The Bald Thug of Uchiha’s Family

Chapter 800 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

As time goes by, the number of puppets decreases, and the enemy will gradually fall below.

With the advantage of quantity, it is really difficult for him to cause any damage to the scorpion, but these are not problems.


Turning over and punching, once again smashed a puppet, the bubble speed did not decrease, and it continued to rush towards the center.

He will try his best to cause trouble to the scorpion and see if he can find a chance to kill the scorpion.


The scorpion didn’t care about the bubble’s move, regenerating the nuclear

Each of the derived Chakra lines is connected to his will, or spirit, so every puppet can be manipulated perfectly, and there is no possibility of omission.

There is just one flaw, and that is-consumption is a bit large.


"The enemy is not dead!"

Beside Qing, a misty ninja held up a binoculars, looking at the battle over there, his tone was a little unbelievable.

Such an explosion, even on their side, was strongly affected, and the enemy in the center actually...

"The enemy is a little weird!"

Qing stared at the scorpion, watched him jump, holding both hands, pointing at the six-tailed scorpion.

"He doesn't look like a human...what is that thing on the chest..."

He saw something with his white eyes, but the distance problem prevented him from seeing clearly.

The meridians and collaterals in the body of a normal human being, that puppet master doesn’t have it, there are only strange intertwined channels in his body...

"What happened to Liuwei..."

Qing frowned again, the enemy had already arrived, and Liuwei didn't seem to continue to attack.

In his sight, the enemy spouted flames from the palm of his hand, drowning the six tails...

His heart tensed, and he didn't want to take action. The situation over there reappeared.

They just got in touch with the support from the village, and if they hold on for about an hour, the support will arrive!

Looking at it now, the situation has been changing, and he is not sure who will win in the end.

"Master Qing, it's a bubble!"

The misty ninja spoke again, and he saw the six tails disappear and the bubble appeared again.

"I saw."

Qing was talking, but in the next second he changed into a confused tone.

"what is this…"

·· ·······Ask for flowers·········

A thick white paste appeared on his hand.



Qing turned around in an instant and saw that several of his companions had been hugged by the white paste, and it was the misty ninja who spoke to him just now.

"Damn it! What is this!"

Qing jumped away instantly, flashing a certain distance, watching the changes of his companion warily.

0 ...... 0

"Jie Jie..."

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