The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 639 The one who can be burned to death is the real Yu Liang!

The man picked up the mask on the ground and put it on his face again, while covering the hands of the paper man Xiaoyi on his face.

At the same time, Xiao Yi hid his body in the long hair on the back of the man's head. If he didn't look closely, there would be no trace of it.

As a T2 graded monster, it is not too difficult to take advantage of an ordinary person and control him when he is distracted.

Paperman Xiaoyi immediately put this guy into an eternal illusion, and then controlled the body himself.

In the fantasy world, it weaves a sweet dream for this guy and uses the sweet dream to make him sink.

This is not because Xiao Yi is kind-hearted, but simply because nightmares are more likely to wake men up. This is not something that will easily affect subsequent operations.

The paper man controlled the man to dance the whip slowly, hitting the ground with a "snap", and at the same time imitated the man's voice and shouted loudly: "Waikira, you guys, commit suicide!"

As soon as these words came out, all the paper tube people present put down their work and turned to look at the man on the stone. They fell into silence, but their eyes gradually became evil at the same time.

Seeing this look, Xiao Yi immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he coughed dryly and spoke again: "Emergency mission! Now, go home and follow me! Take the rocks and let's go!"

Although the paper tube people surrendered to this inexplicable man, they did not obey all orders. At least if they were asked to commit suicide, they would definitely not commit suicide. Xiao Yi could only change his explanation and ask these guys to leave first with him.

In any case, if you take the gems with you now, you can reduce some damage to the local paper people. At present, Xiao Yi can only do this.

It also needs to use a man's body to infiltrate the human forces on the island to catch monkeys, but it cannot be exposed here.

Moreover, having just controlled this man, it has consumed its last chance to use its power. Now I want to use this level to defeat and kill all the paper tube people present one by one...

A little more difficult.

The paper tube people heard the normal instructions from the man's mouth, so they stopped what they were doing, turned around and gathered all the collected gems into a small car, and then several paper tube people performed some transformations, He restored himself to the shape of a paper tube and came under the car to act as a wheel.

A row of paper tubes is placed under the car, which looks similar to crawlers, and the smaller one needs a little control of the direction to drive the car.

Since the wheels of the car can find its own way, Xiao Yi is happy and relaxed, and will not be noticed by these paper tube people because it does not know the way.

Therefore, in the mountains and forests, such a somewhat strange team was officially launched. The man pushed the cart and controlled the balance and direction of the vehicle, while two rows of paper tube figures like guards stood beside them.

The violence against the paper figures just now stimulated the souls of the paper people, so they hummed similar songs in unison.

The voice of the paper tube man is similar to that of the paper man. It is the same sharp voice. Even the singing sounds are extremely eerie and can be heard far away in the dark mountains and forests.

"Looking up, the sky is high, night is falling, and the sky is filled with stars~"

"The prosperous times are no longer, the doomsday has come, break out of the cell, the warriors of the past have awakened~"

"They emerge from the bottom of the sea and rise from the earth~"

"Falling from the sky, they are everywhere~"

"New fears are coming~"

The melodious and high-pitched singing comes from the bodies of the paper tube people, because they have paper tube bodies. The singing even echoes on its own, making it even more eerie in the dark night.

When Xiao Yi listened to such a song, he couldn't help humming it, and sang along with these paper tubes, but probably because it was a little out of tune, he just shut up while singing and just followed the lead. paper tube people move forward.

Its attention was focused on the stones of the cart. It felt the breath of energy from these white gems, which was probably something that could provide it with energy.

However, the energy on each stone is too weak. Based on a rough calculation, all the gems placed on this small cart may only provide it with one or two opportunities to use its abilities.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and decided to give up thinking.

It doesn't know what it wants to do, so it will just follow these paper tube people for now.

As for the group of local paper people that had already been conquered, Xiao Yi had long forgotten them. Now he just wanted to take advantage of the golden opportunity while Yu Liang was sleeping to do something great.

