The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 655 How dare I think this cruise ship is normal? !

"Um...what's wrong with you? Why do you feel that your reaction is a little weird?" Li Huachao stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Yu Liang's face, seeming to be a little surprised as to why Yu Liang's eyes started to straighten as he listened.

Wasn't it because he was hit?

No, if you can't find the cruise ship, you can't find it. What's there to be angry and frustrated about?

Li Huachao had a strange look on his face, but finally patted Yu Liang's shoulder with disdain, and added in a reluctant tone: "It's okay, it's okay, maybe you're just lucky, just work hard next time."

But Yu Liang still ignored Li Huachao's nonsense. He was just thinking about a question.

Who is telling lies?

Indeed, he had never seen An Buchen. The two different accounts came from the paper man Xiao Yi and the Li Huachao in front of him.

Through the [Universe], it can be confirmed that both of them are real and they are not deceiving themselves, but Yu Liang cannot confirm whether they were deceived by some kind of hallucinogenic thing.

From this point of view, the credibility of Paper Man Xiaoyi is slightly higher, because it is not just empty talk, it has brought back the ship, and at the same time, it is also a T2 gradient illusionist, and wants to make it It's a difficult thing to be hit without warning and not come back to your senses for such a long time.

At least T1 level players or Kaitan creatures can't do it. They may have to reach the root Kaitan level of rule ability.

However, as for Li Huachao, without Li Huaniang, he is just a T2 hunter. Although he has some inspiration for breaking obstacles, in general, his resistance to illusions is not as good as that of a paper man.

But surely one of the two is wrong?

Isn't it possible that everything they say is right?

Yu Liang imagined this possibility and suddenly felt a headache. He frowned and looked at Li Huachao: "Tell me everything, starting from the time you entered this dungeon. It's best to be careful. Don't Something is missing."

"Okay, okay, don't panic, I have a good memory." Li Huachao immediately made an "OK" gesture, and then said with a smile, "That day you entered the dungeon, it seemed that the soul power was too strong. It was immediately disbanded into several parts, probably because of the created characters in the [universe], and then we dispersed.”

"I remember this." Yu Liang nodded. This is basically the same as his memory, but it seems that his memory only ends here.

In the first three days of the dungeon, he had been drifting on the sea on his small raft, completely isolated from the world.

Of course, now he has doubts about this part of his memory. Once he has doubts, he often feels that this memory seems to be artificially added and cannot be considered true.

So the time when he actually appeared in the dungeon may be three days after the large army entered the dungeon.

Well, what happened in these three days must be very important, but I don't know why, he has no memory of this period of time.

Because this memory is harmful to his process of exploring the copy?

Yu Liang doesn’t know yet.

"Then, I had a small raft, so I started rowing to find an island or a cruise ship. After a lot of hard work, I really found an island." Li Huachao recalled, " This is not difficult. According to my judgment, there are a lot of small islands like this in the sea area of ​​​​this copy. After landing on the island, there are some scattered barrels and statues guarded by barrel people. By the way. , a cave will be cleared.”

He talked eloquently, as if he was imparting his own game strategy: "Brush these barrel men, and a special religious product will explode on their bodies, and then you can enter the cave. There will be some treasure chests and the like in the cave. things, but be careful of traps and the like. There will also be some old or disabled barrel men hiding in the dark to attack you. I heard that they were left to fend for themselves in caves by normal barrel men, because they have already There is no way to follow the hunt, and living is a waste of time."

"Well, what did you find in the treasure box?" Yu Liang continued to ask.

Haha, I can’t say that I don’t know everything about what Li Huachao said, at least I have never heard of it.

"By the way, there are still puzzles to solve, but it's not too difficult. It's just like finding different things, and then just put the religious items exploded by the Barrel Killer into the unknown ones." Li Huachao had some dismay on his face. With a mean smile, he said, "Hey, you couldn't figure it out, right? Isn't this the level of solving puzzles in ordinary adventure games? Haha... haha."

When Li Huachao saw Yu Liang, her eyes held a meaning of "Try talking nonsense again", so she stopped laughing in the middle of her smile and said instead: "You can find the flare gun and the ticket for the cruise ship from the treasure box. For tickets, just fire the flare gun when you hear the unique whistle of the cruise ship on the sea and wait for the cruise ship on the shore. There will be a small boat to take you aboard. As long as you get on the ship, you have reached the second stage of the instance. ”

"Second stage?" Yu Liang repeated Li Huachao's words.

