The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 668 For the victory of the main timeline!

Two-dimensional me?

The quantity is not right?

What the hell is this Hanhao bird talking about?

Listening to the words of the paper people who brought Han Haoniao, Yu Liang couldn't help but have a big question mark in his mind, but then he realized that this must be some very crucial clue.

Needless to say, the two-dimensional Yu Liang was, of course, but the phrase "the numbers don't match up" directly reminded Yu Liang of the rules about Barrel Man, which seemed to be related to the number of players entering the dungeon.

Damn, why didn't you tell me such a crucial clue earlier?

Do you, a cold horned bird, also play the same trick as the Riddler?

What Yu Liang hates the most is knowing the situation but not telling him, forcing him to take more detours. When fighting against the source of ghost talk, this behavior is undoubtedly no different from committing suicide, it is extremely stupid.

But now there is no time to worry about whether the damn bird is deliberately concealing it or has other secrets (even if it has other secrets, it should be left to me to judge). Yu Liang quickly thought about the meaning of Hanhao Bird's words in his mind.

"Release the two-dimensional Yu Liang", this means that the two-dimensional Yu Liang has always been under his control, he can control it, and he can release it if he wants...

Do you mean shadow?

Two-dimensional Yu Liang was mentioned in Flatland Middle School. Since three-dimensional players entered the dungeon world, their original two-dimensional bodies (referring to shadows) were squeezed into the next layer. Players served as the players in Flatland Middle School. 2D part.

From this point of view, the shadow is the two-dimensional part of the player under normal circumstances, which cannot be run away.

So I want to release my shadow?

Yu Liang looked at his feet, where there were a large number of shadows dancing like monsters and monsters. They looked extremely incongruous with him, but he knew that these were his shadows.

The snake that swallowed shadows transferred a large number of shadows to him, adding to Miss Zhi's shadow villa. Since then, Yu Liang's shadow has become a special existence that will lose a lot of San points when looking directly at it.

Inheriting Yu Liang’s identity and career, did he also inherit Yu Liang’s shadow?

The current Yu Liang looked at his chaotic shadow and couldn't help but think in his heart. Now he still feels that there is a high probability that he is just the product of the bucket man Yu Liang.

Although he has obtained everything that belongs to the identity of "Yu Liang", in essence he is still a derivative.

Of course, this does not mean that he will resist and betray the original barrel man Yu Liang. He will not want to forcefully replace the three-dimensional Yu Liang like the shadow Yu Liang. He knows that the people and things he loves are here, and he needs to do it for them. Work hard to survive, not just to monopolize the identity of "Yu Liang".

Anyway, there are still so many Yu Liangs, so what if there are more?

"How should the shadow Yu Liang call out? I have no way to contact 'Zhi' now." Yu Liang stamped his feet, trying to wake up Miss "Zhi" from her long sleep by stepping on the shadow, and then jumped out menacingly Raise troops to investigate.

Unfortunately, it didn't happen. Miss "Zhi" was like a pool of stagnant water after entering the dungeon. No matter how much he fiddled with, there would be no response.

Could it be that I still lack a [Muse] stamp?

Yu Liang saw his blocked stamp column and made some judgments about the current situation.

Since weird stories such as "cold horned birds" and "people who obey time" can appear, then it is logical that weird stories containing the "Mr." seal can appear on cruise ships, right?

It's just a matter of time. When he completes this strange story again, he will be able to obtain the [Author] stamp again, and then he will be able to contact "it".

However, judging from the current situation, there is no news about "Zhi" at all. It is probably not because of the [Mr. , just like evaporating from the world.

"Shadow Yu he the two-dimensional Yu Liang?" An Buchen rolled her eyes. She looked at the two paper figures and said thoughtfully, "Is there a possibility that the two-dimensional Yu Liang is not the same as the two-dimensional Yu Liang?" Not in your shadow, but somewhere else? A place where you have control and a kind of plane..."

Yu Liang continued to think along An Buchen's words, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on Lu Baoshen: "Last time you hooked 'Yu Liang', you finally hooked back a bucket, right?"

Yes, under normal circumstances, it should be an empty hook, rather than hooking back something inexplicable. If you judge according to this idea...

Does this mean that this bucket is also "Yu Liang"?

