The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 670 Seven prison guards and seven prisoners

From the 3rd to the 13th, there is a gap of ten days; from the 13th to the 23rd, there is a gap of ten days; from the 23rd to the 33rd, there is a gap of ten days...

So how many days are there between the 33rd and the 3rd of the next month?

Is it also a gap of ten days?

But in this case, it means that a month in the barrel man copy is not about 30 days, but fixed to 40 days. Is there any reason for this?

Yu Liang closed his eyes, and the scene of the first mate's office emerged in his mind. The picture in his memory finally focused on the calendar on the first mate's desk.

The words on the calendar...

It seems that the days are not measured according to 40 days per month, right?

And the calendar was not originally brought back from the real world, because it has a date that is obviously inconsistent with the normal time, such as "x month 33".

Yu Liang called up the details recorded by the glasses AI and confirmed his judgment.

This month in the barrel man copy has 33 days, and only 33 days, on the 33rd in two days.

On that day, the cruise ship will pass the dock again, bringing a new round of challenges from the barrel man invaders.

This is the problem.

The cruise ship has a fixed route. Under normal circumstances, each cruise takes ten days, but this is not the case between the last cruise of each month and the first cruise of the next month.

From the 33rd to the 3rd of the next month, only three days have passed, but the cruise ship still cruised back and forth.

In other words, the speed of this cruise is more than three times that of the normal one. This is undoubtedly a very problematic point. After all, according to Li Huachao's previous statement, the speed of this cruise ship is fixed. Even when it was chased by the barrel man at sea, it did not speed up. How could it speed up after the last cruise of each month?

There must be other unknown clues hidden on this cruise ship, hidden in the cruise ship's route.

"You go back and prepare to fight the enemy. Don't worry about me. I'm going to the captain's room to see." Yu Liang said to several founding seats. Now the atmosphere on the cruise ship is already as if facing a great enemy. The time point of the future barrel man invasion is very close, and he must hurry up.

On the one hand, we need to deal with the invasion of the barrel man, and on the other hand, we need to quickly open up new space lines and disperse the power of the barrel man's roots, otherwise it may have an adverse impact on other timelines or space lines.

As Yu Liang in the main timeline, he doesn't know how many time and space there are "Yu Liang" fighting against the "barrel man". He only knows that he can't drag his feet.

Regarding the judgment of the main timeline, Yu Liang is still very clear. He knows that his location is most likely the main timeline.

There are two reasons:

The actor Aze has read the "Yu Liang" script to generate the subsidiary timeline and generate the parallel universe. After entering the copy, Yu Liang has never seen Aze, which means that Aze read his script earlier, and the one who read it at that time must be the real Yu Liang.

The parallel universe generated based on this script is naturally a subsidiary of the main timeline, which can basically determine that the current timeline is the main timeline.

The second is the return of Yu Niang.

After completing the story line, Yu Niang returned to the current timeline, which can also help Yu Liang make a judgment.

Although it cannot be said to be absolute, Yu Liang believes that he is most likely the main timeline here.

Under the escort of Zhong Chen and An Buchen, Yu Liang passed through layers of security checks and came to the captain's office.

"Is there any way to keep the location of the Flatland away from the ocean? Apart from the Sky Boat?" Yu Liang remembered that An Buchen said there was only one Sky Boat, but based on his understanding and trust in An Buchen, he felt that this guy should have a backup plan.

An Buchen's eyes shifted to other places unconsciously, and then he stretched out his finger and pointed at Yu Liang: "If you use Room 225, it's not impossible. I have also prepared a set of simpler and more practical devices."

Sure enough.

Yu Liang nodded with satisfaction.

No matter which time and space, An Buchen has only one true love, that is, the dedicated Room 225 Daofu. Good things like Sky Boat components will definitely be reserved for his Room 225.

And the more critical issue is...

So far, An Buchen has not shown any emotional tension or panic.

According to the future projection, the cruise ship should have fallen, which means that this cruise ship is likely to have an accident.

