The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 660: The intricately twisted timeline

Standing on the high platform, the cold wind kept blowing by him. Yu Liang looked at the wooden barrels below that were rising and falling with the waves, and couldn't tell what was in his heart.

Anger needs a suitable target, but now he unconsciously felt that he didn't dare to be angry at the barrel man's source.

I don't know since when, he has become so cowardly that he can't be angry at the barrel man's source, because his anger is likely to make the barrel man's source feel sincere joy, and thus become worse.

So is this actually fear?

Without the root ghost story as his anchor, he can't even accurately judge what happened to him, and can only rely on constant guessing.

Every time he feels that his guess is in line with common sense and the setting of the ghost story, but before long, a new special event will happen to make him realize that he is completely wrong.

But is it really completely wrong?

It's just that I can't tell which situation is true.

Damn, where did all the root ghost stories in me go?

Yu Liang rarely feels that "it's hard for man to overcome nature", but now he really feels that his road is extremely difficult.

With human power alone, even pure memory may not be able to be maintained. In front of the Root Ghost Story, human power is indeed limited.

Yu Liang did not think about it any further. He only knew that everything he encountered since entering the copy might have been premeditated. It would be very easy for a Root Ghost Story with a series of abilities such as [Creation], [Implantation of Memory], and even [Retracement] and [Suspicion] to deal with him.

Just give 10,000 false information and watch him wander painfully in the ocean of illusion.

Falsehood can only get falsehood. Yu Liang only felt that countless people were deceiving him in secret, and even his personal page could be tampered with.

Since the first time he fell into the sea on Anbuchen Island, his consciousness has been sealed and restricted, and some functions in his brain have been affected.

The information collected by the five senses is ultimately presented in the brain. After tampering with his brain, there may be differences between what he sees and what he hears. In this case, he will only get deeper and deeper.

While the false consciousness was running, the barrel man root was able to steal and occupy his abilities, which might be the reason why he didn't become a barrel man but his abilities were stolen.

No, not only that, the barrel man root didn't directly turn him into a barrel man, there might be a reason for this.

Or there might be no reason at all.

It was just the extreme malice of the barrel man root.

He was such a bored and evil guy.

The cruise ship was real, but the cruise ship copy was fake.

The failure was real, An Buchen and the others had already fallen, they could only give him some hints under limited circumstances, so Li Huachao and the others on the cruise ship were fake.

Yes, it should have been thought of from the beginning, their appearance on the cruise ship was too unscientific, it was impossible at all.

This was clearly an unsolvable copy given by the official world of ghost stories, how could they gather all the members so easily?

Even, they were ready to attack the dock full of barrel men, ready to occupy that dock as a new territory, echoing the cruise ship.

Isn't this a symbol of the barrel people's invasion of the land from the sea?

In the fake world, it was the Sea City Alliance that recaptured the dock; but in the real world, it was Yu Liang who led the barrel people to invade the reality of the Forgotten City.

Do you think this scene is very familiar?

Didn't Xue Wubin, the barrel man in the strategy team's memory, do this?

Maybe Xue Wubin at that time also suffered the same treatment at this moment, which is why he almost completely lost his mind.

Yu Liang sighed and turned into the corridor. The current situation is basically certain. Since he fell into the sea, he has entered a fake world and finally escaped temporarily until now.

Now it is best to stop this group of barrel people from invading the dock. You can try to re-enter the virtual world to prevent this invasion from happening.

The virtual world must be connected to the current real world. At least when Yu Liang did not directly tear his face with the group of Sea City Alliance, they would always listen to his advice, and maybe they could change the situation in the real world without bloodshed.

The cruise ship is still three days away from the opposite dock. In these three days, he needs to find as many clues as possible on the cruise ship in this real world.

These barrel people are in a sleeping state. Logically, they will gradually wake up in these three days. Now as a human, he must be vigilant enough to keep himself safe.

Yu Liang returned to the original room and reinstalled the airbag flotation device on his body. In this way, if he encounters danger, he can still escape back to the cruise ship in the false world in time to hide.

After preparation, Yu Liang began to search the entire cruise ship. He first followed the area instructions on the corridor to the crew's office area, where there are the captain's room and several first mates' offices.