Li Huachao immediately responded: "Yes, the second stage is implemented on the cruise ship. You will know when you get on the cruise ship. Some strange events will be refreshed in the cruise ship's room. If you solve the strange events, you can get the bucket. Coins are used as rewards, and secondly, there are rewards for doing work. Buckets are given based on the degree of risk and energy consumed. By the way, bucket coins can also be obtained for gambling and other things.”

Yu Liang listened to Li Huachao's explanation, and he couldn't help but have a lot of questions in his mind. He began to wonder what he had experienced in the previous two weeks.

Did he and Li Huachao really experience the same dungeon?

How come they are completely two dungeons just by looking at these two modes?

The only similarity is that both have oceans, but they are almost incompatible with each other.

In the past dungeons, from the zoo to the Flatland, the core settings of each dungeon were basically determined not long after entering, but now there are two sets of game systems...

There must be something wrong.

"So you spent these two weeks on the cruise ship?" Yu Liang continued to ask. He had already vaguely understood that there might be no way to get more useful information from Li Huachao now.

"Yes, where else can we go? They are all on the ship." Li Huachao said, counting his fingers. "The founding seats are the first batch... No, we have to leave out Lu Baoshen who refreshed in the casino, and then there are the adventurers. But there is no news about Xu Cixi. I don't know which island he is hanging out on."

He kept talking, following Yu Liang's teachings, basically saying everything, and then he slapped his head, as if he remembered something: "By the way, every once in a while, the cruise ship will usher in a big event, because the cruise ship's route is fixed, and it will pass through the dock at a fixed time every month. At this time, it will often be attacked by those barrel people, which is still quite dangerous. You can't be bitten, otherwise it will be easily absorbed into the body of the barrel people."

"The barrel people are on the dock? Aren't they on the sea?" Yu Liang felt something was wrong when he heard what Li Huachao meant.

Only when passing the dock will you encounter the attack of the barrel people. Doesn't this mean that the barrel people gather on the dock?

"Yes." Li Huachao nodded, and the expression on his face was as it should be, as if it should be so.

Did the barrel man go to the dock instead of the sea?

It was different from what the raider remembered before, but it was different from what he learned after entering the dungeon.

The barrel man went to the dock and to the possible land, so he didn't see them all the way here.

"Cruise ship... you just said that the cruise ship would blow the horn when passing the island, right?" At this time, Ma Debang, who had been listening to the situation on the side, asked with some doubts, "I have always been on the islands near here, but I have never heard this so-called whistle sound, and forgive me for being frank, what you said... I have never heard of it."

"It's really a barrel man." Li Huachao looked at the barrel man from head to toe, shrugged and said, "Then I don't know, I'm not saying this to you."

He didn't have a good impression of the barrel man. Even if he didn't know why Yu Liang took in these two barrel men, he wouldn't have a good face. He immediately put two hunting marks on them and kept an eye on these two guys at any time.

If the barrel man bites Yu Liang to death, then things will be very serious. With the hunting mark to monitor these two guys in real time, Li Huachao will feel much more at ease.

"Which direction is the cruise ship you mentioned going? At our current speed, is there a chance to catch up?" Yu Liang decided to go to the cruise ship to take a look. At least according to what Li Huachao said, all the founding seats are on the cruise ship. He will have an inexplicable sense of security if he knows more players.

After all, up to now, there is the barrel man An Buchen, the moon barrel man, and the barrel man source. He has been tossed around a little tired.

"That direction, the cruise ship is very slow, don't worry, we are in the right direction, we should be able to catch up." Li Huachao comforted Yu Liang, "and it is a cruiser, which means it will turn back, maybe we can meet it head-on then."

"Okay, notify the paper people, we are leaving." Captain Yu Liang immediately gave the order to catch up, and Li Huachao began to patrol the entire ship with the little paper people, exploring the resources controlled by Yu Liang while marveling at them.

"Oh my god, your house is quite big."

"Gunpowder? It's a good thing. The cruise ship will buy it back at a high price. It's a must-have for making bullets."