If there were no other backup, An Buchen would have been ready to run away now, and it would be impossible for him to quietly follow him to look for clues on the cruise ship.

"Looking for the captain at this time?" First mate 002 came out of the office. He learned about Yu Liang's arrival from other places and asked with a puzzled look, "Did Mr. Yu Liang find new future information again?"

The cruise ship attached great importance to the news he brought, which was a fortunate thing. At least in the next barrel man invasion, the cruise ship was in a state of strict defense.

If it was really like those Hollywood movies and TV series, the protagonist knew that a disaster was going to happen, but no one believed it, even if the evidence was thrown in his face, it would be too sloppy.

"I have something very important to tell the captain." Yu Liang immediately made up a reason in his mind, "Now... Sorry, I can't tell you, but if the captain agrees, he will inform you of this matter."

"Is that so? Okay." First mate 002 thought for a moment and put forward his request, "I need to stay in the captain's room. You can communicate with the captain by text, but I must be present. Sorry, I need to confirm the captain's safety at this critical moment."

The other first mates were in charge of the overall situation on the cruise ship, and 002, who could be said to be the most respected person besides the captain, was guarding the office near the captain's room to protect the captain from accidental injuries.

Yu Liang did not refuse and followed the first mate into the captain's room.

The last time he came in, it was only crew member Li Xiang who communicated with the captain in the computer. This time it was Yu Liang's turn to come in person.

There was no extra communication. Yu Liang sat in front of the computer in the captain's room and put his hand on the familiar keyboard.

He couldn't recognize the model of the computer. He was not a computer builder, but he could recognize this keyboard.

Logitech's k270 is not expensive. He has broken many pairs. I don't know why he loves the feel of this keyboard.

Yu Liang noticed the stains on the keyboard and the smooth surface of the middle of the space bar after long-term use, and couldn't help but make a judgment in his mind.

Sure enough, this keyboard is the one I use to type in my rental house.

No, it can't be said to be that one. It may be just a replica, but at least it is the keyboard that matches my memory.

The traces of "creation" of this cruise ship are getting heavier and heavier.

"Hello, Captain. I am the captain of the escort ship "Anti-Cross". According to the predicted results of future ghost stories, the cruise ship will be captured by the barrel man within an hour. In order to ensure your safety, we need to take you to the sky far away from the ocean for early placement." Yu Liang typed this sentence on the computer.

The symbol of the captain just turned a small circle, and a paragraph of text appeared in front of Yu Liang.

"Hello, Mr. Yu Liang, it is detected that there is a 46% lie in your words. Please briefly state your purpose again."

Lie component?

This can also be seen?

Yu Liang was a little surprised. Is this forcing him to tell the real purpose?

He secretly shifted his sight and his eyes fell on the first mate at the door of the captain's room, and a plan B was born in his mind.

Should we control the first mate and take the computer away by force?

The entire captain's room looked like it was neglected in defense. With his strength, it might not be too difficult to take away the current "captain"?

After all, in addition to the players, he did not see any human beings with powerful power on this ship, even the first mate 002 was the same. He did not have a strong sense of oppression like the members of the strategy team outside, but was just plain as water, without much ghost talk.

Like the strategy team members 003 and others, they all have different "flavors" of the root ghost talk, which means that they have at least one root ghost talk, unlike 002 on this cruise ship, who looks not much different from ordinary people.

But if I guessed correctly, this guy should be the former leader of the strategy team, right?

Entering this copy to find S1's 002, he must have the root ghost talk.

So what is it?

Or has this guy's origin story been taken away by the barrel man's origin?

Yu Liang thought about it and decided to tell the captain his true thoughts.

Judging from the current situation, the captain is trustworthy. The position of the cruise ship in the fight against the barrel man's origin is very critical, and it is likely to be the key condition for triggering the theory. Then the captain's position should be the result of "Yu Liang"'s careful consideration.

"I need a computer, place it away from the ocean, and then create a new space copy to disperse the power of the barrel man's origin." Yu Liang said concisely and no longer chose to conceal.