At least it was "Yu Liang" who judged by strong luck at that time?

No, that’s not right, it’s not that “the bucket is Yu Liang”, but that there is Yu Liang on the “bucket”!

"Take it out and take a look. I suspect that the two-dimensional Yu Liang is on that barrel. Did you study the barrel carefully at that time?" Yu Liang had doubts about the judgment of these created characters, but they swore to themselves, There is really nothing wrong with this barrel, and it turns out that there are really important clues on the barrel now.

The created characters did not dare to delay, and immediately started searching for it. They quickly took it out of the inventory, and a new wooden barrel appeared in front of Yu Liang.

The barrel is approximately cylindrical in shape, but is fatter in the middle. The upper, middle, and lower ends are hooped with a silver-rimmed iron ring. The surface of the barrel is not smooth, with some stubble scattered finely, making it feel like soaking in water. It seemed like a long time.

After a simple look, Yu Liang did not find any pattern on the barrel. He thought that there might be something related to the Flatland on the barrel, such as some graphics or black shadow people, but there was no such thing. It looked like just a wooden barrel.

Li Geng touched his chin and thought for a moment, then held the barrel and placed it three or five meters away from the wall, drew the curtains to make the room dim, and finally turned on the flashlight to let the light shine on the barrel.

There was no fat cylindrical shape on the wall, but a pure black human figure. Looking closely, the human figure was not motionless. He seemed to be hugging his knees, resting his head on his legs, and seemed to have noticed something, and the shadow raised his head.

Although his head was also black, Yu Liang felt it, as if a beam of light came from the shadow man's head, shooting straight at him in a way that was perpendicular to the wall.

Normally, two-dimensional creatures cannot see the three-dimensional world, because their eyes can only look up, down, left, and right, and they cannot stand up to see things in space.

If the plane where the two-dimensional creature is located can be adjusted so that the three-dimensional creature happens to stay on the extended surface of the two-dimensional plane, then it may be possible to see it, but what can be seen is still not a three-dimensional image, but a simple line and surface. If you want to judge what it is, you need to rely on touch and rational analysis and judgment.

Yu Liang used to be a two-dimensional creature, so he naturally understood the details, so he immediately became confused when facing the gaze of this shadow man.


Can see me?

"Shadow Yu Liang?" Li Huachao looked at the figure on the wall, squinted his eyes and compared Yu Liang and the shadow, and gave a positive judgment, "Yu Liang, this guy is more like your shadow than your shadow."

This nonsense did not attract anyone's response, because everyone present was attracted by the actions of Shadow Yu Liang.

Shadow Yu Liang stretched out his fingers and gestured, which looked like he was doing shadow puppetry, but what he wanted to express was much clearer.

He gestured a figure with his fingers, a relatively standard octagon.


Yu Liang understood immediately. He took out Doctor Octagon from his Universe and gave him an order: "Take off your three-dimensional skin and go to this wall to see what I want to say in the form of shadow."

It seems that the shadow Yu Liang cannot speak, or what he says cannot be heard by the three-dimensional ones, so he can only pass on the message through Octagon.

The Octagon looked at Yu Liang, then at the shadow man on the wall, and immediately made a judgment: "Do you need me to communicate with this two-dimensional creature? Okay."

After speaking, it took off its three-dimensional skin without much hesitation. This was something Yu Liang gave it, and now it has no nostalgia or doubt.

After taking off the three-dimensional skin, the body of the Octagon collapsed rapidly, and the wall was like a black hole, swallowing all its colors and lines, and then presenting it on the wall in a flat form.

The founders were a little surprised about this. They had not experienced the two-dimensional copy, but Xu Cixi was not too surprised. She naturally knew what happened in the Flat Country.

As for Yu Liang, he would gain a great deal of benefit almost every time he went through a dungeon, and his progress did not slow down as he became stronger, but rather accelerated because of his strength.

It was as if all his strength was used to plunder the dungeon resources in a new round, forming a strong cycle.

The octagon that appeared on the wall was not small, occupying half of the wall, and was even much larger than the shadow Yu Liang.

From the picture on the wall, the shadow and the octagon were communicating something, which Yu Liang in three dimensions could not hear directly.