Soon, a dark cave entrance appeared in front of Xiao Yi, and the paper tube people's bodies lit up with little fluorescent lights. They walked into the cave first, lighting up the way forward for Xiao Yi.

The team gradually descended and soon entered the cave. The scene inside the cave gradually unfolded in front of Xiao Yi.

A group of men and women wearing animal skin grass skirts were busy doing something. The sound of slight breathing came from the crowd coming and going, showing the scene of busy labor in the grotto.

Some people carried water to wash the bloody central altar, used neatly cut stones to scrape off all the bloody sludge deposited on it, and collected it on a small cart, which was then transported by paper tubes to the place where garbage was piled. .

Some people collected all the bottles and jars that originally contained unknown liquids and poured them together for disposal. The bottles and jars were carefully wiped with towels.

There was a big pit in the center of the cave, in which some human or animal bones were scattered. Whenever the wind entered the cave, weak groans and painful howls would be heard in the pit, but now it would not be like this, because Xiaoyi saw several men filling the pit with soil to bury all the evil things in the cave.

And from the depths of the cave, a somewhat irritable voice came out: "Clean up the sacrificial room inside for me! Don't stand there in a daze! Doing biological experiments without trying to create a sterile environment, making it so dirty... It's so unprofessional!"

Xiaoyi was slightly stunned when he heard this somewhat rough voice. He looked around. Everyone had his own tasks, and each paper tube man had his own things. It seemed that he was the only one who maintained the ignorant look when he just entered the cave, not knowing what he was going to do.

Hearing the scolding from deep inside the cave, several cleaning disciples rushed in quickly with simple brooms and rags to clean the so-called sacrificial room.

Xiaoyi didn't know what the cave looked like before, but it could feel that the cave seemed to have changed.

And the roars continued to sound from afar: "Who on earth put the toilet in the vent? Let him come over and eat these things! And the firewood room, it was smoked into this ghostly state and you didn't clean it up once, do you want to eat rice with cigarette ash tomorrow?"

At this time, the source of the voice probably noticed the paper man Xiaoyi standing there, and immediately called out: "And you, the guy standing there, move all the spirit stones in, I'm going to do a black box experiment now, I want to prove that this broken hook eight spirit stone has no way to improve people's physical fitness , it is obviously a matter of exercising and keeping a healthy routine, why do you want to push it to the magic? "

"If it is really so useful, the country would have long been "moving forward in parallel and striding forward to the rule of Taoism"! "The voice kept muttering some nonsense, and then seeing Xiaoyi still standing there without moving, he shouted again, "I am talking to you! You idiot standing there with a stupid mask, come in!"

A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the cave, pushing the paper man Xiaoyi hard, causing it to hit the cart, and driving the cart into the depths of the cave.

And Xiaoyi also came back to his senses and quickly pushed the cart into the depths of the cave.

The brothers and sisters behind him looked at the back of "Sixteenth Brother", and a gloating expression appeared on their faces.

But they didn't dare to say anything, but just desperately cleaned the inside of the cave to ensure the cleanliness of the place as much as possible.

The order to clean was issued after nightfall. The cave, which was originally gloomy and full of evil atmosphere, gradually became clean after a few hours of cleaning, and the overall atmosphere was refreshed.

Soon, Xiaoyi walked into the innermost room in the cave. The entrance was extremely narrow, but the internal space was very large, like a secret room.

Xiaoyi looked at the layout of the room curiously. Everything here was basically made of polished stone, with a series of furniture such as stone benches and stone tables. It looked extremely simple, but it was much better than the primitive man's nest in the cave outside.

On the small bed in the middle of the room was a brand new wooden barrel. It had a brown-yellow appearance and was round. There was a circle of golden hoops at the top, middle and bottom. The whole thing looked like the kind of bucket commonly seen on the sea in anime.

The moment the paper man Xiaoyi saw the wooden barrel, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but take a step back.


It never thought that it would actually run into a bucket in such a place. A sense of horror that "it seems to be in trouble" permeated the paper man's body.

