The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 654 Sea Clam Girl

Chapter 654 Sea Clam Girl~

Three hours later, Yu Liang completed the cleansing of the entire island. When he left the island, he had basically confirmed that there were no more living barrel men or humans here.

Except for the lighthouse man who was still guarding the ocean on the lighthouse, Yu Liang didn't know whether this guy had noticed the infected barrel man who left the island, because he really didn't want to meet him again.

The root cause of the island's destruction was not him, but the cause was indeed him.

When he came, this was a harmonious rural town; when he left, only a dense primeval forest was left.

However, there was good news in the process of cleaning the island. He actually found some normal survivors, such as Ma Debang and Sister Hua who had appeared in the diary.

Sister Hua realized that something was wrong when the infected appeared. She was very experienced and had heard some news about the infection of barrel men a long time ago. Those disasters almost destroyed the barrel men on all other islands, so she chose to hide in her bunker at home as soon as possible.

She knew very well that this kind of infected barrel man was not something she could handle. It was not like daily political affairs where she only needed to fill in some data and forms. This was a disaster that was going to destroy all the barrel men.

As a result, after hiding for a while, she heard the obvious sound of machine gun fire and the gradually subsiding voices from the barrel men, which made her realize that the so-called GM was back, so after accurately judging, she crawled out of the bunker and joined Yu Liang's team with the supplies stored by the barrel men.

Of course, it was mainly for the sake of supplies that Yu Liang could accept such a barrel man.

There were a lot of food, alcohol, fuel and some gunpowder stored on this island, which were all necessities for Yu Liang in ocean voyages, so he accepted Sister Hua and her supplies without much hesitation.

And the joining of Ma Debang was another level of help. As the lighthouse man's diary said, Ma Debang's alienated profession was "thief", and the gradient was not low, reaching the level of T2.

Perhaps it was such a high gradient that could suppress the wanderers on the entire island.

When the island was still the one with only wanderers, Ma Debang was undoubtedly the absolute leader, but after all the wanderers on the island were transformed into bucket people by the lighthouse people, he seemed to be stimulated and no longer had any interest in leading the island.

The new leader became the current Sister Hua.

Unlike his profession, Ma Debang does not look at all vulgar, and his words are not too vulgar. His overall image is similar to Hu Ge in the movie "Southern Station" that Yu Liang has seen, a bit unruly and full of Jianghu atmosphere.

To be fair, apart from this guy's profession, Yu Liang does not reject this kind of person, and this person has indeed brought him some good things.

The thief has four main abilities. The first is to enhance the most basic physical fitness. As a thief, Ma Debang moves very fast and his hands are very flexible.

After becoming a bucket man, Ma Debang gained ten limbs, four hands and six feet. When moving, he uses his hands and feet together, looking like a wheel.

The movement speed bonus brought by the alienation profession was transferred to the six legs. According to Ma Debang himself, he moved faster with more legs. The number of legs is three times the original, and the movement speed is also three times.

Similarly, the flexibility of his hands is twice the original.

It's a pity that he didn't find a way to continue growing his hands and feet, otherwise he would inevitably turn himself into a centipede or something like a centipede.

Anyway, he's not a human anymore, why bother about his image.

"Anyway, I'm not a human anymore, I'll do whatever you want me to do next." Ma Debang stood at the bow and smiled heartily.

He often said this sentence, which seemed very straightforward, but from the fact that he gave up leading the barrel man, he was probably the type of person who could not accept himself becoming a barrel man.

Yu Liang nodded. The two barrel men were followed by three paper men, and if they had any abnormal behavior, they would be killed directly by the paper men.

Although they joined his fleet, the degree of trust was not too high.

In addition to the most basic physical fitness bonus, Ma Debang also has the two abilities of wall-penetration and semi-invisibility, both of which are very useful abilities for thieves, and the last one is for pure stealing players.

[Empty Hands]: Select a target for random theft. The value of the stolen items will determine the degree of punishment you will receive after being arrested.

The scope of theft is very wide, including the four columns and even the abilities related to alienated professions.

However, according to Ma Debang's description, it is basically impossible to steal alienated professions. That is probably an ability that can only be truly mastered after being promoted to T1.

This is related to what An Buchen mentioned earlier. T1 thieves can steal other people's alienated professions, but they need to meet some harsh conditions.

Stealing alienated professions.

Yu Liang looked at Ma Debang silently. As a scholar, he finally saw a guy with an alienated profession similar to himself.

