The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 638 Dao Ye, Dao Fu and Tanks

The Paper Man Clan has always emphasized that the strong are respected and there is no room for the weak to speak, which is especially obvious in front of their own kind.

When a Paper Man with a higher gradient defeats a Paper Man with a lower gradient head-on, its status will be superior to the other party for a long time and it will enjoy a certain degree of dominance.

This dominance will gradually weaken over time, but will also deepen with another defeat.

Of course, if the Paper Man with a lower gradient wins the defeat, it will also enjoy dominance, but the Paper Man with a higher gradient may not accept it and will start a second battle in a shorter time.

The unique racial dominance is also the root of the Paper Man Clan's belligerence, which is why Yu Liang hardly sees them living in peace.

However, under Yu Liang's frequent interference, the paper people belonging to the universe are not so aggressive and bloody and violent. It may be because they themselves know that everyone has the same gradient level, the same combat level, and even the personality is not much different...

Normally, level domination only exists within the paper people race. After all, paper people are a relatively weak strange creature. If you can dominate them by defeating them, then I am afraid that anyone can dominate them. The reason why the paper people in the universe follow Yu Liang...

The reason is also very simple. Those who are unwilling to follow Yu Liang have all been humanely destroyed.

The paper people in the universe are definitely Yu Liang's carefully selected series, so after becoming the king who is superior to the local paper people, Paper Man Xiaoyi thought briefly.

Is it more important to catch monkeys or to help Yu Liang keep watch?

After Yu Liang's long-term training, Paper Man Xiaoyi almost came to the answer without thinking.

It must be important to help Yu Liang keep watch.

But, things like keeping watch don't require it to come in person, right?

In the mind of Xiaoyi, the paper man has clear jobs that he is good at. For example, his paper man should be level 3 in trouble-making, while Li Huachao is level 4 in trouble-making plus level 4 in hunting.

Let a paper man who is good at trouble-making do the work of night watch here, which he is not good at...

Is it a hint to some extent?

Xiaoyi, the paper man, quickly finished the psychological hint and successfully convinced himself.

And it is impossible for him to forget to help Yu Liang to watch the night, so he searched among the huge team of paper men and found a paper man with a bit of honesty and patience in his character, and who is good at the work related to vigilance, and put it by the campfire.

"You, guard, protect, if anything else approaches, wake him up!" The paper man used his control to quickly issue instructions, asking this cardboard man to stay by the campfire honestly and not move, helping Yu Liang to watch the night.

For the sleeping Yu Liang, a cardboard man with vigilance ability is obviously better than Xiaoyi, a paper man without vigilance ability.

Therefore, Xiaoyi, the paper man, looked back at Yu Liang, who was still sleeping, and quickly adjusted the adventure mode, and led a group of paper men to the depths of the island.

It will return before dawn, and will bring countless wealth and monkey slaves to the great master, Yu Liang.

After receiving the order from the ancestor of the paper man, the cardboard man immediately wandered around the raft, stepping back and forth, like a guard guarding his prisoners.

Xiaoyi, the paper man, came to the bushes, hid in the dark to observe the work of the cardboard man, and confirmed that he was really on guard. Only then did he feel relieved and went into the depths of the jungle under the guidance of the guide paper man.

It once escaped from such a vast ocean. At that time, it also lived on a small island, accompanied by monkeys and monsters all day long, until one day the ocean came ashore, and brought them close to a city.

In order to retaliate for their destructive behavior, the evil barrel man chased them relentlessly, and they ran into a zoo in a panic and settled down temporarily.

The zoo was still very interesting. Their behavior was tacitly approved, so they were more unbridled and could bully the monkeys and other animals in the zoo without scruples.

Unfortunately, as the animals became stronger, the paper people soon realized that they could not bully those powerful animals. They could only retreat to the dormitory area and scare people with some powerful monsters.

After several years, Yu Liang came to the dormitory building, and the paper people finally ushered in their own spring.

To this day, the paper man Xiaoyi still gets excited and tears up when he recalls the situation at that time, and the paper notes fly everywhere.

The man leaned against the light of the dormitory corridor and walked into the dormitory where it was. He saw through the stubbornness in its eyes at a glance and led it away from the land of the zoo.


