The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 659 This copy is full of scammers.

The barrel man An Buchen and the cruise ship An Buchen are definitely not the same creature.

Although Yu Liang has never seen the cruise ship An Buchen, he can confirm this.

The aura of the barrel man An Buchen is completely different from that of the normal An Buchen. If this is the An Buchen that Li Huachao and the others are talking about, they will definitely warn him.

The two are like the same person from different worlds. The barrel man An Buchen has experienced countless horrible things and has been destroyed by ghost stories into this abnormal appearance, while the An Buchen who is in seclusion seems to be much more normal, perfectly in line with everyone's impression of An Buchen.

However, in such an abnormal world, they are so normal on the cruise ship. Is this really normal?

Yu Liang sighed in his heart. He knew that he had instinctively doubted in his heart, and this suspicion was not something he could control.

If the barrel man An Buchen desperately got into the cruise ship and wanted to tell him that everything was true, then this copy would be too complicated.

Based on the information revealed by the barrel man An Buchen this time, there are basically only two pieces of information:

Don't fall into the sea, the water surface is the key to shuttle between the two worlds; when the moon appears, she will come to find him.

Combined with the strange situation along the way, Yu Liang himself felt it was outrageous.

The barrel man Ma Debang and Hua Jie, who have lived on the island for many years, have never heard the sound of the cruise ship's whistle, and Li Huachao was found under the sea not far from the island.

The first mate on the cruise ship even told him that there would be other ships to pick him up in a few days. A series of doubts were almost not pretended, and were directly pasted on Yu Liang's face.

There are no ships other than Yu Liang and the cruise ship in the entire ocean. How did the first mate know that there would be a ship to save Li Huachao?

The barrel man An Buchen said, be careful of those who shuttle on the water surface, and Li Huachao naturally belongs to this category.

It seems that Li Huachao is like a bait, a bait used to lure Yu Liang into the cruise ship.

Yu Liang sighed. After entering the safe environment of the cruise ship, he did not feel any sense of security, but his sense of crisis became stronger and stronger. This was probably the reason.

Judging comprehensively, the sea surface is the critical point of the two worlds. The sea and the sea are completely different, just like the ocean copy and the cruise copy are completely different.

No, strictly speaking, it cannot be said to be the sea world and the underwater world, because the difference between them is not the sea or the underwater, but something else.

This is not simply seen with the eyes. The boundary between the two worlds should be likened to a mirror. The two worlds on both sides of the sea are extremely similar, and "falling into the water" is the action of shuttling between the two worlds.

If understood in this way, the problem of disharmony that has always been there is solved.

Yu Liang drew a simple schematic diagram on the mirror in the bathroom with water mist, and then fell into deep thought again.

In this copy, there are actually four world lines, namely the real sea, the real sea, the false sea and the false sea. When he fell into the water, he fell from the real sea into the false sea, and floated up again to the false sea.

Falling into the water is a way to travel between the two worlds, but surfacing is not necessarily the case. Only in this way can the four worlds travel freely.

Simply put, falling into the water from a1 enters b2, and surfacing from b2 brings you to b1.

It seems that this speculation is a bit too outrageous. With four world lines plus the cruise ship copy cruising on the sea, the span of the entire barrel man copy is really terrifyingly large.

However, such a conception can indeed solve some current doubts, such as this strange cruise ship and the normal companions on the strange cruise ship, plus the barrel people on the dock.

Yes, until now Yu Liang has not completely believed the founders' statements.

The barrel people live on the dock because they have controlled the ocean. As long as they control and hold the land, they can control the entire copy...

In this case, what is the meaning of the cruise ship?

What is the meaning of the cruise ship cruising through the barrel man dock every ten days or so?

Generally speaking, when direct information is insufficient, Yu Liang's method of distinguishing lies is to use his own logic to judge. Deliberately woven lies often have some logical loopholes, which will repel some of the facts he has learned, and thus sort out the truth and falsehood.

However, this is the world of ghost stories, where absurdity and reality coexist. In addition, the ability of the root ghost story to modify cognition and distort reality is definitely a torture for players who are unable to resist.