In his heart, this is definitely a very dangerous guy, with the dangerous level of hacking.

However, at present, Ma Debang can still be kept for the time being, even if it is kept as a [Creation] resource. After all, the current creation list is already full.

The ship set sail again. This time, Yu Liang's ship had a new name, "Anti-Cross", because Ma Debang thought that an ocean-going ship without a name was meaningless.

Originally, it was planned to be called "Anti-Barrel Man", but there were two barrel men on the ship, and it sounded too much like "rice bucket man", so Yu Liang named the ship "Anti-Cross" in pursuit of the comic book.

"How much do you know about the surrounding waters? Where is the nearest island where barrel men live?" Yu Liang asked Ma Debang and Sister Hua, who should know more about this place.

Ma Debang looked at the island gradually going away, then looked at the endless ocean in the distance, and continued: "On that side, near the lighthouse, walk along the sea road for about half an hour and you should find an island of barrel people. That is the base camp of the nearby barrel people."

"I came from the direction you said." Yu Liang shook his head, "but I didn't meet the barrel people you said. They are not there."

He sighed and said, "If the island you are standing on did not secretly turn around, then it can only be because the expansion of the ocean caused the position of the barrel people island to shift, and I just missed the shifted barrel people island."

"Maybe." Ma Debang shook his head, "Whether the island is rotating, there is only one lighthouse on the island. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day. I will not judge the wrong direction."


People here rely on the sun to identify the direction, which is reasonable. After all, there is only the sun in the entire dungeon.

However, in the dungeon, the sun represents "rising in the east and setting in the west", but "rising in the east and setting in the west" may not be the sun.

Yu Liang knew the power of the barrel man's roots, so he decided to follow his instincts and continue to explore the inside in the opposite direction of the lighthouse.

Just a few hours ago, the infected barrel men fled in all directions, and some of them would go in that direction.

He had been sailing on the ocean for half a month. No matter how big this ocean is, he should encounter some special islands, otherwise the area of ​​this ocean is really despairing.

Moreover, his characters are not in the universe. They are all struggling. Maybe they can meet them on the sea road...


Yu Liang's peripheral vision swept a familiar face on the sea. The ocean is calm now, and the clear sea water can easily show the underwater scene. When he looked closely, a somewhat familiar face appeared on the seabed.

On the small bed built by the reef, a huge sea clam swayed with the surrounding seaweed, and a beauty was sleeping in the center of the sea clam. He was like sleeping on a soft big bed, quietly waiting for rescue.

It was Li Huachao.

Yu Liang: "..."

No, why are you here, buddy?

I have thought of you becoming a devil, a barrel man, and the captain of the Black Pearl, but I never thought of you being a clam girl here, buddy.

As if sensing Yu Liang's gaze, Li Huachao, who was sleeping on the clam bed, stretched and squinted his eyes to look at the sea surface.

This look was incredible. He widened his eyes excitedly, constantly calling Yu Liang, and still saying something in his mouth, probably wanting Yu Liang to rescue him quickly.

And Yu Liang also noticed the strangeness of Li Huachao. His surroundings seemed to be isolated from the sea water, and looked like air, because Li Huachao could still speak and move, but was trapped on the bottom of the sea and had no way to come up by his own strength.

So he docked the boat here, and connected the extended rope ladder with a heavy object and put it down. After several fine-tuning, the rope ladder fell in front of the clam girl.

Li Huachao was surprised and desperately reached out to the rope ladder. His movements seemed a little stiff, and his hands and feet were difficult to move, as if he was half suppressed by something, but in the end he still managed to bite the rope ladder with his own efforts.

Immediately afterwards, the grass infant mecha and paper people on the ship began to pull the rope ladder, trying to pull Li Huachao up, while the other paper people controlled the bone machine guns to the direction of the rope ladder, ready to hit Li Huachao at any time.

If this Li Huachao was an illusion, they would definitely not show mercy.

However, this was Li Huachao. While the rope ladder was fishing him out of the sea, Yu Liang tried to examine Li Huachao in the universe and confirm his identity before pulling him up.

The sea clam was still entangled by the rope ladder, and Yu Liang did not waste it and pulled it onto the boat.

Then he released the smiling Li Huachao, and looked at him with a dark face: "What happened to you again?"

"That... you should be the real Yu Liang, right?" Li Huachao scratched his head, trying to ease his embarrassment in a humorous way, "Just accidentally, haha, there was a little problem."