Fighting side by side again and again, and the friendship bond again and again, they soon grew into powerful ghost stories. Until now, Yu Liang led them into the dungeon to help them get revenge!

Whenever he thought of this, Xiaoyi the Paper Man would feel indescribably motivated, so he picked up the big stick and hit the bushes around him a few times, once again showing the powerful side of the Paper Man ancestor in front of the local paper people.

The three-year period has come, and I am back again!

Xiaoyi the Paper Man does have a physical fitness that is superior to other paper people. With just a light paper body, he has mastered the strength and speed comparable to that of an adult, which is absolutely incredible for other paper people.

As he walked along, he shared his heroic adventures outside the dungeon with the paper people. As a fragile T2 strange creature, he had encountered so many T2T1 and even root strange stories. These were all adventures that made the native paper people around him stare with wide eyes and admire him.

After questioning and analysis, the paper man Xiaoyi soon learned the current composition of the island.

Just as he thought before entering the island, there were some local monster forces and monkeys living on this small island.

The strange creatures include paper people and paper tube people, while the monkeys live in caves or some cracks in the rocks scattered around the island.

The natural resources on the island are relatively rich, and the difficulty of survival is not that high. There are no disadvantages except that there is no medicine to treat diseases and the key metals cannot be produced.

Of course, this is for the paper people. Xiaoyi vaguely knows that without metals, more critical living tools and navigation tools cannot be made, but metals will only refresh at sea. Like these monkeys living on the island...

They have no chance to come into contact with metals.

Because they don't have rafts, monkeys without rafts are disabled monkeys, unable to experience most of the fun, just like paper tube people.

Yes, paper tube people.

Xiaoyi thought of that unique creature, and a feeling of fear or disgust arose in his heart.

That was a paper man in a special state, a paper man who sacrificed his soul to the ocean, so he obtained a paper tube-like body structure, a stronger body, and the ability to travel freely in the ocean.

However, those paper tube people soon discovered that they could not sail on the sea for a long time with only paper bodies, and their bodies would gradually rot, so they could only stay on the island like ordinary paper people after sacrificing their souls to the sea.

But the paper tube body still gave them a stronger and bloodthirsty power, at least it was easy to teach ordinary paper people a lesson, so the paper people usually walked around these paper tube people and didn't want to meet them at all.

Since the paper tube man's form is very different from that of an ordinary paper man, the hierarchical domination will not take effect. Most paper men will not choose to surrender because they are defeated by the paper tube man. They will only think...

Tsk, idiot, you can't really beat me. If you dare, take off this paper tube skin and come and fight me!

Anyway, the bullied little paper men are still unconvinced. Only a few idiots surrender, and most of them rely on running away to avoid conflict.

And the coexistence of paper men and paper tube men also hints at the relationship between ordinary monkeys and barrel men to some extent.

It's just that the barrel man is much more terrifying than the paper tube man. This is something that the paper man doesn't want to recall. It thinks that Yu Liang will bring it back to seek revenge on the barrel men, but it is not facing the barrel men alone.

Xiaoyi knows very well that it is impossible to bring this group of ruffians to settle down and want to cause trouble for the barrel men, so it repeatedly confirmed that there are indeed no barrel men settled on this island, and it has been a long time since it has seen barrel men patrolling here.

After getting such an answer, Xiaoyi felt relieved and followed the paper people to the old nest.

Paper people are a kind of strange creatures that don't like moisture, so their nests are often arranged on dry mountains, away from the depressions where water may accumulate, and paper shell houses are built on the ridges or peaks for living.

However, when approaching the old nest, Xiaoyi keenly noticed that something was wrong. He stopped the other paper people, signaled them to be quiet, and then sneaked into the paper people's living area alone.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" On the high ground where the stones were piled up, a man wearing a combination of animal skins and grass skirts and a stone mask kept waving the whip in his hand, hitting the ground with "pa pa pa", driving a dozen paper tube people to clean the paper people's living area.

Sharp "Wai Jila" curses came one after another, and the paper tube people relied on brute force to dismantle the house built by the paper people and searched for a gray-white gem from it.

Collecting gems is their main task, but such collection is often accompanied by the release of animal nature. For a time, rape, looting and massacres took place in the paper people's living area.

