The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 653 This copy does have a way out

As Yu Liang stopped, the surrounding plants, trees, soil and rocks seemed to hold their breath, waiting for the result of Yu Liang's thinking.

A breeze blew slowly, carrying the strong smell of blood from the center of the island to the wasteland where Yu Liang was. Similarly, this breeze also brought a group of barrel men singing folk songs.

These barrel men were dripping with fresh blood, and they jumped all the way happily, extending a bloody road.

"Fresh people! Take my whip!" The barrel man at the front was the sharpest. He saw Yu Liang standing between the paper man and the two grass infant mechas from a distance. His face showed a twisted "V"-shaped smile that filled most of his face. He pulled down a string of various bloody genitals from the neck of his barrel head, and waved it in the air while laughing wildly, rushing out like a cheetah.

Seeing this, the other barrel men followed suit, holding inferior knives or other things in their hands, and rushed towards Yu Liang in a swarm. Among them, there was even a barrel man holding his intestines. His barrel seemed to be cut open by something, and a solid-liquid mixture was leaking out, dripping all the way.

Each barrel man's state looked different, but the same thing was that they were all very happy and they all enjoyed such indulgence.

Judging from the running speed of the leading barrel man, he was obviously much faster than the other barrel men, and his madness was also better. Not long after, he had already run to within 150 meters in front of Yu Liang.

Yu Liang ignored it and was still immersed in his own thinking. The grass infant mecha beside him raised the bone machine gun and started a regular three-shot burst.

Each "da da da" could easily kill a barrel man, one bullet knocked him down, two bullets completely destroyed his ability to move, and then turned the muzzle towards another barrel man.

It should be noted that the barrel people who have the ability to teleport or transmit items, such as long-distance runners, are the real dangerous existence. After all, their blood is likely to infect normal people and make them lose their minds.

This special way of infection reminded Yu Liang of a very special comic book. Maybe he had read the origin of the barrel people in the copy before. He did not think deeply about it, but he became very interested in his own character identity.

Recalling the raft survival journey of the first three days, he was very sure that it was his personal experience, but now these memories have become a little ethereal, making him wonder what he had encountered.

If he is just creating a character now, then where is the real Yu Liang?

Well, or there is no real Yu Liang for the time being.

Yu Liang opened the page and looked at the four columns on the page. These things can prove his identity.

Of course, the premise is that the account of the alienated profession is not logged in from a different place.

Unfortunately, it seems that this is very likely the truth now.

No, I am the real Yu Liang now.

Yu Liang couldn't help but smile, echoing the bloody corpses in the wasteland.

He could probably understand the truth of some things. Originally, when he learned from the paper man what happened to An Buchen in three days, he only proposed two possibilities.

One is that he was stuck for three days, and the "Yu Liang" that An Buchen saw during these three days was actually a fake Yu Liang, or a Yu Liang in an abnormal state.

Another possibility is that he experienced several backtrackings during these three days.

Judging from the information he had at the time, Yu Liang thought the former was more likely, but now...

In fact, there is another possibility, a possibility that he had never thought of at the time.

What An Buchen saw during those three days was not a fake Yu Liang, but the real Yu Liang.

The real Yu Liang has become a barrel man.

Yu Liang was turned into a barrel man by cheating in the early stage of entering the dungeon, and the moon butler also became a barrel man. During this stage, Yu Liang in An Buchen's cognition had become a barrel man, but this stage did not last too long.

Because the Moon Steward quickly restarted the backtracking, and An Buchen was separated from Yu Liang after encountering some special events, and she was not clear about the specific situation after the backtracking, so she asked those questions when she saw the paper man:

"Is Yu Liang still a barrel man now? Whose barrel is he growing on?"

This is not because An Buchen is crazy, but she is really in a sober state. However, it is difficult for her to judge whether she is still sober, which is related to the special mental state of the barrel man.

The spiritual stone she ate can restore her energy, and it also has some side effects similar to hallucinations.

In those three days, the original Yu Liang must have done something, and the result is that there is no room for redemption, and he remains in the state of a barrel man.