"... Matching the database..."

"Mr. Yu Liang, welcome back."

The computer screen lit up, and then the boot screen and the computer system's welcome to the user appeared, and then the computer page automatically jumped to the normal page.

The screen that came into view was the familiar grassland blue sky. There were few programs on the computer desktop, only a few icons such as "My Computer", "Recycle Bin", and "Barrel Man Prison".

Needless to say, "My Computer" and "Recycle Bin" are nothing. Yu Liang took a quick look and found that there was basically nothing in them, but there were more new things in "Barrel Prison".

Clicking on the program, Yu Liang saw several folders with the name format of "Cell 001" and so on, about six or seven.

He clicked on the first folder, and the computer immediately made a "login" sound, prompting "The file is damaged".

Followed by the second folder, this file can be opened, and there is only one file of the "text document" type in it.

"Main line".

He tried to click on "Main line", but the same "login" sound popped up again, but the prompt was different.

"The file is running, please save and open".

So Yu Liang opened the task manager again, trying to find the running file. After failing, he right-clicked the file icon and found "Save" in the subsequent options and tried to click it.

"The file is running, please save after opening".

Yu Liang: "..."

Are you kidding me?

So he backspaced to the previous page and looked at the next few "cells".

“Cell 003” stores the “actor timeline”.

“Cell 004” stores the “subsidiary account timeline”.

“Cell 005” stores the “creative storyline”, and when you click it later, it says “file is damaged”.

“Cell 006” stores the “primordial spirit consciousness timeline”.

“Cell 007” has nothing in it, only “emptiness”.

Yu Liang unconsciously refreshed the computer with his mouse, looking at these “cells”, and realized that he had clicked into a new world.

This computer…

It is absolutely of great significance to “Yu Liang”.

When he expressed his intention to create a copy to the “captain”, the computer seemed to recognize him and displayed the real page.

And in this “barrel prison” program, at least several timelines that once existed are stored.

Cell 001 is a "damaged" cell. From the "damaged" in the storyline file, we can tell that this timeline should mean "finished" or "destroyed". In short, the prisoners have already escaped.

Yes, it's like a game. "Yu Liang" designed the cell and locked the prisoner, the barrel man, in the cell, and the prison guard is a different "Yu Liang".

When the barrel man successfully escaped, it means that the cell has lost its function, and the result displayed is that the "file" is damaged.

Cell 002 is the main line, which is probably the current timeline.

Needless to say, cell 003 is the timeline created by Aze through the actor's ability, and the prison guard is Aze.

Judging from the situation in that world, Aze's version of "Yu Liang" is also the one closest to the "prison guard" (so far), at least he really trapped one-sixth (or five) of the barrel man's roots.

The name of cell 004 is "Subsidiary Account Timeline". Yu Liang is a little unfamiliar with this name, but after summarizing similar items, he got the most likely answer.

In the process of "Zhi" transforming into "Yu Liang", Yu Liang himself obtained a small account. If the "Zhi" version of Yu Liang borrowed this small account, it can indeed be named "Subsidiary Account".

In this timeline, the prison guard is probably the "Zhi" version of Yu Liang, after all, no one else can log in to that small account except her.

Timeline 005 is a very familiar story line, but the prison guard in it may not be "Yu Liang", because "Yu Liang" was killed by the vicious prisoners not long after, and the prison guard may refer to "Mad King Xue Wubin".

Of course, this prison guard may also be "Yu Niang" from the beginning.

There is nothing much to say about cell 006. Yu Liang only knows that the prison guard is "Yuan Shen" and "Shi Shen", which also confirms his past judgment.

The tips from the Yuanshen received in this copy were completely false, and were a trick from the barrel man's origin.

Now, the foundation of cell 007 has been created, and there is nothing inside, but it is obvious that someone has already shown him the way.

This cell is called "Flat Country", the prison guard is "Two-Dimensional Shadow Yu Liang", and the prisoner is one-sixth of the barrel man's origin.

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