The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 669 Extending into the future, expanding into the past!

For the victory of the main timeline.

Yes, everything is for the victory of the current timeline, because only here is the foundation of the Bucket Man's roots, and only here can we truly defeat the Bucket Man's roots.

At this moment, Yu Liang somewhat understood something unusual that happened to him.

For example, why "Zhi" is not around, and some of the power of the root monster level cannot be exerted.

If it means "it", it should be playing the role of "Yu Liang" in a certain timeline, right?

To a certain extent, "Zhi"'s departure has greatly weakened Yu Liang. It seems that both sides are weakening, and it seems to be of no use, but in fact it is definitely not the case.

With each additional timeline, Bucket Man's root power will be evenly divided. Since his root power base is extremely large, the divided parts must exceed the amount of one root monster.

In the corresponding timeline, the equalized barrel man's root may indeed be stronger than the corresponding "Yu Liang", but he may not be able to win.

For example, if Tongren's roots were divided into two root-level powers to compete with the "other" version of Yu Liang, who had one root power, he might be able to defeat the "other" version of Yu Liang, but he would not be able to suppress or even seal the opponent.

After the power was dispersed, the gap between the two sides also narrowed. It was not difficult to maintain the status quo in a stalemate.

Anyway, the final decisive battle must take place on the main timeline, so the other branches only need to hold back the roots of the Barrel Man as much as possible.

Such an idea is a genius.

Taking advantage of the barrel man's roots to formulate targeted weakening, anyone who can think of this plan can definitely be described as "audacious".

The power belonging to "Yu Liang" is already scarce enough, but the person who made the plan still dares to use this dangerous trick to continue to divide the scarce power and fight against the same barrel man's roots in different timelines and spaces.

As Shadow Yu Liang said:

Everything is for the victory of the main timeline.

The meaning of Hanhaoniao is also very clear. Because the story line ended unexpectedly, the power of the Bucket Man's roots was recycled. This is the reason why the Bucket Man's roots disappeared in An Buchen's memory in the later part of the story line.

Yu Liang in the story line has been eliminated by the barrel man. After staying and observing for a while, he realized that he no longer needed to stay in the story line, so he looked for opportunities to separate his power from the story line.

This is also the reason why the mad king Xue Wubin never saw the source of the barrel man again in the later period of the barrel man empire. He tried to challenge the majesty of the barrel man's root. He never thought that the root of the barrel man had been thinking of ways to leave the story line and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

As the creator of the story line, Yu Niang, she should also be trying her best to stop the origin of the barrel people, and she has made two preparations at the same time.

Now that Yu Liang has been killed, let's try to raise another guy who can compete with the barrel man's root (branch form). In this case, even if the barrel man's root escapes from the storyline, she can still have a future. Recruit to deal with the barrel man root.

Now, Mad King Xue Wubin may be Yu Niang's backup plan, but Yu Liang still hasn't been able to understand what the other party is going to do.

Compared with the unity of the barrel people's roots, which are closely connected in various time and space, he seems to have no way to connect to himself in different time and space...

No, there seems to be a way.

Now I have been linked to the roots of the Bucket Man by virtue of the trigger theory, and I have been contaminated with some of the characteristics of space and time. The main way of expression may be——

Falling into the water.

Falling into the water is a method of traveling through different timelines and spaces, at least a method that implies special rules.

In other words, do you need to find time to try it again?

Yu Liang looked at the octagon: "The story line is over, so now we need to have the two-dimensional Yu Liang step up and let the barrel man's power be differentiated in the 'Flatland', right?"

"Yes, strictly speaking, that's what it means." Octagon nodded, "But we need to hurry up, the story line has been completed for a while, which means that the roots of the barrel people in different time and space will increase, which is equivalent to They divided up the power of the Barrel Man’s roots in the storyline, which means that the Barrel Man’s roots in other time and space have been strengthened, which may be reflected in different time and space.”

When Yu Liang heard this, he thought of how Aze was anxious to drive him away, and he probably understood the reason.

As for the story line, it probably ended around that time, right?