The cheating barrel man can control who becomes a barrel man, and he chose Yu Liang, which is the biggest blow to the Haicheng Alliance entering the dungeon this time.

An unstable Yu Liang...

The current Yu Liang thought of Xue Wubin, who "killed randomly" in the memory of the strategy group, and shrugged his shoulders. He probably knew what would happen.

For the Haicheng Alliance, this was an extremely terrifying thing.

However, Yu Liang at that time did not do nothing, at least the current Yu Liang is proof of this.

Yu Liang is not sure what that guy did, but judging from the result...

Yu Liang created Yu Liang.

A Yu Liang who has the Yu Liang writer account, a Yu Liang who has Yu Liang's memories (except for those three days), and a Yu Liang who restarts in full condition.

The Yu Liang who appears three days later may not be Yu Liang, but he is Yu Liang for this copy, and the current Yu Liang is also willing to do what a real Yu Liang should do.

Possessing Yu Liang's abilities, Yu Liang's personality, and Yu Liang's memories, isn't this the Yu Liang?

"Heh, I seem to understand that the barrel man source didn't kill me directly after discovering that I resurrected the barrel man Xiao Si." Yu Liang laughed dumbly, and the question he had been thinking about suddenly had an answer.

Some of the previous doubts were also connected together.

Killing him is meaningless.

If one Yu Liang falls, there will be thousands of Yu Liangs growing up, because the barrel man Yu Liang hidden in the dark has mastered a method of mass production of Yu Liang.

Through [Creation], [Confession], [Memory Transplantation] and the special ability of making people, the barrel man Yu Liang is equivalent to having the ability to restart repeatedly. He can constantly create Yu Liang, set Yu Liang's personality and memory, and then transfer the alienated profession he has mastered to the other party.

This creates a real Yu Liang who dares to explore the world of strange stories.

And it doesn't matter if this Yu Liang dies. The world of strange stories is not like some Sima Internet websites. After the user dies, the account will be automatically recycled, regardless of whether the account is of high value or commemorative significance.

Once the Yu Liang who is exploring the copy dies, the alienated profession account belonging to the writer will be automatically transferred back to the barrel man Yu Liang.


What about the soul and consciousness?

The shadow "Zhi" has not been seen so far, but it is impossible to be sure that she is still in the shadow, but the soul and consciousness...

Wait a minute, how can I be sure that the soul and consciousness are on my body?

Yu Liang was suddenly startled and realized his mistakes all along.

Since he couldn't contact the shadow "zhi", it meant that he couldn't enter the ventricle to see the soul Yu Liang and the consciousness Yu Liang, so the soul and the consciousness couldn't determine his whereabouts either.

So what was it that gave me the feeling?

Is it the kind of "inspiration" that was faintly in my heart?

"It seems a bit bad." Yu Liang looked at the grass infant mecha that cleaned up the current bloody barrel man. It was a sunny afternoon, but he still felt a sense of crisis with cold sweat.

He subconsciously thought that it was the expectation from the female ghost soul Yu Liang, but ignored the most basic caution.

Come to think of it, who would doubt his own voice?

Do you really think of yourself as Li Huowang?

What if the inspiration didn't come from the hint of the soul Yu Liang?


The root of the barrel man?

Yu Liang couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of bitter saliva with fear. He could now understand the evil taste of the root of the barrel man.

A barrel man root with many abilities, the ability to play with the player's psychology is amazing.

Even the Moon in the Moon Community is not so boring, because the Moon is still a little arrogant. He only makes rules to restrict players, and is only interested in players who have the Origin Strange Stories.

The current barrel man Origin is even worse.

Would he pretend to be a soul to give inspiration tips?

It is conceivable that the few inspirations he threw out before must be very effective, at least they can bring positive feedback, just like bait to lure gamblers.

As for why Yu Liang can use the "illusion" rule power...

Who can guarantee that the barrel man Origin himself has not stolen half of the soul power?

Give a solution first, and then let the barrel man show an obvious reaction, which will greatly promote Yu Liang's trust in his own soul.