And Yu Liang did not do nothing. He silently took the Shadow Devouring Snake out of the universe and let it coil around his arm, while his other hand firmly clamped the Shadow Devouring Snake that was excited when he saw the shadow.

Be wary of others... Be wary of yourself. Who knows what this shadow Yu Liang wants to do?

With the Shadow Devouring Snake, most of the other party's little thoughts can be avoided.

As Yu Liang expected, Shadow Yu Liang sensed something the moment Shadow Devouring Snake appeared, and his whole body trembled slightly, and he could not help but speed up the communication with Octagon.

Such a scene made Yu Liang on the side start to speculate, if he took out Shadow Devouring Snake and Yu Liang Devouring Snake at the same time, wouldn't it be a double control of Shadow Yu Liang?

Soon, Shadow Yu Liang reached a consensus with Octagon, and Octagon came to the corner of the wall, recombined with his three-dimensional skin, and appeared in front of Yu Liang.

"What did he say to you?" Yu Liang asked the moment Octagon appeared.

Octagon thought for a while, and said the information he learned in a more organized way as much as possible: "Due to some unknown reason, 'Barrel Man Origin' and 'Yu Liang' have formed a connection, forming a very special relationship. It should be because you want to use the weapon of causality to forcibly become Him. From the perspective of higher-dimensional observers, your roles have been confused, so in many times or spaces containing 'Yu Liang', the power of Barrel Man Origin is forced to be diverted."

It continued: "This is an extremely genius idea. In multiple timelines and multiple spaces, 'Yu Liang' has produced several incarnations, and the roots of the Bucket Man can only be driven by the linked causal relationships, and the corresponding relationships can be separated. clones to resist the erosion of various 'Yu Liang', and there is one underlying rule logic of the origin of the barrel people, that is, the 'single origin'. The roots of the barrel people in different time and space are actually the same, which leads to the emergence of a very The key question."

Octagon looked at Yu Liang and paused briefly.

Yu Liang understood immediately and understood what Octagon wanted to say.

It's a dilution of Bucket Man's roots.

To put it simply, every time there is another "Yu Liang", part of the power of the Tongren root will be taken away, and it will be corresponding and suppressed in the timeline or space corresponding to "Yu Liang".

"Yu Liang" will not separate the power from the main body, but the source of the bucket man will. His rules contain the absolute unity of time and space. It is by relying on this underlying logic that he passes the information learned from the actor's timeline to the main body. timeline, and played with the current Yu Liang in the main timeline, gaining an absolute advantage.

Yu Liang, the barrel man in the dark (who may exist), keenly discovered this problem, and also noticed that the same power originating from the barrel man cannot be used in different time and space at the same time, and his power will be dispersed in this case. .

Absolute unity represents the return to the original nature of Bucket Man's roots. He has absolute control over his own rules. This will not change due to any other source ghost stories or self-availability. The safe that symbolizes the "Barrel Man's root power" will always be the only one. Be open to Him alone.

This is a good thing, but it has two sides. At least a certain Yu Liang discovered the mystery.

Since the owner of the safe is absolutely unified, it means that there can only be one Bucket Man root extracting power at the same point in time. If you extract more, other time and space will extract less. This is a disguised force of differentiation. .

The problem was immediately clear. The more Yu Liang appeared, the more severely the barrel man's roots would be weakened, until he could no longer influence and suppress the corresponding "Yu Liang" in some time and space. At that time——

This is the beginning of the counterattack.

The power of the Barrel Man's roots is almost infinite, but it is only close. In the end, he only absorbed less than two digits of the power of the rules of the Root Monster. After being divided, the number of rules that can be accessed in each time and space dropped sharply. Well, if dozens of "Yu Liang" can exist in different time and space, the source of the bucket of people will definitely explode.

However, judging from Hanhaoniao's words, this matter is not that simple. They need to control the number, otherwise...

What would happen otherwise?

"The numbers don't match up." The octagon seemed to understand Yu Liang's thoughts. It explained, "The number of timelines and spaces is limited. Not every timeline can withstand the erosion of ghost stories. We What we need to do is to trap the barrel man’s roots in different worlds, just like prison cells, bound and locked.”

It looked at Yu Liang: "For the victory of the main timeline."

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