Because the previous recruitment ceremony attracted most of the young and strong paper people, the paper people left in the living area were either in their childhood or old age, and they could not resist the atrocities of these paper people at all, and they didn't even have time to run.

"Hurry up, don't delay the Taoist's business. If his practice is delayed, you will all be burned to death." The man on the stone pestle continued to shout at the paper people below. He had no intention of saving the paper people. His mind was full of the magic skills and Taoist scriptures taught by the Taoist during the day.

He observed the paper people below for a while, and subconsciously felt that such a one-sided battle situation was a little wrong. Normally, you can still see some paper people who run fast, and even some paper people who can release things like fire, but today it seems that none of them have been seen.

But he didn't think much about it, just thought that those paper figures abandoned the old, weak and sick and fled, which was not particularly unusual for strange creatures.

The man adjusted his mask, frowned and pondered, he recalled the Taoist's explanation of the classics during the day, and felt at a loss in his heart.

He felt that the course taught by the Taoist today seemed to be a little different from the past, and this fear of the unknown made him sincerely panic.

In the past, anyone who could not understand the profound Taoist scriptures would be labeled as lacking in comprehension, and then a sharp blade would appear from the depths of the cave to behead him.

What Dao Ye was doing was extremely great. The ship he built only needed smart and clever disciples. Those who lacked comprehension would only waste the ship's load and make it difficult for the ship to sail in the ocean.

As the sixteenth disciple, his comprehension was extremely high. Not long after he entered the sect, he experienced the vastness and horror of the deep sea from the Taoist scriptures. The fear that penetrated his soul was the embodiment of his strength.

The deep sea, this is the source of the magic power, and it is the foundation of their practice.

However, in the entire sect, only Dao Ye had been to the sea. The rest of the disciples yearned for the sea, but they were afraid of it...

Afraid of it...

Afraid of it like the sea.

The man could not think of any adjectives, and finally felt that the sea was as terrifying as the sea, and it was the most terrifying thing in the world.

At the same time, his strength was also born from the ocean.

As his understanding of the Daoist Scripture deepened, his divine power had reached the second level, making his strength twice as strong as when he first entered the sect.

With the guidance of the divine power, he would complete exercises and polishing in the forest every day, completing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats, and then running five kilometers with weights.

He could clearly feel that his body would become stronger after a period of exercise, and this gain from the divine power made him extremely proud.

But all this changed today.

The Taoist had not taught the Daoist Scripture for two days. Today, he finally began to re-analyze the Daoist Scripture, but the content of what he said made him a little confused.

The deep sea, fear, smoothness and stretching that were often talked about in the past were no longer mentioned. Instead, he began to talk about some...


Or something like a mansion.

Cultivate your body and cultivate your nature, nourish the mansion with yourself, and increase yourself with the aura of the mansion.

There are also some...

Machinery, naval guns, flesh and blood tools and other things, anyway, he only understood half of what he heard.

However, he did not dare to raise any questions. Those who were not good at understanding would only die in the cave. He did not dare to ask the Taoist master, let alone his senior brothers.

In the cave, every person less could get more spiritual stones for cultivation, which was a temptation that no one could resist.

If he asked his senior brothers, the best result would be to tell the Taoist master and then have his head cut off by the sharp edge deep in the cave.

The man shook his head. He had always had a good memory. He decided to go back and study the interpretation of the scriptures he heard during the day.

However, he must not be discovered by his senior brothers that he was reading late at night, otherwise it would be another troublesome matter.

Reading late at night means that your understanding is not good enough, and you need to rely on the rhetoric of "diligence can make up for shortcomings" to deceive yourself. This is absolutely a taboo in the sect.

The man came to his senses and looked at the paper man residential area below again. The spiritual sense brought to him by the magic skill made him instinctively aware of something wrong, and the next second he found that his mask seemed to be hooked off by something.

Is there something at the back of his head?

When he realized this, two clean white paper hands had already covered his eyes, and his consciousness was left blank, as if he had fallen into an endless ocean.


What is this?

Am I going to die?

I am so unwilling, I still haven't figured out what the Taoist Mansion and tanks that Daoye mentioned are...

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