After gaining the favor of the root ghost story "Zhi", Yu Liang rarely encountered this kind of torture, but in this barrel man copy, the pain reappeared.

Carefully recalling the first time he fell into the water, he was rescued by the little paper man, but he did not notice anything strange at the time.

If he had already come to the sea of ​​the false world at that time, the reaction of the paper man was too real, and Yu Liang did not find anything wrong at all.

If the subsequent content is simulated by the barrel man source, it is probably impossible. The only explanation is that the experience is a preview of the program in Yu Liang's mind.

Just like preloading, the things that are naturally deduced in his mind must be the most consistent with his cognition.

According to this speculation, after entering the water, a certain root strange story can naturally evolve into the subsequent short-term plot development based on his memory, at least in the short term, he will not be able to see the flaws.

However, this kind of deduction will definitely not last long, just like the god on Tianya Forum can predict the changes in housing prices in the next few years in the early 2000s, but he certainly cannot predict the changes in decades or hundreds of years. There are too many variables, and the nuclear winter may restart the earth civilization.

Therefore, the problem lies in the encounter with Li Huachao after leaving the barrel man island. This reunion drama is too abstract and nonsensical.

Although it is consistent with Yu Liang's cognition of Li Huachao, it is not enough to impress the cautious Yu Liang.

Deducing another false time and space based on memory to confuse and paralyze the original players is a reasonable speculation on the ability of the barrel man's root, but what can the barrel man's root get by doing this?

After tricking the players into the seabed, what can the barrel man's root get?

"Yu Liang, your Lu Baoshen lost the money in the bet and won't give it to you, can you come and help me judge it?" Li Huachao's voice came in again from the bathroom, and then Yu Liang heard Lu Baoshen's hesitant voice.

"No, how can you... slander someone's innocence out of thin air? I told you that my ability is a little ineffective, so I lost. If my ability is not ineffective, I won't lose. If I don't lose, then I haven't lost. Since I haven't lost, why should I give you money?" Lu Baoshen spoke more and more fluently, and he could already imagine the appearance of a little devil sticking his neck and playing tricks. He paused and continued, "Since it is considered that I won, I don't want your money..."

Yu Liang couldn't hear what happened next, probably bullying from the older generation and other messy things.

Now Lu Mingzhe didn't know why he didn't come out, and An Buchen, another loyal member of the Dwarf Alliance, was missing. Lu Baoshen, who had no one to help him, dared to challenge Li Huachao, which naturally could not escape the fate of being beaten.

Yu Liang still didn't reply, but just silently looked at the bathtub that had already leaked all the water. He then noticed that there seemed to be no shower room in the bathroom, only such a bathtub.

Ha, only a bathtub?

It seemed to be closer to his guess.

Yu Liang opened the bathtub. Since he had fallen into the water, he didn't need to be reserved now. He wanted to verify his judgment and try to see if "negative and negative equal positive".

According to the guess, he is now on the sea of ​​the false world, so after falling into the water, he will come to the sea of ​​the real world, and then surface to reach the sea of ​​the real world.

However, he still needs to prepare something that can make him float, in case the water here also binds him, it will be all over.

Yu Liang modified the airbag of the bone machine gun in the inventory, and then walked to the bathtub, pressed the airbag under his body, and used his own gravity to press the airbag into the water for a short time, and sank himself underwater.

He forced himself to open his eyes and stared at the rubber duck pattern printed on the bottom of the bathtub. He felt that his consciousness was restrained and he gradually lost control of his body.

As his body slid off the side of the airbag, the airbag immediately floated out of the water, taking Yu Liang's limbs with him.

After a strenuous struggle, he felt that he had grabbed the edge of the bathtub. This point of support gave him a great boost of confidence. He suddenly stood up from the bathtub and completely floated out of the water.

"Congratulations, Master Yu Liang, as a new barrel man, you learned to snorkel on the first day. You are really a genius in freestyle swimming in the barrel world!" Li Huachao said to the mean voice

The inexplicable words came to his ears. Yu Liang shook his head, threw the noisy sound out of his brain, and looked at the world outside the bathtub again.

