on the crabs on the beach and the coarse grain bread thrown down every day.

If this continued, he would collapse completely on the bed in less than two days.

Looking at the little paper man resting on the side, Yu Liang checked its status. The little paper man could now use his ability once at a critical moment, and he had also unlocked the most critical "broken" character, so it could be said that he had the most basic combat capability.

With the bone machine gun, he would definitely have the ability to fight against ordinary T2 gradient creatures, and he did need to explore the island to a certain extent.

In survival and construction games, discovering powerful rewards that exceed the current stage is always the core motivation to drive players to explore. Now Yu Liang wants to rely on this possible motivation to explore the entire island.

If he doesn't figure out the specific information in this copy, he may fall too far behind the Sea City Alliance. By that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to really become a "perfect raider."

Yu Liang looked at the orange-red sun on the sea level, silently returned to his raft, and extinguished the campfire for heating.

Relying on these unburned ashes can also be warm, plus the bed and simple quilt made in the afternoon, it is not a problem to deal with one night.

In comparison, he did not want to explore the island at night, and he did not want his campfire to attract any wild animals.

If he was not afraid of waking up and drifting to somewhere after untying the fixed anchor, Yu Liang would even want to sleep on the sea far away from the island.

There are not many metal materials on the boat, only the amount left to make another disposable fixed anchor. Metal needs to be collected while drifting on the sea, and it cannot be dug on this pristine island.

Therefore, Yu Liang thought about it and gave up living far away overseas, preparing to make do with one night on the shore where he anchored today.

The paper man does not need much rest, so he was appointed by Yu Liang as a night security guard to protect his safety.

Before going to bed, Yu Liang also kept the bone machine gun loaded and placed it next to the parasol, using the parasol for shielding and camouflage. If there were any enemies, the awakened Yu Liang would definitely be able to give them a big surprise.

The paper man Xiaoyi sat on the shore, watching Yu Liang narrow his eyes and gradually fall into a light sleep, with a yearning for freedom on his face.

This is not because it wants to leave the universe, but because it is a little bored now.

If it remembers correctly, there should be a lot of interesting things on the island, but Yu Liang is a conservative and doesn't want to go to the island at night, so it can only squat on the raft and play with the bonfire out of boredom.

The paper man brought a few small wooden sticks that had been exposed to the sun during the day, poked the ashes that had not been completely extinguished again and again, and rubbed a few pieces of paper scraps and threw them into the bonfire, and soon the bonfire was completely ignited.

Looking at the flames that jumped up, a sincere smile appeared on the face of the paper man Xiaoyi. It now knows why its descendants like to play with fire.

This kind of thing that can burn itself to please others is really interesting.

Wait, Yu Liang fell asleep?

The paper man blinked his eyes, vaguely remembering the time when he sat around at home and listened to the Huachao storytelling, listening to what Li Huachao said at that time...

What does it mean when Yu Liang fell asleep?

It means...

The outbreak of mysterious events.

The emergence of unknown wealth.

Countless opportunities are thirsty for talents, just waiting for someone to fully discover them.

White holes, white tomorrows are waiting for us!

The related attributes in the paper man's personality were triggered, and it looked at the bonfire in front of it again, thinking of something that had been buried deep in its memory.

Its feet began to jump involuntarily on the edge of the rising flames, and it began to understand why it thought of lighting a bonfire when it was bored.

Just like a coder will type fixed words when he empties his brain, just like a game player will "WASD" rhythmically when he is bored.

For paper men, loneliness is something unbearable, so they will involuntarily use special rituals to attract.

The paper man calls his friends!

Under the influence of magical power, even the paper man hidden in the universe has the opportunity to come to the dungeon world through the ceremony.

It danced a mysterious dance slowly around the bonfire, with powerful and rhythmic steps, and the scraps of paper (sweat drops) left on its body floated into the bonfire with the sea breeze, expanding the scale of the flame from time to time, making the flame jump along with its dance steps.

The single bonfire dance should have made the paper man feel a little bitter. It originally had a large number of brothers, but now they are all locked up in Yu Liang's universe. However, the paper man who was dancing excitedly threw all these sad things behind his mind and only cared about his own dance.

However, the weight of the paper man was almost negligible, so the movement of the dance had no way to affect Yu Liang who was sleeping soundly.

According to the Huachao Story Club, Yu Liang's sleep is like a special rule weapon, and he will never wake up before he has completed his career.

The paper man didn't understand what it meant, but he firmly believed in it.

As the bonfire dance went on, Paper Man Xiaoyi realized something was wrong.

There were more and more paper figures around the bonfire, gradually forming three layers inside and three layers outside, and Xiaoyi, the paper man, looked at the paper figures around him in a daze, and was confused for a moment.

This was the first time that he successfully used the ritual of calling friends.

The good news was that the ritual was successful, and it attracted a lot of paper figures.

The bad news was that he didn't recognize these paper figures.

Xiaoyi's paper figures were based on white A4 paper, but the paper figures now were more varied.

There were paper figures based on cardboard boxes, paper figures based on draft paper (written versions), and paper figures based on frosted paper.

There were even electronic paper figures made of 18+ wallpapers, which flashed with ambiguous and lewd breath, and always had a special expression on their faces that said "Brother, you smell so good".

Xiaoyi was puzzled. In his time, there didn't seem to be so many types of paper figures, right?

These cousins...

They didn't look like creatures of the same species as him.

Some paper figures are full of wildness, like primitive people, while others are full of science fiction, like future people.

Can this also be pulled over by the ceremony of calling friends?

Could it be that these paper figures are the indigenous people of this small island?

Emmm, what a strange experience.


Seeing that Paper Man Xiaoyi was not dancing the bonfire dance in a group, the new paper people around him stopped, and some of them glared at him, and cursed him almost directly.

And Paper Man Xiaoyi didn't say a word to him, he went up and slapped him into the sea, picked up a small wooden stick and performed a set of silky small combos, dancing vigorously, forcing back the surrounding paper figures.

At the same time, a more powerful curse word came out of Paper Man Xiaoyi's mouth: "Waijilaxibaga!"

What kind of mess are you? Seeing me, the dignified T2-level paper man ancestor, you don't kowtow to me?

Under some coercion, the threatened paper people all bowed down under the stick of the paper man ancestor, and dared not make any rash moves.

Although the current paper man Xiaoyi can't use any special abilities, the strengthening coupons give it powerful mutation abilities and also give it physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary paper people.

During this period, it's not that there were no paper people who resisted. Among these paper people, there were even strange individuals who could ignite fire, and they drew the flames from the bonfire to attack Xiaoyi, but in the face of absolute power, these magics were just tricks, and they were also swept away by the paper man Xiaoyi.

And the paper man Xiaoyi, who had completed the great cause of unification, sat on the high platform and issued orders to the local paper people, ordering them to help build the raft.

The little paper people were seriously insufficient in strength, so naturally they couldn't expand the raft, so after the intimidation of the paper man Xiaoyi, one of the paper people immediately informed him of the situation.

Here, follow me, more powerful monkeys, just like the monkey lying on the raft.

Conquer the monkeys, and the raft will be built much faster!

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