"What happened, tell me quickly, I don't have time to waste with you." Yu Liang said unhappily. Now Li Huachao is the first person he has really met, and he will definitely be able to get a lot of information from him.

"Okay." Li Huachao shrugged his shoulders, looking very helpless, "You also saw this sea clam, there was originally a super pearl in it, I ate it, and then I can avoid water, just like a water-avoiding golden-eyed beast."

"Then why are you still trapped by the sea clam? This thing doesn't look like a weird creature." Yu Liang tried to kick the sea clam from behind. The shell of the sea clam flipped slightly, and it looked weak. Or maybe he was frightened by people like Yu Liang and didn't dare to move at will.

Li Huachao became even more helpless when he heard this: "Look, you've never been into the sea, right? The sealing ability of this sea water is too strong. After entering, I can't even move, and my skills can't be used. As long as I can stay awake, that's all." The effect of the water repelling beads is very strong. Fortunately, I put some food in my inventory, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to die on the bottom of the sea. "

Yu Liang: "..."

It turns out that you also know how to be embarrassed, haha.

"Well, I was on the cruise ship when I first entered the dungeon, and I learned about the cruise ship from some tourists. This is a ship that can go back and forth between fantasy and reality." Li Huachao explained briefly. Looking at the sailboat that Yu Liang currently has, he gave a rare compliment, "Your current boat is not bad. It is much better than the small rafts that other players started with. It is quite powerful."

He continued: "On a cruise ship, it is basically the same as a real luxury cruise ship. You can eat, drink and have fun. I found Lu Baoshen in the casino on the ninth floor... I know what you want to say, especially This guy is in the casino again. Is this a natural skill?"

Li Huachao continued talking: "Then he told me that the big players in this casino use a special bucket coin to gamble. Life on the cruise ship is basically inseparable from it, and what's more, What we are excited about is that as long as we have enough bucket coins, we can even buy the cruise ship!”

"Buy the cruise ship?" Yu Liang's eyes lit up. He knew about the cruise ship. This might be the ship he wanted to own most in the entire dungeon, but he glanced at Li Huachao, who was wearing a sloppy big cardigan. , I suddenly knew what was going on.

If nothing else, there must have been an accident, otherwise Li Huachao would not be in the sea.

"Well, we lost. Those two idiots Lu Baoshen and Lu Mingzhe played the role of me. They can still lose if they have strong luck. Well, strong luck seems to be useless, but how can you, Lu Mingzhe, still lose with your gambling skills here? "Yeah? And he didn't even see how the other side was cheating. It's outrageous." Li Huachao couldn't help complaining and shrugged helplessly, "Then we lost everything and still owed some. To compensate, we have to fish for pearls in the sea and avoid the water in exchange for the opportunity to stay on the cruise ship.”

"Then you found the beads, didn't you?" Yu Liang had some questions, "And the sea water is sealed, how did you get into the water?"

"There is indeed a seal, but the body is smeared with a special oil so that it can barely move. Use a rope to lower it, and the person is like a claw machine's grappling hook. This thing cannot be taken out with a machine. If a machine is used, the sea oyster will remove the beads. Eat it, and as for humans, some people with a more masculine aura are more likely to break open the atrium of sea clams, and they have no resistance to wild men." Li Huachao explained briefly.

"Then what?"

Li Huachao's face suddenly darkened: "Then the sea clam really opened its mouth when it saw me. Not only did it open, but it also stuffed beads into my mouth!"

Yu Liang: "..."

Officially certified wild man?

Li Huachao kicked the sea clam with resentment, and the sea clam immediately opened its shell. He continued: "Such behavior was considered a provocation, and then they left me there, saying it was There will be a ship to take me away in a few days. I didn't expect it to be you... Then Lu Mingzhe and An Buchen are so uninteresting. They can't even think of a way to save me. I will never trust them again in this dwarf alliance. "

"An Buchen? Wait a minute, she's on the cruise ship?" Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly realized that the time was not right.

"Yes, they have been on the ship all the time. During this time, magicians and coaches came one after another to prepare for the strange incident on the ship. We couldn't help, so we went to the casino to play. ." Li Huachao blinked his clear eyes and looked at the confused Yu Liang, "Where else would we be? And they are still guessing how long it will take you to find the core of this copy. I have to say, this time. Your exploration progress is a bit slow."

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