This cruise ship has been around for many years. Anyway, the door handle is very brittle. Even Yu Liang can kick it open easily. He walked into the captain's room and looked through the documents here.

The layout of the captain's room is exactly the same as the layout of the captain's room in the original false world. Yu Liang tried to turn on the computer, but the whole room was out of power.

Not only this room, the entire cruise ship seemed to be at a standstill. If it weren't for the waves pushing the cruise ship forward, Yu Liang would have almost thought that the world was stagnant.

After brushing off the dust on the documents, Yu Liang came to the window and looked through the documents under the gloomy sky.

Most of the documents here are about cooperation contracts signed by the cruise ship and some business groups from the shore, such as daily necessities and food, etc. Yu Liang noticed that when writing the location or the names of some companies, they are basically Replace them with black spaces, such as "██ Future Food Co., Ltd." "██ Milk" "██ City Library" and so on.

If you think about it carefully, this erased trace is probably the "Forgotten City".

But what makes Yu Liang curious is that Wangcheng is indeed not near the sea, and this cruise ship has signed food supply contracts with some companies in Wangcheng, which means that it is located on the waters near Wangcheng...

Is it some kind of big river?

But judging from the size of the cruise ship, even the Yangtze River cannot accommodate a cruise ship of this size, right?

A cruise ship of this size should not be able to pass the bridge on the Yangtze River, and it is a restricted type.

So what is the real prototype of this cruise ship?

Yu Liang quickly flipped through other parts of the document. This information seemed complicated and ineffective, but it would play an extremely critical role in constructing the theory of causal triggering.

It never hurts to know a little more about the real world.

Yu Liang checked his personal page while collecting information. Now all his alienated professional abilities have returned to normal, from being occupied by the barrel man's roots to "idle".

He looked at the [Create] and other functions on his personal page, and there were still usage permissions on them, which proved that Bucket Man was not forced to log in to his account and use his abilities.

It's not like "Zhi" logged in to his account remotely, but more like he secretly simulated his abilities after he fell into the sea.

Of course, if the root of the bucket man is to log in from another place and use the ability of the confessor to reset the cooldown interval of his ability, then Yu Liang has nothing to say. He even thinks that the root of the bucket man may really be able to do such a thing. .

But if you look carefully, the part about the various created characters in the universe in [Creation] is still untouched. If he was the Trash Man who stole the account, he would definitely use his Trash Man to alienate the writer’s professional account. Totally ruined.

Soon, Yu Liang had read through all the documents in the captain's cabin. Except for some inexplicable books that he ignored, all other useful information was memorized in his heart.

The name of the cruise ship is "Dongfang Yimu". Yu Liang can't see any other meaning from the name. Like most cruise ships, it has a fixed route, but Yu Liang can't find any record of this route.

It may be that it has been erased, or it may be that the current cruise ship is in a copy, and the original route that belongs to reality cannot appear. It is probably a special shielding mechanism.

There were not many clues in the captain's room. Yu Liang turned around and entered the first mate's office. He also noticed the birdcage in the first mate's office, but there was nothing where the birdcage should have been. The whole office was filled with There is a strong musty smell.

At this time, Yu Liang suddenly heard the squeaking sound of feet stepping on some plastic products from outside the corridor. He quickly became alert and summoned all the guarding monsters to be on strict alert.

The first mate's room fell into absolute silence. Yu Liang stared at the door of the office, while the biting snake beside him was guarding the window behind Yu Liang to prevent unknown dangers from breaking in through the window.

After waiting for about three minutes, Yu Liang saw a sneaky head peeking in from the lower part of the office door.

It's Aze.

When he saw Yu Liang, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "It turns out it's really you~"

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me everything you know, and then tell me why you appeared here." Yu Liang subconsciously felt that Aze's appearance was extremely reasonable, but then he became alert.

In this dungeon, all reasonable encounters may be figments of your own mind, and you cannot take them completely seriously, otherwise you will be miserably deceived by the root of the barrel man.