"Wait a minute, I didn't notice it just now. Where did so many bone machine guns come from? Yu Liang, did you rob the masked man? No, didn't you put this thing there to sell? Oh, I see, you are cheating on the insurance, right?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Anyway, Li Huachao's arrival is a good thing. At least the atmosphere on the whole ship has become much more lively. When this guy participated in the paper people's game of changing dynasties, the whole game became more interesting.

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was three days later. Under the dual influence of ocean currents and wind, Yu Liang finally saw the giant cruise ship in the distance. Compared with it, his "Anti-Cross" was like an ant. The cruise ship could smash the sailboat with a slight turn.

When Li Huachao saw the cruise ship, he quickly fired a signal gun that he had snatched from someone, successfully attracting the attention of the cruise ship. A speedboat quickly rushed to Yu Liang's ship and boarded the ship after obtaining Yu Liang's permission.

"Hello, my name is Li Xiang, a second-level crew member on the cruise ship, and I will be responsible for receiving you." The man in the sailor's uniform had a hearty smile on his face. He stood in front of Yu Liang and stretched out his hand to Yu Liang.

Yu Liang hesitated a little, while Li Huachao was very tactful and grabbed Li Xiang's hand and shook it twice, then said with a smile: "Damn it, you were the one who left me behind, weren't you?"

"Originally, you still owed the first mate 30,000 barrels of coins. Going down to retrieve the water-repellent beads is a good job. Normal people are not qualified to go, but you ate them directly. It's not strange that the first mate left you there." Li Xiang was grimacing because of Li Huachao's hand. He quickly pulled his hand out and said to Li Huachao unhappily, "But you are lucky. I explained the situation to the first mate for you. You don't have to worry about the 30,000 barrels of coins you owe. Just don't go to the casino anymore, and you don't have a credit limit for borrowing."

It seems that this second-level crew member is quite familiar with Li Huachao. At least the atmosphere between the two is pretty good.

After teasing Li Huachao, Li Xiang looked back at Yu Liang and said with a smile: "Hello, are you the captain of this ship? Very good configuration, are these machine guns usable?"

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded, not knowing what Li Xiang was going to do.

And Li Xiang's next sentence revealed his purpose: "Okay, in this case, we can hire your ship to help us escort and use it to resist the invasion of barrel people on the flank. We will pay barrel coins for this. The specific amount will be discussed with you by the first mate. Don't worry, this will be a cooperation that satisfies you and me."

Yu Liang thought about it and felt that he had no reason to refuse.

He was definitely going to board the cruise ship, but this did not mean that he had to abandon his sailboat. Besides, there were two barrel people hidden by him on the sailboat. These two guys could not go on the cruise ship.

It was definitely OK to leave the sailboat to the miser. Anyway, it was just an escort, and he never thought of escaping from the barrel people.

So after reaching a consensus, Yu Liang and Li Huachao followed Li Xiang on the cruise ship, while the money ghost and some paper figures stayed on the ship to look after the "Anti-Cross".

The cruise ship was very large, much larger than expected, divided into several floors, with many entertainment facilities and a large number of tourists.

However, these tourists were concentrated in the entertainment area on the upper floor, while Yu Liang and others were in the crew's work area.

From the current point of view, this cruise ship is very normal, and there is no big difference from any cruise ship Yu Liang has seen, except that it is more luxurious.

Secondly, a few tourists were looking at Yu Liang on board with curious eyes. Judging from the breath, Yu Liang found that there were alienated professionals with a T2 gradient among them.

"Please follow me, our first mate should be very interested in you." Li Xiang turned around, slowed down and walked in front, while Yu Liang and Li Huachao followed behind.

At this time, a gust of cold wind came from nowhere and made Yu Liang shiver all over. He looked in the direction of the wind and saw a black bird with broken wings descending like a fallen leaf. It flew forward while fighting, but suddenly couldn't control itself and landed on the back of Li Xiang, a crew member in front.

"It's so cold, so cold, so cold, so cold, so cold..." The black bird panted faintly, then used its beak to make a hole in Li Xiang's back, buried the whole bird in it, and then showered in the hot blood again, revealing a comfortable expression.

Yu Liang stopped and looked at all this straight, speechless for a while.

First puzzled, then became a kind of relief.

Haha, that's right, it's this kind of confusion with doubts, and I don't know what will happen next.


What the hell is normal, why do I think this cruise ship is normal?

Isn't this a story about the cuckoo bird?

Wait, where is the birdcage on this ship?

If this bird is not put back...

It seems to be invincible!

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