It was almost the time when An Buchen got the memory of the story line, and it was also the time when An Buchen, the barrel man, appeared in front of him to interfere.

The Octagon continued: "Flat Country does not belong to another timeline, it belongs to the space line separated from the current one. Three-dimensional space and two-dimensional space basically cannot affect each other, so the power of the barrel man's roots can be divided Come on."

"Create a copy. The location of the copy is still at sea. It may not be able to escape the influence of the barrel man's roots." Yu Liangshang still remembered the warning from Aze.

Whether it is a two-in-one copy or a three-in-one copy, they are all located on the ocean, and their priority is not as high as the barrel man's roots.

"Yes, so let the copy appear in a location far away from the ocean. This is what Shadow Yu Liang wants to say." Octagon explained, "At the same time, it is best to prepare enough 'power' for him, otherwise, he will not If you try to suppress the root of the barrel people in Flatland, you may be directly killed by the root of the barrel people, and you will not be able to achieve long-term checks and balances. "

"I understand. I'll be ready." Yu Liang agreed. He had thought of a better solution.

This was the only advantage he had in the fight against the barrel man's origin. That was that part of the time and space venues were set by him. Since the barrel man's origin and "Yu Liang" were linked, the barrel man's origin must appear wherever the new Yu Liang appeared.

For example, he planned to follow the setting of the plane country and design a second plane country copy, placing the shadow Yu Liang in the plane country belonging to the computer.

Then the power used to check and balance the barrel man's origin was obvious, and it was naturally the "desktop pet origin strange story" temporarily stored in the venue card.

Due to the problem of the copy setting, the desktop pet is naturally more "higher" than the barrel man's origin that appears in the plane country. Her power may not be as good as the barrel man's root, but she has a strong home advantage.

The only thing to note is that he must ensure that the plane country copy is separated from (at least not affected by) the setting of the barrel man copy, otherwise the desktop pet may become part of the barrel man and lose half of its power.

There are naturally ways to stay away from the ocean. From An Buchen, we can learn that the sky boat can stay in the sky for a long time, so that the new copy will not be affected by the ocean, and the location of the copy is also very simple. He only needs to take the computer on the cruise ship away.

Is this computer that can be taken away?

It seems that the captain is still in it, right?

However, this so-called captain may have another story, and now the plan needs to be accelerated.

The founding seat and others on the side did not interfere with the conversation between Yu Liang and Octagon. They tried to understand the current situation from the communication between the two, but they could only read the thrills and excitement in it, and could not fully understand what Yu Liang did.

Crossing different timelines?

Use this to counter the root of the barrel man?

It turns out that facing the root of the barrel man is not just to kill all the barrel men and then attack the dock as originally planned?

Okay, I feel that I have learned less about this copy.

Every founding seat has a kind of helplessness in his heart. This is the problem of the difference between his own cognition and the copy, and even the generation gap.

Did they do something wrong?

No, they just landed on the island with the barrel man, eliminated the barrel man, solved the puzzle, found the cruise ticket, and then fell into the cruise ship.

The cruise ship is the key to the barrel man copy, but compared to the vast ocean, it is not everything here.

The cruise ship is most likely something left by a Yu Liang in a different timeline. This is a ship that guides humans in the copy. It will take in humans, but it cannot provide more critical information.

Information about the origin of the barrel man or even deeper levels will not be available on the cruise ship, because the "Yu Liang" who created the cruise ship is likely to be unaware.


The most original ability analysis of the origin of the barrel man does exist, because the barrel man copy has also experienced the period of pioneering copy and the period of serving as a novice copy, which means that people at that time were definitely able to make accurate judgments about the origin of the barrel man.

There are corresponding main quests in the pioneering copy. Players who participated in the pioneering copy should have left relevant clues. Unfortunately, the barrel man copy is a bit too large, resulting in the players entering now not being able to find the clues left in the past.

These clues are protected by the world of ghost stories. Even if the barrel man knows about their existence, he cannot erase or modify them, so he may have affected the players' information collection intentionally or unintentionally.