"You... dare to walk into my room?" A dull sound came from the bucket, and then it began to become irritable, "You dare to walk into my room? Has no one told you the rules? Everyone should stand at the door waiting for my instructions. Who gave you the courage to enter my room?"

The sound of the bucket slowly stopped, and the anger in it quickly changed into a kind of doubt and curiosity: "Wait, oh, you seem to have a problem."

Eight slender limbs stretched out from the bucket, and then it climbed down from the bed like a spider, and in the blink of an eye it came to the man, and the spider-like hands gently took off the mask.

A sinister voice came from the bucket, and then a head drilled out, staring at the man under the mask.

"Let me see what you are..." The bucket looked at it carefully, and then uttered a puzzled voice, "Xiaoyi?"

Xiaoyi heard the familiar voice, and came out from the fluffy long hair on the back of the man's head. He also looked at the bucket in front of him in surprise and scratched his head: "Fairy?"

The head that appeared on the bucket was the little fairy An Buchen. She stared at the little paper man in front of her with her eyes wide open. For a moment, she was a little confused. She could only crawl on the floor, walls and ceiling of the room like a spider. She turned around a few times before she came to her senses.

"There are many paper people here, that's true. The living condition here is to rob paper people, that's true, but there are not many paper people who can recognize my identity, and I also recognize the identity of this paper person." An Buchen muttered a mess of words in her mouth. She quickly sorted out the logic and looked at the paper person Xiaoyi again, "If you are here... then is Yu Liang here too?"

The paper person Xiaoyi was still immersed in the surprise and confusion that the barrel person was An Buchen. He just nodded when he heard the other party's question, but paused and shook his head again.

Yu Liang was indeed on this island, but not here.

"Not here, it's good that he's not here, he must not be here..." An Buchen's mood instantly improved after hearing this. He happily turned around the room for a few laps, and then he stopped in front of the paper person with an emergency brake, his face almost sticking to the front of the paper person, leaving no space.

The originally delicate little face looked a little hideous at this moment, and what made the paper person feel a little cold in his heart was An Buchen's next words.

She said softly: "Is Yu Liang still a bucket man now? Whose bucket does he grow on?"

The paper man Xiaoyi blinked again, looking confused.

It didn't understand what "Is Yu Liang still a bucket man now" meant. Yu Liang has never been a bucket man?

Whose bucket does he grow on?

What does it mean?

"Well, you don't seem to know what I'm talking about..." An Buchen lowered her head in disappointment. She used her slender arms to take off the head on the top of her bucket, playing with her head like a ball, muttering to herself while rubbing it, as if she was thinking about something.

After a long time, she finally put her head back on her head, as if she had figured out the interests involved, and finally sighed leisurely: "Well, it looks like I should take medicine again."

She retracted her feet, let the bucket land steadily on the ground, and then put her head into the cart, letting the head be among the piled white gems.

An Buchen opened her mouth wide, rolled around in the cart, and swallowed the white gems into her mouth, but the strange thing was that she only had a head and no esophagus, but the gems she ate were eaten and would not fall out from the neat neck section.

As she ate, she raised her head and looked up at the paper man Xiaoyi standing on the man's head: "Do you want some too? You will feel better after taking these medicines, otherwise you won't even have the strength to turn over."

The paper man Xiaoyi didn't reply to her, or even look at her, it just stared blankly at another place, feeling incomprehensible.

The top of the bucket was originally An Buchen's head, but now she put her head into the cart, which caused a gap in the top of the bucket.

Through this gap, the paper man Xiaoyi clearly saw Yu Liang sleeping inside the bucket.

He curled up in the bucket, breathing steadily, with a peaceful and happy smile on his face, like a newborn baby.

Little fairy, An Buchen, secretly hid Yu Liang?

Yu Liang, sleeping in a bucket?

Whose bucket did he grow on? Whose bucket did he grow on?

The simple brain of the paper man crashed. It could no longer understand what was happening. After thinking about it, it still wanted to set fire.

The one who could be burned to death was the real Yu Liang!

The one who could not be burned to death was the fake Yu Liang!

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