After all, the soul can't deceive him. Once he finds that the ideas provided by the soul are correct, he will gradually give up thinking deeply about the meaning behind some behaviors and be tripped by traps where he really needs to pay attention.

This is like entering a gambling venue. The rules are set by the barrel man's origin, the results of the game are also controlled by the barrel man's origin, and the dog-headed military advisor beside him is even pretended by the barrel man's origin...

The result is self-evident.

If this is really the inspiration that the barrel man's origin uses to lure me, then is it possible that his deep purpose has been revealed?

Yu Liang frowned slightly and began to recall the origins of those inspirations.

These inspirations are not all short-term, there are also some parts that are similar to long-term tasks.

For example...

The one that connects the metaverse designer [blurred boundaries] and the writer [overstepping his authority]?

Is there anything wrong with this?

Or is this barrel man's origin tempting me to upgrade my own creation characters?

The purpose is to let me upgrade the abilities of other creation characters, but in the end I discovered that I am also a creation character?

Yu Liang opened his own page and had a vague guess.

A creation ability cannot be enhanced at a high level after a low-level enhancement, which means that this will make the limit of the creation ability fixed forever.

Then some important abilities being enhanced at a low level is equivalent to "ruining the future".

Although the skills of the created character are already strong enough, they will not degenerate after low-level enhancement, but from the upper limit, it is definitely better for all the creation abilities to be enhanced at a special level.

However, this requires...

Many T1 players serve as materials, anyway, he can't count them now.

At worst, it takes many T1 players' tongues to make up "live" characters.

The world of ghost stories can't set up a breeding ranch like in the game, and breed T1 players in batches as materials for upgrading and strengthening.

In other words, there must be some insignificant alienated abilities that can only enjoy medium or low-level enhancements.

Is this what the barrel man's origin is guiding me to do?

He wants me to strengthen some abilities first...

These abilities originally had higher talent limits or even the ability to reverse the ending, but a low-level enhancement may cut off this hope.

It's like a barrel man Yu Liang lent him his precious account to play, but he accidentally destroyed the account. In this way, the account that fell back into the hands of the barrel man Yu Liang may not be able to counter the barrel man's origin.

Yes, it should be like this. This is probably the mistake that the barrel man's origin really wants to guide me to make. He wants me to destroy the alienated professional account of this writer.

But can a simple enhancement destroy it?

Can a simple enhancement completely eradicate their hope of a comeback?

Will a certain ability be an important part of the causal trigger theory?

Yu Liang felt a headache while looking through the ability panels of various characters created in the universe.

Now he was a little afraid to upgrade, because he was not sure whether the ability he chose would be the real key ability.

Some seemingly rubbish skills may become super abilities after modifying a small amount of descriptions, which is beyond doubt.

Suddenly he had a headache, and for a while he did not feel any confusion about the identity of his created character.

Although this may mean that he is not the real Yu Liang, but just a product created by a barrel man Yu Liang, but what does it matter?

It's like the little fairy in the barrel man state prepared a boat for him wholeheartedly, just like the moon barrel man who didn't know the whole picture prepared an escape route for him.

Everyone is working hard for "Yu Liang", everyone is fighting to fight against the barrel man, how could he give up all this because of his identity doubts?

What's important is not who I am, that's just the opinion of others after all, what's important is who I think I am, that's my opinion.

Now, I am Yu Liang, and I will only do what Yu Liang should do.

Indeed, I would think so, and I would work so hard for Yu Liang, maybe just because Barrel Man Yu Liang set up a character that puts team spirit first for me, so that I would not take his alienated professional account and fly away, let alone sell the account directly to Barrel Man Genyuan, but so what?

I made all the decisions I made myself, and if I made a choice against my will to resist something, it would not be a manifestation of free will.

Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief, he was still the GM, so he had to continue to fight those rapists, dismemberment maniacs, sadists, racists and extremists.

At least, now Barrel Man Genyuan's painstaking efforts can prove one thing.

This dungeon does have a way out.

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