The bathroom now is very different from the original one. There are traces of rust everywhere. The bathtub, which was originally made of white ceramics, is now covered with a layer of gray and yellow things, which may be some kind of dirt, and there are many more cracks. Yu Liang looked down at the little yellow duck at the bottom of the bathtub. The extension of those cracks is concentrated on the mouth of the little yellow duck, turning the little yellow duck with a sunny smile into a sinister and cunning smile. The contrast is great.


Is this the real cruise world?

Yu Liang looked at the dilapidated cruise ship. He could feel the state of the entire cruise ship just from this bathroom. I am afraid it is drifting endlessly on the sea like a ship forgotten in history?

At the same time, what Yu Liang didn't know was that Li Huachao forced his way into the bathroom after he entered the bathtub. He looked at the empty but locked bathroom, and was quite confused.

"No, Yu Liang, where are you? Died in the bathroom? If you don't want to come out to administer justice, there is no need to hide in the bathtub to play with the little duck!" Li Huachao said so, and then fell silent.

If Yu Liang could hear these two sentences, he should be able to find that the two sentences from Li Huachao have different meanings and words, but the number of words and pauses are exactly the same, as if they were spoken by the same person.

Yu Liang stood up from the bathtub. He knew that he had guessed correctly. Falling into the water and floating up was the passage to another world, and now he was on a real cruise ship.

He didn't know what the sentence from Li Huachao just now meant. He just dragged his wet body to the mirror.

Wipe the dust off the mirror, he did not see his own outline.

Just like in his memory, he had no reflection.

Yu Liang opened the locked bathroom door, the door made an old "creaking" sound, a layer of dust fell on Yu Liang's head and neck, he reached out and wiped his neck, the dust mixed with water stains immediately became a small ball of mud, he threw it away casually.

The whole suite was empty, with only some traces of people who had been there, such as unpacked snack packaging bags and soft and rotten paper cups filled with unknown black water, and an unfinished card game. Yu Liang walked up to take a look. The guy sitting near the sofa was at a disadvantage, while the other person playing against him seemed to be playing directly on the ground, full of a sense of freedom.

There used to be people, but now they don't exist, and the whole room is shrouded in a smell of long-dead.

Yu Liang walked over the carpet that had become empty and crisp, the dirty fluff on it had been constantly crushed by his feet, and the ring-shaped dust was sprayed out and scattered.

He checked the whole room and then walked out of the corridor. He remembered that this floor was a high floor on the cruise ship. Standing on the large balcony at the end of the corridor, he could see the surrounding scenery.

Soon, he came to the open-air balcony after passing through the dark corridor with an inexplicable stench. Standing on the balcony and looking far away, the gloomy sky was filled with dark clouds, and the thunder in it was hidden.

The sea was flooded with waves, and countless wooden barrels of different shapes kept rising and falling with the waves. They did not move at all, but just surrounded the cruise ship, maintaining a state similar to hibernation.

The cruise ship did not stop. It rushed to the distance at a slow speed under the help of the waves. Its speed was the same as the sailing speed set by the captain of the cruise ship in another world.

It seemed that Yu Liang was the only living thing in the world. He looked at the densely packed wooden barrels below, and his heart could not help but feel a chill.

How many familiar players were there in those barrels?

They were indeed heading for the dock, but not to resist the barrel man invading the dock, but to invade, just like what Xue Wubin did in the past in the memory of the strategy team.

The dock will appear in the city of oblivion, the barrel man will appear in the city of oblivion, and the same is true for the cruise ship.

This is something that should have been thought of a long time ago.

Yu Liang opened his page and saw that the abilities in a series of pages were gradually unlocked. When he checked, he vaguely guessed the truth.

The alienated professional ability of the writer was occupied, just after he fell into the water.

After falling into the water, he entered an illusory world, and his abilities in the real world were borrowed.

Borrowed by whom?

Is there any need to ask this?

I should have thought of it long ago, this copy is full of scammers.

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