The entire copy has been expanding continuously since a long time ago, and the place where the player's clues were originally recorded may have disappeared.

No, cruise ships have fixed routes, right?

If there are fixed routes, it means that cruise ships will pass through fixed islands. These islands gradually move away with the expansion of the ocean, so the cruise ship's route is actually getting longer.

"When did this cruise ship start cruising? Do any of you know about this?" Yu Liang looked at the founding seat and others. He thought these people should know something.

After all, they came to the cruise ship very early.

After thinking about it, the coach gave an accurate answer: "I have seen three different documents, and the dates of the cruise ship's start of cruising are inconsistent. Document No. 224 is the first document to mention this matter. The birth date of the cruise ship is almost the same as the time when Wangcheng fell; the second is Document No. 455, which should refer to the appearance after the fall of Wangcheng, and the specific year is unknown; and the last Document No. 965 says that the cruise ship started cruising in recent years, probably a few years ago, close to the time when Xue Wubin disappeared."

"Well, you still remember the serial numbers of these documents." The programmer called up these three documents from the virtual screen, and then said in more detail, "In short, the later the document appears, the closer the date of the cruise ship's start of cruising is. In the earlier document, the cruise ship exists at the same time as Wangcheng."

"This... is a bit inconsistent with normal cognition." Xu Cixi frowned, feeling the weirdness.

It's just a cruise ship, and there are so many different opinions on the date of the cruise?

Moreover, the earliest documents all stated that the cruise ship started cruising after the fall of Oblivion City, so why did the later documents deny this fact and believe that the cruise ship started cruising a few years later?

Did someone want to modify the history of the cruise ship?

Or something else?

But this cruise ship has not been invaded too much by the barrel people, so how can there be such an obvious contradiction?

Yu Liang recalled the documents he had found in the captain's room and the first mate's office. There was no content about the start date of the cruise, but there were many contract documents for cooperation with various companies. From the documents, this cruise ship must be not young, and it has been sailing for at least ten years.

So, the earliest document mentioning this matter is correct?

The cruise ship's cruise appeared during the fall of Forget City?

Yu Liang still felt a little weird, and this feeling was like...

The birth, experience and mission of the entire cruise ship have not been determined.

It has only been determined now, only now that it is already in the process of cruising.

In other words, the "current tense" of the cruise ship has been determined, and it is doing this thing. As for when it started...

A few days ago, it was considered to be one or two years ago; a few months ago, it began to be considered that it had actually been several years; a few years ago, it began to be considered that the cruise ship had been cruising for more than ten years.

Do you feel a sense of weirdness?

It's like...

In the long river of time, the cruise ship is cruising at this point in time, and at the same time it begins to extend to the "past". The starting point of the "cruise" is moving towards the past, making the time point of the "first cruise" earlier and earlier.

This cruise ship, as if it has grown tentacles, is spreading towards the past, trying to gradually fill the long river of time. The older the document, the earlier the time of "starting the cruise", so the longer the life of the cruise ship, and the more things it can experience.

Like a time voyeur.

It is cruising forward and extending backward at the same time, and the history of the cruise will become longer and longer.

Maybe the history of the cruise is only five years now, but in five years, the history of the cruise will become...

Twenty years.

Because the history of the cruise is not only moving forward and occupying the "future", but also moving backward and filling the "past"!

The cruise ship wants to deny something from the root of time, just like Yu Liang once denied the "malice" of the Moon Butler in the Moon Community.

The malice that almost killed him had long been turned into a test for him by the Moon Steward under the interference of the history books. It was a last resort.

When Yu Liang passed many tests and stood in the Forgotten City to see the smiling moon born in the hands of Li Huaniang, the loyal Moon Steward appeared beside him.

Using an analogy, what the ship experienced was what Yu Liang had experienced.

He walked out of the room silently, stood on the terrace and looked at the rippling sea. The cruise ship was still thinking about the front, as if it had never stopped.

The cruise date is that every "3" will pass the dock. The ocean is expanding, so the route is getting longer. How can the cruise ship maintain the same speed and still arrive at the shore on the same date?

Has no one thought about this question?

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