"Hey, you're threatening me. You look very ignorant, as if you don't know anything." Aze casually pulled a wooden box to use as a small bench and sat down, and took out a handful from his pocket. Guazi, while chewing melon seeds, said, "Don't worry, I have been hiding in this world since I entered the dungeon. I am a natural and pollution-free good person. If you don't believe me, wait until dark and let the prophet test me. ”

This is actually Aze's speaking habit. If his guess is correct, Aze will probably get down to business soon. He is not the kind of person who can't distinguish the important from the important.

Aze coughed twice, and then muttered like a chatterbox: "This is another timeline. Normally we shouldn't meet each other, understand? Maybe some source power of this barrel man's origin has been leaked. Anyway, it's quite strange. Or is there supposed to be two Yu Liangs in this world? Okay, it’s a bit confusing. I know you can’t understand what I’m saying now, but just remember one thing. There’s no need to be a system administrator. I tried hard to create copies, but it’s useless.”

"What?" Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, a little surprised as to why Aze knew about this matter. This was obviously his deepest plan.

Did this ghost peek at my script again?

Or maybe he was just a manifestation of the barrel man's roots, and he only appeared here to become a new distraction.

"Well, there is no need to create a copy. The effects of double copies and triple copies are the same. The ocean has the highest priority in suppressing them. Involving other source ghost stories will only further enhance the strength of the barrel man's source. This guy is almost invincible on the ocean." Aze talked eloquently, and he quickly gave Yu Liang several directions, "You don't have many choices now. You can also see if he will get carried away. He tricked him into going to Wangcheng to kill him, but it turns out that this bitch is more cautious than expected. Now we can only see if we can trick him into a bucket. If he is transported to land, the game will be simpler."

When he said this, Aze looked at Yu Liang and asked: "You should know, right? Use something similar to a 'seal' to force that guy to be reborn in another barrel, and then just use specific words to lock that guy Bucket Man can take him all over the map."

He pointed to the scene of countless wooden barrels outside the window, and said with some pride and helplessness: "The only problem is that before you do this, you must think about how many barrel people there are. How the hell did I forget this?" It's happened. This guy is hiding in the barrel and won't come out. I can't find him. I can only try to kill him one by one, but I guess I don't have enough time."

Yu Liang fell silent. He didn't understand what Aze meant for a while.

Why does this guy know all my plans?

Doesn’t the script only know what’s going on in just half an hour?

I came up with these plans in the past few days, and I have never met Aze. When I just met him, I didn't think about these plans at all. How did he know about it?

Next, do you want to talk about the thoughts of the Snake-Eating Bucket Man?

"Oh, by the way, I forgot about it. There is also the Snake-eating Barrel Man. It was possible, but there is no way to kill all the Barrel Man. Moreover, that guy still has some powerful Barrel Man monsters in his lair. Unless He himself wants to be reborn in the Snake-Eating Bucket, otherwise he will not be able to deal with him." As if he had guessed Yu Liang's thoughts, Aze smiled and continued to tell the story about the Snake-Eating Bucket, and then he laughed happily. He patted Yu Liang's shoulder and said, "It's also possible that you are a fake. I am just reflecting on the past, but it doesn't matter. What if you are real? Of course, I can't use you as the anchor of reality. But you can use me as an anchor, trust me, it will take me away~"

Just as Yu Liang was lost in thought, Aze's hand suddenly exerted force and directly pressed Yu Liang's head down. Just below his head, a basin suddenly appeared, and Yu Liang's entire face was immediately submerged in the water. inside.

This basin of water seemed to have some kind of special magic power, and Yu Liang was sucked in instantly, while A Ze showed a slightly surprised expression on his face: "Oh, it's really true, this bucket of water is stupid, huh?" Yes, it’s actually pretty cool. It can connect two timelines, which is interesting.”

But after doing this, he raised the knife that appeared in his hand at some point, and while humming an incomprehensible song, he left the office and entered the corridor: "Lift your hijab, let me see your face." , your face is so pale, it looks like that bucket of people is dead~"

At the same time, Yu Liang suddenly raised his head from the basin. He looked at the surrounding scene in confusion. This was still the bathroom in his suite, and he seemed to have just washed his face, with a look of confusion on his face. A few drops of water flowing down.

"No, where is your Yu Liang? Did you die in the bathroom? If you don't want to come out and seek justice, there is no need to hide in the bathtub and play with ducks!"

Li Huachao's voice came from outside the bathroom.

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